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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:10 pm

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
Kafuri oil production returns to ~50%
July, 4881

President al-Sadhi following the press conference announcing oil production increases.

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Governorate - President al-Sadhi confirmed that Sharnaft, the state oil corporation, has returned upstream and downstream activities to a 50% increase over last years production. Chief Technical Officer of Sharnaft, Furqaan el-Jabbour, announced that the assistance of the national government in re-capturing and protecting oil fields had been instrumental in rebuilding the oil production and capacity. Trade, Industry and Oil Minister Abdul Haleem al-Sadhi announced that the government had plans to continue to assist Sharnaft and the limited number of private corporations that had rights to nearly 7% of the oil fields in Kafuristan. Kafuristan's economy has remained largely dependent on oil and petroleum-related products, several decades ago the move to diversify the Kafuri economy was started by relatives of President al-Sadhi, a move that he has announced he wishes to continue. In agreement with the Ministry of Finance, the Miyatah Developing Market Exchange (MDME) had resumed trading. The MDME,based out of the city of Miyatah in Nekkah, is focused on high-risk but partially government backed companies that are entering new markets in Kafuristan or certain companies that have the strong potential for growth. The last time that the exchange operated it was wildly successful according to Ministry of Finance officials.

President al-Sadhi noted that he had signed the "Vice President Creation Act" into law, the move would officially create the position of "Vice President of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan" who would be appointed by the President and serve as the potential successor to the President in the event of death or resignation. The Vice President will also sit as the de facto chairperson of the Presidential Council, an executive body that advises the President on a number of matters. According to political experts in and outside of Kafuristan the Presidential Council is the "...main power body..." within Kafuristan and the President's reforms to the body have largely proven that. The Presidential Council currently includes a number of officials and representatives from both the National Command and Regional Command of the Ba'athist Party; a move meant to solidify party-state control.

Incoming Vice President Neeshaan al-Baten noted that through the President's efforts a number of Majatran Organization for Industrialization (MOI) facilities have re-opened and the Kafuri Armed Forces have contracted a number of modernization contracts with them. The Vice President noted that the Supreme Military Council had begun conducting regular meetings and the President had reformed the State Armaments and Production Committee underneath the Office of the President. The State Armaments and Production Committee is responsible for centralizing all research, development, production and requisition efforts for the Kafuri state; this was done at the behest of Defense Minister General Farajallah al-Dajani and General-Director of the Military Technical Directorate Lieutenant General Abdur Rahmaan al-Shaer. The first modernization program is the for the al-Khalid and JF-17 fighter jet programs, the mainstay of the Kafuri Majatran Army and Kafuri Majatran Air Force. The programs are expected to take several years due to funding and logistical issues.

News ticker...
-- Huriya - Freedom: Violence spikes in Pabeus as ASIK, ASIM and pro-Ba'athist militia's clash.
-- Kafuri Majatran News Agency: Kafuri Communist Party, Party of Ahmadi Liberation and several other minor parties formalized by National Liberation Front.
-- Huriya - Freedom: "Oil Benefit" checks return, prompting spark in consumer activity
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:57 pm

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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:12 am

Kafuri Majatran News Agency
Hutori visit to Kafuristan raises eyebrows.
January 4883

Elite Kafuri Special Service Unit forces guarding the Presidential Palace.

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Governorate - The Hutorian delegation which visited Kafuristan was greeted with cheers and applause at the airport, underneath super high security. While the meeting was originally scheduled to be between Prime Minister Aayid el-Raad and Foreign Minister Rashaad el-Abdelnour, it is reported that President Abyad bin Qadir al-Sadhi was involved as was Vice President Neeshaan al-Baten. Sources within the Foreign Minister cite the conversation focused on economic development and development of bilateral trade ties between the two nations. Some alleged that the discussion was regarding the rise of ASIK and ASIM in Kafuristan but the President's Office denied such allegations. A spokeswoman for the President's Office noted that the situation regarding ASIK and ASIM was being handled at a "...local level." The Kafuri government has worked to draw domestic investment back in Kafuristan since their assumption of power several years ago, the focus has been on working with nations to rebuild oil and petroleum-based product imports, the mainstay of the Kafuri economic sector.

