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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:06 am

Zardic naval vessels patrolling just outside the territorial waters of Jelbania and Vanuku
April 30th, 3724

After several Zardic flagged vessels were harassed by pirates in the Majatran Sea, Zardugal has stepped up patrols in the sea, risking the threat of a possible engagement with Vanukuean naval vessels or Jelbanian and Deltarian maritime authorities. Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation (KBMC), the largest Majatran based shipping company, reports that several of its cargo vessels have been harassed by un-named marauders when traveling near Jelbania or Deltaria. While pirates have long been a problem near Kafuristan and Badara, along with being a problem regarding the Kalopian coasts and along Jakania, the arise of a problem here worries several maritime security experts.
Gerald Spacio, a maritime security analyst with Terra Security Group, who also supplies security contractors to protect KBMC ships said that the arise of maritime security issues represents a major challenge for the region.
Whereas before, with the MU and MSCO, there was a stable security structure in place, with the growing alliance differences in Majatram this makes it more difficult to tackle security forces. Plus add into this regime instability in Jelbania with the central authorities still trying to assert their authority and with constantly chaotic Deltaria not participating in the regional security structure any more, well I think you get the picture. Gun runners, human traffickers, narcotics smugglers, gangs, pirates, you name the transnational criminal group, they're operating there, and they're operating with relative impunity.

In response to recent attacks, Defense Ministry officials announced an increase of patrols with Zardic vessels allowed to take action up to the territorial boundary of any nation if required. The increased sea patrols are also being reinforced with increased air patrols and in the coming weeks space based operations and drones flying. In the medium to long term, the ZNS Limenostomo is to be stationed in Selucia and will reinforce the naval group based there, allowing more comprehensive operations.
Still, concerns exist about the regional ramifications of the policy. Mr Spacio from TSG stated that Jelbania and Deltaria along with their major ally Vanuku would most likely not look kindly upon this and would most likely aggressively challenge any Zardic patrol.

Zardic communication satellite launched from Ingomo Federal Launch Complex
May, 5th, 3724

After nearly a year of retrofitting and reconstruction, the new and improved Ingomo Federal Launch Centre has sent its first rocket into space. Carrying an advanced Defense Ministry communications satellite, the rocket blasted into the sky at 0400 this morning according to officials at the Science Ministry. With most commercial activities moved to the Zardic Commercial Spaceport at Kitrinoro, the government has utilized the open space at the improved Federal Centre to further its space development goals. New research and development labs and facilities have been built at the new Centre to allow onsite construction and development of new imaginary and communications satellites. Defense officials, Science Ministry researchers and corporate contractors are all working on new space technology and programs designed to push the limit of Zardic capacity. Already this week, after the flawless launch today, 4 more satellites are being readied for launch. Two more communications satellites, one geographical and climate mapping satellite run jointly by the Science and Environment ministries and finally a Defense mapping satellite.
Leaked documents from the Intra-Governmental Space Development Group show an increase in interest in testing and designing new communications satellites, imagery satellites and monitoring satellites, allowing Zardic intelligence officials possible access to break encryption from radio waves. However it remains to be seen how far these development programs have begun.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:50 pm

A bus carrying evening communters was bombed by the MLF in the city of Darmopolo
Sept 1st, 3724

After announcing their plan for "radical revolution" earlier this year, the Mallan Liberation Front (MLF) has struck again in Kalvario hitting a packed communter bus during the evening rush. The plot seems to have been well planned out and the hit was no random hit. The bus was on the Government Line and was full of workers from the Federal Administration Building in the city. Several local ZPP leaders were killed including the Vice Chairman of the city's ZPP committee. A video appeared shortly after the attack on the internet featuring a disguised spokesman of the group saying that the MLF was taking credit for the attack and that more violence would follow unless the demands of the group were met.
A spokesman for the Counter Terror Administration stated that this senseless act of terror would not go "unpaid" for and that the full resources of the federal security apparatus were being utilized to tackle this threat. A request for a statement was put in to the state ULP branch and the Governor's Office but no comment was made. It remains to be seen how the ULP will handle the growing ethnic strife in the state but it is clear that federal leaders in Belgae are growing increasingly impatient over the matter. Some even have privately suggested that the Feds take control of the state to calm the situation down though such a move would be highly controversial.
However the Internal Affairs Ministry is stepping up its counter terrorism efforts deploying more agents from the FPS and FSA to protect critical infrastructure and projects and increasing CTA special agents in order to counter the terrorists movements. Sources in the CTA, who were not cleared to speak stated that there is growing evidence that arms and support are being funneled to the MLF through the porous Coburan border and that some weapons can be traced back to Vanuku and possibly Jelbania. If true, such developments represent a major escalation in the regional power politics game as tensions also rise in the Majatran Sea.

