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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:07 pm

New GNP Chairman Promises to Consolidate Budget and Cut Taxes

April 3262

Delgado's pledge: 'Lower Taxes, Lower Spending'
delgado2.PNG (172.43 KiB) Viewed 2542 times

The newly-elected Chairman for the GNP, who will most likely become Prime Minister of Dranland
if his party wins the upcoming elections, has today talked about his plans. "The deficit of the federal
budget has been steadily reduced by GNP governments ever since we took power. It is crucial to continue
this path, primarily by conducting further spending cuts. But at the same time, we have to keep an eye
on the people, who should be able to keep the vast part of their hard-earned money. We promise to cut
taxes for all brackets of income if we win the elections."

Minister Lee will not resign

In the meantime, Minister for Infrastructure Lee Jong-Kyu, who had been criticized by the PDM for his remarks
on Scientology, refused to resign from his position. "I will not step down because I expressed my opinion on
this dangerous cult", Lee said. Prime Minister Jack Caddock (GNP) said that he fully backed Lee.
Moreover, GNP Spokesman Harry Lancaster announced that Lee would "certainly be part of the next GNP
cabinet", provided the party wins the elections.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby leuer » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:16 am

PDM before elections
August 3262

Laura Castaneda (PDM)

PDM believes in a better result of parliamentary elections to be held in September 3262 in Dranland. "The party promises to consolidate the public finances because currect cabinet ignored it. The cabinet our country fall into debt again during his govern. Liability to our citizens and future generations must not be used for populism," said Laura Castaneda in her statement. Party shall respect the rights of all citizens of the country who live here and want a peaceful life. This is important. This is requested by citizens of our country.

PDM also called all citizens regardless of sympathy to any political party to use their right and go vote.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby leuer » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:16 pm

PDM to the results of elections
September 3262

PDM informed that lost the elections 3262. Party does not have enough seats in parliament to assert any bills. PDM thanks all their voters and also congratulates GNP, the winner of the elections.
Zacarías Ferrado officially resigned as leader of PDM. The new leader is Laura Castaneda from 1 September 3262.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:59 pm

GNP After Elections: Some Stay, Some Go

After the successful elections of 3262, the Grand National Party has released some information about the composition of the future cabinet.
The current cabinet members Hans Kaltenberg (Industry), Marit Jensson (Environment), and Ernst Freyung (Agriculture) and will keep their current positions. All other current ministers will either switch their position or not be part of the new cabinet.

Lee to become Minister of Internal Affairs

Lee to become Minister for Internal Affairs
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Minister for Infrastructure Lee Jong-Kyu (GNP) is bound to become Dranland's next Minister of Internal Affairs, said GNP leader Luigi Delgado:
"Lee is the right man to fight criminality and promote a secure nation." Lee, who has just scored a great electoral victory in his constituency, said that he feels "indeed honoured. I will accept my new position with great appreciation."

Former PM LeCoultre elected Speaker of the Parliament

LeCoultre becomes Speaker of the Parliament
LeCoultre2.PNG (112.64 KiB) Viewed 2440 times

Former Prime Minister Larissa LeCoultre has today been elected Speaker of the Parliament by a majority of MPs. LeCoultre, who is still
very popular in and outside her party for having restored the monarchy in 3250, said that she will be "a diplomatic speaker able to cooperate
across party lines."
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Brydog » Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:13 pm

Taliesin Prichard Named New Party Leader After Duke of Cadwallader Retires

Taliesin Prichard, a former stockbroker was named President of Plaid Genedlaethol Rhyddfrydol after Padrig Cadwallader left politics. Prichard was named the new leader after a vote by the General Assembly. In his first speech, he called on the government to cut spending in the budget to give the nation a surplus. Prichard is known for his straight to the point style.
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:32 pm

New Government Will Consolidate Budget, Says Minister of Finance

Jean-Jacques Villeroy (GNP)
Villeroy.PNG (101.08 KiB) Viewed 2401 times

Minister of Finance Jean-Jacques Villeroy (GNP) has today presented the National Budget Plan to the members of the Parliament.
Villeroy said that it was "crucial to reach a surplus before we can give the people the promised tax relief". In detail, he
announced that the cabinet intends to cut the state's expenses from 733,915,000,000 DRA to 553,915,000,000 DRA.
The highest cuts will be made in the area of infrastructure, foreign affairs and finance: "With regards to infrastructure,
we can justify the cuts with the fact that we privatized all public services, which allows us to massively reduce spending.
The cuts in the other areas will mainly be conducted by reducing superfluous administrative structures and red tape",
the minister said. "Reaching a balanced budget is a patriotic duty. We must not put the sake of future generations
at risk by spending way beyond our capacities", Villeroy concluded at the end of his speech.

