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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:27 pm

Néo Bullion, founder of the People's Republic of Alduria is dead; period of mourning proclaimed

Today, tragedy has hit Alduria as the founder of the People's Republic of Alduria, and founder of the Communist Party of Alduria, Néo Bullion has died of natural causes.

The news was revealed earlier this morning as his family found he had died peacefully in his sleep, in his residence in Bayonville. Only hours ago did Rousseau, President of the People's Republic proclaimed that a period of mourning is to be held, for the "father of the People's Republic, and father of the Aldurian Revolution". As such, all flags in all government buildings are to be flown at half-mast, a period of mourning to last 5 days, and a formal state funeral to be held in the coming weeks.

Rousseau has stated that the funeral will be held in Bayonville, in the coming weeks, where Bullion will formally be buried, as a father to the nation, to the revolution, to his family and buried as a proud Aldurian. The state funeral will see all transportation to Bayonville free for the duration of the funeral, to allow any Aldurian who wishes to attend the funeral, be able to attend. Rousseau has also offered an open-ended invite to any nations Alduria has cooperated with, saying;
Alduria has worked with many nations in recent times, and Bullion has established a diplomatic framework with nations like Beitenyu, Lourenne, and Kanjor. We would welcome any nation that wishes to send any representative to the funeral.

Whether any nations will send any representatives to the funeral or not remains to be seen, but what is certain is that Alduria has suffered a tragedy, and will mourn the death of Bullion.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 1:15 am

State Funeral for Néo Bullion held; Millions of Aldurians attend; Representatives from 4 other nations attend.


The State Funeral for Néo Bullion, the "Father of the People's Republic" and "Father of the Revolution had been held today, with millions of Aldurians attending. Besides citizens of Alduria (ranging from the military to the communist party), a few special attendees from 4 separate nations were accounted for.

Lourenne, being a fellow Canrillaise nation, and a notable ally of Alduria sent both the High Chancellor, Madeline Lefèvre, and the Royal Minister of International Affairs, Georges Diderot. Representing the nation of Lourenne, their presence in the funeral served as a reminder that no matter what, Lourenne, as a fellow Canrillaise nation, would be there to support Alduria.

Kanjor, being the second nation, and being a nation directly bordering Alduria sent their Premier, Etienne Bessieres to attend the State Funeral.

The third nation, surprisingly, was Yingdala, with their minister of foreign affairs, Jiang Ai attending the funeral. While Yingdala and Alduria have held little to no formal relations, Jiang Ai attending the funeral is sure to leave a friendly impression on many Aldurians towards Yingdala and may lead to the two states working closer in the future.

The fourth and final nation to send a representative was no other then Beiteynu. Being an ally of Alduria, they sent their Prime Minister, Nefariouiem Aristocrat, and the Head of the Medinat Department, Katerina Sheket.

Former President, Pierre-Antoine Dembélé has also attended the funeral, being a close friend to Bullion, and a staunch supporter.

The funeral itself, held in Bayonville, lasted from 10AM to 2PM, where alongside a minute of silence, the nation gave it's final fair well to Néo Bullion, as he was properly buried in Cimetière de la nouvelle vie (New Life Cemetery). After the coffin was formally lowered, and the period of silence followed by the Aldurian National Anthem, President Silence Rousseau gave a speech to all present.

Today is a day of grief for all of Alduria. Most especially for the Bullion family, my heart goes out to them through this difficult time. Alduria mourns with them, as Néo Bullion departs this world. He was a loving father and a loving husband to his family. He was a father to the nation he loved, Alduria. He brought Alduria from where it had been before, and raised it to new heights. He brought the Revolution to Alduria. All without breaking his ideals. He changed Alduria with his vision of a better society. And as he departs, we must never waver in the vision he set forth.

By 2 in the afternoon, the State Funeral had come to an end, and as Aldurians return home, and Representatives return to their homeland, Alduria has seen the loss of a leader, but shall diligently move forward.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:03 am

Aldurian section of the La Valleé-Numineux Railway completed!

The Compagnie d'État Aldurienne (Aldurian State Corporation) has officially confirmed that the L-3 Section of the La Valleé-Numineux Railway has been completed
With the railway from Bayonville going across the countryside, passing through Port-de-Prosperité, and heading Eastward towards the border, where it will link up with Kanjorian rail-lines in Numineux, and lead to Kanjorian cities.

