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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:45 pm


July 4, 5326

A comprehensive review of the 5325 census, together with a monitor of national hospital reports in the past decade, has led the Ministry of the Family and Gender Equality to declare that Baeguk is approaching an ‘ideal’ birthrate. This article will hereafter interchangeably reference and measure "fertility levels" in 'Total Fertility Rate', or TFR; a unit estimating the average amount of births a healthy woman of birthing age would have. When the DNWA was defeated in the 5270s, Baeguk was on the verge of demographic crisis; ethnic cleansing had essentially bottlenecked Draddwyr rates whereas Kyo households were subject to brutal "breeding campaigns" that called for the mass birth of Kyo babies in the place of minorities. This led the initial post-fascist birthrate to be heavily disparate between the Kyo majority (approx. 5.09 children per woman) and Draddwyr minority (approx. 0.41 children per woman) - statistics on the Draniano population were unable to be collected during this period due to the molding and confusion of the Draniano identity at the time. These policies led to mass malnutrition, as the cold nation's food supply was unable to meet the needs of the growing population - disease combined with the lack of quality fascist health infrastructure compounded the high infant mortality rate. Luckily, through prudent and deliberate action - and with the help of World Congress relief funds and humanitarian aid - the food situation (and, crucially, the infant mortality rate along with it) was soon resolved following the re-opening of the Baegukese economy.

Today the story of Baegukese birth is monumentally different from those dark days. The national average, in 5280 estimated to have been as high as 4.6 children per woman, has now fallen to just 3.2 TFR, with a much smaller disparity between the three national ethnic groups. It is believed that the Kingdom will reach the "golden ratio" for nations, a TFR of 2.1 children per women, by the year 5355 using present rates. Whilst that may seem far away, experts noted that the decrease rate has gradually slowed as the years march on. The authors of the government study, including Gongmangdo University Professor of Demography and Sociology Dr. Bak Chi-Min, claimed that they "wished to exercise restraint and use conservative measures so as not to over-embolden or excite the passions of ambitious politicians."


Hanhoe Byeolsingut Talnori Festival to Return Annually
The small Kongkkito village of Hanhoe (한回), located on the outskirts of the city of Nambyeon, has announced that the Hanhoe Byeolsingut Talnori will return to be staged next Dano festival, and annually after that until further notice. Traditionally, the Hanhoe Talchum is only performed every three years during Dano and Hangawi. Analysts see the annual staging as a way for the city of Nambyeon, famed for it's ancient Gongmangdo Kingdom-era architecture (Haeyeonsa Temple contains the city's oldest verifiable structure, dating to approx. 721 CE during the rule of the Balhyu Isageum, also known as Dan Sadalla), to further the robust local tourist industry that attracts hundreds of thousands from Baeguk's most populous province.

The Hanhoe Tal masks have long been praised as some of the finest examples of Kyo folk art and expression. Reportedly, they date back to the year 1422, under the reign of King Junhyo. Their origin story is quite dramatic - A village artisan by the name of Hannom was one day approached by the local harvest deity, who had become amused with human society and wished to see their likenesses recreated in artistic form. The deity tasked Hannom to create 12 masks, one for every month of the year, representing different social castes the deity prescribed - in return, Hanhoe village would be blessed with bountiful harvest so long as Hannom lived. However, there was a condition - Hannom was forbid from seeing anyone as he worked. As Hannom toiled and finished the masks, his lover, jealous and suspicious that Hannom had become disloyal, decided to invade his privacy. His lover tore open his paper windows - upon the act Hannom instantly hemorrhaged and died on the spot. The last mask, the Imae (servant), was left unfinished, explaining why the mask today has no mouth. Hannom's lover, heartbroken, killed himself out of grief.

As for the mask drama itself, it consists of multiple stages satirizing what was then the rigid class society of old Baeguk. The masks are said to superbly capture the likeness and spirit of the Kyo people in them; their dynamic range of expressions, coupled with their moving mouths, making them one of Baeguk's most treasured cultural artifacts. Today, the ancient masks are much too fragile and sacred to move from their dedicated shrine; their last use having reportedly being in the year 1907. The masks audiences will enjoy next year will once more be reproductions.

