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Re: Cobura

Postby Reddy » Thu May 27, 2021 10:36 am

The Coburan Sun
The Coburan is a centrist and non-partisan daily. It is also Cobura's oldest running newspaper, founded in 2763 published in exile since the communist revolution of 4915

Regional Monarchies Installed
January 1, 4943

Emperor Yekuno II

ZGMAT, COBURA Following years of negotiations, Emperor Yekuno has announced that he has reached agreement with various native dynasties to reintroduce regional-based cultural monarchies. The House of Saksoure-Zgmat has agreed to assume the Lordship of Irkawa, the House of Ramaza has agreed to create a new monarchy, the Emirate of Diliginato while the Emperor's heir Crown Prince Tewodros is set o be crowned Negus (King) of Domale and Prince of Tokundi. The Augustans in the north intend to introduce a new monarchy - a Despotate led by the scion of the former short lived but notable Emperor Lazaro of Zardugal/Augustan Empire. The 80 year old Yekuno will remain King of Kings presiding over the five new monarchs. The decision has been greeted with considerable surprise as the so-called Domalean Gang (the emperor and his councillors) have shown little inclination to deliver on the federal model promised at his coronation 18 years ago. The monarchs will have only cultural authority with no say over public affairs in their kingdoms. The Yekuno era has so far proved to be one of cautious conservatism in public policy - the Emperor resisting his advisors' attempts to thoroughly eradicate the legacy of communism particularly in economic policy.
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Re: Cobura

Postby Reddy » Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:05 pm

The Coburan Sun
The Coburan is a centrist and non-partisan daily. It is also Cobura's oldest running newspaper, founded in 2763 published in exile since the communist revolution of 4915

The Liberal Empire? New monarch expected to usher in era of progressive reforms.
July 5, 4949

ZGMAT, COBURA Tewodros, King of Domale has been crowned King of Kings succeeding his father, Yekuno II who died three months ago at the age of 85. The new Emperor was crowned by the Abuna (head of the Tewahedo Orthodox Church) attended by the four vassal Kings who included the new monarch's son Melee Yekuno who succeeded his father as King of Domale.

The new monarch is known to be much more open minded than his late father on matters of federalism and economic reform. His new Minister of the Pen, Yara Yakub is a former advisor to the late Emperor who was a minority liberal in the old monarch's thoroughly conservative circle. Liberals throughout the Empire have greeted the ascent of the two men to power with near delirium with several projects blocked by the late Emperor now being feverishly presented.
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Re: Cobura

Postby gokustan » Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:48 pm

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Re: Cobura

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:40 pm


Sharba: KDP leader and Prime Minister designate Dulcitius Sethenes celebrated his party's overwhelming electoral victory, pushing out the incumbent government in the largest electoral victory of a new party to date. The ruling "Semayawi" party which has ruled the country for decades was so soundly defeated that in the end result it lost all representation to the new KDP or Coburan Democratic party. The KDP ran on a platform of democratic renewal, promising to enact a new electoral law that would make elections fairer as well as pass other minor ammendments to further democratize the country. In the first sitting of the new House of Representatives the parliament already passed the ammendments proposed by the KDP, making it the most productive day in a parliamentary session in quite some time. Democratic leader Sethenes was also swiftly appointed Prime Minister-designate by King Leo IV who himself ascended the throne two years ago after the death of his father. It must have amused the King that the KDP won this election, as king Leo IV is considered a liberal monarch himself and had behind closed doors complained about the incumbent conservative government. Prime Minister-designate Sethenes is now in the process of selecting his cabinet, which will be subject to a vote of confidence in the House of Representatives after which the PM-D will become the formal Prime Minister. Under the newly passed ammendments the House of Reps will be changed into the House of Delegates with the number of seats to be reduced to 150. The KDP will also adjust the electoral system, moving from FPTP to a MMP system in wich 70% of seats is allocated in a national PR election with the remaining 30% to be elected in single-member constituencies. This new system is set to be enacted next election and make elections fairer and more representative.
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Re: Cobura

Postby TRA » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:03 am

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Re: Cobura

Postby Pragma » Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:48 pm


     Angietis: Order has been restored
     23 Jan 5402

Commander Zōilos Angietis has confirmed the restoration of order in the capital, Sharba, after a morning of sporadic confrontation in the city centre. Noises were reported at the Prime Minister's address and the state broadcaster, but stopped shortly after the arrival of the Commander to the latter location. Blockages on roads leading to the capital were maintained to contain the situation.

In a televised speech to the nation, Commander Angietis confirmed that his Nen-Snēou (NS; Luthorian: Our Brothers) group has 'acted decisively to ensure the security situation is stabilised' and announced a curfew to prevent further disruption. The curfew will be in effect from 5pm tonight. The Commander acknowledged 'isolated incidents' of violence ongoing but promised a 'zero tolerance policy for those who would spread disorder'.

