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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon May 27, 2024 4:12 pm


Society and Economy, a honest analysis of Aldegar's policies and their repercussions in Past, Present, and Future eras: real change from the past?
November 1st, 5489

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The Central Bank of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation is happy to officially publish its detailed rundown of the status of the Aldegarian economy, society, and culture alongside studying the impacts of past and current policies on our current and future developments with the addition of adressing challenges that Aldegar historically faced and what we can do to help:
(This analysis was possible with the help of the Aldegarian Corporate Council, Federal Archive Agency, Subprogram Apollo from Plan GAIA, National Office for Staistics, and the Aldegarian Demographics Agency)

I)Pre-Federation Era(5432 and downward):
Economic status and political environment: Aldegar before the formation of the Federation has been known as an impoverished unstable economy that couldn't hold its own weight but that still relied heavily on others for support. It nonetheless experienced a period of unprecedented growth and rejuvenion following the inauguration of the Aldegarian Canal in 2403 but said period was short-lived given the unstable nature of the first Aldegarian Republic established after the collapse of the millinea old Shahnazid Empire.

The transitional period that was the first republic saw many challenges especially given it was first led by revolutionaries and visionaries that have gotten their vision quickly stripped out following multiple attempted monarchist coups and the eventual successful reintroduction of the monarchy which many thought would solve the issue but at last the cycle of chaos and disorder continued for centuries that can reflected in the status of the Aldegarian economy.

The lack of proper planning, hasty, and often radical regime changes, alongside openly opposing the previous policy set in place have all held back Aldegar from smartly exploiting its abundant resources such as its rich mineral concentration in the central moutain chains, and useful assets being its central location on the map of Terra and the creation of the Aldegarian Canal. We have noted that previous administrations have tried breaking the cycle but still failed as they allocated too much funding in one sector instead of distributing it to all sectors to ensure self-reliance economically and meet the demands of their national customers first. Finally, we are ready to share with you the official numbers of the Aldegarian GDP during the Pre-Federation Era:

But first, here are some terms to help you understand the following complex words:
GDP: stands for Gross Domestic Product and it is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced and rendered in a specific time period by a country or countries.GDP is often used to measure the economic health of a country or region. Definitions of GDP are maintained by several national and international economic organizations.
PPP: stands for Purchasing Power Parity, and it is a measure of the price of specific goods in different countries and is used to compare the absolute purchasing power of the countries' currencies. PPP is effectively the ratio of the price of a market basket at one location divided by the price of the basket of goods at a different location. The PPP inflation and exchange rate may differ from the market exchange rate because of tariffs and other transaction costs.
HDI: stands for Human Development Index, it is a statistical composite index of life expectancy, education (mean years of schooling completed and expected years of schooling upon entering the education system), and per capita income indicators, which is used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country scores a higher level of HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the gross national income GNI (PPP) per capita is higher.
Gini: In economics, the Gini coefficient also known as the Gini index or Gini ratio, is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income inequality, the wealth inequality, or the consumption inequality within a nation or a social group.

Nominal GDP and PPP of Aldegar: Unfortunately, we have only been able to successfully calculate both the GDP and PPP for the 4213-5430 period as the records for the previous centuries and millineas were too vague for us to successfully extract informations from (OOC: I swear to god I had to go through thr trenches and battle my way like a WW1 German soldier at the battle of Verdun to find those God forsaken percentages weren't even NUMBERS, but anyways, where were we) and the numbers are the following:
Nominal GDP: it will be divided into multiple sections according to appropriate time frames
From 4213 to 4500: original initial valeu was 383.3 billion ACR and ended up becoming 450B ACR in the daws of 4500.
From 4501 to 5000: initial valeu was 460B ACR, which finally became 819,5B ACR, shortly after the start of the new millinea.
From 5001 to 5432: initial valeu was 823,4B ACR that turned into 967,32B ACR during the period of the republic.

PPP: we will use the same time frame method employed for the nominal GDP.
From 4213 to 4500: Initially calculated valeu was 650B ACR that became 830B ACR upon entering 4500
From 4501 to 5000: the valeu went up from 834B ACR to 1,27 trillion ACR following.
From 5001 to 5432: the Aldegarian purchasing power went from 1,32T ACR to 1,84T ACR.

