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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:38 am

Red Alliance

Political crisis avoided

November 4152- The PNC withdraw their support at the last moment, under presure of the MMP, the general assembly, expacially of Malga the ambassador of Istalia, and other civil organisations. This is a win for democraty and basic human rights said a spokesman of the red revolutionairy movement. Aedhira Dixit, who worked hard to get this victory, replied: We are happy for this victory, we had ofcourse a lot of help of civil organisations and Istalia, who did a lot of campagne in the assembly to put pressure on our governement. We appriciate that they took our demand for democraty serious, they are a lot of help and take their job serious. On international scale is this a win for our reputation and it will hep for our cause to get Kotari Ravel back to potensi to bring to court

Elections coming up, the MMP starts campain

February 4154- The Metzism movement party members are nervous for the coming elections, will they have repaired their reputations and gained the trust back of the people? They are already working very hard, in hope for gaining seats, they are starting their campagne.
The campaign goes around the unequality this governement have inforced, religious matters have enforced, to improve our international reputation and finding alliances in the case against lodamnum to extradite Kotari Ravel. The candidate to run for president is ofcourse Aedhira Dixit.

The candidates for the minister posts are:

Foreign affairs- Jonathan Jadoul
Internal affairs- Vasu Dash
Finance- Girisha Penkar
Defence- Ekram Doctor
Justice-Adita Khalsa
Infrastructure and transport- Uden Mehan
Health and social services- Ekadanta Bulsa
Education and culture- Vasuki Parmer
Science and technology- Balin Chandra
Food and agriculture- jayne mayne
Enviroment and tourisme- Ura Ben
Trade and industrie- Mahesa Soni
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:26 am

Red alliance

The metzism movement party loses election, but gains seats

July 4154- The MMP gaine 18 seats wich is a win, so aedhira dixit has a win and she is proud, so she says in her speech: We won 18 seats, wich is a win with our past. It is hard to repair a reputation, it is even harder to gain the trust back of the people. So we can be proud of this evening, of all our hard work and on all the organisations who worked with us and supported us. Most likely we will be the opposition again. Let me say this clear and i hope the pnc and the PPP are listening, we urge you to handle the Lodamnum crisis, to get Kotari Ravel back, the longer they wait, the more dangerous he becomes, he has time to rebuild his group and to make plans. We also want to warn them for Zardugal, we agree that if they don't succeed to fid a peacefull solution, that we will have to go further, but we can't ignore that it is a big risk to make an alliance with Zardugal, who is known to have aggressive military action and they will want to control everything. The MMP agrees that we have to take risks, but we will refuse to become a puppet governement!

After the speech she went home with a big ovation and a loud applause.

Chairman elections, Vasu Dash runs against Aedhira Dixit

July 4152- like always after elections their are chairman elections. Vasu Dash dares to run against Aedhira dixit, who had in the last 3 years and a half the big burden to rebuild the MMP, with succes. Vasu Dash announced it earlier this month: I will run for chairman of the MMP against Aedhira Dixit. I respect her and she's great, but we need a harder and tougher chairman, who dares to speake against the establishment instead of trying to compromise. I know it sounds radical, but what will she do if we had won the election try to work with those far right winged parties, who prefer religion over people? I know, i won't. We do indeed need to gaine the trust back of the people and rebuild our reputation. This we would do with strong believes and ideology, to fight for our people. that is a strong view, but we will see with the elections if he can succeed. Aedhira Dixit had no comment, she only said that this a matter who should be discussed indoors.

Aedhira Dixit wins the chairman elections

July 4152- after a hard week after the general elections, they organise an election for the new chairman. The votes are in and Aedhira Dixit wins the election 78.52%, wich is great result. The first to speech is Vasu Dash:I lost, but is still got 21..48%, wich means I have support. I will stay at the party and will still be the candidate for the post of internal affairs. I also want to felicitate the Aedhira for her impressive win. afer Vasu Dash, Aedhira Dixit comes in the room under a standing ovation and applause and walks to tje podium. She gives her speech:I am happy to have so much support at this party, to have been rewarded wich such great appreciation. It shows we are going in the right direction.We still have lot of work to go true, but we are ready for it. We have plans for this governement and we will never lose hope! So i wish you all a great evening and a great party to relax, so we can have a fresh beginning tommorow
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jan 22, 2017 2:58 am

July 4154
by Jafar Narasimhan

Tripathi returns to power

President Vijay Tripathi

Vijay Tripathi, the self-styled "Father of the Potensian Nation", has returned to power after being elected President for the fourth time. He received 41% of the vote in the first round, then defeated his Metzist challenger, Aedhira Dixit, by taking 63% of the vote in the second round. His vote tally in the second round, of over 31 million votes, is the largest number of votes any Presidential challenger in Potensi has won in quite some years.

