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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Generalissimo1 » Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:08 pm

Partium Nos Calls Snap Election, Wins


Partium Nos has won a snap election. The party called the election as the new leadership wished to remove the moderate Consul from power.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby SelucianCrusader » Wed May 31, 2017 9:30 pm

The 'Natural Law Party' seeks to overthrow old "Arielite" order in Pontesi

Naga Rani Magius

CAMPUS STELLA (DAWNSTAR) - A new political movement has seen the light in modern Pontesi. Founded mainly by followers of the Felinist Temple of Natural Law sect, many whom have recently moved from Barmenia to live with their Guru, together with former activists in the now largely Hosian-in-name-only Crimson Crusade, the Felinist Claws and Paws Movement and more traditionalist Gerajan sects. The party is led by Naga Rani Magius, 27, an animal rights activist from rural Caespasia of both Seluco-Pontesian and Malivian heritage. She speaks of the need for a Nature-conscious alternatives to all the evils plaguing the contemporary Majatra:

Our continent is beset by all the forces that go contrary to the Daena, to Nature and its laws. To the east, the eternal evils of Communism and materialism have manifested themself in yet another evil empire bent on causing chaos, death and destruction for the sake of its man-made utopian ideals. To the south, the evil and corrupt Arielite regime of the Nasirs are re-establishing themselves in the holy land of Felinism, probably with the aid of the Ahmadi majority, who follow an ideology that The Guru has described as Arielitism on sterioids - that is, pure demonic power on steroids. With its blend of so many vibrant and ancient pagan traditions and so many communities with a vibrant cultural and ethnic heritage, Pontesi is the ideal place to rise as the antithesis of all this evil.

Despite its strong 'green' and anti-capitalist leanings, the NLP also subscribes to views that have been described as 'traditionalist' or even 'reactionary'. In a pamphlet, the policies of the NLP are outlined like this:

☸ Overview ☸

The NLP is an environmentalist, traditionalist party based on Daenic principles that views every living being as a link between history and the future and spiritual, cultural and ethnic factors as the primary force in history. We view cultural and biological factors as inseparable from each other and wants to create a society where natural communities live in harmony with each other and with nature, and where each person has a role to play.

The NLP opposes ethnic chauvinism and imperialism or the dominance of any one ethic group over another in Pontesi. Instead, we view the Qedarite religions as the root behind all oppression on ethnic grounds wars and all genocides, especially through their modern supposed ideological outgrowths: Meztism, Liberalism, Capitalism and Fascism. We seek to unite all diverse Daenic and 'Pagan' religions in opposition to the materialism, puritanism and superficiality of the modern world.

The NLP is against consumerism, mass-production and multinational corporations that alienate the product from the consumer and her own nature. We seek to promote a vegetarian diet and enforce it in public institutions. We will ban all non-organic farming and impose the strictest animal welfare standards possible. Circuses, zoos and animal testing should all be illegal and those treating animals as simple resources to be exploited should be punished in the strictest way possible.

The NLP is sceptical about the rigid, materialistic welfare state - but is prepared to sponsor and ensure a general access to private education and healthcare facilities that are rooted in the spiritual and cultural fibre and practices of their respective communities. Spiritual and 'alternative' medicine deserve to be treated with the same dignity as modern materialist medicine produced by the globalist capitalists in Big Pharmaceutics. Our party maintains a positive outlook on worker cooperatives and wants to break up bigger companies into smaller, community based ones, so that more people will get the chance to run a business and provide for their family by their own ability.

The NLP opposes abortion but takes different stances on other "moral" issues in regards to what devolves most power to local communities. While we view the family as the core unit of any viable society - we seek to give the institution of marriage back to its origins in society and in the temples and in other institutions rather than being something handled by bureaucrats in the state.

The NLP views all life as sacred but also believes that people (perhaps men in particular) have an innate responsibility to protect their families and their community. The party believes that this is best done by allowing everyone to own a weapon and outsourcing the military and police to private militias, thus ensuring the continuing existence of a vibrant and flexible warrior caste. The NLP advocates the death penalty for heinous offenders such as murderers, rapists and animal abusers that are visibly under the influence of Ashuric (demonic) beings and who will be a threat to society as long as they live.

