one of the first ships passing since the reopening
The Canal partially re-opened for "urgent" ships, costs per ship slashed for "lifeline" boats as an agreement with NOWS was reached: will the world economh finally breathe?
Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Following the joint takeover by both MFS and their allies in the military, it has been announced through the Show Master known as Diamond, who currently controls the Ministry of Finance and Canal Management, the partial reopening of the Aldegar Canal but only to ships considered as urgent to a nation's economy or the well-being of its people. Diamond clarified the decision by releasing the Lifeline Boats Requirements List, which included
The Aldegarian Transitional Authority has recrntly announced through its Ministry of Finances the partial reopening of the Canal, but not everyship will be able to pass as they need to fulfill the following requirements:
1) They contain products and goods considered as crucial for one's population well-being, such as agricultural products like fruits, legumes, and seeds, but also diary products and meats
2) The ship's current goods stocked within it play a vital role in one's economic stability, such as fossil fuels and minerals such as iron and copper
3) The ship's destination is within the borders of the Seleyan continent as Aldegar valeus first and foremost the prosperity of Seleyan nations above anything else
If the ship fulfills one of the requirements, they will be granted the status of "lifeline ship," which grants them priority in the use of the canal and reduced costs and tariffs.
Nation's that rely greatly on exportation are set to benefit greatly from the recent decision in Ramsāhreza alongside Seleyan nations which also granted automatic lifeline status when using the canal, Diamond has also announced that further reopening of the canal will soon be announced after the first steps in organizing elections are finalized. She has also invited nations to deposit their candidacy to the office of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to get their ships reviewed by the Ministry of Finance and be potentially granted lifeline status as they also need to include files presenting the urgency and importance of their boats goods.