Utari Mosir

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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:21 am

Mosriak Today
Ground-breaking report tears the veil on Utari dominance in nation.
January, 5323

Cise - Professor Zmitser Abecedarski, a Professor of Linguistics and Utari Mosir History at the University of Emori has announced significant findings related to the history of Utari Mosir. Professor Abecedarski speculates that the modern land of Utari Mosir was largely devoid of human life outside of sparse tribes of proto Dovanian's, the land was primarily settled by several colonist over the centuries of colonization. The first colony that was formed was done so by a variety of Gao-Showan groups, notably Kunihito from the area of modern Hulstria and Gao-Soto, they traveled from HGS and eventually settled along the coast of modern Ostland and western Utari Mosir. The Kunihito settlers were largely displaced peoples who practiced a pagan-type religion that focused on the worship of animals, they were known as the Utari (OOC: Ainu peoples) and speak Utari (OOC: Ainu) despite the distance from their Kunihito cousins, they have maintained linguistic links with the Kunihito people and many Utari's continue to speak Kunikata as a sort of lingua franca. Emori was one such settlement and remains the epicenter of the Utari people and has served as the capital of the modern nation of Utari Mosir till this very day. Professor Abecedarski deviates from history as he notes that it was not the Utari people who would come to dominate the nation but an off-shoot of the Rodshyan people often referred to as the Mosir. It is believed that the name of the nation, Utari Mosir, comes from but some suspect that is simply incorrect as does Professor Abecedarski.

Professor Abecedarski hypothesizes that when the Trigunian's formed their first colony in eastern modern Utari Mosir in the mid to late 17th Century, the colony eventually lost or significantly reduced contact with mainland Trigunia. This lead to the development of an off-shoot language of Rodshyan known as "East Rodshyan" (Rodshyan: vostochnorodshyanskiy) for lack of a better term. Governor-General Erik Larionovich Boytsov was the first to formalize the language shift in the early 18th century as the language become common amongst the colonist compared to Rodshyan proper. Slight cultural shifts began up until the arrival of several thousand monarchist and their families, commonly known as the "White Exiles" (Rodshyan: Белые изгнанники; tr. Belyye izgnanniki), arrived in the Trigunian colony after being exiled by the communist government in Trigunia during the early Trigunian Socialist Republic era. White was the color associated with the Trigunian Great Prince and Tsar, many of the exiles were middle ranking officers, civil servants and wealthy nobles and merchants who fled or were forcibly exiled from Trigunia. The East Rodshyan language and people eventually developed a unique identity and as the dominance of the White Exiles became more pervasive the East Rodshyan became known as the "East Whites" (Rodshyan: Восточные белые; tr. Vostochnyye belyye) or "Vostbelye" but in the native language as the "White Peoples" (Bielanarodov: Белыя народы; tr. Bielyja narody). A diaspora in Dolgavia refer to themselves as the "Beloyuzhni", but they are identical to the Belanarodni.

As the new Belanarodni culture and language flourished, trade with merchants and traders which had formed the city (and later nation of al-Mina) Mina, had a profound influence on the variety of peoples located at modern day Vorkuvkar. Majatran traders and merchants from Turjak, Dumandi, and Majatran cultures began interacting with the Belanardoni speakers throughout eastern Utari Mosir and a majority of those groups began to develop languages influenced by both Belanarodni and respective Turjak, Dumandi and Majatran languages. One such group, known as the "Wanderers" (OOC: Kazakh) by merchants and the Belanarodni alike, developed a language borrowing components of Rodshyan, Belanarodni and the the various Majatran languages and were called the Kezbeler and speak the "Wanderer Tongue" (Kezbe Til). The Wanderers were one such group, another tribe that began interacting with the various traders and merchants became known as the Followers of Akim (OOC: Uzbek; Akim izdoshlari), the first of the variety of tribes to convert to Ahmadism and subsequently gained the name of Akimiz. The final group of tribes that had long been pushed out of both Kzebeler and Akimiz societies formed a loose community as vagrants and vagabonds, becoming known in their native tongue as "Selsayak" (OOC: Kyrgyz), or vagabonds.

