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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Aquinas » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:57 pm

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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby RedReaper » Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:56 pm

With The Regime's Top Leaders Surrendering And Rousseau Still On The Run, It Appears That The Fascists Have Truly Been Crushed

January 4457

With the Aldurian nationalist surrender and the subsequent arrest of many key players within the regime, the Federation intends to move towards new elections by the end of the next two years. Federal Troops shall continue to patrol the streets during their withdrawal process. State and Federal police forces are currently still searching for Rousseau, who has so far avoided capture by the authorities. The Nationalist Party has been disbanded, and its legal successor, Pride, shall act as a caretaker government until the situation in Alduria has been resolved and new fair elections have been called.
Newly elected Federal President Alexis Chéron had many positive things to say about the developments and the actions of Federal forces throughout the confrontation;

CHÉRON: I would like to congratulate all members of the Federal Armed Forces which took part in Aldurian peacekeeping operations. Your valour, courage and respect for civilian life throughout the operation is a great achievement, as is your success at ending the vile criminal actions of the Nationalist Regime. You have served your country proud.

JOURNAL FÉDERALISTE: Do you have anything to say regarding the movement towards a return to democracy in Alduria, aswell as the rehabilitation of Majatran and Luthori people who suffered so much under the regime?

CHÉRON: The crimes of the Nationalist government throughout their tenure cannot go unpunished. We intend to work with the World Congress and the International Community to form an International Tribunal on Alduria in order to ensure that justice is dealt. At present we must work together with Aldurian opposition forces and the Pride caretaker government to organise new elections and an end to criminal actions in the region. Democracy and Justice are at present my government's biggest priorities in the region and we must achieve these aims as soon as possible.

High ranking members of the Nationalist Party and Military are currently being held under house arrest awaiting trial. Elections are scheduled to occur sometime in the next two years.

Leader Of The Alliance Of The Republican Left And State Premier of Kanjor Celebrates With Party Members

The Alliance of the Republican Left candidate Alexis Chéron has won the first ever Federal Presidential election in the Federation of Canrille, beating his competitor from the Alliance of Liberals and Centrists by 10 points. The Left Wing faction of the Federal Assembly, whose main component is the Kanjor Socialist Party, won a clear majority against the Lourrenne Liberal-Royalist coalition. The election is a historic moment in the history of the Canrillaise Federation, and a true step towards greater Canrillaise unity.
Alexis Chéron had this to say over the historic developments;

CHÉRON: Of course today is a great victory for the republican left movement in Canrille, but it is also a day of even greater significance. Today is the day where the whole of Canrille came together and proclaimed, the Canrillaise nation is united, the Canrillaise people are here and here to stay! We have finally ended centuries of disunity between ourselves, a disunity which has damaged our capacity to develop and which has led to colossal pain and suffering. But today we have finally achieved what our ancestors thought impossible; the dream that was immortalized in the words of our forbears, "Seule L'unité Sauve la Canrillaise!"

Chéron promised that his government would ensure greater economic and political freedom and drive a clear path towards progress and equal opportunity for all. However, he stated his first concern was to ensure that the Federation of Canrille received World Congress recognition as a unified sovereign entity, something it has so far not received.

CHÉRON: We are One Nation. Let us go out and prove it!
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby RedReaper » Sun Sep 23, 2018 3:14 pm

Military Coup Shocks Canrillaise Nations, Federal President Declares; "Democracy Must Prevail"

December 4458

President Chéron was visibly irate today during an Emergency Declaration in which he condemned the actions of the Noumonde Military and of General Blanchard, who he compared to a serpent. The President launched an emotionally charged attack at the coup leaders, declaring them enemies of democracy and committers of great crimes against the people of Noumonde.

CHÉRON: The Great Viper Blanchard and his cabal of cronies and fascists have strangled Noumonde democracy while it was in the cradle. They have committed a grave offence which we the Federation and all free democratic nations of the world rightfully condemn. This vile and traitorous act has shocked me and my colleagues in the Federal Assembly as it has shocked the whole of Terra.
We the Federation of the Canrillaise, wholeheartedly reject the legitimacy of the so called "Government of Noumonde" and we stand in solidarity with the Noumonde people in their struggle to reestablish democracy in their nation. Democracy must prevail! We cannot stand for dictatorships or juntas, not today or any other day!

On General Blanchard's Canrillaise nationalism and his calls for free movement between the Federation and Noumonde, Chéron said;

CHÉRON: Does he consider us fools that can be placated by such vial and racially charged statements? Noumonde is not a part of the Canrille national territory, nor will it ever be a part of the Canrille national territory. His calls for movement of the Canrillaise people to Noumonde further demonstrate his governments callous colonial and apartheid aims; we must not give in to these efforts to gain appeasement from us.

He ended his declaration by calling on the international community to make moves towards sanctioning the third world nation in an effort to end the actions of the junta and reestablish civilian government.

