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Re: Dankuk

Postby TRA » Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:45 pm

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Re: Dankuk

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:40 pm

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Re: Dankuk

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Apr 06, 2023 1:38 am

National Unity Government dissolves in Dankuk

Dankuk's National Unity Government (NUG) has come to an end after 11 years, as the Commonwealth Unity Party (CUP) and Democratic Action (DA) failed to agree on a cabinet reshuffle that would have given the CUP more ministerial positions in line with the parliamentary composition. This disagreement ultimately led to the dissolution of the NUG.

In response to the dissolution, Provisional Chief Executive Woo Maria Sam-jung issued the following statement:

"The dissolution of the National Unity Government is regrettable, but it was a necessary step given the impasse between the CUP and the DA. We must now move forward and focus on ensuring a smooth transition of power through the upcoming snap elections. It is important that the will of the people is heard and respected during this time of transition."

State Chancellor Wang Chi-Hun also commented on the dissolution, expressing his disappointment with the DA's unwillingness to compromise.

"The dissolution of the NUG is a tragic loss for Dankuk, and I am deeply upset that the DA cannot do what is right for the sake of Dankuk. However, while this may have hurt the relations between our two parties, the DA have come to an agreement with us over conducting snap elections to ensure the will of the people in this troubling upset. I will not be running for the CUP and will instead leave the mantle to Sonu Chun-Ho."

The snap elections could result in either the DA or the CUP gaining power and implementing their agendas without the need for compromise. However, the Dankuk Hosian Democratic Party (DHDP), a new party aiming to become a mainstream Hosian democratic party, could potentially become the kingmaker in the elections and significantly impact the outcome. Regardless, Dankuk is heading towards a period of uncertainty and turbulence.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby TRA » Thu Apr 06, 2023 5:12 pm

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Re: Dankuk

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:13 am

MPs speak on issues facing the nation

Following the snap elections, MPs from the DA and the DHDP have taken the opportunity to voice their parties platforms for the coming years and this current administration, with the CUP making a statement on their agenda for this administration.

Deputy leader of Democratic Action, acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Pelaez Juanito Taejoon has been chosen to speak for the DA as the party leader, Maria Sam-Jung was on medical leave.

"My fellow Dankukians,

As we gather today, I stand before you as a representative of the Democratic Action, and as a member of the Provisional State Council. Our party has always been committed to serving our people and improving their lives, and this term will be no exception.

We all know that our country is still in the process of reconstruction after the downfall of the DNWA and the civil conflict that ensued. This will not be a quick or easy process, but we are committed to seeing it through. We will work tirelessly to rebuild our nation and ensure that our citizens have the support they need to thrive.

One of our primary objectives is the completion of the Constitution and the transition into the Republic of Dankuk. We understand that this has been a long and frustrating process, but we are committed to finishing the job and creating a strong and stable foundation for our nation.

While for the DHDP, Yoo Dong-Hwi, elected representative of the province Hyonggi has chosen to speak for his party in a party campaign speech.
"Compatriots, god bless you and please be seated. The Lord has given our troubled nation free and fair elections in good time, and they have passed without incident. Praise be, Hallelujah. The Hosian Democratic Party of our nation has outperformed expectations at the polls, by the good grace of the Lord. We have gone from having exactly 0 seats to nearly a third of the legislature, all thanks to his plan.

In the legislature, as always, our party will continue to campaign for the protection of our Hosian values. We want honest work for all Dankukians, free of vices like gambling and full of opportunities. We want to protect the traditional family and the values that come with it, protected from demonic plagues like homosexuality and transgenderism. We want a moral society that properly educates the youth to be both virtuous and prepared for the future. And we want a quick end to the quagmire of provisional governance and the decisive implementation of a comprehensive Constitution that enshrines a stable and secure democratic society of the people in Dankuk.

We are overjoyed and thankful for the support our party has continued to receive at the polls and at home, support given by good and honest Dankukian Hosians like those in this audience tonight. We promise that we will fight unyieldingly to secure your rights, happiness, and prosperity for the coming days.

And now, let us pray:

While Sonu Chun-Ho, acting State Councilor and leader of the Commonwealth Unity Party has taken the opportunity to speak on behalf of the CUP.
In these uncertain times, the people of Dankuk have continuously voted Commonwealth, and stuck with us 10 years ago, and stuck with us to this election. I guarantee the CUP will maintain an approach of not rocking the boat, and letting extremism rise, we will continue bolstering liberalization efforts on the economy. We will continue opening up to the world gradually and not rock the boat. We will not allow extremism to rise, whether left or right, and we will ensure the future of Dankuk can be secured for prosperity. We will as well, look to finally establish a Republic within this administration. That much, i guarantee.

