New Endralon and Kizenia

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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby bobleponge » Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:01 am


June 18, 4510

Meet Laszlo: The 'Humanzee' Created by the Far-Right Kizenian National Legion

Above: A photograph of Laszlo, taken in front of the Cathedral of the National Legion.

Supreme Legionary Leader Ion Mihai Chizânescu of the Kizenian National Legion revealed to the world today the existence of 'Laszlo', a human-chimpanzee hybrid.

Speaking on the steps of the Cathedral of the National Legion, Chizânescu addressed the crowds with these words: "Faithful Legionary comrades, as you know, several years ago the Kizenian National Legion began funding research into human-chimpanzee hybridization. Many of our detractors laughed at us for even entertaining such a proposal as the blending of Man and Chimpanzee. But no more! I reveal to you the product of our mighty Legionary efforts: Laszlo!"

The almost 6-year-old humanzee child hobbled out timidly from behind the huge doors of the Legionary Cathedral.

"Come here, Laszlo," Chizânescu said, extending his hand to the bewildered creature.

"Laszlo is the result of a New Endralonian, or Zyldavian man, mating with a chimpanzee," Chizânescu explained, addressing the crowds again. "He was born in October 4504. Laszlo is living proof of the inhumanity of the New Endralonian kind. Because he is half-chimpanzee, he can of course not be considered human. As such, the Kizenian National Legion announces its intention to execute Laszlo on these very steps, just as we traditionally slaughter brown bears, when the time is right! Legionary salutes!"

"Salutes to the National Legion! Salutes to the Legionary Faith!" the crowd of Faithful Legionaries shouted back at Chizânescu.

Related News

Rights Activists Outraged by Legionary Proposal to Sacrifice 'Humanzee'

National Legion Calls for Hunting and Fishing Regulations

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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:31 am


November 4512

LeE wins the elections again and prepares to form a new government


The current president Essi Vuoksenmaa wins again the elections amid the scandals about the leaks of military documents and the formation of the 4th fleet in northern Dovani. With more than 23 million votes, the party managed to win in the first round, get one more deputy in the parliament and even win in all regions and republics.

According to the information, the president would choose Anna Harittu, daughter of businessman Ville Harritu, as a candidate for prime minister in the next sessions.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:51 am

Global Roleplay Committee


The Global Roleplay Team has judged that these roleplays are inconsistent with the Particracy Gameplay Rule, Roleplay #6c "Users should always make a conscious effort to keep Roleplay realistic and reasonable." While some of the technologies that have been mentioned here are potentially in reach in real life, they are considered to be "fantasy" or "science fiction" at their current state. Therefore the linked RPs have been declared invalid and at to be assumed to never happen. If you have any issues you can reach out to myself or FPC ("Fin") who is the Chairman of the GRC.

As a general note for everyone, something that we will officially post as well when time comes, the general rule of thumb when it comes to military technology is that variants of presently existing military equipment are okay, fantasy and purely fictional creations are not, at this time, allowed as per the discussion and decision of the Global Roleplay Committee.

Thank you.

Deputy Chairman of the Global Roleplay Committee
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:04 am


May 4513

The confederal space exploration agency presents the new rockets

On Monday, the director of the confederal agency for space exploration presented the new models of rockets in development. The new developments were approved by the confederation's budget.


In the first case, the SZ rocket family (OCC represents a new step for the agency in space technology. With 7 proposed rockets, the space program will have a valuable tool in the coming years. The rockets could carry between 2 and 50 tons and will be responsible for putting into orbit the new generation of military and civil satellites STRAPOS system (now under development).


On the other hand, the program "Super heavy-lift launch vehicle" (, is in the design phase. The new rocket would cost billions, but it will allow to put objects in lunar orbit and even participate in the arming of the Arcadia program (international space station) with more than 100 tons of useful cargo.

Finally, the rocket with nuclear propulsion returned to the design table, after the prototype had "insurmountable" faults. However, he did not get financing and his program is in danger due to a possible cancellation.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby bobleponge » Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:24 am


October 26, 4514

LNC Hoax Revealed: Claimed 'Humanzee' was Man in Costume

Ion Mihai Chizânescu takes questions after it was revealed that he and other Legionary Commanders conned their followers into believing that the Kizenian National Legion had actually succeeded in creating a human-chimpanzee hybrid.