Weapons seized in a major weapons trafficking sting near the border city of Fortreso
September 5th, 3724

The a possible ethnic insurgency brewing in Kalvario, the Coburan border region and the Lake Majatra coast is brimming with criminal activity from human traffickers to drug and gun smuggling. While most of Ingomo State remains calm and stable, the state is becoming a major transit hub for the flow of illegal materials. Federal agents and state authorities are doing there best to interdict shipments, often scoring some major stings but the sheer numbers of incoming weapons and drugs makes counter action harder for the authorities.
Major sources of weapons are coming from the poorly patrolled and guarded Coburan-Zardic border and also from new and increasingly innovative ways across Lake Majatra from positions in Deltaria and Jakania. In recent weeks the Coastal Defense Agency and the Ingomo State Police have seized a submersible filled with drugs and weapons, mock fishing boats filled with guns and trafficked people and low flying planes trying to land at hidden airstrips in Ingomo and Kalvario. While most of the weapons appeared to be smuggled from outside sources, well beyond the traces of Zardic law enforcement, the sophistication of the smuggling techniques and the high tech weapons being smuggled suggest organized and possibly state sponsored intervention on behalf of the MLF and other criminal terrorist organizations seeking to undermine the Zardic Federation.

A new Zardic helicopter drone used for naval recon
September 7th, 3724

With increasing tensions in the Majatran Sea, the Zardic Navy has begun to introduce drones to assist in counter piracy patrols and reduce the risk of an incident at sea. New hellicopter drones are being deployed to the smaller ships to allow them to better patrol their immideate surroundings and to possibly counter Vanukuean submarine trails which are becoming a more common occurance in the vast sea. Land based drones are also being deployed to Selucia to assist in patrol efforts outside the Majatran Sea and to allow the armed forces better intelligence and capabilites to keep gun runners and other criminal elements out of Majarta.
However Zardugal is starting to take flak for its aggressive security measures in the Majatran Sea outside of Majatra. Indrala, usually a cordial nation with Zardugal has sharply and publicly criticized the security measures being taken. The Foreign Ministry has sharply retorted saying that such measures wouldn't be needed if Jelbania and Deltaria could enact sesnible policies to control their coast lines and stop the chaos on their own coasts. This is the sharpest indictment of the ineffectiveness of Jelbanian and Deltarian leaders by Zardugal in decades.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Maxington » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:54 am

Two Bureau of Criminal Investigations Special Agents, Survey the Kalvario Bus Bombing Scene.
18th September ,3724

After the recent acts of Terrorism upon Zardic Nationals in KALVARIO from the Mallan Liberation Front (MLF), The Ministry of Justice has decided to join the fight against their rebellious actions. A spokesman from the Ministry of Justice's Bureau of Criminal Investigations that the Ministry will not watch the pride of Zardic people as it is being slowly taken away by the Mallan Liberation Front (MLF). The Director of the Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Kennith Goodwin, has stated that the Bureau of Criminal Investigations will be working closely with the Department of International Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to hunt down the Terrorists. The Minister of Justice, Elias Beaufort , has stated that the Ministry of Justice will be looking into Foreign Assistance to remove the Mallan Liberation Front (MLF) and to prevent them from causing anymore harm and blood shed in Zardugal or even in the Majatran Union. An unknown source from the Ministry of Justice has stated that the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs will having Kalvario under total lock-down. Officials from the Ministry of Justice has denied these statements.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:50 am

