
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Vascania

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:11 pm


     Nolhiru residents approve new offshore drilling
     24 February 5403

Residents of the Nolhiru islands, an archipelago to the north-west of the Vascanian continent, have voted to approve new offshore drilling in a plebiscite. 58% of residents voted to approve the project, endorsed by Prime Minister Keshav Raj, with strong support on the main island of Kulhun overwhelming lower levels of approval on the other, smaller islands. The Prime Minister said the results showed 'great enthusiasm' for the new developments, despite a spirited "No" campaign that fell short of expectations.

Opponents of the new drilling sites said the move could have a detrimental impact on the local environment. During the campaign, the PM visited the Nolhirus and drank water from an island near a drilling site to prove it was not contaminated. The main argument in favour of the proposal was that it could bring upwards of 400 new jobs to the islands, which have struggled badly from the decline of the Vascanian oil industry. East Kayal University issued a report suggesting the islands would enjoy a major economic boost from the new sites, which was often touted by the "Yes" campaign as evidence in their favour.

     Vascania·News is a Vascanian public news service produced by the Vascanian Broadcast Union
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Re: Vascania

Postby Pragma » Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:23 pm


     Vascania set to sign "Zoo Alliance" pact
     5 August 5404

Prime Minister Keshav Raj has announced his intention to pursue membership in an alliance with Vanuku, Jelbe, Beiteynu, and Lourenne - marking a stark departure from a period of isolation for the Vascanian Empire. PM Raj expects a motion to be put to the Vascanian parliament by the end of the year in order to ratify the agreement.

The proposal heavily encourages cooperation between the member states, with each nation upholding the sovereignty of the others in a mutual defence pact. The treaty stipulates, however, that the signatories are not 'bound to wars of aggression', potentially smoothing over international fears about the alliance. The members would instead pledge to cooperate on military exercises, military intelligence, and research projects. Economically, the group would 'withhold' tariffs to each other and establish further trade agreements. Any new signatory nations would require approval by the existing five "core" members

Analysts at East Kayal University suggest the proposals could further expand Vascanian economic and military influence, which has waned in prior decades. It would also establish relations between nations in the far-east (like Vascania and Lourenne) to Majatran states. The cooperation of Vascania and Beiteynu, in particular, departs from previously frosty relations - though both nations have previously negotiated a trade deal around oil production, as have Vascania and Lourenne. Imperial Vascanian Oil (IVO) Chairman Vikas Misra welcomed the move, suggesting it would 'compound the positive effects' of those previously-negotiated agreements.

     Vascania·News is a Vascanian public news service produced by the Vascanian Broadcast Union
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Re: Vascania

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:27 pm

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Re: Vascania

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:24 pm


     Floods near Thikkonagama spark water management fears
     2 August 5406

Flooding near the major city of Thikkonagama, in the state of Kalam Nadu, has raised questions about water management in the region. The Thevankurichi River burst its banks along the Kalam Nadu-Sanashtra border last Friday, wiping through farming villages and resulting in 11 deaths and the loss of 8,000 homes. Damage estimates are yet to be finalised, but the event could set the region's development back despite otherwise positive news in the regional economy.

In particular, the man-made river engineering conducted by Yanai Chai Company - the continent's largest tea producer - with government approval. Residents say the river has been 'over-engineered', resulting in the obsolescence of natural flood defences and a disruption of the river flow. Yanai Chai Company defends all engineering works the company has conducted, saying they only engage in the projects with government approval and after a thorough investigation of possible effects on the overall river system. Calls for reform have grown louder since the floods, but complaints about over-engineering go back to the 5360s - particularly in the largely dry state of Sanashtra.

The Prime Minister, Keshav Raj, has announced special aid measures to deal with the effects of the flooding - as well as setting up a commission to study the effects of local water usage on the river system.

     Vascania·News is a Vascanian public news service produced by the Vascanian Broadcast Union
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Re: Vascania

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:28 pm


     IVO sees revenue boom since Luthori & Beiteynu deals
     15 May 5409

Imperial Vascanian Oil (IVO) Chairman Vikas Misra has announced a 21% increase in IVO's revenue since its involvement in trade deals between the Vascanian government, Luthori and Beiteynu. Misra also said the company's staff had grown by 12% over the last eight years, with particular growth in the north-eastern state of Avidangana.