To the surprise of many, the incumbent President, Meera J. Singh, crashed out of the contest in the first round, after taking just 29% of the vote. The pundits were similarly surprised by the strength of Dixit's support, which reached over 18 million votes - nearly 37% of the total - in the second round. Coming against a background of a fierce anti-communist backlash - and some would even say repression - this was regarded as a strong performance for the Metzist candidate.

The new President has paid tribute to the outgoing President, praising her for her "great service to this nation for the last 3 and a half years", and has asked for a continuation of the governing coalition between the Potensian National Congress and Singh's Potensian People's Party. He also paid tribute to Dixit for "her honourable, hard-fought campaign", although he later went on to say that "the people of Potensi have totally rejected Metzist" and that "the end of Metzism in Potensian politics could only be a good thing".

Tripathi says his first priority will be to "destroy the Army of Equality" and to "punish Lodamun for its support of the Army of Equality". In connection with the latter, he is working on a new treaty imposing sanctions on Lodamun.

More women die in "kitchen fire accidents"


Six more cases have come to light in which women were officially declared to have died in "kitchen fire accidents", but their friends and family members are claiming they were murdered by their husbands or their husband's families following disputes over dowry payments. The Potensian Civil Liberties Association and the Women's Coalition of Potensi have issued a joint statement warning that "the police cannot be trusted to investigate these cases seriously and impartially" and calling for "a full and independent investigation, including international observers".

Sanjay Patel, the Minister for Science & Technology, has promised to launch a review into oven safety regulations, but suggested "the main problem here is career women - they are trying to do too much and to do everything too fast, so they are careless and end up causing fires by leaving the oven on too long".
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:13 am

red alliance

The MMP won the election

July 4155- The MMP won the election. They were the singel party to run for, other political party were broken up, the reason is inknwn, but Aedhira Dixit will investigate this matter. Aedhira Dixit replies on the victory: I am very happy with this victory, we needed this and we are going to work day and night to make potensi great and give the people what they deserve. We will also work to get Kotari Ravel back stronger then the previous governement. We afe also going to start a campaign to get more active on the genra assembly for seat B, even do we find Istalia a very good candidate, they campained very hard for our cause, potensi needs to get more internationally actice. This will be the first work of Jonathan Jadoul. Vasu Dash has also a lot of work with the cow protection army, because they laid low last years, but that was because of the previous governement were puppets of religion. a great victory for The MMP, how will they rule?
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:17 pm

Red Alliance

Foreign minister talks to general assembly

Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of potensi talks to general assembly and talks about risking a war over the extradiction of Kotari Ravel. Talks about an alliance with Zardugal starting.

A reporter asked afterwords a reaction for the potensian equirer, his reaction: We don't want a criminal like Kotari Ravel on the loose, to have the chance to reorganise and plan new terrorist attacks who can kill hundredsbor thousands of people. We won't let that happen. We areb't for the death penalty m, it is still place, only for Kotari Ravel. It isn't been used and it won't be used, vasu dash and Aditha Khalse clarified this. We also want to go for the nomination of seat B so we can have an international role in Terra. This doesn't mean we aren't satisfied with great work of Istalia, but we have to put potensi on political, international map and we have to go for it.We are getting ready for the campaign, we just need to clarify some small points.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:33 pm

red alliance

Potensi campaigning for a Majatra Union

Jonathan Jadoul our foreign minister working day and night and swifting from council to council to get Kotari Ravel back. Also to campaign for a majatra union, where every nation represented by its president or first minister or a chosen representative. United we stand strong, devide we fall, is the slogan of the campaign. Jonathan Jadoul has made some time free to talk to the press: i have talked a lot last days. First about Kotari Ravel, who is still in Lodamnum. We have thought about evety peacefull situation, but it doesn't seem its getting an agreement. I will also say to the press and to the people that we don't want war, but we will make one, if all peacefull alternatives are gone true, it doesn't go our way, we will go to war. We are already starting talks with Zardugal who offered an alliance for our cause. Kalistan is supporting lodamnum in their devious support of terrorists, but we still stand by our words. Second of all we are searching for ambassadors to represent us on the general assembly, for when their is a problem that needs attention on the assembly, we have candidates and we investigating who is the right one, because it is very tyering to work like this. We are also going to campaign for a Majatra Union to unite the Majatra nations and get a stronger union to go against the situation terra is going true.