Baeguk, Sekowo Stage Joint Drills
The Dovanian Defense Organization, presently consisting of the Sekowan State and our Kingdom, staged a faux attack drill on the beaches surrounding Morikura, Sekowo. The units partaking currently are commanded and operate under the joint command of the West Dovanian Union. Prime Minister Kwak and his excellency Prime Minister Wayob Ichirō both made a joint statement expressing desires for further cooperation and confidence in regional security, stability, and cooperation between the nations.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:08 pm


April 1, 5327

Saridan’s Pieterson Corporation has announced a joint project alongside the largest electronics manufacturer in Baeguk, Hanulro Group, to create a new microchip manufacturing facility in Gongmangdo Capital City’s Bangtan-Gu District. Hanulro, which began the large scale manufacture of microchips just in 5325, reportedly declared the plant partnership an attempt to further the spread of Baegukese electronics on the Terran stage. In return for their investment, Pieterson will be granted major economic concessions and tax write-offs in the nation.

Bangtan-Gu has historically been Gongmangdo's capital of manufacturing and machinery (outside of textiles, a specialty of Jongjin-Gu). The district itself takes its name from the bulletproof glass historically produced in the region, which gained acclaim for it's resilience, strength, and sustainability. Modern manufacturers from the area seek to live up to that robust and high standard of quality, whether it be in automobiles, heavy machinery, or - now - microchips.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby myungggg » Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:28 pm


Dankuk's political landscape is set for a seismic shift as 35 members of the Senate from the Grand National Party (DBP) officially defected to form the new Liberal Party, led by former DBP deputy leader Eusebio Ricardo Young-tak. The defection marks a significant blow to the DBP's liberal wing, which had faced marginalization following the scandals and subsequent resignations that followed the death of former DBP leader Lee Sam-shik.

The liberal faction within the DBP has been growing in influence and dissent, finding themselves increasingly sidelined within the party's traditionalist ranks. With the mass resignation of party officials linked to the scandals and the passing of Lee Sam-shik, the liberal members felt compelled to take action and assert their voices independently.

The defectors, representing the ever-growing liberal wing, have cited their frustrations with the DBP's current leadership and its inability to accommodate diverse perspectives within the party. They view the establishment social conservative faction, represented by House of Sages member Mo Hui-seop, as lacking the necessary leadership qualities to navigate the party's challenges. Mo's age, declining health, and failure to foster unity have further fueled discontent among DBP members.

In a joint statement, the defectors expressed their vision for a more centrist, pragmatic, and responsible political force. They stated, "We believe in the power of collaboration, inclusive policies, and responsive governance. Our formation of the Liberal Party signifies our commitment to championing these values and rebuilding the trust of the people."

The effects of this decision reverberate across the political landscape of Dankuk, particularly for the Blue Sky coalition composed of the DBP and the Righteous Future Party (RFP). The departure of 35 DBP members--24 in the House of Worthies and 11 in the House of Sages--weakens the coalition's force in the Senate, prompting a potential shift in the balance of power. The Liberal Party's emergence injects fresh competition and presents a formidable challenge to the established political forces in the country.

With intentions to contest the upcoming elections in August 5328, the Liberal Party introduces a new dynamic that promises to shape the electoral landscape. Their focus on centrism, pragmatism, and responsiveness appeals to a broad spectrum of voters who seek alternative leadership in the wake of recent controversies.

As Dankuk braces itself for a fiercely contested political environment, the formation of the Liberal Party represents an opportunity for the liberal faction to assert itself and provide a viable alternative to the status quo. The party's emergence challenges conventional party dynamics and presents an enticing prospect for voters seeking progressive, forward-thinking solutions.

The political scene in Dankuk is set to undergo a dramatic transformation as the Liberal Party positions itself as a catalyst for change. The coming months will reveal the true impact and resilience of this newfound political force, providing citizens with a fresh perspective and a realignment of priorities in the pursuit of a better future.

By Woo Sang-yeon, Gongmando. Reporting contributed by Kim Yoo-na and Park Tae-joon.
Periodan is a leading daily Berliner newspaper in Dankuk, committed to providing objective and comprehensive coverage of national and international news. Published by Periodan Media LLD, a subsidiary of Kundrati media conglomerate Kozmopol Press Holdings, Periodan delivers insightful journalism with a focus on accuracy, integrity, and balanced reporting. With its wide readership, the newspaper aims to be Dankuk's objective newspaper of record, keeping citizens informed and engaged in current affairs and fostering a well-informed society.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:16 pm

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Year 5327, July 21

Yesterday, at the summit hosted in Gongmangdo between the Kingdoms of Baeguk and Lourenne, the latter state officially agreed to join the West Dovanian Economic Union (WDEU). The WDEU, a part of the wider West Dovanian Union between the Kingdom of Baeguk and the State of Seko, currently seeks to mutually strengthen and interlink the economies of Dovani. As of the writing of this article; Baeguk and Seko are full members; Dalibor is an observer, and Lourenne is a full member of the WDEU but not of the wider WDU.

