
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:33 am

Landmark Citizenship, Immigration Reform to Begin

Gov. is Lauded/Criticized for pro-Kyo Policies, Continues Program for "Reborn" Kyo

This Fall, the Internal Ministry's new "One Child Policy" will formally be enforced, restricting the ability of certain groups as defined to be able to reproduce beyond one child per legal family. The policy has been lauded and criticized for it's implied pro-Kyo tones, notably the constricting effects it could have on the already-collapsing Draniano and Draddwyr Populations in Dankuk. Whilst Gao-Showan peoples such as the Kyo, Kunihito, Sekowan, and Yingalan residents will not have any restrictions placed on them, the other ethnicities residing in Dankuk will feel the pinch. Forced abortion and/or sterilization has reportedly been authorized by the Internal ministry, and violators can face prison labor time or even the death penalty. Regardless of stance, the policy will undoubtedly heavily impact Dankukin demographics for the foreseeable future.

These policies, along with the controversial Citizenship Reform Act (CRA) that will soon strip Draniano and Draddwyr people of their citizenship, have sharply increased the amount of emigrants to foreign nations. Draddwyr have been reported attempting to cross the Kazulian border and apply for asylum in Aloria, another country with a significant Draddwyr population; whilst Draniano have been apparently seeking refuge in Egelion and Tukarali. Those who choose to stay in Dankuk will be forced to use Kyomal exclusively as a language, and will be subject to various policies aimed at solidifying the new Kyo state.

But perhaps the most consequential, ambitious, and far-reaching of the government's latest reforms is the "Rebirth" program, which aims to bring Draniano of at least 50% Kyo heritage "back into the flock" through intensive cultural re-education. Using census data and employing a massive web of civil servants, educators, law enforcement, and other personnel; the government is currently undertaking the herculean task of converting the distant back to their Kyo heritage. According to the CRA,
[So-called] "Dranianos" possessing 50% or more Kyo blood shall be put in special training and education facilities under the Internal Affairs Ministry's guide to rehabilitate themselves. They shall receive the guidance necessary to build and realize a solely Kyo nation such as the language and culture of the fatherland, and shall take a rehabilitation test every 6 months. All persons that pass the test shall be deemed reformed enough to re-enter society, and shall receive citizenship once more.

So far, a reported 5 million+ citizens in Dankuk have been fully or partially mandated to enroll in the re-education programs, and the government is hoping to rapidly expand and intensify them still to "erase the 'Draniano' cultural blasphemy that have taken our lost sons from us", as President Shin Jae-Ho commented. Projections estimate that more than 50%, a majority of Dankuk's current "Draniano" population could be effectively reborn and brought back into it's Kyo population within 2 generations, if the reeducation projects hold their ground. (Fin)
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:53 am

Kyomal Media Enforcement CONSTITUTIONAL; Upheld, Says Supreme Court

The landmark case Republic of Dankuk v. Drania Libre has been decided in favor of the government, upholding the ban on non-Kyo language media and striking a fatal blow to the last vestiges of the Draniano movement

As the Republic continues it's intensive nation-building around an exclusively Kyo basis; the remnants of the illegitimate and bastardized "Draniano" movement found themselves fatally defeated in the landmark case, Republic of Dankuk v. Drania Libre. Whilst the petitoner argued that the constitutional rights, the Supreme Court has ruled that these do not extend to the language through which those freedoms are expressed; and by contrast the government is ecouraged to monitor the institutions of language which may include the prohibition and promotion of certain tongues over others. The court has further upheld the language bans set up by the Citizenship Reform Act (CRA) to be totally within the scope of the law; thus reinforcing the ban on non-Kyo language as announced and enforced last year. Drania Libre and similar non-Kyo media will thus continue to be prohibited and permanently shut from the public eye, in a further win for the security of the nation-state.

The vote was unanimous; all 13 Magistrates sided with the government. The following passage is an excerpt from the majority opinion, written by Magistrate Yoo So-Hyeok:
We find the Respondent absolved of the charges set before the court, and the Petitioning party to have violated the law of the Republic...whilst the Constitution does grant the universal right to expression of political, social, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs; it is never explicitly indicated that these freedoms be universal in tongue, and the Constitution places no limit on the powers of the government to regulate the language of the land...Quite conversely, it is explicitly declared within the Interior Ministry's right to "make laws and regulations that shall pertain to the orderly transmission of language"...On these grounds we cannot in any good conscience or in the spirit of the fundamental law lay claim to a bastardized, doctored philosophy that fancifully professes incomplete and delusional extrapolations of the written word...Constitutionally, Dankuk is a Kyo state and any "legal" attempt to thwart this definition is in total violation of the spirit of the law and our nation. It disregards the fundamental principles and goals of the constitution...We find the actions of the Republic of Dankuk to be wholly within it's constitutional duties and powers, and acknowledge the just and legitimate nature of the language policies.

