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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:00 pm

OOC Source:

Kalibaka: Istapalian aerospace company TaalTuray has won the contract put forth by the Department of Defense for the development of a new multirole fighter jet to become the backbone for future development and for the future of the airforce overall. TaalTuray competed with several other contractors, which included Canbar, for the development of the new jet. They presented their plan for a light to medium fighter, build on a platform that is easily adaptable if need be and can perform a variety of functions and missions, hence its multirole mission. TaalTuray named its jet the "S-12 Cobra" and gained permission to, alongside United Dynamics and Canbar, develop a single prototype version of their designed jet. During test trials the S-12 performed significantly better then its counterparts with expecially its overall platform being more stable then that of the Canbar and UD teams. After four months of rigorous testing the Department of Defense announced that the S-12 Cobra would be the jet it would pick for further development, giving TaalTuray the contract it had hoped to gain.

In an effort to split the work and keep other companies involved the DoD negotiated a contract with TaalTuray and Canbar, allowing Canbar to produce the sensor systems on board the S-12 as well as all munitions for the jet, United Dynamics did not gain anything during negotiations. While testing has been concluded now the extensive trial period has gone into effect, allowing several airforce pilots to train with the aircraft and provide feedback as well as TaalTuray being tasked with taking a last look at the design and implementing changes based on the testing results. It is expected that within a year all testing and adaptations will be complete, allowing TaalTuray to produce a initial badge of S-12 multirole jets once approved by the DoD. The Department has, with support from Parliament, ordered a initial 200 jets to be produced and delivered over the course of 6 years once production has commenced, amounting to a total of 11 billion in revenue for TaalTuray and Canbar. Combined with the initial development costs for the project the State Bureau for Budget Management has estimated that the entire program will cost 60 billion for the state.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:23 am

OOC Source: Graphic Online

Kalibaka: Former Assemblymen Alieu Suso has won the presidential election, flipping a total of 4 states into his favour and receiving 157 of the 133 needed electoral votes. Despite winning the electoral college and thus the presidency he has, as it stands now, lost the popular vote by a narrow 10.000 vote margin. This is the first time a Istapalian president has been elected without winning the popular vote. Suso is credited for heavily campaigning in key states as well as making use of media platforms particularly online. His yong following within the country was also energized by his charismatic appearance, ensuring enough people mobilzied to vote for Suso in order to elect him president. This will be the first time in 10 years that the DRP will be in control of the presidency. His opponent, Sooyaan Bakad, firstly did not want to concede as he won the popular vote. But after a week the candidate caved in and publicly conceded to Suso. While Suso will assume the presidency next month he will have to do so without a majority in either the Assembly or the Senate. While his party did pick up seats in the senate election it was not enough to win the majority, giving the NLP 33 seats while the DRP won 31. The Assembly election was not held and will instead be held next year according to the schedule. This result makes it hard for Suso to pass legislation, as both chambers of parliament will thus be under narrow NLP control for at least another year.

To counter this oppossition in parliament Suso has emphasized his desire to be a bipartisan president, keeping intact many of President Absimil his programs while advocating for lowered taxes and a strengthening of the Armed Forces. It is likely gonna be a uphill climb for the young president but with the NLP majority being so small he would only need a small number of them to step accross the aisle, opening up possibilities for at least some of his electoral promises to be implemented. Another focus for the new administration will be the further development of the Istapalian economy and country as a whole, making sure that the development set by Absimil his administration continues. Despite Suso losing the popular vote around 62% of Bakad voters stated that they are willing to give Suso a chance, handing the new president-elect a mandate to show the Istapalian people what he is worth.

The electoral results, turnout was higher in this election then the previous two presidential elections. Suso flipped 4 states for the DRP while Bakad flipped 1 for the NLP

Alieu Suso, former Assemblymen from the state of Fayes, is elected President of Istapali
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:14 am

OOC Source: The South African

Kalibaka: Newly elected president Suso has announced his cabinet nominees in a speech just days after his inauguration. The new president announced his picks in a orderly fashion and simultaniously announced that they had already been send to the senate for confirmation. Earlier the NLP controlled senate had already issued a statement making known their intention of working with the president to confirm his picks as to ensure a "smooth transition of power". Suso, pressured by NLP majorities in both the Assembly and Senate, proposed a set of candidates that many describe as pragmatic and bipartisan, with two NLP politicians in his proposed cabinet and most of his DRP picks being from the moderate wing of his party. One exception to this is his pick for Secretary of Defense, Abu Camara. Camara is a firmly conservative figure within his party and has served in a variety of military functions all his life. Suso, with his planned strengthening of the armed forces in mind, picked Camara for his experience in the military and his firm stance on organization and discipline, something that could come in handy in the future.