The Utari (OOC: Ainu) people make up approximately 1/4 of the total population of the nation named after them and enjoyed dominance for much of the countries history due to patronage from Yingdala and other Gao-Showan nations and partners, this was upended when Greater Hulstria cracked down on its subjects. The Hulstrian's unseated the Utari Emperor and installed a number of different Viceroys to rule and manage the land. When South Utari was granted its independence in 3394 the pro-Gao-Showan government installed an Ainu Emperor. The Utari, according to Professor Abecedarski, are largely confined to the south central portion of Utari Mosir and are largely based in Emori. The Professor proposed adopting Belanarodni as the de facto language of Utari Mosir with recognition given to the various regional languages.
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:55 am

Mosriak Today
March on Cise causes government to resign en masse; political upheaval.
February, 5323

Cise - Professor Zmitser Abecedarski's ground-breaking revelations have prompted a popular uprising against the current government in Cise, a more "color" revolution compared to a violent overthrow. The so-called "White Revolution" saw the former Trigunian colonist banding together and marching on Cise to topple the current government lead by an Utari. Tsikhamir Hierasimovič, the leader of the color revolution, has called for the government to step down and a referendum to be called in March regarding the nation and its governance. Hierasimovič has proposed a semi-presidential system for the "new" Republic of Utari Mosir, a name that he admitted he would begrudgingly keep due to its historical significance. The proposed constitution will likely be enforced and several prominent members of the Utari community have formed the so-called "Emori Clique" and noted that they have prepared for "...the worst situation." The organizers of the march on Cise have refuted claims of violence towards Utari and called them "Brothers and Sisters" of the nation, the Emori Clique are formed from several members of the former Utari political parties that have announced their dissolution following Abecedarski's bombshell report. The former leaders of the Golden Dawn party noted that a vast majority of their followers have joined with the Emori Clique, a telling example of the sort of veiled nationalism that the Golden Dawn operated underneath. The Social Democratic Party announced that they had signed agreements with several left-wing elements of the White Revolution to form a joint political party, the Social Democratic Labor Party.

The Liberal Democratic Party announced that it would be continuing its operations and welcomed the toppling of the new government. "We've been the mouthpiece of Kepi people for a long time, the harsh repression and oppression that the various Trigunian ethnic groups have felt from the government in Cise is unbearable." The Hulstrian-based People's Party noted it would continue operations and continue a desire to serve Greater Hulstria once again. The Communist Party of Utari Mosir and the Utari Communist Party announced they would merge and form the Utari Mosir Party of Communists, something of a historic first for the left-wing movements in Utari Mosir to remain united in the wake of such drastic potential changes. A number of other smaller political parties and others announced a wide variety of dissolution, mergers, etc. A large number of the rural lower class in Utari Mosir abandoned individual political ambitions and announced the formation of the Utari Mosir Peasants Party. The wider leaders of the White Revolution announced the formation of the Utari Mosir Popular Front, a big-tent political organization that will be representative of the many ethnicities that are now coming to the forefront of Mosriak politics.
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:12 pm

Mosriak Today
After months of delays, government organizes elections.
January, 5324

Cise - Despite promises for elections in March following the passing of a referendum organized by the interim, caretaker government underneath the leadership of Tsikhamir Hierasimovič, the government failed to organize them. Hierasimovič took the blame personally and promised that they would be organized as he placed key members of the White Revolution into positions of power. Hierasimovič is the Acting President of the Republic of Utari Mosir and the referendum which took place in early March, 5323 was carried out over a week and overwhelmingly approved. The new constitution places central authority largely in the hands of the Office of the President, including the authority to appoint the Council of Ministers and other competent authorities. The referendum also empowered the President to appoint the first members of the new legislature, the Supreme Council (Belanardoni: Вярхоўны Савет; tr. Viarchoŭny Saviet) which now largely consists of members of the Utari Mosir Popular Front, which maintains a majority in the new legislature. The President appointed the leaders and most of the leadership of other political parties, notably the Emori Clique, the Social Democratic Labor Party, the Liberal Democratic Party, a handful of members of the People's Party and some members of the newer Utari Mosir Peasants Party. The Supreme Council was informed of the electoral delay due to wide-spread rolling blackouts throughout the country for the months of April and May, largely due to the onset of summer and the lack of substantial power supplies.