Today the Supreme Court has once more shown itself true to the ideals, values, and institutions of our nation. The "Draniano" movement, the dying, decrepit shell it is, is no doubt bound for the dustheap of history. With this ruling, we as a nation are one step closer to it's final consignment, and the total triumph of the ethnic-state.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:18 am

Agency for the Defense of Democratic Freedoms Created in Midst of Extensive Internal Ministry, Military, Police Reforms

Intelligence Agency Vows to Protect Dankuk from Terrorism, Anti-National Activity

The Agency for the Defense of Democratic Freedoms (ADDF) is Dankuk's official new Intelligence Agency, absorbing multiple scattered branches during a major reformation of the Police, Military, and Internal Ministry. This week saw extensive legislation in favor of increasing state power and restricting superfluous civil liberties to further the current counter-terrorism and national unity efforts of the government. For instance, the confidentiality of personal records from the state will no longer be inviolable, and warrants will no longer be required to search and/or arrest a person or enter/search a property. The government is now allowed to monitor any persons with free reign over method in order to investigate and ensure compliance with the law. Additionally the dangerous level of transparency that haunted the Intelligence service in particular has been overhauled; documents that were previously streamlined to the nosy press will now only be released at government discretion. All in all, these new laws provide law enforcement with the extra reign and security needed to properly defend Kyo civilization from Draddwyr savagery and Dranianio bastardization.

The ADDF's authorizing bill states a rather vague mission:
The ADDF shall be charged with defending national interests and protecting the Republic from threats of terrorism and anarchy through whatever means necessary. It shall be run by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and not be held accountable to the police nor military.
Most legal scholars suspect that this wording will allow the ADDF to go to relatively extreme and invasive measures in the name of internal security; but it's a price most Dankuk citizens would be willing to pay to be protected from anti-Kyo, anti-national conspiracy and crime.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:10 pm

National Security Act and Press Security Law to be Simultaneously Implemented

National unity and counter-terrorism programs strengthen with much-needed legal reforms

The National Security Act (NSA) and National Press Security Law (NPSL) have both passed the National Assembly and will be implemented simultaneously. The NSA grants the police further liberty to arrest and imprison all suspicious individuals who may exhibit anti-national behavior beyond a reasonable doubt. Furthermore, the NPSL allows the government to forcibly seize and direct and media, foreign or domestic, if found to be of a subversive or anti-national. This will apply harshly to international media, and even the internet. Generally, it can be expected that these act combined will further increase the government presence in daily life; but only wrongdoers need be afraid. So far law enforcement has only prosecuted those in blatant violation of the law, and a recent poll conducted by the Ministry of Justice found that 84% of respondents were satisfied with the current level of surveillance and police power present in the nation.

In other news, the first 1,343 "Reborn" Kyo - former Draniano put into reeducation under the Citizenship Reform Act (CRA) - have been found to have successfully passed their trials and will receive citizenship and monetary compensation. The subjects have rejected their past, taken on Kyo names, married Kyo spouses, and speak perfect Kyomal; and are valuable assets in the rebirth and rejuvenation of the Kyo nation. As Mr. Kwak Dae-In, one of the reintegrated subjects told Shining Path; "I feel so much cleaner now that I've been enlightened. Looking back on how I was brainwashed and mislead earlier, it makes me shudder. I can't believe I dishonored my ancestors like that, it was a frightful and immoral existence. But now I'm a proud Kyo citizen, and I want to contribute to our great country. I hope that the same happens soon to the formerly mislead people being enrolled in our nation's great programs. It saved me, and it can save people like the delusional man I used to be too." (Fin)
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:54 pm

President Announces Dankukin Commitment to "Strategic Engagement" in North Dovani as Red Dictatorship Falls

Whilst gov has not yet formally recognized the new power in Chinasa, Pres. Shin says Dankuk able to work w/ Kam Gov

