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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Communist Joe » Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:32 pm

Nationalist Win Major Victory

Lefeuvre says Kanjor headed in right direction

Lefeuvre at press conference after being elected Consul

"The people have spoken. And they want change. And change is exactly what they are going to get"

These were the words uttered by Lefeuvre after being elected consul. The Parti nationaliste-aurorien de Canrille won the majority seats along with the Head of Government. Lefeuvre promises big changes for the country as a new area of Kanjorian politics is upon us. The country will see many conservative reforms in the future. Several bills have already been proposed and the PNAC will do everything in it's power to steer the country in a new, more conservative direction.
Communist Joe
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:43 am

Communist win Parliament

Despite being unprepared and unable to present for the post of Consul, The Communist liberal Alliance, Lead by Mosie Nadeau won the elections of November 4489 in Kanjor, defeating the Aurorian-Nationalist.

Mosie Nadeau Confirmed that she will present her candidacy in the next elections. She also confirmed the plan of the Communist Liberal alliance to transform Kanjor into a Monarchy, saying that some thing should not be left to democracy.

We are surprised and honored by the trust the people put in us. We will work to transform our nation into a great monarchy that will respected in the world and will provide a happy futur for all their citizen. For now, we will work with Nationalists on several files, including the plan to bring an international Canrillaise competition in our nation.

Another important file for us, will be to help Tropica, who is being threatened by an insane cult that call themselves the True Real Libertarian. We will make everything in our power so that Tropica remain a democratic nation and do not fall in the hands of the insane cult.

The Communist Liberal alliance won 124 seats, while the nationalist won 76 seats.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:53 am

Kanjor Nationalize Internet providers, without a government

It seem to Kanjor is set to nationalize every internet providers who operate in the nation. Multiple investigators from rich countries like Baltusia, Lourenne, Istalia, Kalistan, Indrala, invested in theses companies because of Kanjor potential capacity, but they are now going to lose everything as the government will seize all of them and transform them into worker's cooperatives.

Mosia Nadeau, Leader of the liberal communist alliance said that her party is going to push more bills. In the future, with, or without the approval of the current Cabinet, she also confirmed that she has secured an important funding for Tropica.

Yes, this is only the beginning, we are going to build the great Kingdom of Kanjor, our nation shall become a great nation once again. Our government and public companies will take the place in the society. Kanjoris want to have a strong government and we will give them a strong government

And Yes, I can confirm that the Assemble is going to adopt a resolution that will force the government to give 20 billion KPR, for 3 years to Tropica as Foreign Aids. for a third nation, that's an important sum, they will be able to use to modernize their installation. They should invest it on other installation then Healthcare, and we know they have quality healthcare, especially for a third-world nation.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:08 pm

Kanjor set to pass multiple liberals reforms.

The government did not comment on the the decision of the Senat, to pass multiple Reforms that will Legalize homosexuality, adultery, incest as well as give the right of individual to decided their gender identity or to change sex. Under the previous Senat controlled by the Aurorian Nationalist, Homosexuality and Adultery were considered criminal offense and people lost the right to decide own their gender identity. Mosie Nadeau, Leader of the Liberal Communist Alliance is determined to pass theses reforms as she want to keep the government out of the bedroom.

Kanjor is also to pass bill that will nationalize the energy sectors, abolish the tuition fees, or reform the News corporations in Kanjor.
Mosie Nadeau also said that she is going to be careful.

The Kanjori are tired of seeing the responsibilities of the government being completed by private enterprises. We will watch out for the movement of any enterprises and If any foreign enterprises decided to pull the plug on our people, we shall be present to give jobs, to all kanjori who will lost their current jobs, because of the decision of foreign companies.

The recent one was a Lourennesse company and we already took action to make sure that all Kanjori who will lose their current job, will be able to find a new job, in a the new national company. If ever such an event happen again, we will make our government take their responsibilities.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Nov 28, 2018 3:51 am

Kanjor compensate Lourenne.

Having nationalized the Canrille Airlines in Kanjor, Kanjor has agreed to pay Lourenne 500 Millions LOD in compensation. Right now, because of the reforms passed the liberal-Communist alliance, all industries in Kanjor were nationalized. Mosie Nadeau explained that this step was necessary in order to make sure that all Entreprise would be operated by Democratic Workers council.