As all parties set their sights on their agenda to change Dankuk, time will only tell who can push their agenda successfully.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby myungggg » Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:30 am


Acting chief executive Woo Maria Sam-jung suffers stroke, hospitalized
[ PUBLISHED 5 April 5283 / Dankuk Broadcasting Service News Division ]

GONGMANDO / Dankuk's Acting Chief Executive, Woo Maria Sam-jung, has experienced a stroke while at her office today, according to an announcement made by the Cabinet Office. The news has caused concern among the country's citizens as she is currently recovering at the Gongmando Draniano Medical Center. Not much is known about her condition, but her medical team is expected to brief the press in a few hours.

Woo Maria Sam-jung has been serving as the first Chief Executive of Dankuk since 5273 and is the founder of the centre-left party Democratic Action after being one of the leaders of the United Anti-Fascist Committee. Now 83 years old, she is a historical figure for being half-Draniano and half-Kyo, becoming the first biracial head of government since the DNWA's Kyo supremacist regime. Her leadership has been instrumental in rebuilding Dankuk's political, economic, and social systems after years of political instability.

The Provisional State Council is also called to convene in order to resolve the lack of a Chief Executive at this time, especially as she is only been serving in an acting capacity since the 5282 elections. The council will have to appoint a new acting Chief Executive until the next general election in 5287.

State Counselor Soun Chun-ho and State Council members expressed their deep concern for the Acting Chief Executive's health and sent their good wishes for a speedy recovery. They also emphasized the importance of stability during this critical time and called on the Provisional State Council to act swiftly to ensure that Dankuk's political and economic systems remain stable.

"We are deeply concerned about the health of Acting Chief Executive Woo Maria Sam-jung and wish her a speedy recovery," said the State Chancellor Soun Chun-ho. "We are also calling on the Provisional State Council to act swiftly to appoint a new acting Chief Executive to ensure stability during this critical time. Dankuk cannot afford any political instability or uncertainty in this important moment."
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:33 pm

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5283 September 11
Pastor Slams 'Reestablishment of Communism in Dankuk'

Gongmangdo Central Church's Pastor Yi Yeong-Soo has warned of the 'Rebirth of Rowiet* Communism' in the Provisional Government. He said that "from morning to night, the radical left continues to strengthen' and "now the only hope of Dankuk is the salvation of Elijah Hosios', furthermore, that 'all across Terra Dankuk is in the most need of Hosian faith'. Pastor Yi is one of Dankuk's foremost "Inminja" (Hosian Democrats). Although he is technically not a
member of the largest Hosian party in the nation, the Dankuk Hosian Democratic Party (DHDP), Pastor Yi has increasingly voiced political support for the party as it continues to grow following its suprising jump from 0 to 23 seats in the Provisional Legislature following last year's elections.

(*The Rowiet Union was a state-athiest, anti-Hosian, and anti-democratic oppressive communist regime that existed in Dankuk from 4929-4958.)

Pastor Yi's warning referred to the creation of the United Communist Party, which seeks to, according to party founder and leader Ya Kwang, "To ensure properity and equality of all Dankuk peoples...[to] win by power and will of [the] people"

Pastor Yi slammed the Communists' bluff, stating the following.
The United Communist Party has committed to a so-called "democratic process" - but do not be fooled! This is a farce! Look at history! The last major communist party in Dankuk, the Communist Party of the UCCR, too promised to commit to the democratic electoral process. They deceived the people, neglected by an immoral and godless capitalism, and won seats and popularity in a republic. Then, when they had gained enough power, they striked against the government, seized the institutions of governance, and established a despotic regime by force. The Communists will only respect democracy so long as they are on the underfoot - let them gain one inch and they go a mile! The second our democratic institutions are no longer useful to them, they will snuff the light of human rights out, and establish totalitarian repression.

We in Dankuk have seen what Communism wrought upon our nation - famine, pestilence, and a plague of government oppression, moral degeneracy, the dissolution of the family, and a godless society of forced atheisms. But Elijah Hosios, holy his name be, is the truth of the entire world, and he knows Commmunistic metzist athiesm to be nothing but a farce. The Communist Party preys on the downtrodden, the unfortunate, and the exploited; those who
Elijah Hosios called out to and touched. They are trying to become a collective antichrist, exploiting the people with a false, red gospel. It will lead to naught but ruin and poverty, as it has always! This is the complete lie and falsehood the Communists push on the people.

