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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 29, 2019 12:13 am

Kafuri forces capture major oil fields in Operation Black Gold
February, 4522

Kafuri Republican Guard forces after Battle of Jablemmanet

Jablemmanet, Jerze'har - Kafuri Republican Guard forces backed up by Kafuri Marines from the Kafuri Majatran Navy claimed victory over radical Israist forces in the northern governorate of Jerze'har. The operation was begun in late December, 4521 and was primarily operated by the Republican Guard, the Ba'athist paramilitary force. The operation, coined "Operation Black Gold" was set to take several months as the Armed Forces of Kafuristan were considered to be in a largely dysfunctional state. While the KAF remains relatively weak and disorganized several attempts have been made to coordinate and organize "elite units" or regular units of the Kafuri Armed Forces, one such unit was the Kafuri Marines, the elite special forces unit of the Kafuri Navy. The operation was primarily carried out by the 1st Republican Guard Corps which is primarily responsible for the northern governorates of Kafuristan. Jablemmanet is considered to be the largest and most profitable oilfield and refining complex in Kafuristan, it was once of the pinnacle of Operation Badr in 4411, likewise carried out by the Republican Guard. The capture of Jablemmanet signals a seismic shift in economic stability of Kafuristan. The capture prompted Chairman and CEO of the Kafuri National Oil Company Rafeeq al-Kazemi to state that by January, 4523 that oil and gas production in Kafuristan would be returned to 75% and by January, 4524 that oil and gas production would be hovering at 98%.

While Minister of Trade, Industry and Oil Abdur Razzaaq el-Samand stated that the January, 4524 was a "lofty goal" President al-Sadhi has committed "considerable" resources to the re-opening of the oil and gas industry in Kafuristan. Despite the claims of Kazulia that they are now the top dog when it comes to oil and gas, the Kafuri government has noted that it welcomed "friendly competition" and that the competition is good for the market and thus good for Kafuristan. While Kafuristan has indeed fallen to 10th on oil and gas production and sales, the Kafuri government is eager to re-capture their lofty spot as top dog in the oil and gas industry, something that with considerable investment and the recent stability brought on by the rise of the Majatran Republic and the Ba'athist, is entirely possible.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:48 am

KMAF leaves a lot to be imagined, prowess noted
November, 4522

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - The development of the Kafuri Majatran Armed Forces over the past year has left observers with a lot to be imagined. High powered advisors from countries such as Dorvik, Trigunia, Ostland and several from tenuous allies such as Kazulia, Hutori, Baltusia and Zardugal have all brought their share of information to the table. Kafuristan, noted as a “small power” in comparative strength and training, has potentially righted the course for its military history. The presence of powerful advisors, the stability brought on by investment from the government and overall the direct that the KAF has taken over the past year has led many to view the fighting force as a positive force for Kafuristan and for Majatra as a whole.

While the Kafuri Majatran Army was conducting live fire exercises and training in proper uniform and appearance, the Kafuri Majatran Navy was struggling to conduct emergency preparedness drills. Chief of Staff General Haafil el-Obeid announced that the Political and Morale Directorate would be attaching elements of the directorate to every brigade and would be responsible for discipline. Soldiers, sailors and airmen who are not up to par with the standards of most foreign advisors, are sent back for basic training. Minister of Defense Yaasir el-Othman has announced a large-scale pay raise and permanent promotion track for professional soldiers. Conscripted soldiers, who serve in basic positions in the army, air force and navy will be granted the ability to forgo military service to service in other programs revolved around civil service to national and local governments.

The Chief of Staff, similar to the Ministry of the Interiors retention and pay raise programs, has announced a retention program for soldiers, sailors and airmen who wish to move from conscript to professional soldier in terms of contracts. Observers state that the professionalization of the KAF is leading to better success, the overhaul of the academy and basic training structure also leads to more professionalized conscripts who are mandated to serve. Another notable change is that selection for professional soldiers to elite units such as the Air Defense Command of the Air and Air Defense Forces or the Kafuri Strategic Forces is now application based where applicants have to pass the basic introduction course and if they wash out, they are welcomed to apply again at a later date. This has seen an increase in soldiers renewing contracts and trying for entrance into elite units.