Since the speech the Federal Armed Forces have been placed on high alert, with the Federation's 2nd Response Fleet setting off from ports on the coast of Lourenne towards Wigglesworth Gulf and Air Force fighter jets have almost doubled their number of daily training sorties.
Last edited by RedReaper on Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Luis1p » Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:51 pm

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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby RedReaper » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:13 pm

With The Caretaker Government Suspended And Fresh Elections Carried Out, The Federation Is Set To End The Armed Campaign

February 4459 (retroactive)

Following the recent elections in the State of Alduria, Kanjor Defense Minister Reverdin has announced an end to armed operations in the State by the Federal Armed Forces, with non-Aldurian Federal troops currently in the process of returning from active duty. Reverdin announced that the duty of upholding the peace in Alduria will now be returned to the new government, with the help of the Federal Police Force.
In the recent elections, Canrillaise National Party leader Charles de Tugart was elected to head of state, and a national coalition government formed, demonstrating the political party's unity and willingness to strive for peace and reconciliation.
Aldurian delegates have now been granted to the Federal Assembly as direct control is set to end following the electoral result.
Aldurian political and military leaders who were pivotal during the regime are still being held captive by Federal Law Enforcement pending a World Congress Tribunal into the crimes of the Nationalist Government. Rousseau is still on the run with the three Intelligence services of the Federation working in tandem in an attempt to locate and arrest him.
The withdrawal was greeted by an astounding applause by Aldurian people, many of whom came to thank the Federal Armed Forces for their intervention and their pivotal role in upholding international human rights law within the nation and bringing the long lasting criminal actions of the old government to an end.
Recent investigations by the Federal Law Enforcement Agency have found mass graves located near prisons and military facilities controlled by Aldurian Army personnel during the Regime. The bodies appear to be of prisoners reported missing or said to have escaped prison during the immigrant crackdown which occurred soon before Federal intervention.

Canrillaise Foreign Policy Think Tank Aims To "Enable The Federation And Its Allies To Secure Peace And Security Throughout Terra"

The Centre for Strategic Studies, a Federal think tank set to be partially funded by the Federal Assembly, has been founded. The organisation will focus on Foreign and Domestic policy as well as International Relations, specifically in Seleya and Dovani. The think tank's mandate is;

To provide expert analysis of foreign and domestic affairs in order to ensure that politicians in the Federation of Canrille are best equipped to enable and support peace, stability and progress in the whole of Terra.

The CES is to release reports on various issues which affect Canrille, as well as provide research and information directly to the Federal Assembly. The Centre's founder and current Lead Prof. Emmanuel Allard, a leading professor in political science at the University of Saint-Claire, has long worked with the government of Kanjor in order to develop its policies regarding foreign and domestic security. He stated that he looked forward to working with the new Federal Government in ensuring that Canrillaise liberal and democratic values are upheld and spread throughout the whole of Terra.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby RedReaper » Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:19 am

30,000 Military Personnel Have Been Granted Access To New Alduria In Preparation For Possible Noumonde Intervention

February 4460

After the collapse of negotiations with Noumonde, Federal Forces have moved to bases inside New Alduria and have begun the process of instituting a Naval Blockade. Negotiations between New Alduria and the Federal Ambassador have enabled the movement of 30,000 troops by boat and plane to the region. The 2nd Response Fleet, constituting the bulk of the Federal Navy, has dropped anchor along the Noumonde coast and is beginning to prevent any naval traffic from entering the exclusion zone.
General Arthur Benett, supreme commander of Federal Forces currently involved in the Operation had this to say on the present military situation;

Our allies in Temania have provided our armed forces with infastructure and housing for the duration of the Operation. Currently our troops are stationed near the Noumonde border in preparation for any actions which may lead to conflict in the region. Currently we remain vigilant and await orders.

The current military build up involves solely Federal Troops, with New Alduria vowing only to provide a base of operations for Federal actions. The Federal Navy announced the implementation of a blockade early on Thursday 17th and has so far directed several vessels back towards the Telmanian mainland.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:52 am

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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Aquinas » Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:40 pm

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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby RedReaper » Wed Sep 26, 2018 2:07 pm

Federation Jets Launched From Bases In New Alduria Attack Military Installations And Units

June 4460

The Federal Air Force has begun bombing campaigns coordinated with the Valruzian Air Force in the north and west of Noumonde, attacking military targets such as barracks and defensive fortifications. The bombing runs began early in the morning and continued throughout the day. Reports from the Federal High Command indicate this will be a prolonged campaign of targeted bombing. The High Command also made reference to the care being taken by its military to strike solely military targets, avoiding unnecessary civilian casualties.
General Benett, supreme commander of the operation, announced the attacks to the press;

At 0100 hours this morning the Federal Air Force began to conduct a series of continuous air attacks on ground targets in Noumonde with the aim of destroying defensive infrastructure, jets, tanks and other military vehicles. Current reports indicate that our bombing campaign has met with great success, and I congratulate our brave pilots. We have currently destroyed 3 dozen targets in the North and Western areas of Noumonde. We are in full communication with Valruzian High Command throughout this operation and are working in tandem with them in order to ensure the operation we are conducting is successful and runs fully in accordance with operation parameters and international humanitarian law.

President Chéron made a statement on the attacks soon after they were carried out;

Following the Noumonde regime's unwillingness to work with us to implement a negotiated settlement regarding the present oppression being committed in Noumonde, we and our allies have carried out a series of air attacks in order to persuade the regime to take part in negotiations. I ask Mr Blanchard again, will you enter negotiations and return Noumonde to democracy? Or will you continue to ignore the will of your population and of the international community? This is your choice. Choose wisely.
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