According to reports from Pabeus, government sponsored militias from the National Defense Forces were engaged in heavy fighting in the deserts of Pabeus against ASIK forces. Elements from the General Command of the Armed Forces, Resistance and Liberation in Kafuristan, the Army of the Men of the Qusuri Order and the Fedayeen Ra'd engaged in heavy fighting with Ahamdi State in Majatra alongside regular Kafuri Majatran Army forces. Fighting has slowed down since international attention has been eyed on Kafuristan in the wake of increased radicalization via social media and online forums. The Kafuri government as a whole has remained tight-lipped regarding the activities of the General Intelligence Directorate and Special Service Unit that has been engaged since the Ba'athist resumed power in Kafuristan; these forces are largely considered to be the "elite of the elite".
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Aethan » Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:22 pm

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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:36 pm

Kafuri News
Riots and Despair in streets, Furqaan al-Abad calls for "an end to the chaos"
October 4903

al-Kasraj: Its been three months since the riots in the streets of the nations capital had been rocking the nation. Hundreds lay dead or wounded and thousands more have fled their homes due to the violence. The Republican government, unable to control the situation, has called on security forces to cordon off the government quarter, confirming accusations that the government only looks after itself. In several governates around the nation cities have been pillaged and police stations raised to the ground by thousands of angry protestors as terror groups mingle into the uncontrollable crowd and use the situation to take control in the far south of the country. The Republican security forces, until now a bastion of Kafuri prowess, have been unable to take care of the situation, after years of underfunding and a lack of training as well as general neglect the Kafuri state is now on its knees, nearly collapsing under the pressure of unending civil unrest.

The entire situation unfolfed itself months ago, when after years of economic hardships, government corruption and massive unemployment people started to take to the streets to demand a improvement of the situation. They were led by Furqaan al-Abad, a former noblemen who had returned from exile and relished the past of Kafuristan rallied different conservative, religious and even liberal groups against the regime, calling out corruption and demanding the government introduce some form of democracy, which was still non existent in the Majatran nation. These rallies slowly started turning into riots and general civil discontent. Quickly moving out of the hands of al-Abad and becoming oncontrollable. Initially the regime tried to heavily supress the violence, firing on corwds with life ammunition. This has only angered the people, causing more violence in return.

The nation is now at a crossroads. The central state is nearing total collapse as security forces desperately try to get a hold of the situation. In the meantime several terror groups have reportedly infiltrated minor towns and villages in the south, taking increasingly more control over this volatile region. While some rumours seem to suggest that al-Abad might be negotiating with members from inside the government, the situation is so unclear that even these rumours could be false.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:53 pm

Kafuri News
Security Forces Side with al-Abad, monarchy proclaimed
May 4904
Kafuri security forces at a checkpoint near the capital

al-Kasraj: In a twisting turn of events the Security Forces, till last week on the side of the Republican government, have collectively issued a statement about the arrest of high placed officials and the installment of Furqaan al-Abad as the "King of Kafuristan". The shocking announcement came after almost a year of continious riots, protests and Kafuristan being increasingly called a "failed state" by the international community. al-Abad, a noblemen that had lived in exile for decades, has now seemingly struck a deal with the security apparatus of Kafuristan, which has arrested the President along with his cabinet and have installed martial law in the country. The agreement struck by the two sides consists of a large document which outlines "The Future Path" of Kafuristan. This document allows the House of al-Abad to become the ruling house of Kafuristan, puts Furqaan on the throne as king and rewrites the constitution, creating the Majatran Kingdom of Kafuristan as a semi-constitutional monarchy. The new system grants special priviliges to the military, which will receive the right to intervene in national politics and a fixed 5% of GDP as their budget. In exchange the position of King will receive far reaching powers, becoming both Head of State and Government, obligating him to sign laws and allowing him to veto as he pleases and allowing the king to issue decrees which will serve as binding laws. The monarchy will also be immune to prosecution and may not be touched by the military.