The Chief of Staff also noted that the implementation of special forces or high-tier units in each respective branch has also increased retention. The permanent promotion track is adopted for professional soldiers and for most enlisted ranks years of service will result in automatic promotion. The General-Director of the Military Education Directorate also announced a shift from solely application-based entrance to military schools to a hybrid application-testing based entrance. A vast majority of these changes will go into effect over the next several months with some expected to take several years to implement, but one thing is for certain, if the KAF continues to operate the way they have, they will be a dominant fighting force in the coming years.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:13 pm

Vanuku and Kafuristan engage in high-level talks.
February 4523

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - At his first high-level talks Prime Minister Haazim Nassif and Minister of Foreign Affairs Kaphiri Dagher met with Vanukuean Prefect Herlkai Vrhelmszo. Kafuristan is eagerly seeking allies and investors into the rising Majatran majority country, seeking to establish itself as a the premier state for Majatrans around the world. Kafuristan, known in Majatran as “al-Qalb” which translates to “The Heart” is the beating heart of ethnic Majatrans and center of Helem, the holiest city of Ahmadism. Kafuristan was once the crown jewel of the Majatran world now broken down and fractured but there remains hope.

The Majatran Socialist Ba’athist Party lead by Sahl bin Qadir al-Sadhi have potentially righted the ship. The President, now in his second year, has made large gains. From the assumption of power in December, 4451 to February, 4452 where forces loyal to the regime in al-Kasraj captured nearly every major oilfield and oil production and refinery in Kafuristan, to numerous achievements in law and order, to the serious production of oil and gas in the country, the Baathist have enjoyed incredibly high popularity and swathes of support.

But now the time comes to consolidate the foundations of their success. That is turning the oil and gas industry once again into the worldwide leader that it belongs. Sharnaft, the state owned oil and gas company has undergone a serious refit and is once again operating at relatively peak efficiency, but the dispatching of new workers and management to oil fields has been a perilous task; luckily the Kafuri Majatran Army has stepped in to help. Despite serious issues in corruption, shortages in manpower and overall issues related to their performance many units have had Morale and Political Officer attached to them to ensure discipline and order within the units. These mostly foreign trained advisors are placed into units and directed to issue retaining and discipline for a wide variety of issues.

Vanuku, Kazulia and Lourenne have made overtures to Kafuristan and Kafuristan has returned such overtures. Kafuristan is most eager for the Vanuku visit, who's likely to have Kafuristan in their corner for a lot of Majatran related issues. The visit by Prefect Vrhelmszo is central the success of Kafuristan as a Majatran state.

Kafuristan is set to re-open their stock exchange in al-Kasraj. A secondary “developing world” market that will be focused on high-risk but partially government backed companies that are entering new markets in Kafuristan or certain companies that have the strong potential for growth. The al-Kasraj Stock Exchange will begin trading in December, 4523 to commemorate the 1 year anniversary of the rise of the Baathist.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:16 pm

Minister of Defense el-Othman tours military bases
March, 4523

2S25 “Kraken-SDK testing vehicle

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - Minister of Defense Yaasir el-Othman visited the “Sulieman al-Batei Military Base” named after a former President of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan where he spoke to Kafuri Majatran Army, Kafuri Majatran Air Force and Kafuri Majatran Air Defense Forces. The Minister of Defense announced that Kafuristan would be forming the “Kafuri Border Forces” which would be composed of primarily ethnic Kafuri Bedwi and Majatran Asli tribesmen who are found mostly on the interior areas of Kafuristan. The new border force, foreign experts claim, is a move by the Baathist to solidify control over local Sheikhs and tribal warlords who have loyalty to the al-Sadhi family. The move will also allow the Ba'athist to patrol and protect areas on the interior that have a higher rate of spawning cells of dissidents and radicals.

The Kafuri Border Force will be responsible for border protection, will be mostly organized in light infantry brigades and will assist Ministry of Finance and Minister of Trade and Industry Officers in customs duties. The Ministry of the Interior will also have the Border Force to assist them with immigration matters. The KABF will have a commander appointed by the President and will be underneath the direct command of the President, similar to the Republican Guard and the Kafuri Strategic Forces and be an armed forces auxiliary.