Gini and HDI of Aldegar: We are sorry to inform you that we cannot deliver you price numbers for this era Aldegar but we can safely assure you that the estimated Gini during this period of time was around 58,4 to 73,2 showcasing the great disparity between social classes alongside the HDI barely surpassing 0,73 due to the then low life expectancy and fragile healthcare.

Analysis and conclusion of the results: We can deduct from the previous results that Aldegar experienced very slow economic and social development compared to its neighbor alongside policies that didn't help encourage investments and competition, it was a recipe for disaster granted that Aldegar was still experiencing troubling times internally and the war on Rilddhanor during the 54th century didn't help with it as less people used the canal citing safety concerns given how the Aldegarian navy was understaffed and still used outdated materials.

Challenges faced during this Era: Aldegar, and more notably the Aldegarian Republic has faced many challenges that threatened its internal and external integrity which prevented it from achieving its true potential as Terra beating heart for trade and economics. The Rildhanorian War among others have severely handicapped the economy as multiple nations avoided the canal due to the maritime battles happening near it alongside the growing dissatisfaction with the republican government and its conservative staunchly nationalist policies has culminated in what would cause the Water Lilly Revolution, a revolution never seen before in Aldegar that will change the nation as we know it forever.

II) Utopian Federation Era (5432-today):
Politcal and Economic status: Aldegar in the Utopian Federation Era has become a hot-spot for trade, commerce and competition among the nebula of companies trying to gain their own share of the juicy magenta apple that is the Aldegarian market, but before Aldegar came where it's now with its blossoming economy we must look at how things unfolded during the last days of the Republic and the first days of the Federation.

One faithful night, a politcal science student known as Freydoun Shajarian set himself on fire in front of the Mayoral Office of Ramsāhreza while calling out the obvious corruption of the authorities and their greedy ventures that only serve to fill their pockets using money originally allocated for Social plans such as health insurance, public education and unemployment funds, this simple yet radical action of self sacrifice will help instigate the start of a nationwide movement urging for change in the country.

Shortly after the death of Freydoun and the release of his letter calling for the abolition of the republic, Aldegar brightest and smartest intellectual Parisa Shahi led the intellectual class of Aldegar by openly encouraging people to disobey the law and help topple the republic for the formation of a free Federation where everyone is equal and where favoritism will die, this call for action encouraged people to flood the streets while the president at the time put Parisa as the country's most wanted criminal.

In addition, Parisa managed to sway the National Organized Workers Syndicate to side with her and making them promise to paralyze the entire economy if she's arrested, but it seems that the authorities thought it was bluff after they arrested Parisa, little did they know this would be cause of their downfall. Following her arrest, the NOWS orchestrated a nationwide protest that also affected the Aldegarian Canal by willingly stopping any ships from using it and deserting their positions, this forced the MoF at the time to officially suspend the canal for an indefinite period of time while the Aldegarian economy was experiencing its worst recession ever with public debt skyrocketing to 120% and riots happening across the country due to a massive cyber attack targeting the Aldegarian Carceral Agency leaked highly classified documents that revealed the deep nature of the corruption in government alongside the inhumane treatment of prisoners, these revelations helped ignite riots across hundreds of prisons and the successful escape of Parisa, but not only did Parisa escape, a major player in the revolution showed itself being the Masked Fools Society.

As the tensions in the country reached historic level, a secret backdoor deals was struck between the military and the Fools allowing them to topple the government and slowly transition toward the formation of a Federation (OOC: enough yapping or I'm gonna jump off a bridge anyways so let me just cut the whole thing short directly to the numbers)

