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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:14 pm

A couple minutes before midnight, he Coburan House of Representatives declared war on Zardugal yesterday. The declaration was the result of a twelve hour long debate requested by the Social-Democratic wing of the ruling Prosperity and Justice party.

In the debate, both representatives and experts shared their views on the latest developments regarding the Zardic situation. Zardugal, a founding member of the Majatran Alliance and former key nation in West Majatra, fell under Augustan supremacist rule after the collapse of communism in the country. Following the change of government there, the Augustan government started ethnic cleansing of the Mallan population. This led to international criticism, with neighbouring Cobura being its loudest voice due to the large Mallan population there. Recently, the Zardic Imperial Assembly claimed the Coburan governorate of Egato belonged to Zardugal, thus denying Coburan sovereignty there. Next, Kostandia sent a declaration of war to the Coburan Prime Minister in Sharba. As a result, the Coburan House of Representatives initiated a long debate that finally led to a quick vote that issued the declaration of war addressed to the Zardic Government.

The declaration puts in motion the Defence of the Coburan Nation (DEFCON) protocol. The military branches are now expected to be in full equipment and ready to strike at all times. This means all staff of the Coburan Armed Forces (CAF) must be present at their stationed army base and should be available at all times. The CAF now also possesses the mandate from the House to take military measures to ensure the safety of Coburan citizens by all means. The use of lethal force is permitted, provided that there is reasonable grounds to suspect the danger of Coburan citizens and assets.

Together with the declaration, a state of emergency is declared. After quick consultation by the Prime Minister, His Majesty Emperor Sebek- em- Saf X declared a State of Emergency that will be effective until further notice from the government. This grants Prime Minister Sidhom exceptional powers in combination with the supreme command over the CAF. After the vote, he spoke:

Today is a difficult day. Not only for Coburans, but also for Majatra and Terra. We call upon our Majatran Allies to aid the Coburan Government with military equipment for the sake Coburan citizens, and the preservation of democracy and fundamental freedoms in West-Majatra.

Now, Cobura calls upon its allies of the Majatran Union for support against the Zardic threat.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:49 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:03 pm

SHARBA – In a brief address to the House of Representatives, the Coburan Prime Minister has agreed to establish a peace treaty with the Zardic Government.
Honourable Representatives of Cobura,

Today I speak not only on behalf of myself, but also on behalf of the Coburan People, as I have always done. The conflict that has been affecting our nation for more than four years, and has cost the lives of so many innocent civilians has recently come to a hopeful stage. We have managed to have arms laid down on both sides and sat down with our enemy to look them in the eye and say: we need to stop this right now. Last week, as you have seen, the leader of the Civic Nationalist faction of the zardic Holy Party Abebo Zoranido has spoken out in favour of a peace deal with us. The demands of such a deal would be the following:

- The Empire will end its claims on Augusta, and the rest of the Egato region.
- The Empire will end all military engagements in Cobura.
- The Empire will open up peace talks with Cobura.
- The Empire will end Operation Sodom, ending the Mallan ethnic cleansing.
- The Empire will adopt a constitutional amendment to grant all citizens equal, human rights.

Now, my fellow Coburans, is the time to end this violent conflict and also establish equal rights for all citizens of Zardugal, which has been our prime objective since the beginning of the war. Our Mallan brothers were threatened in such a way that they did not feel safe anymore in their own homes, and now that we’ve been given the chance to ensure this will never happen again, we will proceed.

After thorough discussion with my ministers, the Cabinet and I have decided to move on with the peace process and agreed to set up a treaty to establish peace with the Augustine Empire. The conditions provided by the Civic Nationalist Faction are, in our opinion, reasonable enough to ensure fundamental rights for its citizens and democracy in Zardugal. Therefore, the Coburan Ministry of Foreign Affairs will draft an international treaty with these conditions, which have to be signed by both parties to make a peace possible.

However, this is not the end yet. The northern parts of the Egato and Irkawa Governorates are in ruins. Homes have been destroyed, places of worship have been desecrated and public infrastructure has severely been damaged. To many Coburans, the situation must feel hopeless, like we are heading to a future like southern Jelbania’s! But all of you should know that you’re not alone. United we will rebuild all that has been destroyed, and have our cities rise to a level of prosperity never seen before so we can show the world: you can fight us, but you will never defeat us!


The decision has not been uncontroversial. Earlier this week, the Coburan Minister of Trade and Industry was reported saying that ‘’this war will never be over’’, and also important allies of the Allied Common Strategic Command expressed their preference for continuing the war. Nonetheless, the Prime Minister decided to ignore the criticism and ‘’do what is needed, not what is wanted ’’ according to a spokesperson.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:24 pm

October 4456 Edition
SHARBA - There are signs that Deltaria (formally known as the Federation of Deltarian Socialist Republics or FDSR), is “developing its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes”, Doriana Mitenako, Director of the Coburan Foreign Intelligence and Security Service informed the House of Representatives yesterday.

In one of the most specific reports on Cachtice’s recent nuclear activities, the FISA observed actions consistent with the enrichment of uranium and construction at the country’s main nuclear site. “The continuation and further development of the FDSR’s [Deltaria's] nuclear programme and related statements by the FDSR are a cause for grave concern,” the report said. The Deltarians are claimed to have copied Vanukean nuclear weapons since the Jelbanian Conflict, where both parties stood face-to-face against each other in a violent conflict. ''Deltarian researchers are very likely to have recovered enough pieces of the VAK-03 type nuclear missile to reconstruct its former state. Cause for this is hightech technology developed by the Deltarian Army'' was added.