The Majatran Organization for Industrialization has also procured plans and blueprints for an export version of the Trigunian-built assault tank/tank destroyer 2S25 Sprut-D. The Kafuri locally produced version will be known as the 2S25 “Kraken-SDK (for Kafuristan). This will be used as an update and an alternative to the Lion of the Heart MBT that is locally produced; in addition to the updated T-72 that is now being locally produced.

The recent visit of Vanuku has also prompted calls for Vanuku to aid in military and development of the Kafuri Armed Forces, namely in training and equipment. It is unknown what precisely was worked out but rumors are about that Vanuku and Kafuristan will work tirelessly to rebuilt the once regional power Kafuristan.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:03 am

Special Services Unit captures Ahmadi State in Kafuristan "Caliph"
November, 4523

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - President Sahl bin Qadir al-Sadhi and General-Director of the General Intelligence Directorate Mundhir el-Jamal announced that Ahmadi State in Kafuristan (ASIK) "Caliph" Abdul Hameed el-Abbasi had been captured during a raid within Kafuristan. The Special Services Unit, a little known elite special forces unit assigned to the General Intelligence Directorate and the Armed Forces of Kafuristan, carried out the raid in the late hours of November 5th, 4523 and by sunrise, the Special Services Unit had captured Abdul Hameed el-Abassi, dealing a hammering blow to the leadership of the highly organized, incredibly radical Ahmadi State in Kafuristan. The Ahmadi State in Kafuristan is a radical Ahmadi group, that has largely drawn radical Israist within Kafuristan that seeks to establish (and re-establish) a Majatran Caliphate. The Ahmadi State in Kafuristan once ruled Kafuristan proper but was quickly defeated by a variety of domestic and international forces. ASIK, while not as deadly and organized as it had been in the past, remains a very credible threat to the Kafuri government and the new-found stability brought on over the past several years by the ever popular Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party.

It is expected that el-Abbasi will be executed but some have speculated that keeping the ASIK leader alive and using him for leverage might possibly be in the wheelhouse of the General Intelligence Directorate. Despite no official confirmations there are reports that the GID has funded radical Jihadist movements in neighboring, non-Majatran majority nations such as Kalopia, Solentia and Istalia. The General Intelligence Directorate has long been a feared name within the Majatran world, even being respected (and feared) by great and regional powers, notably Vanuku and Deltaria. The General Intelligence Directorate has maintained through a wide variety of governments and ideological owners, a testament to its strength and power.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Feb 01, 2019 2:40 am

Prime Minister assassination attempt
April 4524

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - Earlier this morning Prime Minister Haazim Nassif survived an assassination attempt allegedly carried out by the Ahmadi State in Kafuristan. The attack occurred at 0617 this morning and was as the Prime Minister left his private residence in the al-Badaydah district of al-Kasraj. The attack was carried out by several masked men carrying an older style of Trigunian AK-47 rifles, they attempted to rush the Prime Ministers motorcade and overtake the several vehicles that were with the motorcade. Republican Guard soldiers and officers of the Special Security Directorate of the Republican Guard, tasked with protection government officials and VIPs, suffered seven killed as the first and last vehicle were blown up. Prompting an immediate mobilization of the Central Security Directorate within al-Kasraj and raising of a state of emergency in al-Kasraj as a whole, the CSD was deployed en masse to numerous areas around Kafuristan and was joined by the Republican Guard, the Kafuri Strategic Forces and the Public Security Directorate.

President al-Sadhi condemned the radical Ahmadist as "...traitors and betrayers of pure Ahmadi belief." Several clerics appeared on state run television to condemn the attack and called for all Ahmadi's to route out traitors to Kafuristan and those who would go against Akim's message of killing fellow Akim's. Rallies were held in various cities across Kafuristan by the Ba'athist party, shoring up support for the already popular Ba'athist within the country, something that the regime has capitalized on and joint teams of the Republican Guard, Central Security Directorate, Public Security Directorate and the General Intelligence Directorate (assisted by the Special Services Unit) have conducted raids from tips across the country. President al-Sahdi has declared the seven dead "Marytrs of Kafuristan". Prime Minister Nassif was transported to Prince Ibrahim Medical Center at Prince Ibrahim Medical College with minor injuries, the hospital reported. Prime Minister Nassif joined the President in his address to the nation and was filled with vigor and called for the Ahmadi State in Kafuristan to be defeated, alongside several other groups that walked back their claims that they had carried out the account when ASIK claimed responsibility.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:17 am