Per the provisions of the Union Charter, Lourenne is now bound wholly and completely to Articles II and III. Under Article II, Lourenne agrees that it will, starting next year, have to reduce tariffs on union member imports below a 5% maximum, accept and circulate the Dovanian Circus (◉) - the common currency of the WDEU - alongside the native Lourennais Franc, and agree to give the Bank of Dovani the sole power to regulate and mint the Circus. Article III stipulates that all citizens of Lourenne will additionally become WDU citizens, that they shall have the right to move and work freely between the member states, and that the Lourennais government will ensure the equal protection of member state citizens inside Lourennais borders.

Conditionally, Lourenne did not agree to Article IV of the WDU Charter, the section authorizing and organizing the Dovani Defense Organization, the body which bonds all full WDU members to each other in a pact of mutual defense. Lourenne will only be joining the WDEU, which is a purely economic organization. As such, it was agreed that Lourenne's representation in Dovanian parliament shall be capped at 10 representatives; the standard base number member states are allotted in the parliament.

The developments from Gongmangdo signal the growing influence of the WDU, and further progress for the shared dream of a united, free, and robust Dovanian market. The continent collectively celebrates another step forward for it's prosperity.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:58 pm


June 30, 5327

The Kingdoms of Dorvik and Great Bae formally concluded negotiations surrounding bilateral relations yesterday, 6/29/5327, with the signing of the Haldor-Gongmangdo Business and Cooperation Treaty (HGT). The HGT has set in place firm and explicit guidelines for the future of international trade between the two nations, who increasingly rely on each other's business in an ever diversifying and globalizing Terran market. Whereas, in the past, business was mainly conducted through informal channels arbitrarily decided upon by respective state foreign ministries, the states are henceforth bound by oath to the conventions of the HGT.

Under the HGT, the Kingdom of Bae has agreed to lift all tariffs on Dorvish-produced 'essential goods' (food and drink), including Dorvish beer. Tariffs on luxury products are to be capped at a 5% maximum, and manufactured goods as specified under the treaty shall receive no more than a 8% tariff. Dorvik has agreed to in turn cap tariffs on Baegukese automobiles, electronics, and heavy machinery at 5%, although Dorvik can impose tariffs as high as 15% on Baegukese agricultural products such as soy, sorghum, and rice. In addition, the nations agreed to work further to standardize comparable regulations on industrial activity, as to ease transaction and multinational development between the two nations. Dorvik has pledged to offer more Kyo language support for Baegukese nationals in the nation, and Baeguk has pledged to offer more Dundorfian language support for Dorvish nationals.

In addition, investors from the Kingdom of Dorvik have expressed a keen interest in the development of the Baegukese arms industry, which has potential but has not been the main focus of recent government initiatives to develop national industry. It is reported that current multi-party negotiations are underway between Dorvish companies, Northstar Heavy Industry (the current primary defense contractor of Baeguk), and the respective governments of each state, who monitor arms transactions. The negotiations, if productive, may indicate profound and considerable development of both the scope and technological prowess of the Baegukese arms industry.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:44 pm


January 22, 5329

Statistics from the Ministry of Finance has revealed that, in the year 5328, the Kingdom of Great Bae experienced its greatest annual increase in real GDP in more than 2 decades, a whopping 8.1% increase from the last fiscal year (5327). Significant contributing factors were said to be the comprehensive Dorvish-Bae ‘HGT’ treaty, Saridinian investment in Gongmangdo’s microchip industry, increased sales in Baegukese automobiles and farming equipment throughout the West Dovanian Economic Union, the relative strengthening of the WDEU's Dovanian Circus in the world currency market, and new exports to the nation of Yingdala, which recently reopened it's borders after decades of isolationism. Yingdala, a traditional major player in the West Dovanian market, will no doubt be of considerable interest to Baegukese investors in the future. In the meantime, the new market gave Baegukese companies an opportunity to partner with Yingdalans, particularly of that nation's sizable ethnic Kyo community, to export commercial goods such as Sochu, Kochu-chang, and Insam. This relationship can only be expected to grow as time goes on.

In review, today the nation's largest sector of the economy is found in heavy industry; namely the production of automobiles, construction equipment, ships, farming equipment, and appliances such as air conditioners, followed closely by mining operations. In particular, Baeguk is known for the high quantities of jade it exports to Gao-Showan nations. Besides this jade, the 'top five' of the mining industry are its copper, zinc, lithium, quartz, and cobalt reserves; lithium and cobalt in particular now being utilized to further along the nation's continued quest towards green, self-sustained energy technologies. As such, although coal is plenty to be found in the nation's east, it is primarily used for export. Besides mining and heavy industry, Baeguk's economy is also dominated by the manufacture of common goods and light industry (most prominently textiles). As of late the nation has also begun to manufacture electronic parts en masse, most notably microchips.

