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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:41 pm

Nyu-Gekokujō (新しい-下克上) Manifesto Broadcasted on Video-Sharing Website During Guerrilla Raid on Army Office

Gekokujō "Samurai" pose with a hostage officer during a makeshift political broadcast uploaded on the internet.
Nyu-Gekokujō (新しい-下克上) wrote:We of the New Gekokujō, declare that now, in the shadow of Zaibatsu-controlled Fascist tyranny, we are as ever dedicated to the bringing of the Mass Enlightenment. We decry the Muslim Separatism and Nationalista arrogance which as turned our nation which was once united against the enemy without into a cesspit of civil war, corruption and decadence. We demand the money that has been spent on lavishing and protecting the Nationalista-Zaibatsu-Fascist Running Dogs of Hulstrian Monarchical Fascist-Imperialism now be spent on fulfilling the actual needs of our people. The people can only obtain Inner Peace when they have enough food, good health and free time to meditate on the Wisdom of the Buddha and his Incarnations, so therefore we demand SOCIALISM NOW! All banks, industries, farms and other infrastructure must be nationalised without delay so we can ensure that no one has too little, and no one has too much.

How is this to be done? We must have a two pronged attack, one blade is democratic and one blade is armed struggle. Against anti-Democratic forces democratic force is useless, and armed struggle is the only meathod. So for as long as the the Ran Pan Military-Zaibatsu-Fascist Regime stands in all our dealings with the NP our motto shall be "ichinin issatsu", one person, one kill. However, in our dealings with the LAN Party and a New Nationlista leadership (which has denounced military rule) we will offer democratic co-operation for the sake of the Nation, for Armed Struggle against an opponent who uses democratic means is dishonourable and a violation of Bushidō.

(At this point a third "Samurai" appears with a drawn sword, stands behind hostage)

Criticise Ran Pan and Capitalism!
Learn and put into practice Militant Single Minded Zen Nationalist Socialist Thought!

(Officer beheaded, broadcast ends)

Some comments posted on the video:
HowtheGrammerWorks wrote:
SapisyGamer66 from Luthoria wrote:WTF?1/?! y is indralarian politics so cazy?@ tey fucking beheaded that dude, lik wft man chill out!!!!!! :?: :!:
It's spelt Indralan, Einstein. :roll:

IndralanRedHunter88 wrote:Communist scum will all die beneath the hammer of RAN PAN! Revenge!! :twisted:

SocialistWorker52 wrote:
SpazlaFhaz wrote:
SocialistWorker52 wrote:Capitalism sucks! Long live gekokujo!

Feck you 12 year old spotty vrigin pinko! Communism sucks worse than Fascism, evil commies kill millions of plp cos of bullshit econmic utopia. Long live CAPITALISM!
U just brainwashed by media, communism was good until ruined by KCCP Martovist scum, long live Odeism!

Kaweichan77 wrote:残念に思う!残念に思う!

BanzaiItoskti wrote:ばんぜい 下克上 !!!
Last edited by Captain-Socialist on Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby van Rijn » Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:49 pm

Lys D'or (International Edition): Sercquiais to Condemn Militant Regimes in Indrala

Sercquiais (UR-Yewao) proposes sanctions on Indrala's junta government.

"We are sorry" says Alexandra Sercquiais PM of Kanjor in a coalition address earlier today. At 12pm KST the Premier Ministre and Foriegn Secretary expressed sorrow for her party's inaction nearly 20 years ago against a Maoist coup in Indrala which she believes has a direct correlation to the tumultuous situation today in the country.

Some time ago. We were approached by the then President of Indrala for help. And we did nothing. For this we are sorry.

The Premier Ministre spoke for 45 minutes on the lawn of the Chateau de Fin du Nord, the former royal estate in northern Sovalt. She was followed by Foreign Secretary Raymond Poincare (AK-Sovalt) who expressed sympathy and pledged support, "to the peace-loving, democratic people of Indrala, we support you. You are our brothers, our allies; we embrace you."

Sercquiais went on to say that her government would not rule out sanctions or a possible peacekeeping intervention if the situation does not improve. These statements mark a shift in Foreign policy from former Kanjorian President Frances Ellion's government.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:16 pm

Letter to Lys D'or
Lys D'or (International Edition) wrote:We were approached by the then President of Indrala for help.