In 5401, the Luthorian oil company made a substantial acquisition of shares from its Vascanian counterpart as part of a major trade deal between the two Empires. This strategic move positioned the Luthorian Petroleum Company as the largest private shareholder, owning 20%, with the Vascanian government controlling around half of all shares.

Investment from Imperial Luthorian Petroleum has been funnelled towards new drilling projects off Vascania's northern shore, focused around the islands of Nolhiru. After locals approved a plan to issue new drilling permits, a flurry of activity descended on the area. Now, six years on since the new projects commenced near the islands, Vascania has experienced a jump in its oil production. Thousands of new jobs have been created, according to government sources, in both the drilling itself and the transportation process. Luthorian investment has also allowed a large quantity of outdated equipment to be modernised or entirely replaced, which has further improved production capacity. The combination of trade deals between Vascania, Luthori and Beiteynu has stabilised oil markets after recent instability in Kafuristan and now Dorvik - which had threatened to send prices surging.

Prime Minister Keshav Raj recently stated that oil transportation to Artania by SouthernSeas has "proved very effective and reliable", as have collaborative projects with Luthori-based Kindall Shipyards - which have started to renovate Vascania's Dolostipe shipyard. Dolostipe's once world-famous docks had fallen into disrepair during the 5390s' recession, but their revitalisation has breathed new life into the coastal north-eastern city. The PM echoed IVO Chairman Vikas Misra's praise of the deal, calling it an "absolute success".

     The Thikkonagama Digest is a Vascanian weekly newspaper based in Thikkonagama, Kalam Nadu. It covers current affairs, international business, politics, technology, and culture.
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Re: Vascania

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:30 pm


     Police crackdown on Sanashtra farmer protests
     2 June 5409

Vascanian police have initiated a major crackdown in the state of Sanashtra, as protests over water mismanagement and agricultural monopolies continue to wrack the state. Local Sanashtrans complain that several powerful agribusinesses - such as Yanai Chai Co. (YCC), the continent's largest tea-growing company - have been diverting water from smaller villages towards their 'megafarms'. In a relatively dry state, with low water reserves and inconsistent rainfall, these actions have had a devastating impact on local people. As rural unrest has continued, the police in Sanashtra have taken increasingly authoritarian measures to contain dissenters - who they term "luddites" and "troublemakers".

Protests restarted in 5406 after flooding in Sanashtra's northern neighbour, Kalam Nadu. Spokespeople for the original protestors said that the practices of YCC and other large agribusinesses had disrupted Vascania's natural river systems - a process known as "overengineering". The government refused to meet with protestors, saying that "hydromodification" - as they term it - is necessary to maintain Vascania's economic growth and sizeable agricultural output. The disagreement boiled over into protestors storming Yanai Chai farms blocking the transportation of their products. After an incident of arson near the state capital of Pagi, which the government blamed on the protestors, national police were sent in on orders direct from Kamalata. Watercannons and teargas were used to break up demonstrations, with some officers firing rubber bullets at locals. Members of Vascania's exiled opposition also allege that members of the secret service monitored the online presence of protest leaders, resulting in a number of arrests and disrupting the organisation of the nascent movement.

The Vascanian government has historically used heavy-handed tactics to defeat protest movements, notably including socialist, communist, Bhapori nationalist and anti-government dissidents. Prime Minister Keshav Raj, who came to power as a more moderate figure, said that the protestors are "trying to unleash chaos on our economy and society", echoing comments from Yogesh Tannu, the head of Sanashtra's state police force. The PM has not commented on specific allegations of brutality from law enforcement, but opinion polls released by East Kayal University suggest a majority of the Vascanian public support police actions - though polling in an autocracy is often inaccurate.

One farmer protest leader who left Vascania, Suraj Palekar, has told the Kamalata Times that the situation has "deteriorated rapidly" and that many farmers have abandoned the cause for fear of having their properties raided or even confiscated. Palekar maintains that the protests are not meant to "unleash chaos", but are instead an attempt "to ask for an equal voice for local people".

