Kafuri oil production returns to ~50%
July, 4881

President al-Sadhi following the press conference announcing oil production increases.
al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Governorate - President al-Sadhi confirmed that Sharnaft, the state oil corporation, has returned upstream and downstream activities to a 50% increase over last years production. Chief Technical Officer of Sharnaft, Furqaan el-Jabbour, announced that the assistance of the national government in re-capturing and protecting oil fields had been instrumental in rebuilding the oil production and capacity. Trade, Industry and Oil Minister Abdul Haleem al-Sadhi announced that the government had plans to continue to assist Sharnaft and the limited number of private corporations that had rights to nearly 7% of the oil fields in Kafuristan. Kafuristan's economy has remained largely dependent on oil and petroleum-related products, several decades ago the move to diversify the Kafuri economy was started by relatives of President al-Sadhi, a move that he has announced he wishes to continue. In agreement with the Ministry of Finance, the Miyatah Developing Market Exchange (MDME) had resumed trading. The MDME,based out of the city of Miyatah in Nekkah, is focused on high-risk but partially government backed companies that are entering new markets in Kafuristan or certain companies that have the strong potential for growth. The last time that the exchange operated it was wildly successful according to Ministry of Finance officials.
President al-Sadhi noted that he had signed the "Vice President Creation Act" into law, the move would officially create the position of "Vice President of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan" who would be appointed by the President and serve as the potential successor to the President in the event of death or resignation. The Vice President will also sit as the de facto chairperson of the Presidential Council, an executive body that advises the President on a number of matters. According to political experts in and outside of Kafuristan the Presidential Council is the "...main power body..." within Kafuristan and the President's reforms to the body have largely proven that. The Presidential Council currently includes a number of officials and representatives from both the National Command and Regional Command of the Ba'athist Party; a move meant to solidify party-state control.
Incoming Vice President Neeshaan al-Baten noted that through the President's efforts a number of Majatran Organization for Industrialization (MOI) facilities have re-opened and the Kafuri Armed Forces have contracted a number of modernization contracts with them. The Vice President noted that the Supreme Military Council had begun conducting regular meetings and the President had reformed the State Armaments and Production Committee underneath the Office of the President. The State Armaments and Production Committee is responsible for centralizing all research, development, production and requisition efforts for the Kafuri state; this was done at the behest of Defense Minister General Farajallah al-Dajani and General-Director of the Military Technical Directorate Lieutenant General Abdur Rahmaan al-Shaer. The first modernization program is the for the al-Khalid and JF-17 fighter jet programs, the mainstay of the Kafuri Majatran Army and Kafuri Majatran Air Force. The programs are expected to take several years due to funding and logistical issues.
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