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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:21 pm

Bashnya denies call for Independence, slams Dorvish Support of Ultra-Nationalists.
Bashnya slams Zarvospol calls for Independence, calls on Dorvish to focus on its own internal issues instead of funding terrorism.
Director of the Bashnya's Press Office, Shmakov Danilovich looks on during this morning press conference.
December 1st 4046

After calls for Zarvospol's indepedence have been made by the Governor of the Oblast, Mukhin Yaroslavovich, as expected these calls were dismissed by the Bashnya. Recently there has been a surge of nationalist motivations across Zarvospol as the Oblast pushes for independence from the motherland. These pushes come as the Governor of the Oblast, Mukhin Yaroslavovich said that his regional duma could do a better job of serving the people than the supposed "bureaucrats" in Petrovgrad can. In response to the protests, Director of the Bashnya's Press Office, Shmakov Danilovich discussed the issue at this morning press conference where he outlined Trigunia's stance on the issue and the consequences of Yaroslavovich's inability to perform the task given to him by the Minister-President that is his job.
The Minister-President has taken oversight of the situation. He has made it clear that Zarvospol is and will remain apart of the Trigunian Federation. The Government has not neglected Zarvospol. As we have done for the past years, we have equally distributed the budget of the various oblasts. Twenty-Five percent through the oblasts, nothing more, nothing less. Governor Yaroslavovich says that the central government is incapable of improving the economic situation in Zarvospol and within Trigunia as a whole. I would like to make this clear, Zarvospol has autonomy from the central government, they are free the make their own decisions, legislations but are not allowed to introduce referendums/legislations that exceed the power that is their Regional Duma. Decisions beyond their regional duma are settled by the central government.

Danilovich pointed out that just recently the Minister of State Income and Finance was given advice on ways on how he could improve the economy. He also pointed out that this advice is currently being crafted into a Omnibus legislation and urged that the process cannot be hurried. Danilovich also discussed the fact of Dorvik's support for the push for independence.
I would urge those in Dorvik that instead of supporting instability within Keris, they should focus on getting their neighbor Dundorf who is currently seeing a surge of atheism and terrorism. Recently Valruzia confessed to supporting instability within Dundorf, I believe that Dorvik should stop promoting instability. It is misleading and you are forming reality and you are turning perception into reality.

The Minister-President is proposing to the President for the removal of Yaroslavovich from Governor of Zarvospol.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:15 pm

Armed Rebels Storm Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast and Ministry of the Interior simultaneously.
Armed Rebels Storm Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast and Ministry of Internal Affairs simultaneously in attempt to assert Independence.
Pro-Zarvospolic militants occupy the Ministry of Interior's Zarvospol branch in Stary Kautsky.
December 4th 4046

The newly founded Qujarc Horde, formed by son of the radical Governor of Zarvospol Mukhin Yaroslavovich, Kirdan Yaroslavovich was formed earlier today. Known for his radical views of Petrovgrad, Kirdan has always been skeptic of the central government. Earlier today Kirdan commanded his Qujarc Horde to storm the Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast and the Ministry of the Interior's Northern District Office in Stary Kautsky simultaneously. Hundred of militants of the Qujarc Horde also stormed the major police headquarters in Stary Kautsky killing almost one hundred and three office workers. It appears that Petrovgrad has all but lost control of its police force in Zarvospol, especially Stary Kautsky. It is confirmed that the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast, Dultsev Yakovich is confirmed to be dead. In front of the besieged Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast, Militant Leader Kirdan Yaroslavovich delivered a warning to the Minister-President and the President of trying to withhold Zarvospol's independence.
If the federal government does not want to intercede in our affairs, then we must kill those who try to oppress us. As of today, as I stand here, holding the bill of rights of the Zarvospol Oblast, I declare the Zarvospol Oblast, the People's Democratic Republic of Zarvospol! Arise those who refuse to be slaves! The central government cannot tread on us. Onward and Upwards.

Self-proclaimed President of the People's Democratic Republic of Zarvospol Mukhin Yaroslavovich was proud of his son's work at toppling the central government's foothold in Stary Kautsky. It is being reported that across Zarvospol, from Vernograd, Gorniy Zamok, Pattergrad and neighboring towns and villages that some groups of the Qujarc Horde are springing out and ambushing government buildings in an attempt to remove any aspect of the central government complete. It is also being reported that the various armed forces divisions and heavy police units are being pulled out of Zarvospol and into Lesnov and Vrosnok under orders from the Central Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence. The Minister-President is expected to deliver his solution to the recent insurgent acts in Zarvospol.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:33 pm

