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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:26 am


Familias Incorporadas de Baltusiá Celebrates 4th Year of Prosperity & Growth!

Buenos Dias! It is hard to believe just cuatro años ago we were ruled by the bureaucratic morass that was the Democratic Union. Now, we enjoy our freedom of choice with every air-conditioned visit to la centro de commercial!

Business opportunity within our sunny nations continues to center upon the world-renowned Baltusian baking soda industry. Baltusia has long produced the world's wealth of baking soda (over 67% of the market share according to EELconomics Monthly) yet it has historically seen little of its profits, with foreign Indralan emperors having established and controlled the first Baltusian baking soda plantations in 1602. That was, until May 7th, when newly appointed Caudillo, Don Eladio de Herendez San Cantean Ignasio Por Que Eladio , declared Baltusia an independent state and ended the Indralan Empire's claims on the profitable plantations. Don Eladio announced a new "era of market faith", selling 98% of plantation lands to Indralan confectionery conglomerate, Happy Smile Cakes Manufacturing Concern.


Do YOU have three, four, even five fingers? Do you have eyesight? Do you enjoy calm and relaxing repetitive tasks in a highly enclosed geopolitical tax-free black zone? You and your children may be of enough use to Incorporated Vegetables Ltd.! The Indralan-based multinational company recently purchased several thousand acres of "pretty moist" land from real estate barons La Familia de Mendez and they need YOU to expand this exciting market!

Foreign desserts manfucatures continue to flock to Familias Incorporadas de Baltusiá, enjoying our warm expansive, pipeline accessible beaches and temporary adhesive Tax Free Zones. However, controversy erupted after Drannish corporate cookie empire Too Many Chips!, who had reportedly been in talks with La Familia de Cortez, withdrew from plans to build a windowless fifty floor factor following reports out of SUP?!Zardugal Monthly that Cassandra Cortez, heir to the Cortez fortune, looked quote "totally slutty this weekend."

his does not sound like a business venture we would like to engage in. Cookies are a family business - we don't know if sexually active women eat cookies. Frankly we don't want to know," announced Too Many Chips! CFEOCEO Dunt Frankbund earlier this morning.

"She might even have been drinking alcohol" claims local tabloid Baltusia, Baltusia!

In other news, La Suciedad continue their disruptive behaviors within the High Density Residential Off Limit Zones. Charity organizations founded by an association of powerful Familias have begun insuring that all citizens are given "minimal means." All unwilling-to-work Baltusians are issued a Minimal Means Insurance Kit. Comprised of one pair of shoes, a pack of corn seeds and a varying length of string this Minimal Means policy came about following a particularly exciting business opportunity for the Health Services industry earlier this month wherein 400 Sucidedad rioters were shot.

"Let this measure finally end this tired debate about a 'growing disparity in Baltusian society' and let's all move on with our lives," announced food pantry non-profit CEO Carlos Elanzo of Limit One Per Family.

Viva Baltusia!
What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:24 pm


COASTA DE ORO -"Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill."

So spoke Caudillo Don Eladio before an adoring crowd of shareholders this Tuesday. This rousing speech received 4.8 stars out of 5 according to BaltsuiSoft Public Performance Polling Software and the 1080p HD MP4 has been purchased 543,042,231 times through iAgree. Political analysts have declared this the "highest rated administration in Baltusian history" and praise Our Caudillo for his vast improvements to the nation and her economy in his first 5 year term.

In his beloved fantastical fantasy novel A Couple Weeks Of Loneliness, famous author and political activist San Cortez Martini, beloved son of Baltusia, wrote "the buds of the Baltusian Jasmine blossom brighest in foreign soil." This cosmopolitan internationalism has long dominated the culture and psyche of Baltusia, from the merchant-missionaries of The Order of St. Mendez Ltd. to the Libertarian mercenaries Hermanos Libertadores - the spirit of brotherhood and duty extended beyond our artificial borders remains a part of our heritage. Yet this passion was tempered and chained by decades of Democratic Union rule - of tepid Squibbilian-Economics and Drannish-Liberalism. Finally, under the freedom of the limited La Familia government, Baltusians are able once again to explore and influence Terra.