Further delays were pushed over the summer due to the extensive heat wave that swept over the country and President Hierasimovič did not have the resources according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a recently created ministry aimed at providing humanitarian relief due to the heatwave and other humanitarian crisis. President Hierasimovič has stated that at the end of January, 5324 the government will organize elections. As January, 5324 has arrived the government is seemingly keeping to their promise and has set elections for the 24th of January. The Internal Affairs Ministry has been placed in charge of the election and results are expected to be finalized within seven days of the election with preliminary results by the day after.
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 03, 2023 6:02 pm

Mosriak Today
Despite delays elections proceed forward.
January, 5324

Cise - After months of delays, the government of Tsikhamir Hierasimovič finally organized elections at the end of January, 5324. Despite independent observers citing "...electoral irregularities..." the election was heralded as mostly "free" according to World Congress observers. The Utari Mosir Popular Front won a near super-majority in the Supreme Council taking 113 seats of the 175 seat unicameral legislature giving them a clear mandate to continue and giving the now officially elected President the authority to persist forward. Voters from throughout Utari Mosir were interviewed and many of them stated that President Hierasimovič had the "...personality and strength to lead Utari Mosir to a new era of prosperity." Other cited his reforms to the state security agency as "...necessary to securing and protecting the newfound freedoms of the ethnic groups in Utari Mosir." President Hierasimovič spoke at a rally shortly after the election and called upon all Mosriak's to come together and unify underneath the new leadership of the republic. The President already has detractors and critics as opponents of the President have called for an internationally-monitored and managed election process in the near future. President Hierasimovič announced that the new Council of Ministers would assume office a day after the election, he appointed long-time ally Artsyom Navumčyk as the new Prime Minister.

January, 5324 Supreme Council elections
Utari Mosir Popular Front - 113 seats
Utari Mosir Peasants Party - 23 seats
Social Democratic Labor Party - 21 seats
Emori Clique - 11 seats
People's Party - 4 seats
Liberal Democratic Party - 3 seats

Prime Minister - Artsyom Navumčyk
-- First Deputy Prime Minister - Yermek Kuanyshev
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Hryharey Bič
Minister of Internal Affairs - Vitali Bulachaum
Minister of Emergency Situations - Nykyfor Rasolka
Minister of National Defense - General Radzislaŭ Zablocki
Minister of Finance - Anatol Rasolka
Minister of Economics and Commerce - Kazimira Kazloǔskaja
Minister of Justice - Halšan Bahuševič
Minister of Agriculture and Food - Lyavon Vakhromeyev
Minister of Health and Social Protection - Taras Luckievič
Minister of Education and Culture - Chaslaŭ Baradulin
Minister of Sports and Tourism - Kazimir Jucho
Minister of Transportation and Construction - Ambros Jelizarjeǔ
Minister of Communications and Information - Dabramil Hrybanač
Minister of Science and Energy - Nykyfor Kryčceǔski
Minister of Communities - Prokip Bohšsa
-- Deputy Minister of Communities (for Kezbeler) - Olzhas Turlanov
-- Deputy Minister of Communities (for Utari) - Yoshifumi Seishiro
-- Deputy Minister of Communities (for Selsayak) - Asankhan Abdulin
-- Deputy Minister of Communities (for Akimiz) - Muzafar Shavkatov
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:40 pm

Mosriak Today
Tank plant opening prompts protests.
August 5326

Violence erupts after Internal Troops and National Police break up protests against the re-opening of the VBZ.

Cise - President Tsikhamir Hierasimovič announced the controversial opening of a new tank production plant outside of the capital of Cise. Spokeswoman for the Presidential Administration Yanina Lyakh was met with laughter and criticism from the head of the Social Democratic Labor Party when she announced that the President was traveling to the new Vipolatsk Armored Vehicle Production Plant in the town of Vipolatsk, located outside of Cise. The plant was originally planned by the Ministry of National Defense several years ago but the project was indefinitely delayed due to budget constraints. President Hierasimovič announced shortly after the election in January, 5324 that the plant would resume construction and would be completed within 1 to 2 years depending on construction efforts. The opening was met with strong criticism from the Social Democratic Labor Party and the other opposition forces within the Supreme Council but supported the Utari Mosir Peasants Party, a strange new bedfellow for the Utari Mosir Popular Front. The Vipolatsk Armored Vehicle Production Plant (Belanardoni: Vipolacki braniatankavy zavod; VBZ) will begin production of the locally manufactured T-72BM2 in small quantities, something that has drawn the ire of opposition parties in Utari Mosir and some have rallied against the plant. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has deployed the Internal Troops to protect the facility in addition to forces provided by the Ministry of National Defense.