Shock waves were sent throughout CNEKK today after it was revealed that the leaders of the Kizenian National Legion (LNC) falsely led the public to believe that the group had bred a human-chimpanzee hybrid named "Laszlo". As it turns out, "Laszlo", an alleged half-human, half-chimpanzee creature, whose only public appearance was on the steps of the Cathedral of the National Legion in 4510, was just a man with dwarfism wearing an ape costume.

Ignatiu Endraleanu Infiltrated Ion Mihai Chizânescu's Legionary Faith Movement

Ignatiu Endraleanu, an investigative journalist working for the Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star, made the shocking discovery after spending years undercover in an elaborate effort to infiltrate LNC's Legionary Faith movement and get close to the movement's Supreme Leader, Ion Mihai Chizânescu.

Many in the international scientific community had expressed skepticism over the National Legion's claimed success in human-chimpanzee hybridization. For the past four years, followers of Chizânescu had brushed those concerns aside, blindly championing the "reality" of "Laszlo" and continuing to seek out persons willing to take part in the group's bizarre pseudo-scientific research by having intercourse with chimpanzees under the watch of LNC-allied "scientists" and "researchers". Nevertheless, the definitive exposure of "Laszlo" as a hoax appears to be causing many "Faithful Legionaries" to second guess not only their faith, but also their so-called "Supreme Legionary Leader".

For his part, the now 80-year-old Chizânescu has acknowledged that "Laszlo" was indeed a hoax, but says that the elaborate scheme was only meant to "swell up the Legionary Faith", "give people hope", and "facilitate understanding of intercultural difference". He says the Kizenian National Legion will continue to conduct and promote research into human-animal hybridization.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:31 am


March 4516

The end of cash? how is the ambitious program of the central bank to become a cashless society


"We do not accept cash" says a sign in a small bar a few meters from the Deltavaros School of Economics and Government, home to the "fashionable" thesis in the government (and alma mater of several officials of the same). The War on Cash is an open front that the government has decided to face and has as its maximum weapon the law of virtual wallets, currently in parliament.

For now, acceptance has been variable. Both Kizenians and Zyldavyans or Kuzakis seem happy to use the cards and the virtual means of payment. Although even metal coins are in common use, there are people who do not use them for years. The ease, speed and low costs have made it a great alternative in an increasingly connected country. Security has been an important argument, robberies have been reduced in these years.

The government of LeE in this case, expects to have a cryptocurrency and virtual currency to achieve the challenge of winning this crusade against cash. Every organization can have its own cryptocurrency or virtual currency. However, only the central bank will have mandatory circulation. These virtual currencies, moreover, do not guarantee anonymity in operations. The new cryptocurrencies will be linked to their bearer and to the people involved in their operations and the State will be able to monitor them.



"The only ones who are harmed are the evaders, the terrorists and the criminals," declared the new director of the central bank, Jessikka Pesonen. However, this list could be expanded according to the lobby of companies linked to physical money. Immigrants, tourists, ex-convicts and the homeless could have serious problems accessing and being included in the system. Elders, small merchants and street artists still resist the new system.

In the government of LeE, they hope that various organizations can generate virtual wallets or cryptocurrencies to contain and include these sectors of the population. However, all these alternative means of payment will be regulated to avoid fraud, illegal business and evasion. Even several officials assume that low-denomination coins will remain in circulation.


Big winners

In the powerful Kizaki Bank, they see this measure as a great opportunity. The movement of cash involves a higher cost of production, maintenance and management than other means of payment. This week, they even presented their own app aimed at segments of the unbanked population. And according to the CEO of the organization, they will issue a cryptocurrency aimed at tourists. All this without any cost for users. The saving of cash movements (around 1% of GDP) and the possibility of increasing their assets, even generates a surplus, according to analysts.