Media coverage and social media have played a major part in the protests, thus far, with heated debate on online platforms. Government-funded or government-censored media, like Vascania News and the Kalam Courier, continue to portray farmers as lawless and unruly. Many supporters of the demonstrations, as well as the demonstrators themselves, are using the internet to express their positions and call for support for the Sanashtra movement. Younger people, who have grown up in the post-democracy era, have seemed particularly angry at the government's response. A small solidary protest organised by students at Kamalata Imperial University was broken up by police, but it perhaps signals the start of a broader societal backlash to the government's heavy-handed tactics.

     The Kamalata Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper, originally based in Kamalata but now printed in exile from Luthori, with international circulation
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Re: Vascania

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:56 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Vascania

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:11 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Vascania

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:28 am


     Krishan Patvardhan chosen as new prime minister of Vascania
     4 September 5420

Following the sudden death of Keshav Raj last month, Krishan Patvardhan has been selected by the Vascanian National Alliance as the country’s next prime minister. Like his predecessor, Patvardhan is a former businessman and his selection reaffirms the close connections between Vascania’s largest corporations and the government. Before his election to the Vascanian Parliament, Patvardhan was on the board of Imperial Vascanian Oil during a period of growth and expansion for the company.

Raj’s unexpected death at the end of last month created a vacuum at the top of the Vascanian political system. Throughout his premiership, the quiet former executive did an effective job balancing the competing interests within the governing party. Due to his background, Raj was generally identified with the pro-business wing of the party but he went on to form a strong relationship with the country’s military leadership. Vascania’s recent period of steady economic growth strengthened his position too.

Patvardhan was perceived to be a close friend and ally of the late prime minister. Unlike his predecessor, he does not have an existing relationship with the armed forces. In his first weeks in the role, he will have to work hard to win over pro-military figures within the government. Though he is not answerable to voters, Patvardhan must satisfy the party’s numerous competing interests to succeed. Recent reports suggesting Vascania is entering a period of economic slowdown provide a cause for concern too.

If he does not succeed, there will be numerous candidates waiting in the wings to replace him. Former navy officer Yatnesh Toleti will be the foremost among them. Though he is relatively young for a senior Vascanian politician, Toleti has become the de facto leader of the Vascanian National Alliance’s pro-military faction. Progressing through the government ranks quickly under Keshav Raj, he is an advocate for increasing military spending and restricting the influence of large corporations.

     The Kamalata Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper, originally based in Kamalata but now printed in exile from Luthori, with international circulation
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Re: Vascania

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:58 pm


     Protests intensify in the wake of Imperial Vascanian Oil corruption scandal
     15 January 5421

Vascanian cities are facing a third consecutive day of protests as anger at the government spills into the streets. The protests began earlier this week when a major corruption scandal involving Imperial Vascanian Oil was revealed. Reports in various domestic and international media sources suggest the company was using taxpayer money to pay large salaries to executives over a period of many years. Prime Minister Krishan Patvardhan was explicitly named in the reports as among those who received seven figure sums drawn directly from government revenue.

The protests are a response to the corruption scandal but they reflect a variety of grievances among the wider Vascania population. As the influence of large corporations has grown, they have trampled on the rights of ordinary citizens. Protests against Yanai Chai Company have previously demanded a major crackdown from police. Increasingly the benefits of economic growth are being concentrated among a small number of powerful individuals. With no democratic mechanism for expressing these resentments, they frequently lead to violent clashes between citizens and the state.

Given the repressive media environment in Vascania, it has been suggested the reports were given to the media by a senior figure within the government. Since he became prime minister, Patvardhan has struggled to win over sections of the governing Vascanian National Alliance. The pressure on the former business executive increased at the end of last year as Vascania’s rate of economic growth dropped below two per cent for the first time in a decade.

Patvardhan’s response to the protests will define his premiership. If he is able to take the necessary steps to deal with the unrest, he might be able to remain in power. The loss of authority and damage to his reputation is significant though. Even if he is able to survive the coming days and weeks, it will take much longer to recover his position within the governing party. As the protests intensify in major cities across the country, so too does the pressure on the country’s prime minister.

     The Kamalata Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper, originally based in Kamalata but now printed in exile from Luthori, with international circulation
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