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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby wschmidt__ » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:26 am

Völkischer Beobachter: Threats from the disgusting Communists, security force of the NDVP reorganised-Erik Schneider

On 27 June 4332, members of the Verband der Studentenkommunisten (VdS) and Liga der Jungen Kommunisten (LdJK) were reported protesting before the DPD headquarters in Gayern and the Bundestag in Zerlin, making serious threats against the members of the public and threatening to 'pack all these bourgeoisie and send them to the gulags', as one petrified bystander reported. It is said that Bundespräsident Jörg Hoffmann and ex-Bundespräsident Jürgen Schneider dared not step out of the Bundestag due to ensuing violence and lax civil liberty laws meant to make Dundorfian views heard, but not incite violence. The presence of the VKPD's Sicherheitskräfte (ShK) did not do anything to calm tensions, but made them worse, with members of the protesters lashing out at passerbys and lawmakers heading into the Bundestag. In light of this, the NDVP's Vice-Chairman, Erik Schneider, announced at the NDVP headquarters in Zerlin, that the NDVP would be setting up the Stahlhelme für die Heimatschutz (SHS) to protect members of the NDVP, while granting greater powers to the Bundespolizei to protect the public from these 'disgusting Communists'. The current NDVP Sicherheitsbund would now be disbanded and reintegrated into the SHS.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:41 pm


3rd Deputy General Secretary elections held for VKPD, Magnus Armbrüster achieves victory, Ernst Steindorf wins second term as General Secretary

November 8, 4333
Zerlin, Dundorf
11:30 AM

Being held slightly earlier this year, with polls being open to party members at around 7:00 AM sharp, the VKPD has tallied their votes for its third elections for Deputy General Secretary, as well as General Secretary, seeing as though both term limits coincidentally fell on the same year. The position for Deputy GS was won by Magnus Armbrüster, a former aerospace engineer turned politician. Remaining a relative shadow in the VKPD, he became more popular after voicing that he boldly created his "own" form of Metzism: Armbrüsterism. He believes that the principles put forth by Metz can be utilized to achieve unparalleled scientific growth and achievement. "Overcoming the capitalist system can start the first step towards wonders in the scientific field. Man can step outside this planet and explore the universe." remarked Armbrüster to reporters of Neues Dundorf. The position of General Secretary was unsurprisingly won by Steindorf yet again, after achieving even more popularity among younger voters, most likely brought upon by his statement of solidarity with the protesters in June last year. The new Deputy GS, Armbrüster, gave a short victory speech, of which Neues Dundorf have included below.

If I am a technocrat, then well, by all means, so be it. Metzism is made to support the worker and the scientist. His works can be used for the betterment and advancement of mankind, not for profit. Believe me, in my days as an aerospace engineer, profit definitely came before progress. It was always snip a little funds here, we're not focusing on that at the moment, to fuel more into this, so we can achieve the upper hand of our competitor. Now that I have ascended the post of Deputy General Secretary, I will work closely to make sure that our party supports not just the industrial worker, but the scientist. I thank you for my victory. Let us build a better future for mankind!

Party portrait of Armbrüster.

VKPD's Sicherheitskräfte celebrates 10th year anniversary

On the same day, the VKPD celebrated the 10th year anniversary of the formation of it's Sicherheitskräfte, or security forces. Tobias Geissler, the longtime chairman and chief of the ShK, gave a powerful speech that not only celebrated the party's forces, but made it clear that they certainly aren't going anywhere, in terms of being disbanded. Such fiery remarks by genosse Geissler will certainly further tighten the tensions surrounding Dundorfian politics.

Guten morgen, genossen. Ten years ago today our party's loyal security forces were formed by Genosse Schäfer, may he rest in peace. Since then, they've served as the bulwark against nationalism, extremism, and remained a force for peace and stability to our party, wherever we go. For years, we've endured lies, harassment, and threats from the opposition to disband our forces, on the grounds that they are a "paramilitary organization". Nothing could be further from the truth. To make them feel better, we limited our forces to 10,000 upon the election of Ernst Steindorf, and yet still they've remained a well trained, well disciplined force, and they're damn sure not going anywhere. You heckle us, but we are only doing the perfectly rational notion of protecting ourselves. And now I hear news that an opposition party is forming its own security forces. This "Stahlhelme für die Heimatschutz" being created and the greater powers given to the Bundespolizei are clearly an attempt to silence our political freedoms and we won't have any of it. From only one rally to end privatization in all aspects of education, an essential right to our children, the government has already taken steps to limit our right to assemble, a right that they voted to allow! Never forget that, genossen! They begin to restrict the very thing they supported! Such ridiculous hypocrisy. I could go on and on, but this is supposed to be a happy celebration.
Genossen, I close with our motto: Stärke, Ordnung, und Frieden! Lang lebe der Sicherheitskräfte der VKPD! Let us work in continued service to the party, and uphold our ideals! Long live Metz!