Zardic nationalist rioters storm and burn the vacant Vanukuean Chancery in Belgae
Sept 12, 3725

After months of tense relations and near fatal skirmishes in the Majatran Sea, all of Zardugal is in an outrage after the sinking of the DDG (guided missile destroyer) ZNS Unity, which was part of the 3 ship patrol working in southwestern portion of the Majatran Sea trying to keep a lookout for pirates and other criminals near Jelbania. Late on the night of Sepember 10th, the patrol was responding to a request for help from a Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation vessel saying that had been shot at and terrorists had tried to take over the ship. While the ship itself was not heavily damaged, heavy caliber rounds were used from deck mounted guns and several of the Terra Security Group security contractors on board the vessel were critically wounded in what they later described was a well coordinated attacked with highly trained personnel.
Soon after the three ships picked up the radar signature of the boat and with the aid of ship based drones quickly moved in to seize the vessel. Now begins the tricky part. Zardic defense officials are adament in saying that the vessels were closer to Jelbk waters and still in international territory while the Vanukuean Navy claims that the Zardic ships sailed far enough into Vanukuean waters and that despite being hailed to stop by Vanukuean Naval officials. While the two other ships slowed down and turned around the Unity continued its drive forwards which proved to be a fatal mistake. At 2329 two torpedoes from Vanukuean submarines hit the starboard side of the vessel hitting the chief's mess and the supply room. The vessels watertight integrity was quickly breached and despite being on full lockdown prior to the chase enormous damage was done which even the best damage control efforts could not control. By around 2359, with 20 already dead and rescue ships en route, the order was given to abandon ship.
The news broke late on September 11th when the Defense Ministry held a massive press conference and confirmed what had been rapidly spreading rumours of action in the Majatran Sea. So far Zardic officials have confirmed that all totaled, 24 sailors perished with up to 75 critically wounded and receiving treatment at the hosptial in Selucia. The ship sunk and is currently not in recoverable waters. Moments after the announcement was made, President of the Federation Harold Williams announced that he was mobilizing reserve units and activating rapid response forces under the Flexible Response Plan. ZPP leaders from local council up to Congress have universally condemned the attacks with Congress authorizing the limited use of military force and dozens of local council members proposing different ordinances to appropriate property from native Vanukueans.
Riots soon broke out in Belgae and Kostandian Bay as Zardic nationalistic fervor boiled over. Dozens of businesses owned by Vanukuean citizens or people of recent Vanukuean heritage were attacked and stormed with nationalist protesters storming the former Vanukuean Chancery in Belgae and the Consulate in Kostandian Bay. Police were light in response and seemed content to let the rioters burn these former diplomatic buildings while preventing the spread of violence to other sections of the city. With Zardic politicans clamouring for revenge the situation has led Majatra to the prepice of war.

The test took place in the south-west portion of the Vernand Ocean, thousands of miles from the coast of Zardugal
September 13th, 3725

Zardic Defense Ministry officials today made a surprise announcement from the nations highly secretive nuclear advancement program. In what many see as an aggressive response to the sinking of a Zardic destroyer, the Zards conducted a nuclear detonation test far away from civilization. The first nuclear weapons test in decades shocked almost all observers in Majatra and Zardugal as to the brazenness of the move.
A defense spokesman said the test had been on the schedule for months and was being kept in total secrecy until the results were finished. However few people bought the story and sources inside the Defense Ministry said they moved up the deadline by several months as officials tried to figure out a response. To date, it is currently unknown how many bombs or warheads are produced or in the hands of the Zardic Armed Forces however a nuclear weapons white paper is expected out later this year which will given some hard numbers as to the program but without large production floors for the bombs and sources say there are currently fewer than 10 fully operational bombs in the arsenal of Zardugal under heavy security across the country.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:21 pm

A light infrantry unit sets up a checkpoint near the Vanukuean border with Endiraho
March 16, 3726