As for the Kanjorian section(Ligne N6)of the railway, expectations are that the railway will be accomplished shortly, however the CEA has already crossed the border to assist the Kanjorian private corporation, Torges-Kanjo Ligne Ferroviare (TKLF) in construction of the Ligne N6 railway which will help reduce construction time and ensure easy cooperation between the state owned corporation and the private corporation.

Once the Ligne N6 is completed, it is expected to boost both economies of La Valleé and Numineux, however, the Aldurian section, the L-3 Railway has yet to officially be opened due to the line not connecting to Kanjor yet. Many expect the line to open in the coming months in joint collaboration with Kanjor. Once the railway is completed for both sides, the railway is expected to be opened, and both nations are expected to immensely benefit from the development economically, boosting the economy of La Valleé and Numineux significantly, especially in the cities connected.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:00 pm

Alduria to accept embassy of Yingdala;

The Ministére Des Affaires Étrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) has announced that it will fully accept diplomacy with Yingdala ans accept the embassy in Bayonville. This is expected to allow both nations to begin cooperation, as Yingdala has showed tolerance of Alduria's commitment to Socialism.

Foreign Minister Cédric Guilbert has said the following:
We are glad to accept the Yingdalan Embassy in Bayonville. Absolutely. This will allow our two nations to cooperate and prevent any misunderstandings.

Even despite Yingdala's animosity towards socialism, the approach towards Alduria has signaled a pragmatic foreign policy, which will allow Alduria to easily cooperate with Yingdala and establish official relations. Whether the two nations will cooperate further beyond basic relations and embassies is up in the air but what's certain is that the two nations are expected to benefit from the diplomatic channels being opened.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:34 am

Alduria condemns Dolgava cutting ties to Luthori; Calls for "reasonable diplomatic solution"

The Ministére Des Affaires Étrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and it's minister, Cédric Guilbert has released a press statement regarding the recent events in the Northern Hemisphere: the Kingdom of Dolgava cutting all ties with the Holy Luthorian Empire.

This has come after rising tensions between the two nations over Luthorian Naval Presence in Likatonia having reached a new boiling point. While the Luthorian Government did offer the Olive Branch, and made attempts to peacefully resolve the situation, only for the attempts to be denied by Dolgava.

Where Alduria relates to this is only by having friendly and historical ties to Luthori, and a general desire for a peaceful world. The Aldurian MOFA has strongly condemned Dolgava for cutting ties to Luthori, and has urged for a diplomatic solution to the tensions. Whilst Alduria has no way to formally do anything besides say statements, Alduria has firmly placed itself in the "Pro-Luthori" camp.

We condemn Dolgava being rash and cutting all formal ties to Luthori. This act will only serve to raise tensions and prevent a reasonable diplomatic solution from being achieved. We are urging Dolgava to reconsider cutting ties, and look to a diplomatic solution to prevent any future conflict and keep tensions cool. We're urging Prime Minister Birzina to see reason and restore relations so a peaceful solution can be found.

Whilst Alduria would hardly be affected by anything in the Northern Hemisphere as Alduria has no official relations with Dolgava, and is in the Southern Hemisphere of Terra, Alduria has still moved forward to condemn Dolgava cutting ties with Luthori and making a diplomatic solution more difficult. In line with a general desire for peace and standing in solidarity with Luthori due to aforementioned reasons, Alduria has formally condemned Dolgava for cutting ties and has called for a reasonable diplomatic solution to be reached between both nations before tensions rise any higher.
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Re: Alduria

Postby TRA » Sun Nov 19, 2023 8:45 am

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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:16 am

Alduria begins the "Aldurian Education Reform Plan" (AERP); Ministry of Education to enact new reforms to Aldurian Schools

Qillqa Quispe Manco, Minister of the Ministère de l'Éducation (Ministry of Education) has recently unveiled a comprehesive mass education plan which he prominently believes with "revive the Aldurian Education System" and "provide ample support for all Aldurian Students". The Aldurian Education Reform Plan or AERP as it's called has focused on 9 Points, which are believed to radical change things in Aldurian schools.

The first point is "Equitable Education". As it stands, Alduria has completely rejected private schools, focusing on public schools. This has already ensured all students regardless of their socioeconomic background, are able to receive ample education. As such, the first point has already been reached as all Aldurians are guaranteed an education.

The second point is "Abolishment of Standardized Testing". This has come as a bit of a surprise to most on the Education Ministry but Manco has reasoned that Aldurian Education should focus on actually teaching students, not preparing them to pass a test or teach them how to pass a test. By abolishing standardized testing, this can allow teachers to focus on teaching in a way that will allow students to actually learn instead of focusing on testing.