The Patron Deity of the NLP is Azarean the Lion, who is identified with Duka, the Raja of Storms, in the Gerajan pantheon. The NLP accepts members from all natural Daena-based religions and faiths. The Guru says:

Aum Nahma Dukaya! Ave Sancti Azarean! To us, these words are all the same. The chants of those who seek to achieve peace with mother nature instead of mastering her - be they witches, shamans, acharyas, daenists, fire- or cat-worshipers - collectively cry out for the dawn of a new era! Together we shall lead humanity into a new era where Counciousness leads man into harmony with Nature and the Gods. The final hour of the Arielian scourge* and all of its spawn - communism, fascism, atheism, capitalism - has come!

- Guru Aashirya

*The religions delivered from the God of Ariel: Yeudism, Hosianism and Ahmadism are sometimes collectively refereed to as the "Arielian" or "Qedarite" religions.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby SelucianCrusader » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:41 pm

- Wants to sponsor “Nature-oriented” treatments such as homeopathy and “fresh air”
- “Mainstream medicine” warns of a developing measles epidemic in the country

Dux Civitatis Naga Rani Magius demonstrating how "fresh air" can cure herpes in a clip posted on the government's website

CAMPUS STELLA (DAWNSTAR) - As warnings of a developing Measles epidemic in Selucian Pontesi from the medical establishment reach the government's ear as has recommendations of reinstating compulsory vaccinations, the Dux Civitatis (Chief of State) has chosen to respond publicly. In a clip posted at the Government's own website, she condemns the medical establishment and dismisses them as “pawns of Anti-Nature Arielian-Materialist Big Pharma" as well as the Germ theory of disease in general. She believes that there is no such thing as epidemics, but that diseases can be cured by fresh air, mediation and “natural” remedies, one of which she specifically recommends herself:

I dismiss these “recommendations” as nothing else than an attempt to make profits for globalist capitalist Big Pharma at the expense of our citizens. Mainstream medicine does not take into account that woman is a spiritual being. When diseases start spreading in her body, it's because there's an imbalance somewhere. Old age is an imbalance caused by the refusal to become one with the earth again. Anger is an imbalance caused by a surplus of blood - it stresses the heart, and potentially the presence of ashuric (evil) spirits that interaction with our ancestors may cure. Lack of fun in the bedroom dries the root chakra of its reproductive energy - this is why Hosians are having fewer and fewer children as opposed to Daeno-Pagans.

The pawns of Anti-Nature Arielian-Materialist Big Pharma in this country wants this government to inject poison into your children by gunpoint which they claim can prevent measles! If this works, then it is just a prof of the ancient homeopathic idea of 'Simila Similibus Curentur' (equal cures equal) which our sorcerers have taught for many millennia and is thus a proof of the superiority of homeopathic medicine over big pharma. But let me tell you why this is a bad idea in the case of these 'vaccinations': As a matter of fact, childhood diseases like measles or chickenpox are natural crises in a kid's development cycle as the etheric body is reincarnating. 'Vaccination' hinders the child's spiritual development and causes the symptoms that Big Pharma labels as “ADHD”, “OCD” or “Post-traumatic stress” etc. through not allowing the etheric body to fully reincarnate, thus causing permanent stress through the partial vacuum in the person's chakras. Big Pharma profits from this at a terrifying expense – denying our children the fullness of their spiritual potential through dangerous vaccines and then offering drugs as a solution to the problems that arises afterwards, that makes them even less united with themselves and the One.

They talk of an “epedemic” - but do we really know such a thing can really exist? Fact is - we don't! We know that bad air can cause disease and be cured by fresh air, but “germs” are definitely not the cause of any disease - if they where we'd all be dead by now! Think of it, how could brainless beings that reproduce by splitting themselves apart know how to kill a person better than we humans do after all the horrific wars we've had with each other? It's just soooo silly! Yes, those little germs may indeed exist - but as a symptom of a deeper spiritual cause and not as the cause of a disease itself. Even mainstream medicine says we have thousands of germs in our stomach, how come they don't eat us from within then? No - all the daenic and pagan masters have always taught that diseases are best solved by fresh air, walks in natural environment, meditation and natural-oriented ways of healing that takes a holistic approach to womankind as a spiritual being that is one with eternity.