Minister-President issues ultimatum, blockages breakaway oblast.
Minister-President issues ultimatum to breakaway oblast, orders blockage of oblast to isolate rebels.
Minister-President Pavlenko Vladimirovich during his address of the situation in Zarvospol earlier today
February 13th 4047

The Minister-President sought to cut off Zarvospol from the outside world by banning foreign trade with the breakaway oblast and suspending international flights to the region. Minister-President Pavlenko Vladimirovich reasserted that the moves were to prevent the radicals from spreading their extremist ideologies to the neighboring oblasts. But as expected the blockade is also likely to increase the suffering of the Zarvospolic citizenry. These measures come after the rebel ousting of the central government's foot hold in Zarvospol after the Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast was stormed by the rebel group, the Qujarc Horde. The restrictions set by the Minister-President are intended to isolate the rebels from the outside world.
It is clear that the rebel leaders want to go about this with force. I am not going to attempt to negotiate with terrorists, now will i allow for Zarvospol to be a breakaway republic. So, in order to speak the language which the rebel leaders speak, that being force, force will be met with force. As of now, the Federal Border Guards are isolating Zarvospol from the outside world. By all means i will squeeze Zarvospol into submission until the rebel leaders and their herd surrender.

In a federal decree currently being passed in the State Duma, the Office of the President outlined that the ban on the import of foreign goods to Zarvospol. To enforce this the decree declared that all vessels entering the Sea of Deliverance are subject to search. The decree also declares that flights within Zarvospol be cancelled, insisting that some Zarvospolic sympathizers have been using the air services as a method to bring in supplies from foreign nations. The decree also called for the halt of flights throughout Keris, Macon, Dovani, Northern Artania and Northern Seleya although other flights will be allowed to land in Petrovgrad where their passengers are subjected to search. In order to cement control, the decree orders that all foreigners visiting Zarvospol and the neighboring oblasts be removed.
Although the stern decisions made by Vladimirovich has come with great support from the Trigunian population, many of these moves have been met with foreign criticism. And what seems to be the interesting part of the decree was the rapid deployment of the Internal Troops to the various nuclear sites within Zarvospol. Although the decree did not call for the deployment of the armed forces, many of glad to see that the armed forces are not involved as they believe that the armed forces is not fit for fighting its own citizens.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:05 am

Vladimirovich orders State Security Directorate into Zarvospol.
State Security Directorate (GBD) sent into Zarvospol under directions from Minister-President.
The first images of the arrival of the State Security Directorate's "Krepost" Group in Stary Kautsky.
August 11th 4047

As though it was done at the snip of a finger, the State Security Directorate was sent into as the Minister-President puts it, "restore constitutional order". Late last night, Minister-President Pavlenko Vladimirovich authorized the movement of the State Security Directorate within its capacity to enter Zarvospol. The offensive, now called by the Ministry of the Interior, Operation Urban Dust was centered on a simultaneous strike on the breakaway oblast. Apart of the Ministry of the Interior's Rapid Reaction force, the State Security Directorate's "Krepost" (Fortress) Group were among the first law enforcement officers to enter the oblast since its unconstitutional independence was "declared".
Whilst the operation was spearheaded by the State Security Directorate, under supervision of the Main Directorate of Internal Security, the Main Directorate of the Internal Troops used this as an opportunity to enter the oblast in order to secure the various nuclear Intercontinental ballistic missile sites scattered across the oblast. Already the Internal Troops are being reported to have secured eight-five percent (85%) of all Intercontinental ballistic missile sites across the vast oblast. Minister of the Interior, Murogov Vadimovich spoke little of the objectives of Operation Urban Dust but had this to say.
I am confident in the abilities of both the State Security Directorate and the Internal Troops. I can assure the Director-General of the State Security Directorate that once the ICBM sites have been secured by the Internal troops, they will be going the GBD in their crusade to reunify the federation.

In Lesnov, under permission from the Central Government, the Regional Administrative Council implemented a curfew which will serve as a means of having citizens within their homes during the times when conflict between the State Security Directorate, the Internal Troops and the Qujarc Horde are expected to flare up. With the State Security Directorate pushing to instill order in the oblast, the Ministry of Defence took little chances on the security of the rest of the nation as the warning level was raise to Elevated Combat Readiness as the possibility of an internal crisis could allow other nations to undermine the integrity of the nation behind the cover of this internal conflict.
And as many would question whether the elite, State Security Directorate Spetskomanda are now involved. The answer to that question is unknown as officials from the Ministry of the Interior denied the existence of a Spetskomanda presence in Zarvospol.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:35 pm

GBD Meets stiff resistance in Zarvospol from Qujarc Horde.
State Security Directorate meets stiff resistance from Qurjac Horde in Zarvospol.
Rebels of the Qujarc Horde engaging in Guerrilla Warfare with the State Security Directorate in the suburbs of Gorniy Zamok.
January 2nd 4048