With tensions surging to record highs in Majatra and with an increasingly outraged Zardic public, President Harold Williams has used the new Authorization he has from Congress to order partial military moblization. Zardic reserve centres across the country are filling up with newly called up soldiers as rapid response units begin to assume a primary defense posture. This effect can be felt across the country as the Zards prepare for war in Majatra, and possibly the first war in over half a century to wreck havoc in Zardugal proper.
Air defense batteries can be seen popping up all across the country whether it is mobile missile defense systems being set up around Zardic Defense Industries factories in southern Zardugal or the new space centre in Kalvario. Perhaps the most profound deployments have been to the major cities. Despite being limited in scope, troop deployments to Kostanidan Bay, Belgae and Limenostomo have already begun to change the attitude and mindset of the populace. People are stocking up on food, medicine and other basic supplies which is starting to clear our market shelves throughout the country. The prescence of armed soldiers and paramilitaries from the People's Armed Militia (the ZPP paramilitary group) in major public centres and conducting patrols in critical areas (such as transit stations, port areas and communications centres) is further scarring the populace of the country.
However there is palatable outrage to compensate for these measures. patriotic groups and clubs have sprung up all around the country and are demanding a firm line against what the Zards view as Vanukuean aggression. Large scale marches and protests have taken place throughout the country to show public outrage at Vanuku and to encourage Zardic leaders to do more to punish Vanuku for her actions.
And the Government has responded in some creative ways. The last remnants of the diplomatic staff from Vanuku have been expelled and put on a one way flight back to Vanuku. However the most creative Zardic solution thus far is the creation of the Vanukuean Properties Trust, a public private partnership to assume custodianship of Vanukuean properties in Zardugal. Many houses and businesses have come under the trusteeship with this group and the board members pledge to return the property once tensions cool. Some 220 Vanukuean citizens, as registered with the Foreign Ministry have yet to officially return to Vanuku and have been detained by border officials and are currently being held in detention centres at Fransisco DiGama International Airport outside of Limenostomo.

A Zardic missile defense launcher located in central Belgae
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:40 am

PAM paramilitaries securing a town in Kalvario
With a war increasingly possible and with Zardugal mobilizing her troops, the internal security scene is being shaken up immensely. The Interior Ministry is authorizing the ZPP's People's Armed Militia (PAM) to conduct police operations in Zardugal, specifically Kalvario. Also entering the paramilitary scene is the nationalistic Zardic Patriotic Forces (ZPF) made up of persons rejected for military service for either being too old, too young, involved in crucial fields or for some medical or other reason. Only thing left is for a side to fire a shot to start the war.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:28 am

Refugees from Northern Endirhao fleeing south to central Unkaso and western Ingomo
Feb. 27th, 3727

After two months of brutal fighting in northern Endiraho, the situation on the front remains no less frightening and fragile. Despite the government calling up thousands of reservists and tens of thousands of patriotic Zards rallying to join the military (or paramilitary) forces Vanukuean forces have a clear advantage in operational force size, protected industrial base and momentum.
After a border skirmish, which Zardic officials say Vanukuean forces started, both sides committed heavier forces and soon thereafter Zardic troops moved into Vanukuean border territory to go after the attackers. However the well organized forces of the Vanukuean Army were waiting a slaughter ensued of the Zardic forces. Soon thereafter, Vanuku launched a well coordinated and precise counter offensive which took the state capital of Sebasto, and the major military city of Gatineo along with General James Fulcher Combined Operations Base.
Soon thereafter, Zardic forces rallied and began to hold the line just south of Gatineo with the 6th Army arriving at pre-planned defensive positions north and north east of Belgae. Combined with the 3rd Army which stretches from the east to the Jelbanian border, the front is holding for now, though privately, officials worry that another concentrated Vanukuean offensive could change the balance as the front is still fluid enough to allow a breakthrough. However there seems to be little worry of internal unrest as the population unites behind the war effort and hundreds of citizens join the paramilitary groups the People's Armed Militia (PAM), which is the ZPP affiliated group and the independent and Zardic nationalist group the Zardic Patriotic Forces, the former of which has seen moderate growth (partly due to membership restrictions) while the ZPF has seen explosive growth with some estimates putting its numbers around 10,000. Both militias combined with the Counter Terror Administration and the Federal Police Service have now redirected their tasks to internal security. Roving armed patrols frequent the countryside while the ZPF provides manpower support to the FPS and CTA when conducting counter terror and counter intelligence operations in the country.
Civilian groups have also not been idly standing by. The Zardic Assistance Network (ZAN), a group formerly dedicated to serving victims of natural disasters and other misfortunes has seen its role completely transform into an internal refugee assistance organization providing support in all forms to wounded soldiers and internally displaced persons. Combined with the overwhelmed National Emergency Response Agency and the National Defense Agency, refugee centres and camps are being constructed all across southern and central Zardugal and are attempting to provide services and support to displaced people. The National Support Organization (NSO) has also formed, dedicated to rallying communities around the war effort and other patriotic endeavors. They are encouraging mass recycling and food and water conservation while also rallying youth and elderly volunteers for local charity and good will works while coordinating aid strategies with NERA, ZAN and other groups across the country.