As for that.. how about a soft drink that combines natural healing with a great taste? One such thing is Ether Cola®! Developed by the finest master homoeopaths here in Selucian Pontesi. By activating the natural healing process of an individual's mid-to-lower chakras through it's 1000000000X dilution of lead and mercury, Ether Cola® can cure a cold in just five days. Five days! It's nothing short of a miracle!

*opens a bottle*

Ah... Already, I feel like I'm whole again!

Critics in the comment section who pointed out that the Chief of State herself has reportedly bought a not-insignificant number of shares in the new Dawnstar-based Ether Cola® Co. have had their comments deleted and their IP addresses banned from the Government's website.

Simply Cosmic in it's content!
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby SelucianCrusader » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:11 am

by Matrinus Aurelius Sucellus

Marcus Antonius Xarfaxius, 'Grand Crusader' of the CSLP and self-styled Sorcerer-Priest of Azarean

LIVIAPOLIS - Since the Seluco-Pontesian Union outsourced it's armed forces to competing private dealers with arguments like "ensuring cost-effectiveness" and "ensuring an independent reliable warrior caste", a number of peculiar private military organizations have sprung up, offering different policing and military services to the state and to local communities. One of these are led by Marcus Antonius Xarfaxius, self-styled Sorcerer-Priest of Azarean previously convicted of false adversing for claiming that what turned out to be simple baking powder could cure cancer. He calls himself "Grand Crusader" of the "Crusading Order of the Scarlet Lion-Phoenix", the latest off-shot to the Crimson Crusade movement in Pontesi, a moment that has become more and more Paganized after centuries of association with Felinism and in opposition to official Aurorian doctrine. The Grand Crusader himself comments his group's religious affiliation like this:

MAX: We are Hosians, Pagans, Felinists and Daenic at the same time. It's all the same really. Eli Hosios was a rebel against the oppressive Arelian laws. He was more on the Daenic side. The Guru said that. But we're members of the Terran Patriarchal Church for now. We pray to Eli, Azarean and Alamar Xarfaxis before we go to battle and we hope that the Terran Church will recognize us as a legitimate part of their organization. We smite infidels just like we did before. Lemme give you a guided tour to what we have at our disposal...


☸ Cavalry ☸

MAX: Tanks are virtually useless in the mountainous marshy and mountainous Pontesian terrain. That's why we've invest thoroughly in our brave cavalry divisions. All these have been trained in using both swords and pistols. If you've lived in a rough neighbourhood you will know that a guy with a gun has no chance against a guy with a knife if he's fast enough. He needs to take up the gun, hold it in the right position and aim before he can use it. And a guy on horseback is incredibly fast.

Q: Sir, I hope you don't mind if I ask, but do you have weapons that are more 'advanced' - so to speak - that swords and pistols?

MAX: Oh yes we do have advanced weapon! We have helicopters though but we mostly use them for executions. However we've considered stopping since our allies thinks it's a cruel and unusual punishment. We've come up with a better method that removes the need for both a a cremation and a burial and all the transporting between those, thus saving a lot of resources and CO2 emissions for mother nature:


☸ Flamethrowers ☸

MAX: Lemme show the most wondrous weapon of all time: the flamethrower! Can be used for pretty much any thing: cleaning, removing troubling objects, executions, making enemies toast... No wonder Old Pontesi invested so much money into developing these things.

Q: Besides the obvious risk for the solider using this kind of device - is this really an ethical way of killing people in war, Sir?

MAX: Hugely ethical. Now their families don't have to pay for the cost of a cremation - we fix that for them. How kind of us. They should bring us cookies and raspberry pies. Now I'm gonna show you how we use fire on the sea:


☸ Fire ships ☸

MAX: A fire ship is the ultimate weapon of surprise! You just take a raft or some old hulk of some sort, load it with explosives and put it on fire. You can blow up entire fishing villages like this and modern military can't handle it. If they fire on it with machine gun, bazooka, artillery tank or whatever: even more explosions. Perfect for intelligence operations as you don't need much in terms of resources as long as you just know the technique.

