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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby WatershipDown » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:54 pm

More Saber Rattling from Palace, Assault Promised Soon
January 3994

The Emir reviews troops stationed near the Cildanian-held city and former capital of Bier Qassem

Emir Iksandar visited the front just south of Bier Qassem, the former capital still occupied by Cildanian troops. It has been almost two years now that the Emir promised military action against the foreigner invaders. However, our reporters here at BNC have received word that an additional contingent of soldiers from the capital are moving northward in anticipation of siege. The Emir accompanied these troops and in sight of the city, held parade there and inspected the force.

In a brief address to members of the military there, the Emir pledged that Badara would once again own Bier Qassem and that the international community would recognize the emirate and his house: Speaking to the small number of foriegn journalists present, he asked that they inform their government of the treaty recognizing the House of Azahari, while also calling those nations who did not "a pile of excrement for denying the hand and grace of Akim" and "dogs who fail to follow the command of the Master".

Air strikes of the city are expected to begin soon, along with naval blockade.
"Laythe hraeth ela mi, Elil Hrair Rah, a blaeth m'hlalthai, m'zyhlthai. An m'draothai ethile hlal, skufessi, uthowessi, hrayessi, paf hraray rah. Laythi kasrahalt, a vatal kasrahil, a laythai nayltil mi nahl-nyt zorn!"
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby WatershipDown » Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:29 pm

Royal Dynasty Tightens Grip on Nation, Ousts All Non-Family Members from Top Positions
Assemblymen vote on the bill naming the Emir as Head of Government

In the most recent elections held the 1st of January, the Al Azahari family (politically organized as the "House of Al Azahari") tightened its grip over the nation's political landscape, earning 99.63% of all votes. These numbers have been confirmed and verified as both accurate and fair by international observers. All 75 seats of the National Assembly are held by members of the Al Azahari family. The Emir has also appointed all governors, who are also all family members. He is expected to name provincial muftis and qadis, who will most likely be members of the learned Zulfiqari family.

In a surprise move, the Emir also dismissed the cabinet and formed a new one composed of all the leaders of the various clans of the Al Azahari family. Naming himself as Premier (and therefore head of government), Emir Iksandar opened the new session of the National Assembly on January 8th.

Other bills strengthening the power of the family were passed, including bills naming the family as the sole owner of all power plants and trains in the nation.
"Laythe hraeth ela mi, Elil Hrair Rah, a blaeth m'hlalthai, m'zyhlthai. An m'draothai ethile hlal, skufessi, uthowessi, hrayessi, paf hraray rah. Laythi kasrahalt, a vatal kasrahil, a laythai nayltil mi nahl-nyt zorn!"
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Aquinas » Sat May 21, 2016 5:51 pm

December 4031
Ex-PM arrested for "unpatriotic activities"

Badara's former Prime Minister, Talaal Hameed, has been placed under house arrest at his home in Khabai after making a series of critical comments to international media outlets about the regime he once led.

Hameed, 69, was swept to office when the Socialist Alliance came to power in July 4024, but was quickly out-maneuvered by the real power behind-the-scenes, President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui, who eventually abolished the office of Prime Minister in order to wield full executive power himself.

Since his dismissal, Hameed has been a thorn in the government's side, repeatedly accusing it of betraying its socialist values, corruption, nepotism and conceding too much ground to hardline religious conservatives. In his most recent statements, he has focussed particularly on the way plum public sector jobs have been allotted to under-qualified family members of leading figures in the regime, and how so many senior figures in the government have become conspicuously rich over the last several years.

Hameed is thought to have been threatened with arrest before, but until now has not been touched - probably because the President is wary of the likely international backlash. Now though, according to a regime insider we spoke to, "Hameed has gone too far - you can't carry on acting like this and getting away with it forever".

Siddiqui calls for "Market Socialism"

The President is calling for "a radical restructuring of our economy, to enable our people to achieve their full potential". His Market Socialist Act, now being debated in Parliament, would considerably liberalise and privatise Badara's heavily statist economy. Many leading economists have queued up to praise the reforms, which have been described by The Majatran Economist as "at long last, a sensible move away from socialism and towards the market". However, sceptics are concerned that the prime beneficiaries of the reforms will be the those most closely connected to the regime - many of whom are thought to be in line to receive shares in the privatised assets at knock-down prices.