Current nominal GDP and PPP: We are happy to announce that the Central Bank of the Aldegarian Federation is ready to openly share its report of the current state for both Gross Domestic Product and Purchasing Power Parity with the help of the ACC, FAA, NOS, and Apollo from Plan Gaia.
But we won't just adress the GDP, PPP, Gini, HDI, we will also talk about inflation, social developments, and essential services and how they have impacted Aldegar and this era is the most detailed one given we currently live in it and have the most informations regarding it. In addition, all of the following numbers will also be converted into their LFR valeus according to the FRANc act and out of simplicity for our foreign readers
Nominal GDP:Aldegar at the dawn of the Federation started with 810,4B ACR which equates to 600,29B LFR, the country then experienced a period of unprecedented growth with an average economic growth of above 12% for a period of 5 years helping it achieve a GDP of 1,428T ACR=1,057T LFR, shortly after this period the country experienced a constant excellent economic growth surpassing 14 %for more than 15 years before it settled down at 7%, this economic book that is still going on today has achieved a GDP of 5,36T ACR that equates to 3,84T LFR (according to the Vandamn report at least).
PPP: Aldegar witnessed its PPP plumet from 1,84T ACR to 1,16T ACR because of the canal crisis alongside inflation hitting records of up to 149% it degraded the PPP quickly before it swiftly recovered from the hit at the start of the economic boom with it in 5438 achieving a PPP of 2,73T ACR=2,02T LFR, (OOC: do I need to keep saying the same words GOD DAMN IT) as of now the current PPP is 11,45T ACR=8,48T LFR with an average inflation of 4%

Debt-to-GDP ratio and the GDP per capita nominally and PPP wise: The current Debt to GDP ratio for Aldegar sits at a comfortable 74%, and decreasing, thanks to the effort of the central bank in repaying the public debt that used to be 120% but we are still hoping we can payoff enough debt to reach an excellent ratio of 45%. As for the nominal GDP per capita it is 32,535.46 ACR=21,100.34 LFR and the PPP per capita is 69,502.76 ACR= 51,483.01 LFR, this shows the transformation that Aldegar went economically as it went from a developing nation to a developed modern one economically that knew how to successfully grow and reform its economy while avoiding to repeat the same mistakes past administrations committed.

HDI and Gini: Aldegarian society underwent massive changes since the formation of the Federation but it's time so see if those changes and shock did benefit the population:
HDI: Aldegar witnessed major policy changes when it came to how social matters are handled by authorities, the introduction of federal power to provincial governments helped smartly invest in their local population as we can see that the current HDI is 0,934 an excellent score a proof of the country's ever so modernizing society and living conditions that represent themselves in the life expectancy being 88 for men and 90 for women alongside the literacy rate being 98,4% alongside the average wage being 24,5K ACR coupled with the expected studying age for an Aldegarian student being 22 with the mandatory school enrolling age being 2.

Gini ratio: The average index of wealth disparity in Aldegar is 32,4 with Ramsāhreza, Āzāddeh and Kasād being the highest ones with an average score of 46,2 while cities like Pāytakht-e Aldegār with a low score of 18,3. This shows that Aldegar, even tho it has low wealth disparity, has still a long way to achieve true social equity by handling the disparity in its economic hearts as to make sure class separation isn't born

Average age and their groups in Aldegar: Given the now developed and modern nature of Aldegarian society, we have noted that it went from being dominated by young groupes to then be overwhelmed by more older ones with the =<30<60 age groupe making up 40% of the population while people aged between 18 and 30 only make up 23%, on the other hand the number of people over the age of 60 is 17% and fhe number of people under the age of 18 is 23%, and thus making the average age 42.