The third point is "Raising the age children start formal schooling". Manco has reasoned that children need time to actually be children and not be tossed into the "educational meat grinder" at such an early age. As such, Manco has proposed raising the age to 7. Arguing that this will allow many young children to actually be children and be more happy. He has also reasoned that this can help make students loathe school less, thus improving the success of the schools in teaching.

The fourth point is "Reworking the School Schedule". As it stands, the Aldurian Education System retains what it has from the capitalist republic, even after the Education Reform Act during the Bullion Administration. This point has focused again on the well-being of students mostly instead of efficiency. Current Aldurian schooling goes from 7AM in the morning to 3PM in the Afternoon. Manco has proposed a schedule from 9AM to 2PM. While this has received opposition due to how short it is, Manco has claimed that this schedule will ensure productive students, who are not tired, and willing to learn as the schedule takes account for mental health concerns. As for ending so early, Manco has claimed that students need time to live life and not be held hostage by education.

The fifth point is "Abolishing Teacher Switching". At first, you wouldn't be amiss to wonder what teacher switching is. However, in Aldurian Education, every school year, students receive a new teacher for better or worse. Manco has chosen to remove this practice, and proposed the policy of one teacher for the duration of a students education (in the respective school, ie elementary students would keep their teacher until they graduate to junior-high). Manco has reasoned that this will build trust and mutual bonds between the teacher and the student and will benefit both groups in terms of mental health.

The sixth point is "Expansion of Teacher Needs". Aldurian teacher wages are relatively poor, even with the Education Reform Act, and Manco has looked to raise the the wages of Aldurian Teachers, both to encourage more teachers, rectify a wrong within the nation and improve the Rights of Teachers.

The seventh point is "Abolishment of Homework". As is usual now with Manco's mental health oriented vision for Aldurian Education, this point largely coincides with promoting Aldurian Students to actually live life and avoid the mental burden of Homework. This will in turn result in productive students.

The eighth point is "Increased Teacher Training Standards". Manco has absolutely pushed for standards to be raised, wanting to ensure Aldurian Teachers are absolutely qualified in teaching and that Aldurian Students receive only the best. Manco has pushed for higher standards to make teaching both a respected profession and one that warrants genuine commitment to the next generation.

The ninth and final point is " Counseling for Students". Manco has argued that mental health remains a critical thing for all students and must be taken seriously. As such, Manco has pushed for free counseling to be available to all Aldurian Students, to ensure mental health concerns are adequately addressed.

With the AERP receiving support from members of the Parti Communiste d'Aldurie, President Rousseau has looked to adopt the AERP in its full totality to ensure the Aldurian Education System is properly supported. As such Rousseau has looked to make Alduria adopt the AERP and enforce it across all Aldurian Schools. Whether the AERP will have success or not is yet to be soon but what it does mean is that Alduria is heading towards an Education System that prioritizes the human condition and mental health first and foremost before efficiency.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:35 pm

Alduria stands with Beiteynu admist Kafuristan Coup; Calls for "justice for the dead" in a reasonable diplomatic manner

Across the Sea of Lost Souls, Kafuristan has always remained a silent nation. However, that has changed radically as the nation finds itself couped by Ba'athists. Admist the coup however, 3 Beiteynunese citizens were killed, alongside 4 Istalians being wounded. This has seen an immediate reaction from Beiteynu with the 1st Azhara being issued to Kafuristan. This is a 3-stage warning system as devised by the Beiteynunese Foreign Policy of protecting Yeudis. The end results, should all warnings fail is a declaration of war.

Where Alduria comes into this is both geopolitical and geographic interests. Being a committed ally to Beiteynu, and being located across the Sea of Lost Souls, Alduria is in a prime location for any possible military incursions should Kafuristan neglect the warnings. As such, the issue at hand has become of major concern for Alduria.

The Ministére Des Affaires Étrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) has already called for the Kafuristani government to cooperate with Beiteynu and reach a diplomatic solution so that those responsible for the death of Yeudi and Istalian citizens can be brought to justice. Foreign Minister Cédric Guilbert has made the following statement regarding the situation;
We are urging Kafuristan to be reasonable and work with Beiteynu on this issue. The Ba'athist government must not endorse the fanatics who celebrate the death of innocent citizens. Instead, those fanatics and those responsible for the deaths must be brought to justice. No one wants a war, especially so close to home. However, if the final warning is issued and Kafuristan doesn't conduct itself as a well-mannered nation in the international community, Alduria will stand with Beiteynu, in any possible way to ensure Innocents are protected.