There will be those who wish to take us back into chaos, but like a rifle our nation aims forward!
     - Commander Zōilos Angietis

Prime Minister Omar Abadi co-signed Commander Angietis' actions in a short clip posted to social media, confirming his safety, whereabouts and that he had agreed to 'a period of transition'. He also thanked Angietis for his 'bravery' in taking action against disorder. A statement followed from the King, who congratulated Commander Angietis on his quick success.

Since the failed reforms of former PM Dulcitius Sethenes nearly nine years ago, unrest has damaged the standing and stability of Cobura. At the same time, Commander Zōilos Angietis has waged a tireless campaign to prevent unauthorised groups from preying upon the nation's fragility. Now, with the capital in his capable hands, that period of fragility can finally be consigned on history - and our nation can move forward.

Fiowō Irkawa is a news service based in Sharba, Cobura, associated with the Nen-Snēou paramilitary group
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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:03 pm

ImageConcerns grow that situation in Cobura could worsen in coming weeks
Image9 May 5402

International organisations, including the Human Rights Foundation, have raised concerns that the ongoing conflict in Cobura could become a major humanitarian crisis in the coming weeks. Since the beginning of this year, the remaining fragments of the previous civilian government have been destroyed and new militia groups have emerged in the multi-sided conflict. At the end of January, the Irkawan nationalist group Nen-Snēou (NS) led by Zōilos Angietis took control of the capital Sharba. The move followed several years of a protracted left-wing insurgency in Cobura’s rural regions that previous governments had failed to defeat.

Since taking control of Sharba, Angietis and his supporters have sought to establish control over the rest of the country but with limited success. Although they won decisive victories over forces loyal to the previous government, efforts to pacify Mallan nationalist and Ruanist insurgents have been mostly ineffective. The situation changed once again at the end of last month when Zardic militia groups united with anti-communist Mallan militants to form the Hosian Defence Forces (HD). Despite disparate ideological backgrounds, the new coalition made significant progress in retaking areas previously held by left-wing forces.

At present, there have been no reports of direct fighting between NS and the HD. While they share a common enemy, there are major ideological differences between the two groups. Allegations of mistreatment of Hosian civilians in regions controlled by NS have been widely reported. On top of that, Angietis and de facto HD leader Bazilo Mikaelido are both former top-ranking military officials in the pre-war Coburan government. Internal sources suggest their relationship soured prior to Angietis’ defection to NS.

As a result of the conflict, local infrastructure has been devasted in many regions of the countries. Exports of agricultural goods are central to the Coburan economy. Without the ability to move goods effectively by road and rail, the economy has crumbled. The ever-changing military situation has complicated attempts to deliver vital aid to affected regions. The World Congress Nutrition, Food and Farming Organization (WCNFFO) has warned that over half the Coburan population is currently at risk of malnutrition.
Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:23 pm

     Mikaelido denies advance knowledge of attack on Adijiri village
          19 February 5405

Supreme Commander of the Hosian Defence Forces Bazilo Mikaelido has denied claims that he authorised the killing of approximately six hundred Adijiri villagers earlier this month by the controversial Maksimilianido Brigades. Mikaelido’s coalition have made significant progress throughout southern Cobura in the past six months, partly due to a series of military victories achieved by the Brigades. In recent weeks though, numerous reports have emerged of war crimes perpetrated by the militia, including ethnic cleansing and the targeting of civilian populations.

Last week, the entire population of the Adijiri village of Shinboi was killed in a brutal attack by the Maksimilianido Brigades. Mikaelido and other senior figures in the Hosian Defence Forces were quick to condemn the atrocity and distance themselves from the perpetrators. Despite this, reports have emerged that Mikaelido and his allies offered implicit support to the actions of fascist Zardic militias. According to some sources, he gave personal approval to the attack on Shinboi.

In the past two years, Mikaelido’s coalition and the Irkawan nationalist Nen-Snēou paramilitary group have formed a tacit alliance to focus on eradicating left-wing insurgents in Cobura. As a result, they have forced these various groups out of most of the country’s major towns and cities. Ruanist militants continue to wage guerrilla warfare in rural regions of Domale but the conflict has begun to shift. Various anti-communist militia groups have begun to compete for control and the Hosian Defence Forces have reportedly clashed with Nen-Snēou along the border between Egato and Irkawa.

Throughout the conflict, there have been repeated reports of communal violence. Although many of the parties to the conflict are organised along ideological lines, most are based on ethnic identity. Majatran tribal militias control significant portions of Dilganato and the Hosian Defence Forces have established control across most of Egato. Nen-Snēou’s occupation of parts of Tokundi has brought accusations of targeting non-Irkawan civilians.

The most devastating conflict has been in Domale though. Mallan-dominated groups have lost territory to anti-communist militias, who often perceive the local population as complicit in the actions of the militants. Even the Mallan anti-communist militia the National Defence Army have been accused of targeting civilian populations in the region. Barsa and Semayan villages have been targeted too. As the conflict threatens to enter a new phase of devastation, international organisations are pleading with military leaders to seek a diplomatic resolution.