In line with this renewed internationalism, the newly formed Department of Oligarchic Grenadiers has formally replaced the ineffective and corrupt National Armed Forces of Baltusia. This privatization of military forces has come following a $46 Billion contract between Caudillo Eladio Political Capital Enterprises and several wealthy Familias. Recruitment is "completely voluntary" with starting salaries of $78,000 and full enrollment in Familia Benefits & Protection Policies. Already, throngs of Workers and La Suciedad have declared their loyalty and belief in a free and stable Baltusia, with enlisted soldiers numbering in the hundreds of thousands and growing. Join Today!
What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:45 pm

Brought to you by,

Record Profits Follow National Coffee Privatization

COASTE DE ORO - Brow heavy with sweat and and ankles swollen, it has been a long but rewarding day for Garcia Mendez. Mendez, like dozens of other assiduous men and women across Baltusia, oversaw the highest annual coffee profits in national history. Yet he remains humble, "I'm a simple man, I make sure The Filth of my Domain are given their Minimum Means kits every year, I take my coffee from an ivory goblet with just one sugar, and I only have four Indralan Z-Class 420/69 Superchargers in my secondary convoy." Men like Mendez have put in over 8 hours of work this year alone, insuring only the freshest coffee beans move themselves from the ground to the trucks, through the factories and straight to your breakfast table every morning!

"One of our most successful advancements in the industry has been our introduction of Peasant-Trade Coffee," noted Mendez. "It's a known fact that your Drannish intellectual type wants to help those in need - provided they're really far away and preferably brown. Through our corporate marketing program we insure only actual peasants pick, grind, blend, and personally deliver you your coffee. We make all efforts to keep our peasants authentically impoverished and dressed in ethnic rags, keeping your unique blend fresh and full of altruistic fulfillment. Get your daily good deed done early with Peasant-Trade Blends!"

Much of this profit is reportedly due to "fresh and jazzy" ideas presented by Private-Public sub-contracted independent Marketing Advisement Pod. This piece of highly advanced technology was completed following a joint project between Indralan and Baltusian engineers operating under the pretense that they were "building a silent blender." Marketing Advisement Pod (M.A.P) has already provided 3,032 stock tips, over 400 market fluctuation predictions, and possible homicidal sentience.

"The Youth today desires...fair trade arabica dark roast blends"

Baltusian baking soda profits have also reached record highs despite low yields and a drastically reduced labor force. Public Relations Commandante for La Familia Oro Enterprises, Ernesto Garcia announced before La Familia Oro Media today that these profits "have resulted from consumer confidence in the Baltusia brand returning to the global marketplace," citing increased sales in Dranland, Lodamun, and Dorvik. "These foreigners, they go crazy for our baking soda imports!" remarked Garcia on his visit to Dorvik this week. "Look, even their dogs love the stuff!" he stated, pointing from the Dorvik International Airport lobby.

Reports of a charismatic lawyer rallying members of La Suciedad into a marginally powerful guerrilla vanguard are "simply rumors surrounding a leaked trailer for our newest Antonio Cosotanza action film" stated La Familia Caudillo Studios in a press release this Monday.

What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:42 am


Our Native Lands Are Now Corporate Drug Fiefdoms
"This is something we disagree with," shouts La Suciedad

HOLA Companeros! Awaken to the Baltusia in which we live today! Look at the dreadful perversion that LIES beneath the bread and circuses those benevolent tyrants, La Familias built upon our native soils. SEIZED was the soil of our agricultural forefathers, replaced by sub-contracted limited-liability venture opportunities - LIES AND GREED stealing from us the NUTS OF OUR TOILS and leaving us with what THEY choose to provide. Minimal Means Packages - THE LAND is our minimal means package!

AWAKEN hermanos y hermanas to the doom of your daily routine! We, La Suciedad, THE FILTH of your corrupt existence, lay forth the following demands to all FAMILIA, those barbarous barons of "baking soda", narco-nepotism nanny-state that buys your nanny with a Corporate Logo sewn into her sweater. THIS ENDS SOON! We shall declare our decreed demands and end this perverse 87% rise in living standards,


The Demands

1- Full grantiture of agriculturalisms and all hereafter enterprises using moist soil to LA SUCIEDAD.
2- Universal coverage of all persons by a full dental, vision, and podiatrist insurance.
3- Baltusia to hereafter be governed by an establishment of a loosely confederated semi-syndicalist volunteer committee of tribes and tribettes as often as possible.
4- The seizure of all lands owned by Incorporated Vegetables Ltd. and distribution to LA SUCIEDAD, the seizure of all pens and office supplies from Incorporate Vegetables Ltd., both within Baltusia and abroad. Reparations are due unto our peoples.
5- The establishment of a citizens navy, following the seizure of all current yachts, freighters, dreadnaughts, and nuclear submarines docked at Costa De Oro Harbor. Voluntary conscription shall be enforced to create a truly people's power within Terra