In the Future, we are open to private business, as long as the enterprises are operated by democratic worker'S council. With the arrival of Radical communists, we believe a mixed economy would have better to achieve the communist state we dream. One thing we want to avoid in all cost, is a communist dictatorship.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:36 pm

From The Kalistani Republic

FM Allen discusses options for Compensation in Kanjori Expropriation
Wishes to settle issue amicably, willing to advance sanctions in Assembly
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:45 am

LIberal communists suffer a though defeat in recent elections

Mosie Nadeau suffered a though defeat in the last elections.
Her party, lost 88 seats, becoming the 3rd party in the country, losing their power, along with any possibility of seeing their representatives becoming minister.

Its quite hard. now the only thing that remain of our last group is a group of 20 years old girls. everyone was defeated in the last elections. Seem our voters suddenly prefer the national syndicalist to us. Damn, they prefer a dictatorship party. we really don't need that.

Mosie Nadeau, did not confirm if she would resign or not, but she say she will denounce any move the new Kanjori parliament might do agaisnt the population civil rights.

We know, from the past, that the parties seem to dislike freedom, they tend to regulate the privates lives of people and we will try to fight back against theses moves.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby TPPDJT » Fri Nov 30, 2018 5:03 am

Napoléon Clérisseau denounces the "dual alliance of reactionaries"

The recent general elections saw the Parti Syndicaliste National secure 84 seats in the senate, making it the largest party in Kanjor. The party also managed to attain the majority in 4 of the 5 provinces of Kanjor.

Speaking to an exuberant crowd in Saint-Claire, harshly criticized the L'alliance Communiste-Libérale for endorsing the Parti nationaliste-aurorien de Canrille, helping it win the election for Consul de les États-Unis de Kanjor et La Tondelle Canrille Lefeuvre by about 8 million votes. "This dual alliance of reactionaries seeks to deny the people their total and final emancipation from capitalism by propping up a decadent and rightist party such as the PnaC. However, I can guarantee that in 4495 we will achieve our greatest victory over the reactionaries and finally begin the Syndicalist revolution that is now inevitable in Kanjor."

While little has been confirmed at this time, most predict the PSN will further hone its ideological platform in preparation for the elections due to occur in 3 years. While the PSN would like to have a position in the cabinet, it is not of much concern to Napoléon Clérisseau and the leadership of the PSN at this time.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:59 pm

Mosie Nadeau criticize the National syndicalists

After, the recents elections, the l'alliance Communiste libérale was criticized as a reactionnary by Napoléon Clérisseau of the Party Syndicaliste National.

The leader of Party, Mosie Nadeau, 35 years old answered those claims. She said the Syndicalists are dangerous, and that they shair some tendancy with facists regime.

If we let such people get in power and denies the fondamental principle of Democracy, like the right to protest, free press. We are going to give capitalists a great justification to impose heavy sanctions on our country, and we could suffer from those economic sanction. We are going to present capitalism as a political regime that protect freedom. right now, The national Syndicalism are problematic, They seem to limit the freedom of speech, they to take control of all media, when they are already belong to the workers. they want to control of all Trade-Union, when it is not necessary. they are a bit extreme.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:06 am

Communist, Syndicalist and Nationalist

Johanie Leclerc become minister of Finance, and hired Mario Duceppe as an adjoint to help her complete her tasks. Rémy Thériault, became minister of Justice and hired Jennifer Harris-Powell, a Baltusian. Koralie Laflamme-Larivière became minister of Food and Agriculture, while Rose Woods, a Baltusian, who had a chance to work with Jennifer Harris-Powell and helped her get elected as Governor of Ralston before she was unseat without any reason, by the United Democratic Party leadership under pressure from the republican party.

Both as commented, about their recent position as ministers in Kanjor

Je suis très contente de pouvoir enfin jouer un rôle plus constructif que escorte. J'en avais assez de ce job. Plus ça allait, et plus je me retrouvais avec des clients pourris. C'était trop. Je peux vous assurer que je très bien capable de remplir les fonctions de ministre de l'environement et de l'Agriculture. J'ai travaillé avec Sarah-Rafaelle à Baltusia, elle m'a donné beaucoup de conseil que je pourrais accomplir.
Rose Woods

Je suis contente de pouvoir faire ce que j'aime dans la vie, aider les gens. J'étais perdue, je ne savais plus quoi faire. Quand ces cons m'ont renvoyer sans la moindre raison, j'étais frustrée et je me suis perdue. Mais bon, c'est du passé. Monsieur Thériault m'a engagée pour l'aider dans ses fonctions, et peut-être le remplacer si jamais il tombe Malade. Et, je suis très capable de parler Canrille.
Jennifer Harris-Powell
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