Reactions from the House were mixed, with Social Democrats saying the discovery should be dealt with and condemned immediately. However, the right wing liberals claimed in their turn that no harm has been caused by Deltarian nuclear weapons yet, and that therefore the Deltarian government reserves the right to develop such weapons.

The international community is silently awaiting the response of major nations like Vanuku and Istalia, as well as the criticized Deltaria.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Aquinas » Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:24 pm

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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Rafland » Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:00 pm

Commuist Party takes centre stage and lead Cobura!

Amy Whitehouse gave a series of work that she is going to do to help society and improve Cobura. She says she wants to have allies that help everyone person get well with life. Her Socialist economy would benefit the working class who are being damaged by the flat Corporation tax currently of 15%. She wants to up it to 90% to give the tax to investment and into the workers pocket who help feed our nation. She is expected to win a landslide victory in the elections and take power democratically.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:28 pm

Democratic People's Daily
Coburan Democratic Liberation Movement formed
August, 4670

Aŭgusta, Egato - At a rally outside of the makeshift headquarters of the Coburan Democratic Liberation Movement, the newly announced Chairman of the CDLM Merhawi Seife Boru was joined by his new Vice Chairman Sufyaan el-Yasin, announced the formation of the movement to "...reinvigorate southern Majatra and make Cobura focused on its people, its economy and its success in the future." The CDLM is primarily comprised of Mallans and ethnic Coburan Majatrans, who according to the last census conducted make up 38% of the population. Despite the largest group being the ethnic Irkawan's, the CDLM does not possess a large amount of ethnic Irkawan members and likewise does not possess a large Augustan base. While the movement does include Tokundians, they do not have any notable Tokundians in leadership positions. Critics of the new party, notably of the collapsed government of Augustans, have stated that the new movement wants to "...undermine Coburan society..." despite this, the Press Secretary of the CDLM, Kiya Melos Mike has denied this and called it "...typical radical Augustan propaganda." Chairman Boru has called on the collective Coburan people to rise up and stand against radicalism and ethnic violence.

In the party's platform, the economic liberalization of Cobura is one of their top priorities and makes note of expanding trade relations and growing trade relationships with countries across Majatra but also across the world, including Dorvik, Lourenne, Kazulia and others. Despite Cobura's economic dominance in the distant past, many of the governments decisions over the past centuries has been detrimental to the economy and the Coburan leadership in the region. One of the first acts that the CDLM hopefuls wish to do is restore the Sharba Stock Exchange, including the restoration of Sharba as the capital of Cobura. The formation of a federative, democratic republic is the secondary program of the party. The establishment of the "Democratic Republic of Cobura" with a democratically elected President and an appointed Prime Minister, according to the CDLM, will be the basic tenants of democracy and a popularly elected "National Assembly". The government reformation program will also focus on the building of the Coburan National Defense Force (CNDF) and rebuilding intelligence, security and defense programs for the nation. Esra Danichew Girum, a current Colonel in the Coburan Army will be tasked with reforming the newly minted "Coburan National Defense Force".

Social and health programs are the fourth pillar of the CDLM, focusing on the formation of a national pension program, the establishment of a livable "minimum wage" as well as working with companies to ensure that they focus on benefits for their employees. While the proposed programs are ambitious, the programs will be heavily dependent on a reworked economy. The final pillar is the development of wide-scale infrastructure projects such as the establishment of the Sharba International Airport Development Project, the Coburan Road and Rail Initiative and the development of regional agencies to focus on infrastructure development in conjunction with the national government.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:36 pm

Democratic People's Daily
Incoming Minister of Defense appointed as Chief of Defense Staff
August, 4670

Sharba, Ikrawan State - With the Coburan Democratic Liberation Movement as the sole registered party with the National Election's Council, the CDLM candidate for the Ministry of Defense, Esra Danichew Girum, a Colonel in the Coburan Army, has unofficially been appointed as the Chief of the Defense Staff. The National Defense Staff is the general staff and command and control element of the Coburan National Defense Force. Girum, upon the official results of the election will be appointed as the Minister of Defense and Chief of the Defense Staff, allowing him total civil and operational control over the armed forces. In a brief press release, the new Coburan National Defense Force will comprised four branches, the Coburan Army, the Coburan Navy, the Coburan Air and Air Defense Forces and the Coburan Republican Guard. The National Defense Staff will comprise independent agencies of the CNDF. One component, a newly formed cadre of military intelligence officers will form the National Defense Force Intelligence Bureau which will focus on military intelligence of all sorts within the Coburan National Defense Force.

The incoming Minister of Defense also announced that the Ministry of Defense, officially titled as the "Ministry of National Defense", will open a brand new division responsible for the modernization and industrialization of the CNDF. Another component, recommended directly by future President Merhawi Seife Boru will be the formation of the National Defense Council, it will fill the role of the national security council and will form a cadre of top military, defense and security officials around the President and Prime Minister. Information regarding the structure and leadership of the NDC has been limited but the government has stated that information will be "...forthcoming." Incoming Director of the Department of the Defense Industry and Military Industrial Sector Gebriael Geteye Abebe noted that the CNDF would be seeking new suppliers of arms and armor for the CNDF.
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