Furqaan has tried to appease his followers, which consist of many different protest groups, introducing a limited form of democracy with a National Council that is democratically elected and which is allowed to draft, ammend, pass or reject laws which will then go to the King for approval. This is the first time in over 2 decades that a proper democratic system is put in place, all be it limited. The new party of the king, the Royalist People's Party, has already assumed all seats in parliament and the constitution is expected to be ratified by the end of the month. A change of the guard is however not a automatic remedy for Kafuri problems. The new king and government will have to deal with insurgent groups in the south, a collapsed economy and continious civil unrest. Will the new king manage to turn the tide of Kafuristan?
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:22 am

Kafuri News
King Furqaan Announced, "Kafuri Rebirth", former regime executed
April 4905
King Furqaan just before his speech to the people

al-Kasraj: A year after the proclamation of the Majatran Kingdom of Kafuristan the new king, Furqaan I, has spoken to the Kafuri people and announced the "Kafuri Rebirth". In his speech he said, "The Kafuri people have suffered all these years because of the corruption of a unholy and selfish regime. Those days have ended. It is now up to us, as a united people guided by god, to step up and rebuild our great nation. We stand at the crossroads of a Kafuri Rebirth, it is up to all of us to make it a reality." In the same speech Furqaan announced the creation of the Kafuri Fund for National Reconstruction, a fund where both the Kafuri government and foreign funds/governments can deposit funds for the reconstruction of Kafuristan. "It is vital that we start the work of rebuilding our nation, create strong institutions that can withstand time and bring back life into our streets." Said the king.

As a display of this "new start" the king ordered security forces to execute former President Al-Masoud and half of his cabinet for "crimes against humanity" which resulted in the hanging of Masoud and his cabinet being broadcasted on live TV. This sparked outrage from human rights groups who stated that, "This isnt the start of a new and better Kafuristan but the start of yet another repressive regime." Despite the criticism on his newfound regime the Kafuri people seem happy with the change. Since the new constitution took effect and Furqaan was crowned relative calm has returned to the urban centers in the country and slowly normal life is picking up again. The new monarchy is really cementing its power, with arrests against republicans and former regime employees being a daily occurance and the security forces, first in dissaray, now regularly patrolling the streets of the major cities, keeping the order. The next big objective for Furqaan and his regime will be the proper rebuilding of the economy and the expulsion of terror groups from the south of the country. For the economy the king has already proposed a roadmap using the KFNR in which infrastructure will fist be improved by rebuilding the highway network between urban centers, after which the utlities network will be overhauled and deregulations passed to give space to private enterprise to grow once more. This roadmap will this be funded by the KFNR, which has already received billions in donations from amongst others Hutori and Lourenne.

The King is reportedly in high level discussions with the top Kafuri intelligence and military officals on how to deal with the terror groups in the south, with a detailed battle plan likely to be announced in the coming months as Furqaan has stated that "these groups have no place in the land of god and country."
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Auditorii » Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:20 pm

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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Rogue » Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:25 pm

Kafuri News
Government to Reclaim Oil Fields, Increase Production
December 4906
Kafuri soldiers after retaking a oil installation in the middle of Kafuristan

al-Kasraj: The Royal Ministry of the Interior, together with the Royal Ministry of Economic Affairs, have announced a plan to restart major oil production and extraction facilities accross the country. The two ministries came to this conclusion after assessing the security and economic situation of the country, which was bad according to a preliminary report. The Royal Kafuri Police together with elements from the Royal Army will be tasked with retaking the oil fields in the interior of the country as well as solidifying their hold on installations already in government hands. In the past year the security forces have collectively captured large swaths of territory, primarily in the south and west of the country. These territories were in the hands of terrorists groups or remnants of the former regime but have slowly returned to state control. With the security situation gradually improving the Kingdom is now ready to restart the Kafuri economy. The funds from the Kafuri Funds for National Reconstruction has arrived, with which the kingdom will rebuild destroyed oil rigs and streamline the process of restarting its oil industry. King Furqaan, in a recent speech, made it his, "Top priority to reclaim our spot in the top charts when it comes to oil production. It made us prosper before, let it drag us out of the dark pit once more."

Despite the renewed focus on oil several of the Kingdom's economic advisors have advised to also look towards different sectors as to make the economy not to reliant on oil. This "call to action" has been embraced by the Royal Ministry of Economic Affairs, which states in their assesment that "the kingdom needs to look for ways to increase the source revenue from different sectors as to make the economy as reliable as possible." The National Council is reportedly discussing legislation that would grant startup companies with starting capital, which could allow the private sector to create this diversity by itself.
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Re: Kafuristan

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:01 am

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