Why did it work? And the impacts of it: The great changes that happened in Aldegar and the reasons for their success can be summarized into 4 major ones:
Younger and fresher minds in governance: The toppling of the old administration and spearheading of the revolution by the youth allowed for brighter minds to entierbthe administration which permits them to try and see if their ideas can help the country on the long run coupled with other factors, it was simply the perfect mix for Social and economic prosperity.
Power devolution and separation: Older regimes shared one common issue, too much centralization in the hands of Ramsāhreza alongside the oppression of local governments, the passage of the federal constitution and creation of both local governments and the ACAA has allowed for greater freedom when it comes to financial and social decisions, especially concerning the canal as it's defacto near independent from Ramsāhreza
Targetted deruglation and alleashing policies: President Parisa and her ministry for Finance Hannaneh Dehghan knew how to smartly and swiftly regulate specific sectors of the economy that would break monopolies and help allow for companies to rise with the hopes of joining the ACC, yet another attractive policy adopted by Ramsāhreza alongside the creation of the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute which allowed for freer stock exchange among the people in addition to the restructuring of government-owned companies which helped increase competitiveness within the company themselves.
Open and Utopian diplomacy:The Aldegar of yesterday isn't the same as the Aldegar of today, it once used to be an isolated nationalist country focused on its own matters and only talked with if necessary, but now the country is one of the most welcoming countries internationally with its hyper Utopian diplomacy that sees the best in everyone unless they attack them first alongside supporting panseleyan initiatives such as the Trans-Seleyan Railway, a joint venture between Lodamun, Kalistan, Baltusia, Gaduridos, Tukarali and Aldegar. The ACAA also helped ease relations by separating it from official matters in Ramsāhreza unless it came to urgent decisions such as when the Seat Fiasco happened which led to the seizure of Beiteynuese seats in the Administrative Council through a direct order from the Palace of Javaneh. Aldegar also made new friends such as Lourenne, Yingdala, Luthori, Xsampa, and Gaduridos, which helped cement its position as the heart of the terran trade

III) Starlight and Silicone Era (near and far future):
Predictions: We, the Central Bank of the Aldegarian Federation predict that, if the conditions remain favorable and the Federation doesn't experience any major crisis, Aldegar will be one of the world's leading economic powers and maybe even Seleya's biggest economy but we nonetheless would like to note that those are only predictions that aren't meant to taken seriously unless they reveal themselves to be true. But in order to achieve this, Aldegar must face 2 major challenges in the near future those being:
1) Elderly and pension crisis: The Aldegarian population, according to our calculations, will enter an elderly crisis in the 56th century with the number of elderly unable to work overwhelming the number of people in the workforce as such we encourage the government to fund initiatives that encourage childbirth even if it's outside the marital pact as any child will help ease the crisis and ensure a Prosperous Aldegar unless of course the government wants to decrease the population by letting the average child per woman to fall under 1.
2) Deep-rooted favoritism and hidden games: The Central Bank of the Aldegarian Federation would like to denounce the deep-rooted favoritism running in the Aldegarian economy, especially when it comes to MFS related matters as they often sway the balances in their favor but we aren't opposed to them but rather that it would he advised to support companies not owned by MFS alongside allowing for more forieng companies inside the ACC as a commitment for free trade and economics.

Conclusion: Aldegar is blossoming heart that still has some parasits and bugs eating away at its petals but we believe that we will manage to fight out those issues and help blossom our heart even more as we eventure the 56th century and are halfway through a new millinea.

Thank you sincerely,
The Central Bank of the Aldegarian Federation's committee for Economic Transparency and Fairness.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue May 28, 2024 11:51 am

All the presidential candidates from left to right: Farzad Mohebi leader of the House of the Restorationists, Siavash Dehghan former director of the ASECA, Zahra Tarrokh current acting president and leader of the House of the Rose, and Melika Hosseini leader of the House of Torchbearers
18th December 5489

Presidential elections held in Aldegar with Zahra wins the election with a landslide, Era of the Rose proclaimed: a better Aldegar?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The long-awaited presidential election of 5489 was finally held on the 18th of December with the official candidate list having up to 32 candidates that eventually got eliminated through 7 turns that finally led 4 candidates to fight for the presidency in the 8th and final round. Notable figures from the previous Parisa Shahi administration were running for the presidency such as Siavash Dehghan, ex directore of the Aldegarian Space Exploration and Colonization Authority and the acting president and former premier Zahra Tarrokh also wanting to control the Palace of Anahita her home for the upcoming 5 years but two other figures also made a surprising comeback those being Farzad Mohebi leader of the House of the Restorationists running on a Purple Utopian campaign promoting for the restoration of the monarchy while Melika Hosseini leader of the House of the Torchbearers ran on the ideology of Capped Utopianism by trying to attract the votes of the center right.