Heavy rains in 'Martinvaros generate concern for civil defense agents

The government uses the benefits of state companies to alleviate the fiscal deficit

The confederation extends the optical fiber network to the experimental internet through a new governmental enterprise
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:27 am


May 4510

KBC investigation reveals government lies regarding military announcements

An important investigation of the Kizaki broadcasting corporation, revealed last night, during the central news, a special investigation about the last military announcements, which include the aircraft carrier and the stellar port. The investigation caused a stir among the population and several military analysts. From the Ministry of Defense was released a brief statement affirming the investigation was real. Meanwhile, the military high command maintains silence.

An "ordinary" aircraft carrier


The photos that the government showed had been digitally modified to make it appear to have large-scale antiaircraft and antisurface defenses. The photo taken by an amateur photographer disconcerted the whole country. In the image you can see an ordinary aircraft carrier sailing out of the naval base of the confederation in Dankuk. Some analysts even discuss the number of nuclear reactors (2 or 4), however, assure that it contains better reactors than those of the previous class (8 total nuclear reactors)

A spaceport of the past


The new spaceport is one out of series. But not because of its futurism, it is simply anachronistic. At its inauguration it promised three autonomous launching systems. However, it only has one prepared for the action. The traditional platform system is ready. In any case, the facilities are still being improved to launch the new "" Super heavy-lift launch vehicle ".
The landing strip and the facilities for commercial flights with suborbital space plans are finished, but at the moment there is no company interested in using it. Its improvement for orbital flights is on the agenda. However, the technology is not ready.
The supposed ramp based on technology Magrev was a "roller coaster". In fact, it was returned after the end of the rent, according to the special investigation.


The investigation highlighted the need for independent military analysts who have access to the technical part of these weapons. The government does not seem to need to divulge certain secrets, according to the journalists of the news chain
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:18 am


June 4517

The PF-31 sees the light after almost 3 decades


Almost 30 years ago the air force sought a local replacement for the old, but successful PF-22. The PF-27 were designed under a halo of well-classified secrets and Aerovianu (who took the PF-24) was responsible for its development and mass production. However, in the midst of its development, the liberal "libertarian" government decided that the confederation should not finance or subsidize the manufacturers. They should put their own investment. To the small Aerovianu (known at that time by airplanes and small jet airplanes) it was made simply impossible to be able to continue with the project and decided to close the distributing the personnel among other departments.

With the state company "Kizaki military" and the subsidize for development, the company found an important ally and even encouraged to invest resources in its own development. The PF-26K (OCC mig-29K) was an alternate version of its own PF-26, this time as onboard aircraft. However, the dependence of parts and spare from other countries, leave the air force in doubt.

The new project was approved with an initial order of 50 aircraft plus the development of the project. In the design office of the military department of the company, the engineers dreamed big. A fast plane, with an advanced helmet of pilot with sight and screen, Spectra countermeasures system and OSF - a jam-resistant passive optronic surveillance and imaging system with laser rangefinder. The air force also dreamed its part. The plane should be a multirole fighter and have different variants and subvariants between onboard aircraft, training, intecerptor and ground attack. In addition, the plane should have the very latest avionics systems. As an additional condition, the government requested a plane with 80% of local parts.

Even the most passionate analysts were disappointed by the news that it would not count with stealth technology. The prices and a budget that increased year after year to maintain its development without too many interruptions, did not leave room for stealth technology. However, even the toughest critics recognize that the original aircraft was designed for a reduced radar cross-section (RCS) and infrared signature. However, the data is classified.

With 14 hardpoints, the warplane is one of the best armed among its contemporaries.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:16 am


November 4517

The government reduces the number of children in a family. Start the one-child policy


Two brothers play in a square in Cetatea Albă with many children. On the front corner, Parliament deliberates If this landscape will become a simple memory. The bill called Welfare for large families and elderly has the guaranteed votes and will begin to apply from next month. In one of his controversial articles, he establishes the one-child policy. The limit, according to the same bill, is per person. This in practice means that, after a divorce, people can not have more children even if they form another couple. The latter led his critics to describe it as "abusive law" or "anti-sibling law".

In cases of adoption, however, it is envisaged that couples may adopt an "additional" child. 2 "additional" children if they are siblings. The law also cuts benefits for children, keeping this income low-income families or numerous. Government members, however, explained that it only applies to financial aid. "The welfare state will remain active for all children," said Laurentiu Lakatos, minister of social affairs.