The Sharba Telegram is a national daily broadsheet newspaper with a moderate and liberal editorial perspective.
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Re: Cobura

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:18 pm

ImageThe rise of Zōilos Angietis, Cobura's controversial dejure leader
Image10 December 5405

Freshly sworn in as the Prime Minister of Cobura, the meteoric rise of Zōilos Angietis from a minor military figure to the officially-recognised head of government has caught many by surprise. Just four years ago, his soldiers took the capital in a daring move, all but sealing the collapse of former Prime Minister Omar Abadi's weakened government.

Born to a Semayan-Majatran mother and an Irkawan father in Sharba, Angietis has only ever identified himself as an Irkawan and a devout follower of the Arkhē faith. Often discriminated against for the colour of his skin and his mixed ancestry, a young Angietis nevertheless excelled at the nation's most prestigious military academy - an institution tarnished by accusations of corruption and mismanagement. Agnietis was offered training to become an officer in the Coburan Army, a chance that he would later credit with launching his career. Angietis' approach to fighting rebels was ruthlessly effective, he was quickly referred for promotion after his leadership in a raid on a communist hideout. However, as he rose through the ranks of the Coburan military, the Irkawan would be frequently admonished for his brutality and hot temper. This culminated in his dismissal from the army in 5396, pending a formal investigation over his involvement in the Lamontoj massacre in rural Egato.

A warrant issued for his arrest prompted Angietis into a period of hiding, only to emerge with a new movement formed by Irkawan defectors from the weakened government. Now an outlaw and guerrilla leader, Angietis' story seemed at a dead end as his forces were repeatedly outnumbered and outgunned by both government and communist opponents. From the hinterlands of Irkawa, his Nen-Snēou militia scored a series of decisive victories against the communists, drawing praise from Irkawan political and religious leaders. With his notoriety rising, the militia closed the roads around Sharba and made a decisive dash to the residences of the PM and the King. The capital secured, Angietis allowed his predecessor to remain as a figurehead before being removed as the position of Nen-Snēou in the capital strengthened and entrenched. Recognising the weakened state of the official military, Angietis reduced has reduced their role in favour of his personal paramilitary.

Since taking Sharba, Nen-Snēou has formed an uneasy and informal agreement with the Hosian Defence Forces to mop up smaller ethnic and left-wing militias rather than unleashing total civil war between them. This has not been without incident, however, as the two groups have clashed along the borders of Egato and Irkawa. In the meantime, Angietis has formed alliances with ethnic Majatran militias to prevent the Hosian Defence Forces from taking total control of the country's east.

Angietis' forces have been accused of brutal, harrowing treatment against Hosians in Tokundi - which Angietis furiously denies. Allegations of mass killings, systematic sexual violence, and the levelling of entire villages have caught international attention - as has Angietis' vitriolic rhetoric against Hosians, published through his personally-controlled Fiowō Irkawa news service.

Angietis' decision to place himself into the Prime Minister's residence has taken many by surprise, but it perhaps signals a move away from an entirely militaristic path forward for his movement. With the communists increasingly receding and the conflict coming down to a duel between himself and HD Commander Bazilo Mikaelido, the position of PM gives Angietis a stronger stance in any negotiation and a seat in international affairs. On the other hand, his decision to instate himself as a political leader will cause fury among other armed groups who will undoubtedly question its legitimacy and refuse to recognise his new title. Ultimately, Cobura may now be pushed into one of two outcomes: a full civil war between NS and HD, or a negotiated peace.
Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
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Re: Cobura

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:12 pm


     Shameful King flees, Angietis to restore order as Commander-in-Chief
     5 April 5406

The sickly and weak King Leo IV has shamefully fled his nation in its hour of need, absconding with his heir to an as-of-yet undiscovered location. Under cover of night, the traitor left his decadent palace and disappeared into the countryside - a shocking betrayal of his fellow Coburans.

With this latest treachery, our brave Prime Minister Zōilos Angietis once again has stepped forward to restore order in our nation. The House of Delegates will vote soon on a motion to recognise his achievements and award him with the position of Commander-in-Chief, so that he may be empowered to protect and strengthen the Coburan people.

As the news of the King's cowardice reached the people, many were seen to faint or cry out for the leadership of their steady-handed Prime Minister. The brave fighters of the Nen-Snēou liberation movement stood strong in the face of the brief uncertainty, chanting the name of our leader through the streets of Sharba to cheers from the public. Their fight against degenerate communism and Hosian villainy progresses apace, with many new towns and villages being rescued each week. Where enemies of the Coburan people are found, our brave Nen-Snēou freedom fighters make short work of them and secure a future for us free of communist or Hosian domination. Indeed, the clarion call of freedom is bringing ever more able men to our side!

Fiowō Irkawa is a news service based in Sharba, Cobura, associated with the Nen-Snēou paramilitary group
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