Herr Geissler commending administrative personnel of the ShK shortly after his anniversary speech.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:49 am


February elections usher in historic victory for the left coalition

February 12, 4334
Zerlin, Dundorf
6:15 PM

The capital of the Bundesrepublik was aflutter with joyful crowds, large celebrations, and the victory speeches of the SED. The VKPD also gave a small congratulatory speech. After decades of being on the sidelines, the left coalition of Dundorf has finally achieved a victory. The VKPD, the smaller yet certainly more vocal of the bunch, announced that their party would bring about sweeping reforms aimed at the betterment of the working class of Dundorf, regarded as the first step towards the establishment of an Arbeiter und Bauernstaat, and the 2nd Dundorfische Demokratische Republik. The party also plans to submit a cabinet proposal sometime this year, aimed at replacing the largely capitalist one with a socialist one, working together to further issue changes to the government and society of Dundorf. The right coalition has been mute on the victory of the left, with many reporters being unable to contact the former largest party, the NDVP. The people have spoken, and it seems finally true—the socialist era is upon us once again.

The VKPD holds a party conference to a packed headquarters, with party members observing the congratulatory message to the SED.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:51 pm


BREAKING: Peter Hoffmann, Chairman of the VKPD's Verband der Studentenkommunisten, gravely injured in apparent assassination attempt

May 16, 4335
Zerlin, Dundorf
12:45 PM

Breaking news this afternoon from Zerlin. The Chairman of the VKPD's student organization, the Association of Student Communists, or Verband der Studentenkommunisten, Peter Hoffmann, has been gravely injured by what seems to be an apparent assassination attempt. Hoffmann went outside the party's headquarters for lunch after a regularly scheduled morning meeting with the Zentralkomitee about upcoming events for the party, as well as policy implementation in the Bundestag. Stopping at a local cafe in the heart of Zerlin, and its busiest sector, the young man reportedly stayed there for half an hour before a small group of two masked men entered the restaurant, proclaimed "For the NDVP!" and fired 3 shots at the young party leader, with one striking his abdomen, before fleeing custody of the Bundespolizei. This comes at a tragic case of bad timing, as the Sicherheitskräfte were not present with him. The group of ten personnel assigned to Hoffmann remark that they weren't even given prior notice of his leave from the party's headquarters. The young politician was quickly rushed to the hospital but it is unlikely he will survive his wounds. Eyewitnesses described seeing the booth that he was removed from as "thoroughly soaked with blood", as well as the table. The young man's reading glasses were left on the scene, and a photographer managed to capture a photograph of them on the table. We must warn you, reader, that the image we have been given is not for the squeamish. But one thing is for certain. The life of a youthful activist has likely been snuffed out by dastardly attacks by supporters of nationalism and far right ideologies! Whatever action the VKPD takes, we will wholeheartedly support it.

Hoffmann's bloodstained glasses still on-scene, facing a window.

VKPD guarantees "harsh, swift, and violent action" for the perpetrators of Hoffmann's assassination

May 16, 4335
Zerlin, Dundorf
1:30 PM

Our field reporter, Claus Bernhardt, was welcomed to the VKPD's headquarters with open arms, where he watched closely the emergency congress of the VKPD. Several key party figures were present, from Ernst Steindorf, Anton Keßler, and Tobias Geissler. The address began with the solemn news that Peter Hoffmann had succumbed to his injuries, dying of blood loss shortly after arriving to the hospital. Steindorf announced that the VdSk will replace him in the coming hours. But on the greater picture, the perpetrators of the heinous act, each aforementioned man had their own speech to say, of which Neues Dundorf have provided transcripts to below.