Commandante Quixote

Already, power has been seized by a charismatic paralegal assistant and a young gynecologist operating in the jungles of Western Baltusia! KEEP HOPE BROTHERS! Consolidated power-appointed El Presidente Mendez, leader of the newly freed and collectivized village of San Marcos! Mendez delivered an inspirational speech to his followers this Saturday, keeping the flame of CHANGE and REVOLUTION bright!

What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby AntScales » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:25 am

Monarchist Establish Government

In a rapid and determined strike, the Monarchic Party of Baltusia (Partido Monárquico de Baltusia) has established itself as the dominant governing authority of Baltusia! For unknown reasons, Nuevo Partido Nacional was declared legally inactive by electoral authorities, leaving the Monarchists as the only legitimate politicians in the nation. This brazen new party has been in the works for around 15 years but has only recently been declared official and has become a vocal critic of what they have called the government's abandonment of moral, ethical, and legal values. At the head of this organization, none other than the Vega family of Terrarokka. For those few in Baltusia who might not recognize the name, the Vega family have been pillars of the national community for...centuries, donating large sums to churches, hospitals, orphanages and other such organizations with funds from perhaps the largest and most successful private corporation in the nation, Vega Industries. Determined monarchists since the republic's establishment, this should come as no surprise. But, what might surprise some is that the Vegas have declared themselves the Royal Family of Baltusia and, after the passing of a constitutional amendment, Maximo Vega of Ujamak-Tama will take the thrones as King of Baltusia. As people fill the streets demanding answers and explanations, our reporters have questioned many of the citizens. The consensus: the people welcome the change! After a failed republic, this experiment is welcome among the people but the Vegas have much to prove if they wish to win our loyalty.

Meanwhile, the Monarchists have begun securing national resources, such as the Presidential Palace, which will become the royal residence, and military bases. No word as to when the Vegas will speak to the people who are filling the streets, but there has been a great deal of guarded traffic to and from the National Assembly building and our sources tell us Maximo Vega and his allies are politically and legally securing their regime before making any statement. But, a photo of the future king was released this morning, taken as he awaited the results of the election in assembly chambers.

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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Comrade Clark » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:04 pm

Republicans take power!

Today, after several years of battling against a misguided authoritarian communist party, the Workers' Republican Party, led by Pedro Morales, won the early elections of June 3630. After extending their term in office by two years and in the light of growing discontent with their government's incoherent actions, the Communist Party (known earlier as the Holy Inquisition Party) called early elections.

June saw 36 million Baltusians take to the polls in a resounding show of support for the Workers' Republican Party. Pedro Morales was elected President with almost 66% of the vote and his party won a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

In a speech to his supporters in Costa de Oro, Morales said that "this shows the will of the Baltusian people - for real reform, for coherent government and sincere leadership." In what was the first act of his administration as President of the Republic, Morales presented to Parliament a constitutional amendment to change the name of the Baltusian nation to the Workers' Republic of Baltusia.

Greeted with a standing ovation in the Asemblea Nacional, Morales said this was "a vital first step for an audacious programme of reform", saying he hopes to "transform Baltusia with swathe after swathe of reform."
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby OneTime » Thu May 01, 2014 5:46 am


Compañeros,We Advance the Revolution!

September 23,3659 Gloria,Gevaro- Compañeros,the revolutionary movement is prepared to lead the insurrection against the bourgeois democracy! We are here,in the countryside,and in the cities,and in the schools,we are everywhere,and we will eliminate the bourgeois oppressors and awaken Baltusia from her dormant sleep.The armed insurrection will create a workers state,it will emancipate the masses and lead them in the glorious revolutionary cause!No longer shall we dwell in a corrupt existence of profit and exploitation! No longer shall we be suppressed by the corporate lords and our 'democratic' leaders!We call on you workers, peasants, students, union members, intelligentsia and supporters of the revolutionary cause, unite and overthrow this archaic capitalist system.Unite behind the Organización del Pueblo en Armas-MAIZ! Larga vida a la insurrección en el campo y en las ciudades! Viva la Revolucion! Viva la Organización del Pueblo en Armas-MAIZ! -Subcomandante Ifran

OPA-MAIZ rebels prepare for an attack on the bourgeois landowners in the countryside
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby OneTime » Sun May 04, 2014 11:36 pm


Compañeros,the Corporate Fiefdom Has Fallen!