President Stillman invited to Badara

The President of Lourenne, Jewell Stillman, has been officially invited on a state visit to Badara, scheduled to last between 1st and 4th July 4031. President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui has warmly praised Stillman, calling her "a beacon of hope for the Dovani continent" and saying he "hopes to bring our two great civilisations closer together, for the greater benefit of both of our peoples".

Stillman is thought to be coming under pressure from human rights groups to challenge Siddiqui about his regime's human rights record, particularly on issues to do with the treatment of women and freedom of expression.

There is also speculation that Siddiqui is hoping to negotiate a loan from the Lourennais government in order to invest in long-term infrastructure projects. It is not known how sympathetic Stillman is to this, but sceptics are warning that the Badaran government does not have a good record of running big public works projects. Too often, it is being warned, the money is squandered away through corruption and inefficiency.

President Siddiqui #129 on Terra Rich List

According to the Terra Rich List, which is published by Terra Today magazine in Hutori, President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui is the 129th richest person in Terra, up from position 283 last year. A spokesperson for Siddiqui dismissed the claims about his wealth as "conspiracy theories and foreign tittle-tattle", but James Sinclair, who compiled the list, stood by his research, claiming Siddiqui "has amassed a massive fortune at a phenomenal rate since coming to power in Badara".
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Aquinas » Mon May 23, 2016 4:45 pm

December 4032
Siddiqui thanks Lourenne for loan, asks for 93m LFR more

President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui has warmly praised President Jewell Stillman of Lourenne for agreeing to grant Badara a loan of 7 million Lourennian Francs (LFR) on very favourable terms, calling it "the start of a beautiful and constructive new relationship between our two nations". He has also announced he hopes to secure a further 93m LFR loan from the Lourenne government, which he says "will be vital to modernising our infrastructure and building a fairer and more equal society".

Critics of the regime have warned Siddiqui's government is the most corrupt in a long line of corrupt Badaran regimes, and have pointed to rumours that the Lourennian loan has already been squandered in corruption.

Imran Siddiqui proposes to President Stillman

Imran Siddiqui

President Siddiqui's 9 year old nephew, Imran, has told the world's media he has "fallen deeply in love" with President Jewell Stillman after meeting her during her visit to Badara, and would like to marry her. Probed further by journalists, he conceded he would "have to wait a few years first" before any marriage could take place, and also pointed out that his bride-of-choice would first need to submit to a "purity test" to ascertain her virginity, in accordance with traditional Badaran custom.

Public Audit Committee member found dead in gay brothel

Naaif Hammoud, a prominent Socialist Alliance MP, has been found dead in a homosexual brothel, with a plastic bag over his head, socks stuffed in his mouth and his hands tied behind his back. The police have stated he "died during the performance of a perverted sex act".

However, the regime's political opponents are questioning this version of the story, pointing out that Hammoud had been a thorn in the side of the regime by using his role as a member of Parliament's Public Audit Committee to ask challenging questions about corruption, waste and wrongdoing at the highest levels of government. According to one insider we spoke to,

Hammoud had it coming to him. All the other members of the Audit Committee did what they were told, but Hammoud was asking too many questions, so he had to go.

Overseas investment floods in as "Market Socialism" takes hold

Following the liberalisation of the economy ushered in as part of President Siddiqui's Market Socialism reforms, investors have rushed in to grab a steak of the pie, with billions and more believe to be pouring into the country.

Observers are noting, however, that huge swathes of shares have ended up in the hands of President Siddiqui and his family and cronies. It is also being reported that in order to gain access to the shares, foreign investors are having to pay significant informal "fees" or bribes - much of which is lining the pockets of corrupt officials, but much of which seems to also be ending up in the hands of the President.

Investors from Kafuristan, especially Channese interests, are thought to be at the front of the queue, scrabbling to snap up as much ownership of the Badaran economy as they can.