The full list of proposed cabinet secretaries by President Suso
Secretary of Defense - Abu Camara

Secretary of Education - Paboy Conateh

Secretary of National Development - Tijan Dibba

Secretary of National Security - Fatoumatta Jarju

Secretary of Foreign Relations - Dembo Gassama

Secretary of Economic Affairs - Bolong Jarju

Secretary of Justice - Kekoto Darboe

Secretary of Trade and Industry - Hassan Fadika

Secretary of Health - Mustafa Hairte

Secretary of Agriculture - Sara Baldeg

As it currently stands the senate is rumorued to confirm all picks with comfortable margins, allowing Suso to get to work quickly with his new cabinet. Besides his new cabinet set to take office in the coming two months President Suso has also announced his first major legislative initiative to the public, aimed at overhauling the Istapalian taxcode combined with the creation of a new grants system for private citizens, allowing them to apply for grants in order to pay for starting a bussiness, expanding a bussiness, improving worker conditions in a bussiness or to bail out their bussiness once if in trouble. The grant system is reportedly consisting of over 100 billion in Grants which should theoratically help Istapalian bussinesses in developing or surviving. The renewed taxcodes includes large cuts for lower and middle class incomes to stimulate purchasing power and also includes the abolishment of the controversial car tax, put in place by the Absimil administration to discourage car transport. As a compromise for these reforms the initiative, which is called the "Major Accumilating Tax Overhaul" or MATO, Suso and his staff have put in a proposal to higher taxes on the highest incomes, higher company taxes by 1% and keep in place other regulations from the Absimil administration in the hopes of making the bill bipartisan enough to pass. While no Assemblymen, Senator or party official has yet to respond to the initiative on the NLP side the president his staff seem confident that the initiative could pass if enough NLP members can be pursuaded to switch sides, allowing Suso a early win in his presidency despite a hostile parliament to work with.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:12 am

OOC Source: Time Out

Kalibaka: The Major Accumilating Tax Overhaul or MATO initiative has passed both chambers of parliament and has been signed by the President this morning. The future of the first major legislative proposal from the president was uncertain, as the oppossition NLP has control over both the Assembly and the Senate. Despite this oppossition in parliament President Suso, his staff and his DRP allies in both chambers managed to convince 4 NLP senators and 18 NLP Assemblymen to vote in favour of MATO, allowing the massive tax reform and incentive bill to pass both chambers. This was rather unexpected, as NLP leadership in both chambers had issued their formal intend on not voting for the initiative and voting against. Several NLP politicians, most of them from swing states, disagreed with this approach as the bill is seen by many as a bipartisan and compromise filled piece of legislation, making it hard for them to convince their constituents of voting against the bill. The MATO initiative includes tax cuts for the lower and middle class, a grant system for bussinesses to grow, improve or be bailed out and a elimination of the controversal "car tax" put in place by the previous administration. Recent polling suggest that a 68% majority of Istapalians view the initiative favourably, believing it could help them in day to day life.

With the reforms now passed and signed the Suso Administration is preparing its implementation. As per the bill its provisions the tax cuts will take into effect next month, forcing the Department of Economic Affairs to adapt quickly and prepare the necessary paperwork for the cuts and reforms to be properly implemented. The grant system that will be put into effect following the enactment of the initiative will take longer to implement, with funds needing to be reserved and the formal structure and organization for grant approval and management needing to be created. The grant system will reportedly be ready mid next year, allowing companies to apply for grants next year around June. Early calculations by several economic bureaus and analysts suggest that the package of reforms will increase growth by a estimated 2%, putting it at a stable 4% GDP growth a year thanks in large part to increased purchasing power for the fast majority of Istapalians. The grant system in turn will make Istapali attractive for starting bussinesses but may also attract foreign companies looking for new markets. President Suso, after signing the initiative into law, said he hopes to make Istapali, "attractive for starting entrepeneurs and innovative market leaders to start their ventures in our country." He hopes that with the incentives many new companies may arise and a boom of the private sector might appear, diversifying the economy through private activity.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:48 pm