Q Sir, how are you going to effectively use these when going against real navies with battleships, cruisers, submarines?

MAX: Oh, we have a solution for that too....


☸ Cow Catapults ☸

MAX: Here we have something that can handle almost any enemy: Rotten Cow parts! They can be used with a catapult or ballista that is very simple to make - again very cost-effective. These are from cows have died by themselves of course, we are vegetarians after all like all civilized people. We honour their eternal souls by letting their bodies serve a righteous cause against the infidel oppressor while they go on to live their next lives. They get sick when we smite them with the holy power of cow cadavers into their cities and water supplies and then some of them die.

Q: That's a biological weapon. Sir, I must point out that Seluco-Pontesian law prohibits.... *the Grand Crusader abruptly interrupts*

MAX: No it isn't. We don't believe in the Germ theory of disease!

Q: But why are you using them, then?

MAX: They (the infidel) believe in it and so they die because of the placebo effect. That's their own problem.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Reddy » Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:21 am

Optimates Protest Abolition of Republic
September 3, 4236

Optimate supporters protesting in Dawnstar

The Optimates have declared Dux Civitatis Naga Rani Magius proclamation of the restoration of the Aedius monarchy to be regression into tyranny and have organised several protests across Pontesi. The faction's leader Fabius Valerian Gorinius said that a return to monarchy would only end up with a socialist government in purple ermine and holding an orb, deeming monarchy and socialism to be one and the same thing.

The Optimates have instead called on the government to create a classical republic where only those of gentle birth and/or industriousness would be allowed to participate in public affairs. This, according to the Optimates, would protect everyone from the inevitable irrationality of popular and uninformed sentiment. Declining to take part in the protests himself, Gorinius has instead pledged to devote 2 million PON to funding the protests, a pledge matched in part by a number of other Optimate leaders.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Reddy » Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:08 pm

August Senate Declares Cedar Throne Vacant
August 25, 4244

The ducal throne of Pontesi has been declaredto be vacant by the August Senate of the Cedar Throne. This comes three years after the disappearance of Dux Ignatius Aedinius, the occupant of the Cedar Throne, who vanished without a trace on March 16, 4241. The Optimate faction which has commanded the Senate majority for the past seven years took the initiative to make the declaration with a view to abolish the monarchy. However Fabius Valerian Gorinius currently the Grand Vizier General found himself challenged by his intra-faction rival Prince Tigranes Gushar and his supporters who called on the August Senate to retain the monarchy. The Prince argued that a limited monarchy could act as a guardian against populism and protect liberty. He also expressed concern that any such abolition might lead to demands for abolition of noble titles like his own, a strong concern for several Optimates who are members of the titled aristocracy.

The Cedar Throne

As a compromise, Gorinius gave in and instead agreed to institute an elective monarchy to replace the current hereditary one as a compromise between his classical republicans and Prince Gushar's aristocrats. The election is set for mid 4245 and royalsad nobles are the only eligible candidates while the 100 Senators will be the electors with a two thirds majority necessary. The winner would serve for life although impeachment is possible The position is hardly a powerful one but the Dux retains important powers related to security and foreign affairs of the Duchy.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Reddy » Fri Jul 28, 2017 4:16 pm

New Dux Elected
April 6, 4248

Dux Mrlkai I at his enthronement

The August Senate has, after numerous delays,finally elected a new Dux Vanukean Prince Mrlkai, a 68 year old distant cousin of King Kezkai IV and retired Army General defeated four other candidates to claim the ducal throne. As the delay in the election shows, the Duchy is in a somewhat anarchic state with a disorderly Senate based system of government. The new Duke while possessing only limited political authority might find himself in a stronger than imagined position as the faction ridden Senate proved in the election itself and the associated delay that it cannot unite even when the national interest is at stake.
Last edited by Reddy on Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Reddy » Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:22 am