The presidential debate was tense following the releasing of the CBAF detailed rundown of the Aldegarian economy and society in which the bank predicted that the country will experience a massive demographic crisis unless proper policies are taken to ensure that the average number of child per women doesn't fall under 1. This led to the main focus of the debate being how to help Aldegar avoid such a crisis, and if it were to happen, how do we minimize the risks? Zahra proposed encouraging childbirth by giving tax breaks and social checks to new parents alongside covering all the expenses that come after getting a child, Siavash said the same thing but also encouraged the robotization of the economy through the use of Gaia as her subprograms will be extremely useful in handling all issues related to robotization and the Aldegarian demographic. Farzad instead proposed letting do its thing, which will help filter out "lazy" people from society, while Malika proposed allowed the population to decrease, which would grant bigger space for economic development.

Finally, on election day, the Aldegarian High Electoral Commission reported an above 97% turnout rate, especially among young people where the turnout was 100% as they went to choose which candidate will lead Aldegar to greatness. After long hours, the official winner was announced to be Zahra Tarrokh with 65% of the votes followed closely by Siavash with 30% of the votes, then Farah with 3% and Malika with 2%. Shortly after the results were shared, the Era of the Rose was proclaimed given that Zahra's name means Rose in Arabic and she is the leader of the House of the Rose, she also didn't waste time by announcing that Siavash Dehghan will be her premier to help fight the upcoming demographic and pension crisis alongside start the robotization of the Aldegarian economy.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue May 28, 2024 3:31 pm

Amir Ali Rahnema, the new MOFA

Warming up relations with Luthori and Dundorf, normalization of relations with Badara underway: rekindling with the west?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Historically known as the heart of Seleya and Terra, Aldegar finds itself again reaffirming this title by establishing closer ties with Artanian nations most notably the Luthorian Kingdom and the Dundorfian Republic as both seek closer ties with the golden lion. Diplomatic talks were held between an Aldegarian delegations spearheaded by Amir Ali Rahnema, the new Minister for Foreign Affairs, he reportedly held talks with the dundorfian delegations first by agreeing on a friendship and trade treaty between Aldegar and Dundorf alongside stating that Bloodline Rank will be granted to Dundorfian ships once the country creates its own mercantile fleet. When it came to Luthorian talks, on the other hand, he agreed that Aldegar would invest in the Luthorian market in exchange for luthorian investments in the Aldegarian market, he also agreed that Luthorian ships will be granted the Bloodline rank concerning canal use alongside the erasure of all Xamkorj strikes for the sake of diplomacy and international harmony, the company's that will be sent to Luthori are reportedly, Stellaris, Renard International Group, and Stork Foods with Renard Luthori planning to expand the number of boutiques in the kingdom.

In addition, foreing minister Amir Ali Rahnema has announced that negotiations concerning the normalization of relations between Aldegar and Badara are going on smoothly with both parties agreeing on forming a free trade zones between the two countries alongside Aldegar planning to grant Badaran ships the Bloodline rank given their role in international trade, the Minister also reaffirmed that "Aldegar is open for diplomacy with everyone even if it means we're on the short end of the stick, this includes Beiteynu but we won't force ourselves where we aren't wanted or needed." Ali also confirmed that Aldegar will support all initiatives related to panseleyan organizations which includes a possible Reformation of the Seleyan Intergovernmental Council.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 29, 2024 11:39 am

February 16, 5490

Formation of a Techno-Utopian government with robotization and childbirth a priority, friendship with Luthori on the way: the rose meets the gear?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Shortly after the end of the presidential election and inauguration of Zahra Tarrokh from acting president to official President of the Aldegarian Federation, she then quickly appointed Siavash Dehghan, former director of the Aldegarian Space Exploration and Colonization Authority as Premier with the approval of the Class Representatives Council. The new government formed after successful negotiations were held between the House of the Rose, Phoenix, Radiance, and Stars concerning the formation of the Federation for Aldegarian Social and Technological Empowerment with the main goal of handling the upcoming demographic crisis and kick-start the robotization of the Aldegarian economy.