OOC Source: Deutsche Welle

Kalibaka: The Democratic Republican Party of President Alieu Suso has won a major victory in the Federal Assembly election. The DRP, first in the minority by just two seats, has now won over 302 seats in the lower chamber of parliament. This win is a increase of more then 38 seats and gives the president his party a large majority in the Assembly to work with. As the night unfolded results first favoured the NLP but quickly turned into the DRP its favour, winning two seats over incumbent NLP politicians in Gimbuktu and expanding their majority of seats in Fayes. At the end 38 seats previously belonging to the NLP had flipped into DRP control. This major win, one of the largest majorities in recent memory, is largely attributed to the popularity of President Suso and his "Bipartisan Roullette" philosophy. The President is seen largely as someone willing to compromise, but taking a gamble on certain sensitive topics to come out ahead. For many voters this combination of working together while fighting for your goals is appealling, which is viewable in the president his approval rating, which jumped from 49% when taking office to over 71% one year into his term.

Besides his way of conducting politics President Suso his MATO initiative, passed half a year ago, is now into full effect and is seemingly having a positive effect on the economy, which showed a 3.4% growthrate and a 5% unemployment rate last month with the expanding of grants and positive economic trend likely causing more growth in the coming months. This major win for the President will ensure that he can pass legislation more easily. This does however not mean that it will be a highway of proposals to be passed in parliament, as the Senate is only one year into its term and is still in narrow NLP hands, ensuring that the president and DRP controlled Assembly will have to work with the NLP senate and continue their path of compromise and bipartisanship. All be it a bit easier with a newfound majority in the lower chamber.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:30 am

OOC Source: International Atomic Energy Agency

Kalibaka: The Department of National Development has launched a program to develop and maintain a new Nuclear power initiative aimed at creating five large nuclear power plants connected to the overall power grid to largely power urban centers. The plan, devised by Secretary Dibba, aims at fully powering urban centers by nuclear power. Reporters asked the Secretary about further plans with the nuclear plants, but the secretary ensured the public that, "These plants will be used to power our growing urban centers and only for that. We have also designated one in five as a medical plants, which allows the plant to produce materials for medical use, which could help with cancer cure research and other vital treatments." The department did not classify where it would get the uranium to be used in the plants but many believe that Istapali possess small quantities of uranium, capable for use in power plants. The first plant is currently being constructed in the outskirts of Gimbuktu state, reportedly being ready within the next 6 years. Once halfway through construction the second plant will begin construction, followed by the third, fourth and fifth in a similar pace. The project will mark a new period for Istapali, as it will be only one of a few Dovani nations to be operating nuclear plants for its power supply.

Some critics wonder what other plans the government might have in the nuclear arena. While the government of President Suso has stated that it was a election promise to create a network of nuclear power facilities some are affraid that the enrichment of nuclear material might go a step further then for the purpose of medical or electrical production. So far no indicators seem to confirm this fear, and the government is seemingly focussed on finishing the power plants, but some are suspicious of the plan. Nevertheless the entire plan is set to be complete within the next 20 years, with the last of the five plants being completed at the 20 year mark according to early estimates. The Department of National Development is working together with the Ingwald Group, a Istapali company specialized in high risk construction, such as nuclear powerplants and biolabs. The group has stated that it is excited to, "Help istapali secure a steady source of energy for generations to come."
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Re: Istapali

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:19 pm

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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:57 am

OOC Source: USA Today

Bekenial: President Suso has yesterday concluded a state visit to the Kingdom of Hutori in what is the first dealings with a nation outside of Dovani in decades. The president, who arrived with his presidential jet, was welcomed by the Hutorian Prime Minister before touring the capital of Bekenial and ending the tour at the government quarters, where the President and his delegation met their Hutorian counterparts. The intention of the dealings was to make the first steps into opening up the Istapalian economy to more outside investment, allowing it to grow and preserve that growth. While President Suso thus came to Hutori to open our arms he made clear that Istapali remains a protectionist nation and that this deal was merely meant to explore possibilities, not open the entire economy to outside influence.