President's daughter launches children's charity

The President's daughter, Ameena Siddiqui, has announced the founding of the Badaran Child Welfare Association, which will aim to raise the welfare of children in Badara. The International Society of Charities has blacklisted the organisation, warning that "we cannot guarantee that any money donated to this organisation will be spent in accordance with its official stated objectives".
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Aquinas » Wed May 25, 2016 2:16 am

August 4033
Drunk Valruzians spark diplomatic crisis

Eryk Sedzicki and Natalia Lisiewska in happier times, pictured in Bialograd, Valruzia 4 months ago

In a nightmare for diplomats, a young Valruzian couple have been arrested for "drunken, disorderly and immoral behaviour" in the conservative city of Ras El-Haram, and now face the terrifying prospect of experiencing the barbaric justice regularly meted out by Badara's famously brutal justice system.

Eryk Sedzicki, 23, and Natalia Lisiewska, 21, from Valruzia, had visited Badara on a 2 week vacation as guests of Eryk Sedzicki's father, Jaromir Sedzicki, who works as a senior engineer at an oil refinery.

"I explained to them before they came that Badara is a religious Ahmadi country and that they would need to respect the customs here," the father told a press conference yesterday, "and I told them that alcohol is not allowed - but you know what kids are like, they get over-excited and do the wrong things..."

After buying a stash of illegal alcohol, the couple apparently drank alcohol all day, got roaringly drunk and then, in a terrible error of judgement, ventured into the city centre, where their drunken escapades attracted the attentions of shocked local citizens and the police.

Amongst other indiscretions, Eryk is charged with urinating on a floral war memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives in the war with Cildania 60 years ago, and Natalia is charged with "engaging in indecent and erotic poses and dances" with a stone statue of Badara's legendary former leader, Jalal Al-e-Ahmad.

In the past, President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui has always pressured judges not to serve harsh sentences on foreign citizens, for fear of damaging international relations. However, it is very far from clear that this is going to happen this time, because for months now, public resentment has been swelling against non-Badaran citizens who have received light sentences or even gone unpunished for offences which, if committed by Badarans, would result in stiff retribution. Yesterday, a crowd demonstrated outside the Valruzian Embassy in Dar-es-Salam, chanting such slogans as "Death to drunkards!", "All your women are whores", "Face our justice!" and "Judge Abdou for President!".

Judge Fawwaaz Abdou

What makes the outlook for the young Valruzian couple more frightening is that the judge who is set to try their case, Fawwaaz Abdou, is one of the most draconian judges on the Badaran judicial circuit, renowned not only for his stern sentences, but also for his short temper, which frequently leads him into furious diatribes against defendants, witnesses and lawyers.

Marjaana Begum, a leading spokeswoman for the Badaran branch of the International Civil Rights Council, has warned:

Looking at how previous cases like this have been handled in Badara, we should not be surprised if the sentences involved lashes - perhaps 5 lashes, maybe 10, I don't know. But with this particular judge - who even the politicians know should have been removed from the bench years ago - anything is possible. There is no telling what he could do. Judge Abdou knows all of this public and international attention is on him, and he is reveling in it.

Also, remember this is Badara, so even a short prison sentence would likely have the most appalling consequences. Over 40% of female inmates are raped by guards, for instance.

I can see only one satisfactory answer to this, and that is for the Justice Ministry to get involved and put a stop to this nonsense, take this case away from Abdou. The politicians must know this is what they should do, but it is not clear whether they have the courage.

Reports are coming in that the Valruzian Ambassador has had an initial meeting with Foreign Minister Jaabir Hussein, and there is speculation that there will soon be communication between the Badaran and Valruzian governments at the highest levels, but nothing has yet been officially confirmed. President Siddiqui and his ministers have so far refused to comment publicly on the matter.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Aquinas » Thu May 26, 2016 12:13 pm

May 4034
Valruzians sentenced to 20 lashes


Valruzian citizens Eryk Sedzicki and Natalia Lisiewska have been sentenced by Judge Fawwaaz Abdou to 20 lashes of the whip for their drunken escapades in Ras El-Haram.