But we, followers of the true faith, know the truth! Neither communism nor capitalism can save an immoral society of sodomites who do not know
the word and gospel of the savior. Only faith can save Dankuk now!

We will not give an inch to godless Communism! Call out the Communists and return our society not to the hands of a genocidal, soulless madness; but to the loving embrace of our lord and savior, Elijah Hosios, and let there be a rebirth of the true faith in our nation. Amen.

Pastor Yi then prayed for the peaceful future of Dankuk and her Hosian faithful, calling on all Dankukians to actively participate in the troubled nation's
reconstruction efforts and to support the provisional government in a time of transition and uncertainty. This sermon, delivered at Gongmangdo Central Church, with the nation's largest congregation, is yet another step in the trend of the increasing political mobilization of religion in post-DNWA Dankuk after decades of fascist suppression and inactivity.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby TRA » Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:16 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby myungggg » Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:13 pm


#GoodbyeMaria: Chief Executive Woo Maria Sam-jung passes away at 83
[ PUBLISHED 7 April 5283 / Dankuk Broadcasting Service News Division ]

GONGMANDO / In a somber announcement today, the Cabinet Office of Dankuk has confirmed the passing of Chief Executive Woo Maria Sam-jung, who died of natural causes at the age of 83. Woo was the first Chief Executive of the Provisional State and had served for a decade since she was first elected in 5273.

Woo was a historical figure in Dankuk, being the first biracial head of government since the Kyo supremacist regime of the DNWA. She had dedicated her life to public service, having been a former member of the Provisional State Council before assuming the position of Chief Executive.

The Cabinet Office announced that a state funeral would be organized in honor of Woo, and national mourning has been declared. Many citizens across Dankuk took to the streets to perform vigils and numerous slogans and posters in different public places have been seen with the writing "고마워요, 마리아" (Thank you, Maria) and her portrait.

Democratic Action, the party that Woo belonged to, expressed their condolences and praised her for her unwavering commitment to public service. "We have lost a great leader, a true patriot, and a friend to all," said the DA spokesperson. "Chief Executive Woo's contributions to Dankuk will never be forgotten."

The Commonwealth Unity Party, the current partner in the government of DA, also expressed their condolences. "We extend our deepest sympathies to Chief Executive Woo's family, friends, and colleagues. She will be remembered as a true stateswoman who worked tirelessly for the betterment of our nation," said the CUP spokesperson.

The Hosian Democratic Party, a newcomer to Dankuk's political scene, also expressed their condolences. "We join the people of Dankuk in mourning the passing of Chief Executive Woo. She was a leader who worked to bridge the gap between our communities and bring us closer together," said the HDP spokesperson.

The sentiment among the people of Dankuk is one of great sadness and loss. Woo was widely respected and admired for her dedication to public service and her efforts to unite the nation. Her passing has left a void that will be difficult to fill.

As Dankuk mourns the loss of a great leader, the Provisional State Council will convene to discuss the succession of Chief Executive Woo and the future of the nation.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby myungggg » Sun Apr 09, 2023 3:15 pm

Democratic Action elects MOFA Pelaez as new leader
[ New Dankuk Ilbo ]

GONGMANDO / In a bid to fill the leadership vacuum left by the passing of Chief Executive Woo, the Democratic Action party held an emergency conference to elect a new leader. After several rounds of voting, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs Pelaez Juanito Tae-joon emerged as the victor, earning the support of all 25 members of the State Council from his party.

Pelaez, an economist and Draniano rights activist is also a former Executive council member of the United Anti-Fascist Committee. He is seen as a capable and experienced politician who is well-equipped to lead the coalition negotiations for the replacement of the interim Woo government. With his new position, he is expected to hit the ground running and work towards stabilizing the political situation in the country.

The negotiations are described to be in a hectic schedule, particularly due to the pressing concerns of foreign investors such as those from Beiteynu. The lack of direction of the Acting Provisional Executive has raised concerns among international businesses, and Pelaez will have to work quickly to negotiate with other parties for a legitimate Provisional Executive.

Meanwhile, the people of Dankuk continue to mourn the loss of their first Chief Executive and historical figure, with numerous slogans and posters appearing across the cities with the writing "고마워요, 마리아" (Thank you, Maria).
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