Although their triumphant entry into the Oblast was praised by many, it seems that this luck had ran out. Whilst enter the seaside city of Gorniy Zamok, operating elements of the State Security Directorate (GBD) meet heavy resistance from fortified Qujarc Horde. Within only months of the conflict, the Qujarc Horde had already fortified its strongholds. Knowing that openly fighting with the State Security Directorate and soon the Internal Troops, it appears that the Qujarc Horde resorted to guerrilla warfare to ensure that their control of supposedly "strategic points" is held with a strong grip. Heavy fighting was reported as the State Security Directorate Operators carved their way into the city.
It could be speculated that out of the reported three-thousand (3000) strong Qujarc Horde, thirty-five percent (35%) of these members are veterans of the Great Terran War who served in the Sieges of Gorniy Zamok and Stary Kautsky since the defensive tactics which the rebels are using mirror those of the tactics used during the Sieges of Gorniy Zamok and Stary Kautsky. The State Security Directorate has concentrated some nine-hundred of its initial two thousand onto the simultaneous and ongoing sieges of Gorniy Zamok, Stary Kautsky and soon to be Pattergrad and Vernograd as the Internal Troops have completed their initial goal of securing the various ICBM sites which litter the Oblast.
Major-General of the Internal Troops and Director-General of the Main Directorate of the Internal Troops, Nikonov Gennadiyevich, is requesting for the Intervention of the Armed Forces after it was reported by the unofficial propaganda speaker of the Qujarc Horde, "The People's Freedom", that the Horde had seized various pieces of equipment from a military surplus compound. Director-General of the Directorate for Internal Espionage, Golovanov Nikitovich was asked of the presence of heavy Trigunia military equipment in rebel hands, which he later confirmed to be true.
Very vocal of the recent achievements of the Qujarc Horde was rebel leader & Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed People's Democratic Republic of Zarvospol , Kirdan Yaroslavovich and his father, the de facto President of the People's Democratic Republic of Zarvospol, Mukhin Yaroslavovich expressed their joy for the findings in front of thousands of their supporters.
We have seized much of the "central government's" equipment. My military staff has informed me that we have amounted twenty-five (25) T-80 Battle tanks, thirty-five working APC's and two transport helicopters. These findings will be evenly distributed across the various city as a means of pushing out the worm that is the Trigunian Government. This is of testimony to our success.

In response to the request made by Major-General of the Internal Troops and Director-General of the Main Directorate of the Internal Troops, Nikonov Gennadiyevich, Minister of Defence, Druganin Victorovich urged the Director-General and the entirety of the State Duma and the Federal Defence Council, that the Armed Forces is not trained to fight its own people. But many are saying that one cannot put a highly-trained operator of the State Security Directorate and/or the Internal Troops against a T-80. It is now a war a two fronts. In Zarvospol and in the State Duma as the Minister of Defence urges the deputies the cabinet and the Federal Defence Council that the Intervention of the Armed Forces into Zarvospol, knowing the destruction which will come with this, is not the best of decisions.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:50 pm

State Security Directorate Liberate Rebel Capital
State Security Directorate liberates Stary Kautsky, Qujarc Horde retreats.
A State Security Directorate sniper, center, and two operators control the perimeter, in Stary Kautsky, Southern Zarvosopol
January 13th 4050

State Secretary of the Interior announced earlier this morning that the last rebel holdout in Stary Kautsky had fallen and the Qujarc Horde in all its capacity was retreating to what seemed to be their final great hold out in Gorniy Zamok against the Ministry of the Interior. The return of Stary Kautsky to the central government is now turning the tide against the Gujarc Horde. In the tight corners and allies of Stary Kautsky, the warriors of the Qujarc Horde went against the the State Security Directorate's "Krepost" (Fortress) Group.
As far as the Ministry of the Interior is concerned, the last bastion of the rebel holdout in Stary Kautsky has fallen, the Trigunian flag has been raised on the Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Zarvospol Oblast. With that, our concentration is now centered on sweeping up the pockets of resistance throughout Northern Zarvospol and to surgically strike Gorniy Zamok.