Gevaro,Baltusia-Compañeros,the hour of victory has come!Together,we have evicted the corporate landowners from their fiefdom and given glory to the revolutionary cause!Today,we begin the construction of a socialist state of workers,peasants,students and intelligentsia,a state of the proletariat.Our valiant fight has spread from the countryside into the cities the corporate landowners thought they had under their control.The might of the Baltusian people has brought the revolution to the landowners front door,and has barreled right through it.Amigos,the revolution has succeeded in bringing the proletariat to power,and the people's demands have been given.

Children,reject the failed democracy and accept the revolutionary vanguards!

The people of Baltusia demand:

*That land be collectively cultivated by the peasants themselves, without landlords, without bosses, and without capitalist competition
*That all industries, factories, mills, workshops, transportation services, public services, and utilities be run by Democratic Councils
*That all production and distribution be conducted by the rank and file workers, their revolutionary committees, and their syndicates, without capitalists, high salaried managers, or the authority of the state
*That the Republic of Baltusia be replaced with a Democratic Vanguardship, with all cities, towns, and villages ruled by Revolutionary Councils
*That selfish private and ethnic interests be replaced by full solidarity and equality
*That all social distinctions be abolished, and capitalist oppressive words like "Señor" and "Usted" be replaced by "Compañero" and "Hermano"

Hermano of the entire nation,Subcomandante Ifran addresses victorious OPA-MAIZ fighters

Compañeros y Hermanos,your demands shall be met,and the seeds of revolution shall spread through Terra.
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada!
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Culto » Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:08 pm


Increased immigration Majatran change the political landscape! ...

Lately there is a strong immigration of people from majatran countries not complying with policies that lived there elijieron Baltusia because of their quality of life and work, too many elijieron this destination as a country that defends socialism and communism, and also seeks to apply, quickly the grew Ahmadi religion and the construction of mosques started, so I began to spread coexisting pasificamente with people Baltusia, which found them good traits and led to people interested in the Ahmadis and their religious, n so it came to an increase in converciones, most atheists and by Indians but also by hosanies, which accept user state without any problem, which led to the integration of this community in the country, this together the fact that many of these immigrants had influences of socialism and communism majatran, who took part were interested in the politics of our state, and is there when the Communist Party Ahmadiyya, which defends freedom of religion (created not only the majatran or Ahmadis) within a socialist and communist state, Ahmadi offering a vision of liberation theology and opens the curtain to the other religions to join this trend at the moment and while talking of matches based on the theology of liberation hosiani and other religions or respect for religious freedom, the communist party with an absolute majority sweeps Ahmadi setting a great example of tolerance and coexistence.

who said the metzismo was closed, anti-religious, anti-cultural? Baltusia showed that it is not.
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Re: Baltusian Official News Agency.

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:29 pm

Return of the Dark-Light Leaf Liberal Communist Party

This year mark the ressurection or rather the return in politics of the DLLLCP or the Dark-Light Leaf Liberal Communist Party, founded by twins- Evgeny-Kathy Dark-Light and Evelyn-Kathy Dark-Light at the age of 27 years, while, Evelyn is a pretty normal girl, Evgeny is a succesful businessman, owning energy station, internet service, phone services, groceries, and even Media papers, all under the name of the Dark-Light Cooperatives industries. They have also enlisted the help of many unique politician to show that the DLLLCP is a party that promote diversity and tolerance, the Evenement also mark the arrival of the Dark-Light Church of Terra in Baltusia.

The aim of the DLLLCP is make Baltusia as a Republi-Kingdom or a democratic Kingdom and make an official state religion, the Dark-Light Church of Terra.....

the DLLGP slam the ghost parliament

As the people's populist party was elected for every post in the last election, the DLLCP slam the new government for not being there. as he only thing that they present Baltusia, is the ghost parliament.

A session of the asssembly of Baltusia, in hard work. called the ghost parliament by the DLLCP
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