Following the recent situation in North Dovani, Dankukin president Shin Jae-Ho gave a press conference this monday in relation to government policy pertaining to the former colony. The president stated that Dankuk was willing to work with the new government. We here reproduce some of Shin's comments...
The Communists and the Metzist media are all in a stirrup about the recent liberation of North Dovani from the left and socialism...North Dovani was in danger of falling to the evils of Communism, and I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing some people finally rose up and decided to save their nation from the red menace...Mr. Kam is a wonderful leader and I like much of his previous work...Our policy? I like to call it "Strategic Engagement", we need to realize that not every nation will bend itself to our desires. We have to work with what we have, and the fact of the situation is that Emeka - terrible, awful guy by the way, a dirty communist - is done for, and there's a new sheriff in town. We gotta work with that, and we gotta respect the decisions of North Dovani. So I would say that our first goal is to get a man in Chinasa and work things about between us...And believe me, the radical left will all be crying out about the policy. People ask me, would I meet with Kam Moon-He, the leader of North Dovani? Well, yes, I would! They'll say [The President here took a satirical, mocking tone] "oh, Shin's going to work with North Dovani! Shin's going to work with North Dovani!". Why not? Why not? We have a big, beautiful neighbor to the east - lots of Kyo there, by the way - and we're just going to ignore them because they just defeated the Communist threat? They won against the reds, folks, they're winners! In my Dankuk, we don't punish those people...So here's what I think we'll do, we're gonna get Kimmy [referring to Dankukin Foreign Minister, Kim I-Ru] a flight to Chinasa, and we're gonna sit down and figure things out. We will be in contact shortly and I think there's a big, beautiful relationship in the works.
However, the Foreign Office seemed to quite a different tone to the President's abrasive, almost congradulatory tone. Whilst analysts note that it was not an outright condemnation, the diplomatic language was certainly not cordial. Officially, the response was this:
"The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Dankuk reiterates it's commitment to territorial integrity, sovereignty, and the rule of law internationally, reinforces it's belief in non-interference and self-determination of all nations, urges all parties to resolve political conflict in a quick manner bereft of foreign intervention, and will be monitoring the situation in North Dovani closely in coming days."
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:05 am

Sekowo, Dankuk Finalize Kyo Repatriation Treaty

Influx of 1,000,000 Kyo set to soften blow of minority exodus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Dankuk has jointly announced the finalization of bilateral talks with the Empire of Sekowo regarding the upcoming repatriation of 1,000,000 Kyo people living in Sekowo. Although the talks have been in the works for years now; the carefully crafted plan has finally been formally agreed to after extensive preliminary preparation on the part of Dankuk. Over the next two years; 1,000,000 Jese Gyopo (Ethnic Kyo living in Sekowo) will be transported to Dankuk en masse and be given accommodations to adjust and settle in Dankuk's society. They will be immediately granted citizenship and full rights of such; as is also available to all ethnic Kyo around the world under the current provisions of the CRA.

The landmark deal comes in the midst of major demographic shifts in the Dankukin population; namely the exodus of ethnic minorities to other nations; in the case of the Draddwyr to flee so-called persecution, and in the case of the illegitimate "Draniano" quasi-culture to avoid the re-education programs currently returning many lost souls to their Kyo roots. The Rebirth program is reported to have successfully processed 467,000 persons as reborn Kyo as of this article's publishing; with millions more enrolled in the extensive institutions that are helping Dankuk regain it's status as a Kyo nation state. Those who flee have accepted offers of asylum; most prominently in Tropica but elsewhere as well. There are reports of waves of illegal immigration over the border with Kazulia; and boats are reported to be seen en masse in order to gain entry to Egelion; the imperialist progenitor of the entire "Draniano" perversion. The Republic of Dankuk continues to support emigration of unwanted and alien persons so that our nation is finally free of defective groups hellbent on destroying national harmony and homogeny.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:18 am

Millionth Jese Gyopo Arrives to Fanfare

Latest arrival marks formal end of the agreed terms in the Treaty for the Repatriation of Sekowan Kyo

Ms. Pak Miyoung has arrived in Seongtaek harbor; closing a phenomenal chapter in the modern history of Dankuk. She is the last of a historic million compatriots who have been successfully brought and, so far well integrated, into civil society. Offered citizenship and working benefits, the compatriots were quickly put to work to address the nation's ongoing labor shortage following the mass exodus of the Draddwyr and "Draniano" menace. They, along with the 1,003,400 Reborn Kyo people cured of the "Draniano" mental disease, are hoped to be the future of Kyo Dankuk; with a united nation state the current goal of the government. The intellect, experience, and blood they have contributed to our nation is worthy of only the most laudatory praise as they set to work helping all true citizens of Dankuk build a prosperous homogenous society free of defects. Whilst the foreign ministry has mentioned future plans to repatriate other Kyo populations such as those in Indrala and Kazulia; the reclusive nature of their contemporary governments will effectively make this impossible in the foreseeable future.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby theonewhoknocks » Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:28 am

President Shin Celebrates 1,087,000 Kyo Reborn on 8th Anniversary of Rebirth Program

Mass Movement Helps Cure Kyo of Manufactured Imperialist "Draniano" Ideology and embrace their ancestral roots as functional citizens of Kyo society

Today, Year 5194, 9/21, marks the 8th anniversary of a truly monumental project - the Rebirth Program. A government initiative to end the disgraceful and fabricated "Draniano" pseudo-culture that poisoned the minds of Kyo people led astray; the movement has since it's inception freed countless people from degeneracy and disgrace by rehabilitating their past and ancestry. Dranianoism is successfully being reduced to ashes all around our fatherland; with the constant burning of it's wretched materials, replacement and refurbishment of it's stains and marks on the infrastructure with Kyo-style architecture, and the permanent ban of any discussion or expression of the bastard delusion. President Shin is celebrating 8 years of rebirth; with around 1,087,000 people cured of Dranianoism; with many more well on the way.
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