Nonetheless, it isn't all triumphs. Statistics show that wealth inequality has increased since last year, a warning sign in one of Dovani's most wealth unequal nations. Baeguk is notable for the presence of the so-called Chaebol, large family-operated conglomerates that tend to oligopolize the nation's major industries. The chaebol were born out of the post-DNWA New Economic Policy that prioritized solid and sustainable economic growth through private-public partnership corporatism, since then they have grown to dominate the economic and social landscape of the nation. Baeguk's current top chaebol are considered to be Hanulro Group, Sinsidae Corporation, Byeo Group, CMMC*, and Sanshin Heavy Manufacturing Concern. (*CMMC, or the Changuk Metal and Mineral Corporation, is technically a separate legal entity from Hanulro, but is owned by the same man, Mr. Bang Emanuel, Baeguk's richest man and one of the Dovanian continent's top ten wealthiest people.) As the chaebol grow more powerful and entrenched in the Baegukese economy, some assert that it could lead to a wider dichotomy in society. Nonetheless, as prosperity and modernization flourish in this new environment, the chaebol can at least pat themselves on the back for having thus far delivered superb results.

Growth and Contractions in the National Real GDP, 5275-5315
Growth and Contractions in the National Real GDP, 5316-5328
5316: +2.9%
5317: +3.7%
5318: +4.5%
5319: +3.1%
5320: +2.9%
5321: +1.1%
5322: -0.7%
5323: +3.3%
5324: +5.6%
5325: +2.9%
5326: +4.2%
5327: +3.7%
5328: +8.1%

'At the Cusp' - Baeguk now Majority Self-Reliant on Clean Energy Sources
The Royal Energy Program for a Renewable, Efficient, and Sustainable Surplus (REPRESS) committee's struggle to protect the nation's energy supply first truly began in 5307, when their half-decade long analysis of the nation's geothermal potential revealed the prime spots for the harnessing of green energy in Baeguk. Since then, major public-private initiatives in the nation have managed the remarkable feat of making the country 33% reliant on geothermal energy as of 5328. Hydroelectric accounts for 26%, and other green methods (solar, wind, etc.) account for 6%. Put all together, this makes Baeguk 65% supplied on domestic sources of green, renewable energy, a major milestone and symbol of progress, development, and security. Whilst the committee acknowledged that the deadline for the so-called 40-55 Plan would need to be put off for about 5 years late, it is nonetheless remarkable that such a feat has been achieved in such quick of a pace. The committee maintains that Baeguk is at the cusp of achieving complete energy independence within the century.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:19 pm


November 11, 5330

The Kingdom of Great Bae and the Kundrati Union have officially signed the Gongmangdo-Kasæma Trade and Friendship Accord (GKTFA), a landmark bilateral document that will set several key precedents for relations going forward. Among the terms included the easing of intellectual exchange, interest rates, and the education of Baegukese experts in Kundrati nuclear energy protocols. In particular, the Baegukese government has announced that it will begin the construction of two nuclear power plants - one in the Kongkito Province, the other in Myeoggito Province - under Kundrati intellectual assistance.

Firstly, academic travel was agreed upon between the boards of the University of Kundrati and Gongmangdo University. (The UoK is a state school, Gongmangdo University is independent but partially accepts royal government funding.) Intellectual exchange between the nation's university students will be promoted, with Gongmangdo U upgrading it's old quota from 240 Kundrati students to a capacity of 450 beginning next year. The Kingdom has announced that certain Kundrati nationals will now be eligible to apply for and receive D-class VISAs, which are considered one of the most powerful types to travel in Baeguk with.

Economically, Baeguk has promised that all Kundrati companies investing in companies registered in Baeguk will become eligible for certain tax write-offs once off limits to them. The Royal Bank of Great Bae has been authorized to give out more generous interest rates to Kundrati parties. In return, Kundrati announced that several major publically owned companies would invest in Baegukese industry; mainly automobile production and the manufacturing of such goods as heaters, washers, and air conditioners. As for nuclear energy, the government has announced a lift on tarrifs on Kundrati uranium, which will be freely exported for use in the reactor project. As mentioned earlier, Kundrati officials will educate Baegukese personnel on how to safely and efficiently operate the two new nuclear power plants, which will be built using Kundrati expertise and ran on Kundrati uranium. All staff, energy, and proceeds will, however, remain Baegukese. These developments underscore the further globalization of the Baegukese economy as it engages in mutually beneficial interactions with other nations across the world.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:04 pm