After days of negotiations the two sides released a joint statement announcing the details of the agreed upon deal. The deal, named the Hutori-Istapali Economic Partnership, would see the Hutorian automotive company Ross Motors purchase 20% of stake into the three largest heavy machinery companies in Istapali, those being Tetra Machines, Gjango Group and Ascar Manufacturing. Ross Motors will subsequently become the companies largest buyer. Furthermore in an effort to jumpstart the Istapali tech sector Lexington Entertainment will construct a tech hub in the country with help from the Hutorian International Development Corporation, allowing the Istapali economy to learn from their expertise and possibly have more Istapali companies grow in this sector. Horizon Technology will in its turn invest into the creation of a large web and network to ensure better connectivity and propell the Istapali economy into the digital age quicker. One precondition for this was that Istapali companies will keep a majority of these networks under their management, while most profit would go to Horizon Technology in the first few years of the deal.

Last but not least the deal opens up Istapali opportunities in Hutori as well. It allows Istapali construction firms such as Mira Construction and the Umtol Construction Group to freely apply for contracts within Hutori, giving them a priviliged position inside the Hutorian construction market. Furthermore companies producing heavy machinery, like the afformentioned Ascar Manufacturing, will be allowed to apply for a license to sell directly into the Hutorian market, cutting costs dramatically for these companies.

It is expected that the entire HIEP deal will be ratified by both nations in the coming months, opening up a mountain of economic possibility and accelerating economic development within Istapali.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:26 am

OOC Source: Crossroadspanama

Fankum: The Department of Defense has announced a new naval development and procurement program that will be launched with the opening of one contract for a medium sized warship. Furthermore, as announced by Secretary of Defense Abu Camara, a program to expand the Fankum naval shipyards is also underway, with over 2 billion being invested into the expansion of the shipyard to allow for the construction of a variety of warships. Details in the program suggest that construction on the modernization and expansion of the shipyards will take around 7 years, with the hope from the Department that once completed the procurement of a possible new warship can immediately begin. Currently only two defense contractors have applied for the new contract. These being the state-owned National Defense Company and the fully private PUNKT (or PUNKT Defense Corporation). Both will be tasked with designing a prototype which they will get the funding for to construct. After a testing phase the Department of Defense will determine which one of the companies will be granted the contract. Other companies are still allowed to apply for the contract. With applications closing within 3 months.

The new program is seen as President Suso trying to work on his electoral promises, with the president making national defense a top priority within his campaign. The S-12 Cobra jets that were ordered by the Department of Defense have largely been delivered to the airforce and with this new program further military development will surely follow. Defense experts are however noting that changes are happening slowly and that most equipment in the airforce, navy and army are still extremely outdated. While the Department of Defense is making progress it thus has a long way to go in their efforts to improve the Armed Forces.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:03 pm

OOC Source: Pixabay

Kalibaka: The Suso Administration has announced its intention of significantly cutting Adbsimil era regulations for small to medium sized bussinesses. The announcement came as the Suso administration intends on paving a more independent way for itself. With their new majority in the Federal Assembly it will be easier to pass reforms as four senators from the NLP inside DRP territory almost continiously vote with the government, allowing Suso to pass his reforms more easily. While initially promising to keep the regulations in place the president reportedly wishes to further promote entrepeneurship and increase the effectiveness of the economic deals that his administration is making with nations like Hutori. By further cutting regulations he hopes to encourage more people to create a bussiness and therefor drive economic innovation and growth. His administration has released a new report in which they state their intention of making Istapali one of the leading nations for small bussiness in Dovani, talking about the "start up nation" concept as something that could heavily benefit Istapali.

This strategy combined with more government investment into infrastructure and a renewed focus as the government as a "fascilitator" rather then a creator should help boost economic output, growth and allow people to find more high paying jobs in this new environment. Economists seem positive about the proposed changes and small bussiness is likely to see a period of growth ahead, with doing bussiness becoming easier once the cuts in regulations are passed. The Assembly is set to vote on the proposal next month, with the senate following in 4 months once it has passed the Assembly.
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