The one-child policy has one exception. The Sullestians could have up to 3 children, with the possibility of adopting 3 more children. The law considers that the Sullestians are an aboriginal people and that the state must have an active participation in their protection. Several experts interpreted that this law widely favors this ethnic group. This differentiated policy makes them clear candidates to be considered large families and receive the financial aid of the confederation. They argue, even, that it is a deliberate policy to increase the sullestian population, when both the president and the prime ministers and several government ministers are sullestian.


Political and religious groups declare themselves in struggle against this law and ask for its absolute rejection. However, with the insured votes, the government asks to maintain trust in the institutions.

The children return to their home by the hand. Maybe, in a few years, this will be converted into a postcards from a very distant past from this small square.


"This law is an invaluable advance for the elderly who, for different reasons, could not access pension" The Minister of Finance defends the bill in the face of growing criticism

The pension system is on the verge of collapse recognizes a specialist

New leaked documents show that the government plans a wall to contain illegal immigration, according to an international media
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby bobleponge » Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:47 pm


July 7, 4518

Three National Days of Mourning Declared Following Death of Ion Mihai Chizânescu, Supreme Legionary Leader and Former Prime Minister

Above: Faithful Legionaries perform a 21 gun salute outside the Cathedral of the National Legion, in honor of recently deceased Supreme Legionary Leader Ion Mihai Chizânescu, known to adherents to the Legionary Faith as the "National Father of Kizenia".

Cetatea Albă, Republica Chizânia, CNEKK -- Mourners filled the streets today for the state funeral of Supreme Legionary Leader and Former Prime Minister Ion Mihai Chizânescu. The funeral was broadcast live on state television and the government has declared Three National Days of Mourning. All flags are being flown at half-staff as a symbol of the nation's sorrow at this great loss.

Chizânescu died of natural causes on July 6, 4518. He was 83 years old.

An Incredible Life and Legacy

Ion Mihai Chizânescu was born in 4435 in Luncași, Regiunea Tiania. Little is known about his childhood.

He founded the Kizenian National Legion (LNC) in 4472, at the age of 37, and led the Legionary movement with the title of Supreme Legionary Leader right up until his death. He also founded the Legionary Faith, a new religious movement closely tied to the Kizenian National Legion. He helped found many Legionary Faith Schools throughout CNEKK, as well as the Balmoxis Battalion and the Legionary Sexual Services Divison, a paramilitary group and a state corporation which has a monopoly on all prostitution in CNEKK, both of which are closely tied to LNC. He is recognized as the National Father of Kizenia by keepers of the Legionary Faith, who currently number 8,509,588.

From ages 18 to 34 (4453 to 4469), he served in the CNEKK military, advancing to an officer's rank. While in the military, he became a drill instructor, and it is believed that it was during this period that Chizânescu developed his Kizenian nationalist beliefs. Veterans who served under Chizânescu report that he was widely feared by the soldiers under his command, and often displayed favoritism towards ethnic Kizenian soldiers, habitually assigning harsh punishments to New Endralonian and Kuzak recruits.

Chizânescu's role in government was limited, but as the perennial Legionary presidential candidate, he became an iconic figure in CNEKK politics. He ran for president 11 times between 4475 and 4516, sitting out only for the elections of 4483, when Legionary Commander Vlad Chizânovschi ran as LNC candidate for president as Chizânescu was then serving as Head of Government. Chizânescu was Prime Minister of CNEKK from January 4482 to March 4484.

In 4500, Chizânescu stirred strong emotions in CNEKK by announcing the Legion's program to research the possibilities of human-chimpanzee hybridization in an effort to highlight genetic dissimilarities between Kizenians and other ethnic groups.

Leaders of the Legionary Faith seemed to have formalized Chizânescu's status as a divine entity during the funeral, which included a ceremony called "the apotheosis of our Supreme Legionary Leader and National Father, Ion Mihai Chizânescu".

Chizânescu's death brings some uncertainty for the leadership of the National Legion, but it is expected that one of the Legionary Commanders will step forward to take Chizânescu's place as Supreme Legionary Leader.

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