Despite the crackdown in the city of Vipolatsk, the President remains widely popular in the minority communities that have found themselves awash with new lands and new found freedoms following the election. In the east of the nation, the Akimiz has normalized the worship of Akim and Ahmadism has taken root throughout the eastern portion of the country and trade with Mina has pushed forward at a rather rapid pace. President Hierasimovič appointed Usman Karimov, a notable organizer of the White Revolution in the Akimiz community, as the Ambassador to Mina and has opened discussions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in ascending to be a component of pro-Ahmadi organizations. Ahmadism since the White Revolution has taken route in parts of the nation, largely in the east. Despite this, according to the Ministry of Internal Affair's Central Department of Statistics, the practice of animism continues to lead the way in religious matters.
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:00 am

Mosriak Today
Supreme Council amends constitution, Mosriak Democratic Republic formally formed.
August 5329

Cise - Chairman of the Supreme Council, now commonly called the "Rada", Zmitser Baraǔkin announced that the Rada had voted to approve an amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Utari Mosir to re-name the nation the Mosriak Democratic Republic (MDR). The vote was largely supported by the Deputies of the Rada with the exception of the Hulstrian-based People's Party and the Utari-based Emori Clique, they voted no but it did not contribute to a defeat of the vote. The Rada also voted to amend the constitution to expand the Supreme Council back to the Legislative Council's seat number of 250 members; these additional seats will be added in the January, 5331. President Tsikhamir Hierasimovič was pleased that the Rada amended the constitution and noted that it was at his doing, he was joined by the Chairman of the Rada, the Prime Minister and other functionaries at a elaborate state dinner to celebrate the constitutional victory. "Today we erase the decades of ethnic abuse and oppression. Today we are ALL Mosriak's.". The decision to re-name the nation comes at a time when protests across the nation have flared as the government has failed to hold local and regional elections. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice's State Elections Commission (Belanarodni: Дзяржаўная выбарчая камісія; tr. Dziaržaŭnaja vybarčaja kamisija, DVK) announced that the delays were due to failure of several regions and localities to send candidates. Abdulaziz Abubakirov, a regional First Secretary of the Social Democratic Labor Party, noted that the the State Elections Commission has refused to certify nearly every candidate at a local and regional level that does not meet "...certain criteria..." which has remained illusive according to them. President Hierasimovič has stated that revisions to the Administrative Divisions Reform Law (ADRL) were causing delays and that the comments of the opposition parties was being done to "...undermine democracy and freedoms in Mosir."
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:17 am

The Mosriak Caller
DKR launches raid on First Secretary Abubakirov's home, arrested and beaten!
Early Edition | September 5329

Soldiers and officers from the Directorate of Political Intelligence brutally beat a protestor who tried to stop the arrest of First Secretary Abubakirov.

Zhlomyel, Stazhyn Oblast: President Tsikhamir Hierasimovič deflected reports that First Secretary Abdulaziz Abubakirov, the head of the Social Democratic Labor Party in the recently renamed Stazhyn Oblast, has been arrested for seditious activities and anti-government behavior. Reports from independent journalist in the Stazhyn Oblast noted that the SDLP First Secretary was arrested in the oblast capital of Zhlomyel in the early hours of the morning. Spokeswoman for the Presidential Administration Yanina Lyakh stated that the government did not comment on ongoing investigations. According to Zhanbolat Assylev, the Press Secretary for the SDLP's regional branch in Stazhyn, officers from the State Intelligence Committee's (Belanarodni: Дзяржаўны камітэт па разведцы; tr. Dziaržaŭny kamitet pa razviedcy, DKR) Directorate of Political Intelligence (Belanarodni: Упраўленне палітычнай разведкі; tr. Upraŭliennie palityčnaj razviedki, UPR) arrested the First Secretary inside of his home in the early morning hours. General Secretary Sumadera Ieyoshi, shortly after the arrest, called for Abubakirov's release and the immediate resignation of President Hierasimovič and the Chairman of the DKR, Erzhan Marlenev. The calls were ignored when the General Secretary was booed out of the Supreme Rada by members of the Mosriak Popular Front and the Mosriak Peasant's Party.
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 10, 2023 3:31 am

The Times of Mosir (Utari Mosir)
State Economics Committee announces the formation of new state-owned oil/gas corporation.
MID DAY EDITION | October 5329