Furthermore, the newly appointed Ministers are experts in their fields, keeping the tradition of only appointing experts in ministerial positions, the current government calls itself a "Techno-Utopian" one closely related to the ongoing Cyber-Utopian Era that was kickstarted 20 years ago. The main goals of the current administration are to expand Aldegar's network of international partners, promote and encourage childbirth through the use of national policies or supporting the migration from other countries, and finally introduce and normalize the use of robots and automatons in the economy and the daily life of the Aldegarian as they hope that the country can become a leader in this field especially given its very seismic nature and harsh geography.

Finally, the Palace of Javaneh has announced that a Luthoro-Aldegarian friendship treaty has been successfully reached with the treaty now being voted on by the respective legislative bodies of each country, the treaty very similar to the one made by Yingdala encourages investments, friendly relations and mutual cooperation on international matters as both Aldegar and Luthori seek to deep their economic and diplomatic ties in a Terra evermore peaceful.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Fri May 31, 2024 1:43 am

July 23, 5491

WISE plan discussed in Congress as the MoRTD gets its budget doubled, Stellaris joins the ACC: paws od steel for the golden lion?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Ever since the inauguration of the FASTE-led government and the landslide victory of Zahra Tarrokh, Aldegar is being run yet again by technocrats, scientists, engineers, sociologues and much more. The surprising agreement between Zahra and Siavash during the presidential debate has allowed for the rise of technological and socially focused movement instead of the prior technological and economical focused movement that started in 5437 to 5450 with the unchallenged rule of the Union for a Technocratic and Futuristic Aldegar it remains to be seen how the current administration will bring Aldegar into another age of freedom, prosperity and progress without the help of former president Parisa that user her charisma and reputation to sway politicians using her silvertongue, an ability many can't gain unless mastering in the arts of governance like she did for more than 50 years.

As a sign of their commitment for Aldegarian Technological and Social "empowerment" the Working Intelligence System Expansion, Wise Act, has been brought in front of Congress as it includes the introduction of laws encouraging for the automation of the Aldegarian economy alongside introducing regulations and new laws that put a framework for all Robotics related research as the act recognizes "every robot's basic right for equal treatment" meaning that in the future when robots, AIs, and assistants will be treated as equals to organic human beings including every basic civil rights written in the constitution. This law would make Aldegar the first country in the history of Terra to grant civil rights to non-organic beings alongside putting said beings up for trials just like every human that walks on Terra, nonetheless the government stated that a new agency known as the Robitics Research, Monitoring, and Regulations Institute for Technology will be created as to ensure that the robotization process in Aldegar goes smoothly alongside researching for better ways to produce, regulat and monitor those robots be it industrial or not, this eventually led to the doubling of the budget of the Ministry of Robotics and Technological Development that has seen its authority expanded out of being a mere sub-ministry for the Ministry of Research and Technology.

Finally, Stellaris, Aldegar's leading telecommunication giant has finally joined the ACC earlier today following their historic financial record in the Ramsāhreza Central Stock Institute as their shares valeu skyrocketed by 1500% following the announcements from the government, the company already was part of the Corporate Star complex in the newly built financial district part of the Neon Ramsāhreza plan that has made many people jealous especially among the other companies of the RCSI that long sought to enter the ACC but failed, Stellaris is also set to expand into the Luthorian market following the announcement of them being among the three companies that will get government funding to invest in luthori.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:18 pm

Pictures of the new Autumn/Winter collection during the Ramsāhreza Fashion Week 5492
June 2, 5492

Renard unveils "Casual yet unique" Autumn/Winter collection 5493 as they announce an expansion of their stores in Luthori: the fox ready to assert dominance?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Renard, also officially known as Renard International Conglomerate & Associates, has finally shown to the world their upcoming 5493 Autumn/Winter collection, a collection long-awaited ever since the transition of the company from the hands of Eloise Renard to Aurore Renard that previously moved the headquarters of the company from Kanjor to Aldegar following the Water Lilly Revolution and their participation in the first edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival but it seems that the transition from Eloise to Aurore was smooth given how the company moved its headquarters to Ramsāhreza's most wealthy part and even opened a mega store in the Champagne District that reportedly generates millions for the company every day with the numbers of H&F shops increasing drastically in Aldegar which allowed for the popularization of fast fashion given how Homme & Femme, a company founded by Nina Renard herself. Now with a new era of Renard on the way with the grip of the Renard family and Nina's original vision still alive, the fashion division of the conglomerate unveiled its Autumn/Winter 5493 collection with its main theme being "Casual Yet Unique" as they redesign commonly used clothes and outfits into high-end affordable ones as they also used to show that fashion isn't just an upper-class type of exclusive things.