Kazulia's Comrade Wahl Welcomed in Gongmangdo
May 1, 5331

The Communist Refoundation Party's very own comrade Chairman Taliesin Caddell met with comrade Sigrunn Wahl of the Communist Party of Kazulia (KPK) in Gongmangdo today for a local May Day celebration. May Day, the international day of proletarian solidarity, marked the occassion, as labor union representatives of Baeguk met their counterparts from Kazulia. Comrade Caddell expressed optimism at the new rise of socialism in Baeguk's southern neighbor; just as the governments enjoy close relations, so too do their Metzist class parties. He wished good fortune and resolve for the political victory of the working class in Kazulia under the direction of the party and the larger socialist coalition that has recently formed. Whilst the Communist Refoundation Party is currently in opposition, it has a long and noble tradition of having been featured in various ruling parliamentary coalitions in the Kingdom of Bae. Comrade Wahl expressed hope that both Baeguk and Kazulia could one day in the near future be united in socialism and proletarian liberation.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:26 am

Seongtaek's New Ruiryongsa
Author: Prof. Chŏng Ho-Sŏk

After six years of nonstop construction, the new Jungnyong Tower cultural complex in Nangweon-Gu, Seongtaek, has opened up for business. Jungnyong tower is a modern, to-scale reconstruction of the legendary Ruiryongsa Temple Pagoda, a towering structure that once dominated the classical-era capital of the Pyeonghae Kingdom. Ruiryongsa was once the tallest building in Dovani, standing at a whopping (for the time) height of 80 m, or 262 ft. It was burnt down at the start of the cataclysmic Fire of Kukhol, started by the kingdom's last king in an effort to rob the invading Gongmangdo Kingdom of plunder. Since then, only ruins have remained, but even these stray foundation stones and roof decorations are awesome in both artistic prowess and sheer scale.

The modern Jungnyong Tower stands several kilometers away from the ruins of the original Ruiryongsa, now in the heart of Nangweon-Gu, well known for its various tourist attractions and local amenities (Chilseong World Amusement Park is situated close by). Painstakingly reconstructed from records in the Samguk Gogi and Samguk Yeonui, the modern facade is essentially identical to how experts believe Ruiryongsa looked, with the exception of modern LED lights illuminating the graceful rooftops. Inside is a completely different story - the building has all of the modern amenities expected of a 52nd century center - electricity, air conditioning, indoor plumbing, etc. The following are some businesses that have opened up shop.

Gyeongwoon Jjimjilbang - Floors B2-B1
A luxurious Jjimjilbang, or traditional Kyo-style bathhouse/sauna. Services include hot and cold baths, multiple charcoal and spice rooms, eateries, and lounges. Caters to both nationals and foreigners, men and women, open AM 11:30 - AM 2 every day.

Cherry Young - Floor 2
Baeguk's premium skincare carrier and store franchise. Known for exclusive deals with reputable brands such as Gobaeui Minyeo (古拜의 美女, 'Beauty of Bae') and Iljeonmae (一剪梅, 'Fragrant Snow Plum'). Now offering skincare for men as well. Open AM 10:00 - PM 10:30.

Daechang Department Store - Floor 3
National chain of department stores complete with anything one could ask for; furniture, household items, pillows, etc. Has recently begun to expand into fashion. Open AM 9:00 - PM 9:00.

A Place for Two - Floor 4
Premier café and bistro chain, specializing in the emulation of the Lourennais aesthetic. Formerly known as 'A Threesome Place'. Open AM 7:30 - PM 10:30.

Kukhol Casino and Hotel - Floors 6-9
The proverbial 'showstopper' of Jungnyong Tower, the main attraction. A gambling casino themed around the classical Pyeonghae kingdom, with an aesthetic themed around traditional Kyo clothing and design. Features a theater with a variety of entertainment every night. Also includes various hotel suites for staying guests, including various penthouse rooms from which they may see the Seongtaek skyline in all its glory. Gambling parlor open 24 Hours, other amenities subject to closure at different times. Please consult staff or visit the website at https://www.kukholcasino.da/openingtimes.
Prof. Chŏng Ho-Sŏk is a respected and tenured Professor at Gongmangdo University, holding a doctorate in both Historical Architecture and Civil Engineering. He is currently co-authoring a new comprehensive history of Baeguk alongside 6 other members.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby TRA » Sun Jul 16, 2023 10:46 am

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