Dux Slams WC Imperialism, Calls For Foreign Policy Review
March 11, 4249

Dux Mrlkai I has criticised the World Congress for its "imperial overreach" during his annual address to the August Senate. The Dux said that the WC was recklessly advancing the narrow interests of a few of its members and dividing the Terran community into factions. He called on the August Senate to review its policy towards the WC and join a "few brave nations" who are resisting the WC's tyranny. The speech was answered with many jeers from several internationalists who called it a violation of the Ducal Pledge (a document signed by the Dux upon his election which among other things binds him from 'unduly' intervening in public affairs) and denounced him as a "Vanukean cipher", noting how his views are identical to those of his homeland. It wasn't all jeers though with a substantial minority of Senators supporting the Dux's views. Many of these are troubled by the presence of communist forces in the Badaran Civil War and feel that the Dux might be the only person able to tackle such a threat spreading to Pontesia Seluciana. The Duchy's policy of non-confrontation with the MRSF juggernaut is se
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Eugene19872 » Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:17 pm

Establishment of the 1st Congress of the newly formed Sovereign Republic of Pontesia

Rally held at local stadium put on by the PPP Grassroots Movement.

November 4251 marks the date that the nation of Pontesia returned to the people. In a string of victories and government overhauls the former Seluciana Progressive Party (now the Pontesian Progressive Party) had successfully transferred power into the hands of the Pontesian Congress and in doing so created the Sovereign Republic of Pontesia.

People cheered and held large rallies throughout the nation at the approval of the new Constitution calling it, "a monumental moment in Pontesian History". The seat for President is still vacant at this time but is up for election soon. Until then the Pontesian Congress led by the Vice President is in control of the nation and is working with lawmakers and the Ministers of the Cabinet to repel restrictive laws and change a great deal of the laws put in place by the former Monarchy.

Lawmakers are expected to take a short recess soon and return to create larger more distinctive bills aimed at changing the entire make up of the nation.
Party Founder: Alinar Balkian
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Eugene19872 » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:10 pm

Foreign Ministry to seek political cooperation

In recent months there has been a steady call by Congress to seek out international cooperation through Economic development, Trade Deals, and Military R&D assistance from other nations. President Elect Alinar has announced that he and Foreign Affairs Minister Garth Liao will be working together on establishing these ties with other nations as they have already had discussions with the nation of Istalia about seeking out Economic Development and a Trade Agreement. No formal meetings have been held but it has been discussed multiple times.

"It is only a matter of time before we seek out allies where ever we can find them, it is crucial for the Sovereign Republic of Pontesia to get out into Terra and establish a presence in the political scene." stated Garth Liao the Foreign Affairs Minister.

There has been calls by some groups within the nation to even seek a sort of friendship with Beiteynu and Barmenistan but those calls have not made it pass initial discussions. Congress is currently weighing its options with which nations to seek any form of cooperation with as it works out the Terran political climate.

President Alinar speaks on Civil War in Badara

In a Pontesia first the President was asked his opinion about the ongoing Civil War in Badara and the recent Security Council's decision to force nations to not interfere in the conflict. Alinar had mixed emotions about the situation:

"I think as an outsider it is hard to say which side or even if either side had enough cause to start the war. War in itself is something that weighs heavy on anyone in a position to send young men and women into it. The loss of one life is hard but the loss of thousands is a pill that is hard to swallow. I feel for the people of Badara and hope that the war ends quickly and that in time other nations will send supplies to help them in rebuilding their nation as well as helping their people to start over.

As for Resolution 29, I feel that the Security Council in some way overstepped the bounds. While the intentions were good in ensuring the war did not spread and foreign forces did not enter the battles on either side it also comes down to Rights of the Nations themselves over the World Councils rule. But that is a question that is more grey then black and white in answers."

Congress has stated that once the war is over it will be speaking with the Badaran Government in order to send any aid that it can to help the people of the nation but has stated several times that any form of Military assistance is out of the question.
Party Founder: Alinar Balkian
Party Name: Pontesian Progressive Party
Nation: Sovereign Republic of Pontesia
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