Justice Minister Luwai Emami has expressed his "concern" at the verdict, which is harsh even by usual Badaran standards, but insisted "Terra needs to understand that the legal process must be respected".

Lawyers have launched an appeal, which at least for now, has delayed the execution of the punishment.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Aquinas » Fri May 27, 2016 3:19 pm

December 4034
Dissident Socialist Alliance MP dies in car crash

Kameel Farran, a Member of Parliament for the ruling Socialist Alliance, has died in a car crash just days after speaking out against the government. Farran, 59, had accused President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui of "betraying our party's socialist ideals", "presiding over corruption" and "squandering the wealth produced by the workers on limousines and mansions". He made a specific allegation that "people in very high places" had received substantial bribes from Chann National Corporation in return for the ratification of the Majatran Oil Corporation Treaty.

Police have denied Farran's death was suspicious. President Siddiqui has sent a letter of condolence to Farran's widow, and says he will send a representative to the funeral.

Badara to negotiate loans from International Terran Bank and Lourenne

Flanked by Foreign Minister Jaabir Hussein and Finance Minister Jaarallah Khan, President Siddiqui has told a press conference Badara is "vigorously pursuing negotiations" to secure large-scale loans from the International Terran Bank and the government of Lourenne in order to "modernise our infrastructure and particularly our oil sector, in order to build a powerful new economy fit for the 41st century".

An independent academic thinktank called the Terra Economic Forum has warned that "lending money to Badara would be like pouring water through a sieve" because "there is so much corruption and waste".

President's daughter splashes out on shopping in Qildar

Ameena Siddiqui has been spotted on an extravagant shopping spree in Qildar, the Cildanian capital. She reportedly spent over 1,000,000 BAD on a handbag and over 5,000,000 BAD on luxury furniture. Ameena was visiting the city in order to host a fundraising dinner for her charity, the Badaran Child Welfare Association.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Aquinas » Sat May 28, 2016 11:56 am

January 4035
Siddiqui congratulates Mukhlisun on surprise election victory

Outgoing President Abdul Wadood Siddiqui has congratulated Salsabil ibn Mukhlisun on his victory in the Presidential election, which took everybody by surprise. In a shock result, Mukhlisun and his Slave of God Party swept to power with nearly 75% of the result. Some observers say the margin of victory would have been even higher if it had not been for low-level electoral tampering by the previous regime.

The election is thought to be largely the result of disillusionment with President Siddiqu and his Socialist Alliance over their long reign, which has seen corruption and waste skyrocket, and political opponents persecuted.

In his resignation speech, President Siddiqui also hit out at "shocking levels of anti-Ahmadism in Valruzia" and warned "this will inevitably make it more difficult to build bridges between Badara and Valruzia". The fate of the two Valruzian citizens sentenced to 20 lashes each for drunken and loutish behaviour is still yet to be determined.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby Abdullah » Mon May 30, 2016 3:57 am

President ibn Mukhlisun Addresses the Public

Newly Elected President, Salsabil ibn Mukhlisun, took the podium to address the citizens of the Emirate after receiving congratulations from former President Siddiqui. “People of the Emirate of Al' Badara,” President ibn Mukhlisun said. “I have been elected for a reason. I have been elected to reverse the damage that Siddiqui and his regime has done to Badara. We must restore Badara to pre-Siddiqui. We must restore Badara for ourselves and for Majatran.
“Now let me take a minute to run through my immediate plans for Badara. First, I will personally work on delay the lashings of the two Valruzians. Then, the Eabd Allah Kizb will work with Valruzia to get the two back home, but not without getting paid for the emotional stress that we have endured. I will also work to get Badara as a major power for Ahmadism in the world. My administration will start on plans soon. My final current plan, erasing the Siddiqui corruption from Badara. Together we all can work to a better future for Badara. Thank you.” President ibn Mukhlisun walked off the stage and had a public meet and greet with the press and people.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby ebarrantes » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:44 pm

A new treaty for the 4086 World Cup which will be celebrated in the Union of Badara!
We want the members to send all information of their national teams to the National Atheist Party, which will organizate the tournament
Said the president of the candidate country, Murshid Akhtar.
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