President lauds economic growth and investment
September, 4524

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - President al-Sadhi spoke at an economic conference with Minister of Finance Idrees Baksh and Minister of Trade, Industry and Oil Abdur Razzaaq el-Samand recent activity in the Kafuri economy, notably regarding Vanuku. Vanuku has promised a massive influx of money from their Majatran Development Fund, a 2.5b VAN investment into numerous re-building programs throughout Vanuku, mostly focused around social and welfare related investments. President al-Sadhi noted that these would likely revolve around fixing the aging infrastructure and incomplete infrastructure projects that were started by previous Ba'athist governments. President al-Sadhi stated that the Kafuri National Highway Project would likely resume and its expansion would focus on connecting the interior of Kafuristan with the wealthier, more post-industrial focused economies.

A loose outline including the development of governorate medical centers, equipping medical centers with airlift capabilities, increasing funding to libraries and public education, the lowering of the retirement age has been combined with a public pension and optional private pensions, which will see a boost from this foreign investment. A notable directive issued by the Ministry of Finance has seen the formation of pension funds as an investment tool to expand their assets.

President al-Sadhi also noted that the 250m VAN per year for the Armed Forces of Kafuristan would largely be directed towards training, pay increases and focusing on developmental programs for the armed forces. Kafuristan would also seek to buy new equipment from Vanuku alongside a limited amount of other allies. The Armed Forces of Kafuristan are fortunate enough to have a large swathes of blueprints and technical information via the Majatran Organization for Industrialization, including entirely domestic designs. It is likely that the KAF will purchase large amounts of small arms, including anti-tank and anti-air systems and personal protective equipment. The KAF have a large swathe of armored vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles from deals with Trigunia and Dorvik in the past. President al-Sadhi made it well known that those who seek to exploit the situation will have to deal with the Military Intelligence Directorate and the Morale and Political Directorate, both charged with investigating and overseeing anti-corruption and fraud investigations in the military.

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Oil Abdur Razzaaq el-Samand spoke with great confidence in Vanukuean oil companies that are going to present a massive boost to the Kafuri and Majatran economy, the MTIO released a report that estimates that the sale of 15% of the oil fields will yield some 150,000 new Kafuri jobs and boost sales of oil, gas and petroleum products nearly 25%. While the Vanukuean companies will benefit mostly, the agreement requires 50% of the work force hired, an estimated 300,000, to be Kafuri and for 50% of all services to go through the Kafuri National Oil Company. While Vanukuean oil explorers, producers, refiners, marketing and sales and shippers will be used, 50% of those services will be handled by KNOC, further increasing their profits despite the "sale" of oil fields to foreign control. The MTIO noted that Kafuristan made Vanuku well aware that in the event of a radical change, Kafuristan has the right to nationalization all foreign assets, however that is unlikely.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Feb 02, 2019 1:19 pm

General Intelligence Directorate and Republican Guard Security Directorate raid "opposition" parties
January, 4525

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - General Intelligence Directorate and Republican Guard Security Directorate forces raided dozens of alleged political party headquarters, mostly underground, over the course of December, 4524 and continued into the New Year. Several parties, such as the Ahmadist Resurgence Party, the Communist Party of Kafuristan and the Political Wing of the Supreme Israist Council, all had dozens of members arrested and several of them executed for treason and "crimes against the state". Those who were not executed are expected to appear before Supreme Kafuri Criminal Tribunal for their crimes. President al-Sadhi called the raid a success and cited legal justification by passing the "Law on the Government of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan" which passed unanimously the People's Council.

Minister of the Interior, who is charged in overseeing the Public Security Directorate and the Central Security Directorate, has issued orders to detain and ultimately arrest any suspected members of opposition political parties. The crackdown is expected to last for the next several months as the Ba'athist Party looks to ensure stability in the country. President al-Sadhi addressed the People's Council on state television and called the crackdown a major initial success. "We must continue to look to these parties that back and support the Ahmadi State in Kafuristan, assist the Majatran Muhjadeen in Kafuristan and other radical Ahmadist groups that seek to destabilize Kafuristan. For instance, the Communist Party of Kafuristan internal documents have revealed that they wished to resume political activities after the Ahmadi State in Kafuristan had taken over the government. That is treason! We cannot allow such things to happen."
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