VYSODZYEL - Minister of Economics and Commerce Kazimira Kazloǔskaja announced that the State Economics Committee (Belanarodni: Дзяржаўны камітэт эканомікі, tr. Dziaržaŭny kamitet ekanomiki, DKE) had announced the formation of a state-owned oil and gas enterprise known as Karinanafthaz. The formation of Karinanafthaz to explore and potentially exploit oil and gas in the Sea of Carina, something that has been attempted before by previous government in Utari Mosir but has ultimately failed. The introduction of Utari Mosir into oil and gas market in the Sea of Carina will likely draw the ire of Ostland, who has largely dominated the Sea of Carina oil and gas markets. The State Economics Committee has appointed Nurbek Askarov as the Director-General of Karinanefthaz effective immediately. Askarov previously served as the Chief Financial Officer of Ostland-based ÖstÖl AG and former Vice President for Natural Resources Development at the Dorvish-Southern Dovani Bank and has recently resumed his residence in Utari Mosir. The recruitment of several former Delic corporate officers from Ostlandic corporations and entities will likely further exacerbate the tensions between the two nations. The company will seek to construct one oil platform in addition to seeking contracts for exploration and research and development. Despite budget constraints, the State Economic Committee noted that "...considerable reserves have been released in order to support the success of the corporation." Minister Kazloǔskaja also announced that the State Economics Committee had developed relationships with development banks in the region and would be drawing on considerable investment opportunities in addition to asking for foreign investors to invest in the new corporation.
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:50 am

The Times of Mosir (Utari Mosir)
Government announces the establishment of a "new city".
EARLY EDITION | November 5331

VYSODZYEL - Minister of Transportation and Construction Ambros Jelizarjeǔ was joined by Prime Minister Artsyom Navumčyk in announcing the development of a brand new city in northwest central Mosir, the new city, to be named Shakhyev is built close to Lake Vazyorsk. The city name was chosen from a list of approved names provided by the Ministry of Transportation and Construction and represents the inspiration of its Kezbeler (OOC: Kazahk) designer, Baurzhan Adilov, who will play a pivotal role in the development of the city. President Tsikhamir Hierasimovič has made urbanization of the new Mosir Democratic Republic one of his key goals and has, thus far, kept that promise. A significant portion of the state budget has been dedicated to the re-development of urban centers, notably those where the Utari once called home. The President has announced the "A New Home" program that is aimed at taking those from the rural country-sides of Mosir and placing them into subsidized housing within cities across the country, something that has proven controversial within the Supreme Rada. In a recent session of the Rada representatives from the Emori Clique, the Social Democratic Labor Party and the Mosir Peasants Party scuffled after deputies of the Emori Clique accused the government of forcing the Utari "...out into the wild..." which drew the ire of the Social Democratic Labor Party who defended the government and stated that housing was a paramount need. While the Mosir Peasants Party has been cautiously supportive of the President and Prime Minister Navumcyk's efforts, they noted that the Emori Clique had forced the Mosriak people into "...servant quarters for centuries." This comment prompted a fight to break out between those attending the session and the National Police assigned to the Rada were forced to break it up.

Shakhyev is expected to hold approximately 700,000 residents and, theoretically expand further should it be necessary. Adilov, the designer, noted that the urbanization efforts will be met with many problems but support from the government will be essential in making it happen. Groundbreaking for the new city is expected to start later this year and the current timeline is unknown. President Tsikhamir Hierasimovič announced that the State Economic Committee and Karinanafthaz have secured funding for the establishment of another sea-based oil platform. The first, a project started in October 5239 is currently underway and should the Mosirak government be successful, will provide a massive boon to the Mosriak economy."
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Re: Utari Mosir

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:27 pm

The Times of Mosir (Utari Mosir)
Mosir looks to join West Dovani Union.

VYSODZYEL - Minister of Foreign Affairs Hryharey Bič has made it clear that the Mosriak Democratic Republic is interested in ascension to the Western Dovani Union as a means to further develop and secure the economic future for Mosir. "While we are fierce defenders of national sovereignty, we understand that our interconnected world is precisely that: interconnected. We've began formal ratification procedures for the Western Dovani Union and we intend to join the union with our fellow West Dovani nations." The largest hurdle that Mosir will have is adjusting national laws to meet requirements for the treaty but President Tsikhamir Hierasimovič and Prime Minister Artsyom Navumčyk have noted that they are in contact with the Supreme Rada and the Supreme Rada stands prepared to "...do the required work to ascend to the treaty.". The West Dovani Union (WDU) has existed for several years and in recent years Dankuk has looked to lead the organization back to revival alongside Seko and Lourenne, and the Mosriak government seeks to benefit from renewed cooperation with the organization.
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