GNP MPs applauded his speech and came out to praise Villeroy's plans. Majority leader Federico de la Ruíz said that
"the minister can be sure of the full support of the GNP faction for his ambitious and sensible plan." Speaker Larissa
LeCoultre called all parties to back minister Villeroy's plan: "We must reach a broad consenus on this issue. Cutting
spending to give the people a tax relief is a very important goal in this tenure."
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:27 pm

GNP Officials 'Very Content' With Budget Consolidation
June 3264

Speaker LeCoultre and Majority Leader Ruíz
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After the successful vote in the Parliament over the budget proposal of the new government, officials of the ruling Grand National Party came out to express their satisfaction with the imposed measures. House Speaker Larissa LeCoultre (GNP), who had prior to the vote urgently appealed to the MPs to approve the National Budget plan, thanked all factions for their support: "We have demonstrated unity on this essential issue, something that hasn't happened too often in recent times." Federico de la Ruíz, GNP majority leader in the Parliament, said that the imposed spending cuts were "overdue". He also praised the consensus of all parties on the budget: "I am very content that everyone backed the plan. However, this does not change anything about the ideological differences in other areas of policy."
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:47 pm

Grand National Party Celebrates its 18-Year-Rule
June 3264

GNP Convention in Iglesia Mayor
GNPConvention.PNG (195.4 KiB) Viewed 2372 times

At its annual convention, the ruling Grand National Party celebrated the achievements made during its 18-year-rule which started in 3246 with the election of Larissa LeCoultre, who ruled until 3254. During her tenure, all state owned industry and infrastructure was privatized, the economy was massively deregulated and the monarchy was re-established. She was succeeded by Jack Caddock, who continued her reforms and ruled from 3254 to 3263, when the current Prime Minister Luigi Delgado took over the lead.

Prime Minister Delgado and his family at the convention
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Prime Minister Delgado held the first speech at the event and praised the reforms conducted during the 18 years of GNP governments. "We created more freedom and prosperity for our nation, and we can be proud of these achievements! Let us maintain the current course and emphasize our key values: Free Market, Free People, Free Country!", he said to the 5000 cheering supporters who had attended the convention.

Lee elected Vice Chairman of GNP
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Minister for Internal Affairs Lee Jong-Kyu, who was elected Vice Chairman of the GNP alongside Hans Kaltenberg and Marit Jensson by the delegates, gave the second speech. Lee especially espoused the principle of secularism: "Religion has its legitimate role, but it must be radically separated from the state in every aspect. It is a private thing and has no place in public institutions."
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:24 pm

Government's Tourism Initiative Causes Protests
March 3267

The federal government has announced plans to boost tourism by inviting private investors to build around 500 new hotels across the nation. An official spokesperson said that the government has already subcontracted with multiple hotel chains from abroad and that the first 100 hotels will already be completed within this year. "Dranland has an astonishing nature, but we have failed to make use of it in terms of tourism until now", the spokesperson said. For this purpose, the government has leased a vast amount of public lands to investors who intend to build luxury hotels on Dranish soil.
Minister Jensson Inaugurating the Palm Beach Hotel
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The first of these hotels has been completed on in Iglesia Mayor. The new Palm Beach Hotel was officially inaugurated by Minister of Environment and Tourism Marit Jensson (GNP) on March 15. It is located at the eastern beachfront of the capital city and boasts room for 2000 guests at the same time, twelve restaurants, 30 bars, 100 luxury suites and provides jobs for about 2500 people. Minister Jensson said at the inauguration that she looked forward to the grand opening which is going to take place in three weeks. She thanked the private investors who sponsored the projects and pointed out the large number of new jobs created through the project.
The new Palm Beach Hotel in Iglesia Mayor is the first of 500 hotels to be built across the nation
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However, the vast project did not remain unchallenged. Outside the Palm Beach Hotel, 300 people, mostly left-wingers and environmentalists, protested against the government's plans and urged the cabinet to scrap the plans. They fear that the natural beauty of the landscape will be destroyed through the construction of the hotels. The spokesman of the protesters, Herman Jones, said that he hopes for "support from the citizens, who don't want our nature to be destroyed for mere profit". In a statement on the protests on a local TV channel, Prime Minister Luigi Delgado (GNP) defended the project and emphasized that it would "create thousands of jobs and help our economy". He also referred to a recent poll which shows that a majority of those questioned (51%) supported the plan, while 40% were opposed. 9% did not state any opinion on this issue.
Protesters oppose the government's plans and fear the destruction of nature
protest.PNG (156.68 KiB) Viewed 2313 times
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Re: Dranish News

Postby Alain Delors » Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:17 pm

PM Delgado Sees 'no option' for Raising Retirement Age
October 3268
Delgado: "Four more years are reasonable"
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Prime Minister Luigi Delgado (GNP) defended his plans of raising the retirement age from 60 to 64 years during a parliamentary debate. While the opposition regards the reform as unnecessary, Delgado claimed that it was "unevitable to make a moderate adjustment. Four more years are reasonable, and the people know it is necessary. There is no option." The Prime Minister continued by saying that "the pension system can only be maintained by conducting this reform in time." In his conclusion, he remarked that "everyone who votes against this reform must be aware of the fact that he is putting our future at risk."

The ensuing debate was marked by heated controversies between MPs of the coalition and the opposition. Majority leader Federico de la Ruiz (GNP) slammed the opposition for opposing the reform. "I know that it does not sound appealing to make the people work four more years, but we must not deny the necessity of the reform. This is populism", he said. Janine Trichet (GNP), the chairwoman of the Parliamentary Council for Pension Issues, spoke out in favor of the bill as well. "We might lose some support in the polls by imposing these reforms, but sometimes one has to make unpopular decisions", she said.
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