Apparantly a lot of man who already did their service are applying for the military to fight for their country and getting Kotari Ravel back. Ekram doctor, minister of defence already spoke to the press:Their is indeed a slight increase of voluntary sign up of men in the military. Over the last couple years their is been investated a lot in military budget. We want to be ready if problems like the kotari ravel can be avoided with a stronger military.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:59 pm

red alliance

Tension between kalistan and potensi after a heated discussion in the general assembly between Eleanor Montreal and Jonathan Jadoul

Jonathan Jadoul who was discussing the matter of Kotari Ravel who is still in lodamnum, left the general assembly angry, just as mdme Montreal. He spoke the press: I didn't threaten with war, i just said that if the peacefull solutions ran out, we had do to something more dramatic, but we hope we can avoid that. Madame montreal did instantly a hyppocritical rampage and twisted my words just as she did in her news paper. We can't ask for the extradiction of kotari ravel, to not damage the soevereignity of lodamnum but they can attack ours by supporting indirectly terrorist. Where is the logics in that? I am waiting on a repply of zardugal, if their offer still stands. I also spoke with the president to reassure that everything is still safe and that we still are on the same track. We wont let terrorisme win! In hope that madame Montreal reads this, next time you want to start a discussion about subjects like this and when you want to talk about diplomacy, do not twist someone words. It comes both ways. let us hope this ends well
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:38 am

red alliance

Lodamnum agrees with the extradiction of Kotari Ravel

After all the troubles and heated up discussions, lodamnum finally agreed to extradite Kotari Ravel back to Potensi. The new governement of Lodamnum is full proces to search mr Ravel, the news probably leaked out the general assembly before the police reached the house. Jonathan Jadoul replied the he was very happy and that when Kotari Ravel is brought to justice they can close that chaptet and he can fully concentrate on the campaign of uniting and creating a majatra union.

Potensi ratyfies Ardinian independance treatie

The governement of potensi ratified tje treaty who recognize the ardinian independance. Will this mean that potensi will interfere or support the rebellion alliance? Wilk thus mean the will work together with a fascist nation? Jonathan Jadoul replies: Potensi indeeds recognice the independance of ardina, we believe that if a piece of land, where the people are done with the governement and they vote for independance, they should be able to get it without the fighting. This doesn't mean that we will interfere. We are investigating how we can help the ardinians without sending the military. We dont want to start an world war.

Internal minister starts a search for sympathyzers of Kotari Ravel

Vasu Dash, the internal minister, starts a hunt for sympathizers of Kotari Ravel. The police already arrested 25 man on suspicion of supporting Kotari Ravel, later 24 of them were released. The police are searching true the internet and social media, to find clues on simpathizers. With the new law who gives more regulation of the media to the governement, it is easier. Vasu Dash replies: Now that Kotari Ravel wil be brought to justice, we need to find this sympathizers to eliminate the threat the will revive the army of equality or try to rescue mr Ravel. Every sympathizer will go in jail for supporting terrorisme.
People are worried that this will affect their free speech and how they can justifie this actions? A spokesman of human right organisation told our press.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:40 pm

Red Alliance

Saridan threatens with nucliar war

After the news that Saridan is holding 410 istalian citizens. The foreign minister intervered in the general assembly to support Istalia. He also sended a message to the governement of Saridan to let them know, Potensi won't agree with this terrorist attack. After the foreign minister spoke to the assembly the ambassador of Saridan threatened with nucliar war and with war with 10 other nations. Jonathan jadoul replies to this news:
They have indeed spoke this vale threats. I will be honest that i am worried, because we don't have such a big supply of nucliar materials, because of previous governement not using and demolishing nucliar materials. I spoke to ekram doctor, our minister of defence, how we can be dangerous to Saridan and gow we are going to save thus civilians. Saridan will condemned for this. We won't let this threats go invane. We are a governement who stands by their words.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am

Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:05 pm

President of the republic of Potensi adresses nation after rumoured tensions between saridan and potensi

The president of Potensi gives a speech after troubles in the general assembly with the ambassador of saridan. He even threatened with nucliar war, with is already mysterious how a small nation can afford or produce nucliar warweapons. The people are anxious and worried that this would end in a war. Aedhira Dixit goes to the podium and begins her speech.
Dear people of Potensi, i am standing here to adress and inform you about the worrying negotiatings by our foreign minister and the ambassador of Saridan, about the 410 istalian cuvilians who are detained in concentrations camps in saridan. Our governement and nation who is situated in Majatra and is campaigning of a reconstruction of a Majatra union, can't accept such an terrorist behaviour. Istalia always helped us and stood by our side, with matters like kotari ravel and the political troubles, now it is our tile to help them and stand by their side. We already proposed a resolution that will cut all ties with saridan, even do potensi doesn't have a lot of trades or economic in or with saridan, it will still hurt them. I ask of you to stay patient and stand strong behind us. We will keep you safe and we will do everything in our power to find a diplomatic way to free those civilians. Don't forget, by uniting we stand strong and more capabel to face those problems.
Nation: Dorvik
Party: the kommunistische partei
Previous nations: rildanor, state of hobrazia, potensi
Posts: 210
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 am


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