As such, while Alduria has made no statement on the coup itself, it has largely focused on condemning the deaths and standing in solidarity with Beiteynu but pushing for a diplomatic cooperative solution. However, should the crisis worsen, Alduria will continue supporting Beiteynu, and if war occurs, the Armée Révolutionnaire Aldurienne (Aldurian Revolutionary Army) will stand in solidarity with Beiteynu.

However an issue has come about from the Parti Communiste d'Aldurie (Communist Party of Alduria), and particularly from members of the party, who have criticized the government for "siding with Beiteynu over Socialists in Kafuristan." and criticized the choice to even consider supporting a Beiteynunese military operation into Kafuristan. This has caused considerable controversy in the party but for the large part, the current administration has maintained it's current stance.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:24 pm

Alduria denounces Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan; Dubs Kafuristani socialism as "tyranny painted red"

The newly elected Micheline Veil has made her first move in her presidency, and has tackled the Kafuristani Crisis head-on. The Ministére Des Affaires Étrangères (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) has formally denounced the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan and has refused to acknowledge the Ba'athist government as the legitimate and rightful government of Kafuristan.

This has come after even more Beiteynunese citizens were hanged and accused of being spies. This has seen Beiteynu issue the second warning, despite efforts to de-escalate the situation. The third warning remains in the air for being sent but many fear it will soon be sent. Furthermore, the claims of elections in Kafuristan has seen opposition shattered and human rights being trampled in what has been called a "red purge".

This is what has solidified Aldurian against Kafuristan as Micheline Veil, in a press conference slammed the Ba'athists of Kafuristan.
These Ba'athist are no socialists. They parade the ideals of socialism but go out of their way to launch a purge of their opposition. They are tyrants and despots wearing red. Alduria cannot recognize this illegitimate government. The human rights abuse in Kafuristan cannot be tolerated.

As Alduria cements it's position, and opposition in the party has become more in favour of Beiteynu, the Armée Révolutionnaire Aldurienne (Aldurian Revolutionary Army) will need to undergo exercises, training and possibly modernizations to ensure that Alduria can defend itself from any possible harassment from Kafuristan or for when the third warning comes and war occurs. While many doubt the third warning will actually come, others have pushed for a "better safe than sorry" mentality.

Whatever the case, as tensions remain high, Alduria will have to make steps forward to develop the ARA, and support Beiteynu in the crisis as while a diplomatic solution is ideal and preferable, it is becoming increasingly unlikely.
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Re: Alduria

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:42 pm

Alduria to purchase Sa'ar 5s from Equifund among other equipment; Aldurian Revolutionary Navy to receive new equipment.

The Ministère de la Défense (Ministry of Defense) and it's minister, Joséphine Vaillancourt has recently announced that the Marine Révolutionnaire Aldurienne (Aldurian Revolutionary Navy) will be receiving 5 new Corvette's; the Sa'ar 5 class Corvette from Beiteynu and a number of patrol and missile boats.

The Corvette's will drastically increase the capacity of the MRA, and be the first step towards modernizing the Aldurian Military, with the navy receiving the focus first and foremost due to the current Kafuristan Crisis. With Beiteynu increasing it's readiness, the Veil Administration has looked to modernize the navy in the event, as slim as it may be, of an invasion of Kafuristan. As unlikely as it seems, the Veil Administration has stuck to the idea of "better safe then sorry".

However, despite the immense capacity these Corvette's have, they are certainly not cheap, costing 260 million LOD each. With the government looking to purchase 5 of them, amounting towards 1.3 Billion LOD, it will certainly take a hit out of the Treasury but Defense Minister Joséphine Vaillancourt has reassured the press that the military will adequately use the new ships for the defense of Alduria.

With regards for the missile and patrol boats, the costs going in with the general 1.3 Billion LOD purchase, the boats in question are the Reshef Missile Boat, and the Dabur Patrol Boat. Both vessels will assist the MRA in coastal defense and give the Aldurian Military a framework of defense.

This purchase of 5 corvettes will give the MRA the needed necessary green-water capabilities and allow coastal defense of Alduria. Despite it's cost, many in Alduria view it as necessary for defense as the MRA has focused on green-water defense of Alduria.
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