Genossen, we must act against these scum. From what I have been told, they acted in support of the NDVP, and so Hoffmann, may he rest in peace, was killed for politically motivated reasons. Such an injustice cannot go ignored.
We must take action. There is no bit of paper diplomacy that can forgive what has been done. How the hell can we sit here and still function in the Bundestag tomorrow? These punks have essentially declared war against our party. And we aren't one to back down. And so I give herr Geissler full authority to do what he deems necessary with our Sicherheitskräfte. Make no mistake, comrades, we will have our revenge. We've tried for years to achieve our Arbeiter und Bauernstaat,
constantly blocked by these capitalist pigs. It seems we finally have our chance.

NDVP, read my lips:


-Generalsekretär Ernst Steindorf

What Steindorf speaks is correct. This heinous act is a direct attack on our party. We must defend ourselves, simple as that. The Sicherheitskräfte has already shown themselves to be a reliable force, but they need someone even more reliable behind them. Not only that, but larger. So, in my respected position, I am not only happy but proud to announce that the military is not only still supportive of the VKPD for their tough stance on reinvigorating our armed forces, but many have said they are loyal to the party. You've seen it. There's been a significant spike in military men joining. Several members of the General Staff even are members. I won't deny they've certainly brownnosed us a few times, what with that military gala a few years ago, but it was all worth it. Anyway, currently, what I may say is certainly illegal, but I don't care. Neither do my men, either! We fully support the communists and are ready to assist in bringing down the fascist and capitalist scum who pick at our nation from all corners! I hereby declare, that the communist supporting half of the DAF fully splits apart from the capitalists, and formally establishes the Dundorfian Volksarmee! You hear that, capitalists? Just try and stop us!

-Anton Keßler

Candid image of Armeegeneral Keßler.

I thank genosse Steindorf for welcoming me to the podium, and support the fiery remarks made by Armeegeneral Keßler. Seeing as though this congress is dragging on, and I see that quite a few of you are getting stuffy in this room,
I will make my address short and to the point. The recent hostile action against our party and the murder of a key party official, no matter how young Hoffmann may have been, is a declaration of war. And so, I raise the Sicherheitskräfte's forces back to 20,000 once more. We will also begin a campaign in northwestern Dundorf to gain control of the region in what I officially declare a civil war. We will be conducting raids of police departments to arm our divisions for the securing of the revolution, and to fight against the capitalist supporting DAF. We will also attempt to secure control of Zerlin and subsequently the Bundestag. The road to re-establishing the 2nd Dundorfische Demokratische Republik is already underway.
Dear party members, be safe. Let us work towards creating our Arbeiter and Bauernstaat.

Männer der Sicherheitskräfte! Stärke, Ordnung, Frieden!
Lang lebe Karlstein Metz!
Lang lebe der Dundorfische Demokratische Republik!

-Tobias Geissler
Vorsitzender und Chef der ShK

An emboldened Tobias Geissler gives his war speech.

Our field reporter was asked to leave the room and find a safe residence in the coming days. When giving his story back to us, he stated that the last thing he saw was extremely large portions of the party's Security Forces, as well as the military, leaving the VKPD's headquarters, being equipped with weapons, and moved into military vehicles, before driving off further into the city. It seems that effectively, the time of peace in Dundorf is broken. Our nation is effectively now in a state of civil war. Our organization will find a safe place to seek refuge and report the most up to date information whenever it comes available.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Friedrich » Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:11 pm


From our own correspondent

Today, the leader of the opposition, Martin Warfstein, in the Bundestag, spoke for the first time in public about the current political situation in our country. During a brief press conference in the SED partyheadquarters in Zerlin, Herr Warffstein condemned the attempt to assassin Peter Hoffmann of the VKPD. "When we have a non-functional Government with Ministers whose party, the DPD, is not represented in Parlement at all, when we a President who is not willing to form new Cabinet than you get a society which is losing its moral values". Your correspondent heard from several sources close to the inner circle of the SED, that the party is fed up and highly frustrated about the poor leadership of Bundespräsident Jorg Hoffmann (NDVP). More and more high ranked party members seem to agree with VKPD's Generalsekretär Ernst Steindorf that a civil war is unavoidable. Pressure is building up and these member want to see some action of their leader. Asked about that, Warffstein answered that he expects that his Vote of No Confidence will pass in the Bundestag and that new fresh early election might be a "just in time solution". He also declares to be constantly in contact with all partywings and that he believes that common sense will prevail. One thing is quite clear, Warffstein said: "the end of the capitalist era is quite near and bright future of the working classes is for the taking. I'll promise you just that"!
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby westamon » Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:45 pm