Hortal was not President, he lost the election to Gekokujō, and it was the Nationalista Party who banned elections, not Gekokujō. The idea of a "Maoist Coup" has no historical credibility but is simply a anti-Gekokujō smear, especially since Indrala has no Maoist Party to speak of seeing as Mao was a leader of Conservative and Morality Party in Solentian in 2607! We demand that Sercquiais retract this false statement and apologise to those who who have suffered under Nationalista terror.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby van Rijn » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:29 pm

L'Heurat (International Edition): d'Angoulême Fires Back Amidst PRT Criticism

Defense Minister Jean-Marie Martin (UR-Tondola) briefed by d'Angoulême (UR-Sovalt) before a press conference.

Former President, Katherine d'Angoulême responded to criticism lobbied at her party and the Prime Minister by both current Président Félix Auriol (PRT) and the Gekokujō government of Indrala. d'Angoulême rejected Auriol's calls for Prime Minister Sercquiais' and Foreign Secretary Poincare's resignation saying the Communists accusations were "tantamount to hypocrisy."

In a statement issued online from the Union Royale website, d'Angoulême praised the the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary for their leadership in confronting alleged human rights abuses by the Gekokujō. "It is our position, that we do not recognize the legitimacy of regimes that have come into power by force of arms and not by the force of democratic process. Past gouvernments led by the PRT has pandered to such regimes but we will not. The instability and gross human rights abuses by the Gekokujō pose a threat to the security of the entire region and I personally applaud this coalition for taking a stand."

The statement goes on to read: "The PRT's support of General Ran Pan's junta government comes as a slap in the face to the very principles of democracy it has accused to UR of ignoring. We will not abide these accusations especially those that are tantamount to hypocrisy. Our commitment to democracy and equality is solid as evidenced by our rejection of Mr. Ran Pan as he sits on a throne of bayonets while the people of Indrala suffer needlessly. We are, of course, willing to enter a dialogue with the regime but should our diplomacy become exhausted we will explore other options. "

The Prime Minister's office was not available for comment and calls to the office of the Foreign Minister were not returned immediately. The Defense Ministry has been equally mum stating that "It is the policy of [the Ministry of Defense] to support and defend the gouvenment, as necessary, in its aims abroad." citing a source that refused to be named as he was not authorized to speak to the media.

d'Angoulême concluded her statement by saying, "We will not apologize for justice."
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:46 am

"Murderer!", Gekokujō poster attacking Dictator Ran Pan.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:06 pm



Kigami, November 2839 - In a statement made by General Ran Pan, leader of Indrala, the Indralan government want all Kanjorans out of the country within two days. In his speech, the General said:

"If the Kanjorans think they can intervene in our politics, then they are very wrong! We are a nation of our own, and if we need foreign interverence, then we shall ask for that. Be we haven't asked for it. So get the hell out of my country!! I also like to condemn the international community for opposing my government, who is trying to destroy terrorism in my country. If terrorism can do what they want freely, then this world is doomed! We must act against terrorism and against that muslim and communist scum! We rule this country, not the Kanjoran government!"

The General has immidiately ordered to close the Kanjoran embassy, and asked all Kanjorans to get out of Indrala within 48 hours. If not, Kanjorans will be arrested as "criminals against freedom and democracy" and "supporters of terrorism".
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby van Rijn » Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:41 pm

Le Garden (International Edition): Sercquiais Downplays War with Indrala

Sercquiais appears before a special legislative committee on military affairs.

The Premier Ministre of Kanjor calmed fears of a possible war with Indrala while continuing to denounce Ran Pan's administration. This week the government of Indrala ordered all Kanjorians out of the country over allegations of human rights abuses made by PM Sercquiais. The Premier Ministre stood by her earlier comments but downplayed an invasion. " We have no intention of a physical invasion of Indrala at this time," She said. "We will, however, explore all possible venues to restore democracy to the country. I have instructed the Foreign Ministry to close our embassy and missions in Indrala and urge all Kanjorian citizens to leave the country as we can no longer guarantee their protection. "

When asked about possible air-strikes, she responded: "We are exploring all possible options at this time."

Defense Secretary Jean-Marie Martin (UR-Tondola) announced that he was seeking a replacement for former Chief of the Defence Staff, General Jean-Louis Valjean. He went on the record commenting, "It is unfortunate the General felt such conflict between his personal political beliefs and service to his country. His expertise will be missed and we are in the process of selecting his replacement."

The Secretary had no further comment on the resignation or possible military action in Indrala.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:23 pm

Nyu-Gekokujō Leader Watanabe Haruo uploads another message online attacking Hulstria's Economic Ties to the Ran Pan Regime
"Any actions by the International Community, not that we expect any, would be useless as long as the Hulstria-Indrala Economic Friendship Pact remains in effect" says Haruo "sanctions will not be effective until this life-line to the regime is cut."