Zardic soldiers fighting north of Belgae
March 7th, 3727

As fighting intensifies north of Belgae, there are reports coming out of the city that the government is prepared to evacuated the city. While it is generally assumed there is an emergency evacuation plan for important members of the government, and officials publicly declare the city will never fall, some key agencies are moving to Kostandian Bay, Venetio or Limenostomo. While President Williams and senior staff, Congressional Leaders and party officers remain in Belgae in a show of public support, other actions taken suggest contingency plans are in place. The National Library has been emptied of most of its rare and some priceless manuscripts along with other important works, and the most of the city's museums have also been shuddered and emptied. Most of the material is rumored to have been placed deep underground in the central and south of the country but officials have remained tight lipped and say that they are in "secure locations."
Quite a more visible move is the relocation of important government agencies. Already the Counter Terror Administration is in the process of being moved to Darmopolo while workers at the Ministry of Finance's international and counter terror divisions were reportedly issued notices to move their operations to Limenostomo along with the Zardic Reserve System employees and while the gold reserve of the Reserve has been quietly and rapidly moved out of the city to highly secured and secret locations. While Venetio became capital of Zardugal during the Southern Hemispheric War and has the Presidential Retreat there, and Limenostomo used to be the national capital between 3350's and 3400's it remains to be seen were the government would relocate in the event of an evacuation of Belgae.
Already panicked residents are either boarding up their houses or preparing to flee the city. Civilian trains to the south are filled with panicked residents while the highways are packed and would be clogged if it wasn't for military managing. The fleeing residents are rapidly taking up available hotel space and whatever apartments they can grab along with even making makeshift shelters in rural areas or even sleeping in parking lots and stadiums in organized refugee centres. Some of the wealthier residents who own houses and apartments outside the city are apparently feeling the patriotic surge as they invest in building new housing complex's to handle the surge of refugees while also opening their houses to displaced persons.
Who will open their house if the government is dislocated remains to be seen....
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Maxington » Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:41 am

A Office of Disaster Readiness and Management Convoy is escorted by FPS Police Cruiser to Belgae to aid Civilians.
19th September 3727.

With the Zardic-Vanukuean at its highest peek, in the tracks and pathways of this way level over 1200 confirmed casualties, mostly civilians. Today the Director of the Zardugal Office of Disaster Readiness, Management and Humanitarian Aid has taken action and support and bring relief to the civilians and victims of the Zardic-Vanukuean war. ZNK's Party Disaster and Relief Analyst, Frank Lucciano, visit Northern Belgae where the Zardic-Vanukuean war is currently being wagered. The Office of Disaster Readiness and Management and Humanitarian Aid made a Press release yesterday stating that It will be conducting Civilian Supply Drives across Western, Southern and Eastern Endiraho. Minister of Justice, Elias Beaufort has stated that the Office of Disaster Readiness and Management and Humanitarian Aid in collaboration with the CTA, FPS and the People's Armed Militia have been filtering Civilians into abandoned Fall-Out Shelters across Endiraho and Zardugal. The Office of Disaster Readiness, Management and Humanitarian Aid has already treated up-to 500 Civilians and transported them to Hospitals and Abandoned Fall-Out and Air-Raid Shelters. The Office of Disaster Readiness, Management and Humanitarian Aid has already gathered its Clean-Up team to clean up the Debris after the Zardic-Vanukuean war hopeful comes to an end.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:00 am