The Sozialistische Volkspartei von Dundorf, a relatively new party within Dundorf, have announced their support for the Communist and Socialist forces fighting against the Capitalists in the 4th Civil War. Party General Secretary Rolf Brunke released a statement: "The SVD, although a new and weak political party, stands firmly behind the Socialist and Communist forces fighting for the good of Dundorf's workers. We will do all we can to bring about the end of capitalism in Dundorf and stop the NDVP's disastrous rule. I and others within the party will join left wing forces in battle, and the proletariat of Dundorf will prevail!"
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:19 pm


VKPD declares victory over the opposition, arranges peace talks

May 12, 4338
Occupied Zerlin,
Communist occupation zone

The VKPD's ShK, along with the assistance of the Dundorfian Volksarmee, has fought for three years across Dundorf in the glorious effort of liberating the working class and bringing about the formation of a second Dundorfische Demokratische Republik. After seizing large swaths of territory, but being pushed back to Kronstein by vicious counterattacks by the capitalists, the DVA's air forces gathered themselves up, and conducted their own counterattacks overnight, successfully destroying all three of the NDVP's regional headquarters, as well as bombing the home of Bundespräsident Hoffmann, successfully eliminating him as well. The next day, the same jets bombed the temporary Bundestag, killing a large portion of the NDVP's members. From then on, large amounts of DAF forces loyal to the capitalists conducted mass surrenders, allowing the DVA to advance once again. The two armies eventually agreed to a ceasefire, and Acting Foreign Minister Jürgen Kirschner flew to the now-occupied capital of Zerlin to discuss terms for peace with the NDVP. Neues Dundorf is unsure what will become of the party, but it is likely that they will be banned, along with any other capitalist parties in Dundorf. Effectively, the first step towards establishing our arbeiter und bauernstaat has already begun.

Fireworks explode in the sky, and hundreds of working class citizens celebrate the left coalition's effective victory in the civil war at the Zerliner Tor.

Workers tear down fortifications set up by the capitalists, with members of the DVA looking on.

Herr Kirschner meets with provisional government lawmakers that came along for the ride in Zerlin.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:59 pm


VKPD passes Socialist Protection Bill, bans most capitalist parties, ZPD refuses to budge

November 15, 4340
Zerlin, Hauptstadt der DDR
12:15 PM

The VKPD, certainly the most active party during the civil war, and largely contributed to the left bloc's victory, introduced the Socialist Protection Bill to the provisional parliament, after debating its contents with other members of the left bloc. Passing in a landslide, two parties that had recently sprung up, Stark und Stolz, a far-right party, and interestingly, the Dundorf Kaiserliche Partei, a monarchist party, had submitted to the ban and left parliament. The only party not to do so was the ZPD, who at the time of this publication, are both the largest party and hold the office of president. However, the left bloc is larger than them, totaling a combined 254 seats, as opposed to the ZPD's 246. The ZPD, upon passing of the Socialist Protection Bill, refused to accept the bill as state law. The VKPD's Deputy General Secretary, Magnus Armbrüster spoke directly against this action in a long speech, of which was included below. Upon the closing of his speech, he encouraged the entirety of the left coalition to stand up and conduct a mass chant of "resign".

You call the passing of this bill as liberticide. Honestly, you could not be further from the truth. It is you who have been committing heinous injustices against the working class of Dundorf for the past two decades! You may be much younger than that, but the parties before yours continued to uphold the practice of capitalism, a practice which enslaves the proletariat! We pass this bill to truly create a just and free nation for its people. We have won, it is as clear as day. Our coalition combined has more seats than you, and we've passed several reforms in landslide victories. It is why here, in our parliament, the Volkskammer, not the wretched federalist term of Bundestag that you still cling to, we order your resignation.
If not, we will do so by force (Armbrüster reportedly pointed in the direction of a few Sicherheitskräfte officers standing in the building). This is the last straw. You are but a lame duck president and a weak obstacle to the reforms we wish to implement for the good of the worker. Comrades, stand in solidarity with me!


Members of parliament, moments before Armbrüster began his chant.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Nichola » Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:12 pm

"The ZPD has never voted a law against the workers of our beloved country, they are inventions of a party to kill democracy."
Frederick Schneider in his last speech as President ZPD at the party assembly.
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