Speaking in a home-made video filmed and uploaded from a unknown location Watanabe Haruo, current leader of Nyu-Gekokujō, said that Hulstria's "already questionable credibility as a democratic power is totally undermined by it's continued involvement in the economy of a Military-Dictatorship. But this is not surprising seeing as Hulstrian foreign policy is dominated by a Fascist Party." He called on "the so-called democracies to prove they are real democracies" by breaking all economic ties with the Indralan state until democracy is restored.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Gracchus » Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:23 pm

Le Journal: Marines Prepare for War

François Darlan Debré - 6 August 2841

Journalist François Darlan Debré is reporting from Fort Aubrac, Sovalt, Kanjor while embedded with the Troupes de Marine.

As the Indralan dictator Ran Pan ordered out all Kanjoriens from the shores under penalty of arrest and imprisonment, the Marines of Fort Aubrac on the eastern coast of the Isle of Tondola prepared for hostage rescue and war.

The television seemed permanently set to TFK and Chaîne information, a departure from the usual masculine-oriented programming watched on a military base filled with confident young men. As the news spilled out about Ran Pan’s order, the Marines in the large dinning and television hall sat in restrained anger.

The opinion of the Marines was not hard to measure; this is just this situation for which the Marines have prepared, some longer than others.

The feelings of 19-year old Matelot Jean Raymonde Borrel typifies many: “Kanjor is important and too proud a nation to be treated in such a manner by any one on Terra. I and the rest of us are prepared to strike back if needed, and may God allow it to be soon.”

However, the officers presented more levelheaded viewpoints. “We prepare for just such situations and we are at the whim of the politicians in Atyr. If the high command wishes to send us out, we will fulfill out duty and carry out our mission to the best of our abilities, “ says Aspirant Laurent Pierre Louis Gamelin-Michaux. “We certainly do not wish to engage in combat, but if we must, we will certainly be prepared to land our forces on a foreign soil and engage the enemy. Likewise, we do not wish to see any Kanjorien held hostage for any reason anywhere in Terra and this must end. I know that our team [3rd Regiment, 2nd Marine division] is ready to go if we must force this fact upon the enemies of liberty.”

And the Marines proved it. The force was given a breakneck refreshing course over combat training, including amphibious landing. It was very impressive to see the whole operation run like clockwork; but even more impressive when I was informed that these forces are to be held in reserve of any combat mission as they are believed to be 'too green' for such a mission at this time. The most experienced and trained Marines are those already aboard ship somewhere in the Odufart Sea.

This ties in perfectly with unsubstantiated reports that the Force d'Action Navale Primaire (FAN1), including the massive aircraft carrier NNK Valeur, has left its moorings a few days ago.

If the combat is required to end the standoff, the Kanjorien people, and the Kanjorien hostages held in Indrala, can rest assured that the Troupes de marine will fight to win.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:22 pm

Ran Pan overthrown after week of chaos!
Indralans celebrate the collapse of the Ran Pan regime, which was unable to prevent people from taking to the streets during the election despite threats of repression.

Police attempting to clear away protesters just days earlier.

The Ran Pan government ban on elections has proved ineffective, for after a week of demonstrations demanding the right to vote, the government officials caved into international and internal pressure to let the people have they're say. The election, when it was finally held, was closely fought, with the Nationalista remaining the largest party but losing both the presidency and they're parliamentary majority, the Lan Party also had mixed fortunes, becoming the smallest party and gaining the presidency thanks to an endorsement from Nyu-Gekokujō, who are probably the biggest winners in this affair whose seats went up from zero to three hundred and twenty eight.

Region Map:


Watanabe Haruo has little doubt as too the reasons behind Nyu-Gekokujō's success, "it is because throughout the last few years, only Gekokujō offered serious resistance to the Ran Pan Military-Zaibatsu-Fascist Regime, and it was our activists at the head of demonstrations against the regime. While the ILAI merely acted the part of scapegoat for the military, and the LAN Party did nothing, we were the Vanguard, leading the people against the enemy directly." When asked about Gekokujō's violent methods during it's time as a guerrilla force, he is dismissive "as our broadcast stated, we cannot fight democratically when they where executing thousands without trail, it may seem that the demonstrations ended the regime by themselves, but without the effects of the Armed Struggle we and our wayward allies in the ILAI waged against the army, then the military would have been strong enough to totally dissent, as it was, they where weakened, demoralised and thinly spread. We took the fight out of them."

Buddhist monks march in support of Gekokujō, Indrala has a strong religious divide in politics. With Buddhists mainly supporting Gekokujō and Qamido being a mostly Nationalista supporting faith. Muslims are frequently persecuted by Nationalista governments, and have been hostile to attempts by Buddhist missionaries to convert them.
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