In addition, after the show Aurore announced that Renard Luthori will now include all other luxury services proposed by the conglomerate alongside ensuring that no superstore will be opened and instead the system of small medium sized boutiques will be the way forward because according to her own words, "Only those nasty wannabes who don't know how to spend their money go to those ugly consumerist super and mega stores as most of those customers are simply newly rich people trying to show off their wealth. That is why even tho Renard offers extravagant clothing we don't show off our logo on every piece of our work or even shops because we believe that true gems need to remain under the earth so only people who know its worth are able to find it." Aurore announced that Saphire and Renard Bijoux will expand their services in field of jewelry with the former specializing in polishing and reshaping jewels while the latter is an expert in making high end jewelry pieces that can last for centuries such as the necklace of Nina that is still in excellent shape even after more than 120 years of being worn by the Renard family.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:31 pm

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Re: Aldegar

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:54 pm

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:18 pm

August 17, 5493

Stork Foods and Finnik announce the export of saffron and its related products following the lift of governmental ban: finally we can have saffron infused coffee!

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Amazing news have came from the Aldegarian Corporate Council as they successfully convinced the government to lift the 18 years long ban on the export of saffron that was introduced by the then newly formed National Coalition for Social Harmony in Aldegar, NCSHA after the end of the Lost Souls War. The reason for the ban was to protect aldegarian saffron from being illegal planted in other countries with only very few nations having the proper climate to grow good quality saffron. The motion to lift the ban was proposed by both Stork Foods, the Aldegarian giant in the field of agriculture who also control 78% of all affron plantations, and Finnik, the shopping and services giant that has thousands of supermarkets across rhe nation that sell anything and everything at cheap affordable prices that often lead to the death of any competition because people often choose to buy cheap good quality goods instead of expensive ones.

In addition, the two companies justified their decision by stating their wish to expand their customers base outside of Aldegar especially after the expansion of Stork Foods in Luthori as part of the investment deal between the Aldegarian and Luthorian governments, Finnik on the other hand stated their wish to sell their famous saffron infused coffee beans and tea leaves for all enjoyers of unique drinks with the hope of striking a deal with PurVide, Lourenne's own chain of coffee stores and even bakeries. Furthermore, saffron is known for the fact that's its the world most expensive spice that's extremely cheap within Aldegar, but will they be successfully selling this red gold to the rest of Terra?
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:36 pm

Former MOFA Mohsen Blourian on the left and the current MOFA Amir Ali Rahnema on the right
June 31, 5493

Aldegarian diplomatic overall announced with the creation of the Lion's Crown Accords, Javaneh declares "diplomatic Renaissance": International harmony?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the surprise of many within the international community, the Palace of Javaneh, also known as the Ministry for Foreing Affairs and Aldegarian Community Abroad, has announced a complete overall of the way the Palace and the government will handle diplomatic and economic affairs. The palace's spokesperson announced the creation of the Lion's Crown Accords as a way to streamline Aldegar's relations with its foreing partners, friends, and foes alongside making clearer the border between diplomatic and economic cooperation as the treaty is heavily inspired from the Yeudish Neset treaty but with the addition of diplomatic closes to make sure mutual cooperation is guaranteed not only through trade but also diplomacy.

Furthermore, the Palace declared that Aldegar has entered the stage of "Diplomatic Renaissance" given the newly struck deals all around Terra and the freshly created friendships with Luthori and Dundorf, they noted that Aldegar has a long way to actually achieve good and friendly relations with everyone on Terra but they are hopeful that the Lion's Crown Accords will help reach this goal and fulfill the true meaning of Utopian Diplomacy.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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