Foreign fighters of the TFL moving to the Jelbanian Front
Oct, 27, 3727

As the fighting wears on in the Fourth Great Majatran War, the international response has been picking up and tracking in Zardugal's favor it seems. Massive political support from the Kiralwan Liberal Party and Liberal Republicans in Aloria has brought international attention to the conflict in a positive light for Zardugal. However it has also been a financial and military bonus too. Despite forming the Terran Freedom Legion (TFL), it was notoriously underfunded with most of Zardugal's funding being used for the war effort. However, the mass political support of the Zards abroad, has turned the TFL into a prime recruiting vehicle for the Zards.
Aloria and Kirlawa have been the biggest contributors so far to the TFL in terms of both manpower and finances. The LRP raised a total of 25 million ALO to help fund the group, while some 2,000 Alorians have so far volunteered to join the Legion. Meanwhile while Kirlawa has sent financial support and several volunteers their support has been in the form of volunteer units from their armed forces. A total of 40,000 Kirlawan troops have volunteered for the mission and combined with additional support, those assets are now starting to make their way to Selucia to link up with coalition forces based in the region. These actions have been praised by the Zards and an outpouring of gratitude from the people has been forthcoming to these nations. Perhaps it might just be enough to suffer through the war.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:36 am

A member of the Zardic Peace Team arrives at the Presidential Retreat in Venetio
October 12, 3728

After nearly three years of unimaginable bloodshed and destruction being swept across Western Majatra, outgoing President Harold Williams has called for a ceasefire and a peace summit in a neutral nation to end the war. Speaking from the Presidential Retreat in Venetio, where he has set up his offices after the fall of Belgae, President Williams issued his points for a just and lasting peace. Those points are:
1. Removal of all foreign troops from Occupied lands. Specifically, all Zards out of Jelbania, all Alliance soldiers out of Zardugal and all Coalition soldiers out of Vanuku.
2. A 20 mile demilitarized zone on the borders of Vanuku, Zardugal and Jelbania to be monitored by the Majatran Union, or another designated third power.
3. 200 billion ZAR reparations to Vanuku, to be paid over 10 years and 50 billion ZAR reparations to Jelbania to be paid over the course of 5 years.
4. Return to pre-war national borders.
5. No Majatran country shall have a military facility in another Majatran country and no Majatran military may use a military facility in another country excepting for regular and necessary port calls for ships and planned military exercises with another Majatran nation. This section would be monitored by the MU or another third party.
6. Cessation of the backing of such groups that seek to undermine the national sovereignty of any Majatran nation especially through means of violent revolution and rebellion.
7. Voluntary and if needed mandatory restrictions on Zardic military size.
8. A weapons of mass destruction free zone created among the warring powers in Majatra.

The President also suggested a few nations who could host the peace conference including Cildania, Aloria, Kirlawa and Gaduridos saying such nations are renown for their neutrality and general impartiality in international affairs and that any one of these nations would be a suitable host. He stated he was open to suggestions from Alliance members too as to where to hold the conference.
The peace proposal comes at a difficult time in the war with the Alliance. Rumors are that while the Zards fought valiantly in the Battle of the Vernand Ocean, such heavy losses were inflicted that any further prosecution of the war would be very difficult to say the least. With the northern offensive into Vanuku at a near stalemate just north of the Grand Canal and with fierce fighting in Jelbania continuing despite a successful Zardic relief of forces there, the tide has definitely turned against the Zards and perhaps this is the best chance they have to make it out of the war not totally scathed.
However, nationalist groups and paramilitaries, which the government has been relying off heavily for years now have begun publicly speaking against the measures. A video posted by the ZRF, which is a group under nominal Federal control accused the President of being a sellout and vowed to continue the war not just against Vanuku but against those traitors in the Zardic Government. The ZPF too was also critical of the proposal but chose more measured words, possibly because it was on the "wrong" side of the front line.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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