The Ministry of the Interior recorded some four hundred casualties from their side and one thousand on the rebel side. The State Secretary of the Interior vowed to avenge those who had fallen. Whilst the Qujarc Horde and the leadership of the "People's Democratic Republic of Zarvospol" retreat to Gorniy Zamok, the State Security Directorate is not far behind as the chase is on towards Gorniy Zamok. It is reported that the Internal Troops are currently engaging in furious urban combat with the Northern Sect of the Qujarc Horde. Major-General of the Internal Troops Nikonov Gennadiyevich stated that some one thousand operators of the Internal Troops were currently crossing over from Lesnov and into Zarvospol.
It seems that the tides are turning in favor of the central government as the rebel capital falls back in their control. And so the race begins as both the Qujarc Horde and the State Security Directorate rush for Gorniy Zamok in what seems to be the final battle that must be undertaken in order for constitutional order to the re-installed in Zarvospol.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:55 pm

Qujarc Horde Surrenders, Internal Conflict brought to end, Yaroslavovich's jump boat.
Zarvospolic War comes to grinding end, Qujarc Horde Surrenders, Kirdan and Mukhin Yaroslavovich jump boat to Jelbania.
January 12th 4051

In what appears to be a massive turn of events, the Qujarc Horde, in all its capacity has surrendered to the troops of the Ministry of the Interior. Within a few months after the Sate Security Directorate and the Internal Troops launched what was the Battle of Gorniy Zamok, the casualties greater larger as they made their way towards the center of the city. The Ministry of the Interior recently reports some 1,000 causalities on their side with some 2,000 casualties on the rebel side. Remaining rebel elements surrendered to reinforcements of the Internal troops sent from Vrosnok. Minister of the Interior, Murogov Vadimovich held a press conference this morning where he announced the secession of the "Zarvospolic War".
I can officially declare the resistance in Zarvospol quelled. Earlier this morning after engaging in an intense battle of urban warfare for the past few months, remaining rebel elements surrendered to the Internal troops as they tried to make their way out of the city. It is confirmed as well that, the cities of Pattergrad and Vernograd have been cleansed of resistance. Intelligence reports suggest that Kirdan Yaroslavovich and his father Mukhin Yaroslavovich fled to Jelbania. I can assure everyone that we are working with the Jelbic Government on finding these terrorists and bringing them back to Trigunia where they will be put under the death penalty without trial, the Minister of Justice has ensured me that he will do everything within his power to ensure that these terrorists will meet their maker earlier than expected.

It is being reported that the State Security Directorate and the Internal Troops are making their final sweeps throughout Zarvospol for any remaining rebel element who refuses to succumb to surrender.
It is sadly being reported that in wake of the end of the conflict, President Feliks Pomelnikov issued his resignation to the State Duma and to the Minister-President. The State Duma has called for an early election in order to find a President and as expected with the United Trigunia Party's grip on the political spectrum, we may be seeing Pavlenko Vladimirovich become the next president.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:39 pm

Newly Elected President to visit Delteria.
President Pavlenko Vladimirovich to visit Delteria to discuss trade and military cooperation.
President Pavlenko Vladimirovich during his first address to reporters in the Bashnya.
July 12th 4051

Recently elected President, Pavlenko Vladimirovich spoke with reporters at the Bashnya today, just hours after his inauguration, which marked the official begin of his four year term as President. During the press conference he discussed the actions which his government is going to take to ensure that Trigunia's place the bastion of economic, political and military supremacy is not undermined by external forces, namely, the Federal Republic of Hutori and the Confederation of New Endralon.
I will ensure that Trigunia's place within the northern hemisphere and the great world as being a leader politically, economically and militarily is kept untouched. Recently, it was observed by the previous government the presence of clandestine elements within us, who seek to capitalize on our instability and on the instability of Keris. I can assure the people, that this will be soon eradicated, and I will be a man of my word when i say, I will ensure that Trigunia is not undermined by external forces.

Among several questioned raised and answered respectively by the President, Foreign Affairs was the most asked of the lot. In light of international criticism of the supposedly slave legislations in Delteria, the President told reporters that in his "Grand Tour" of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere later this month, Delteria was the first nation which he intended on visiting.
During my Southern and Northern Hemisphere Tour which will begin later this month, Delteria is the first nation i will be visiting. I have seen that Delteria's Internal Laws has come under scrutiny from what appears to be an attempt at a Union of Nations known as the The International Terran Union, which comprises of only three countries. I do intend on speaking with both the Czar and the President of Delteria on Trade, Tightening Military Relations and addressing the Human Rights problem.
Already, this "union of nations" is contemplating on Economic Sanctions and/or Trade Embargoes as they also juggle between Military Intervention and threats. The Minister-President is expected to discuss the matters of the acts pulled by the nations of the International Terran Union.

Minister-President:"Why not Diplomacy?"
Minister-President on Jakanian Economic Sanctions against Delteria.
Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich during the interview in his office.
July 12th 4051

According to the Minister-President, Jakania and soon Kazulia and Lourenne should use diplomacy instead of threats to solve such a sensitive issue as Delterian Internal Policy. During an interview with us in his office, Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich said that the current move which Jakania and maybe very soon, Kazulia and Lourenne are/will take will have a negative affect on their trade and industrial sectors and shows signs of a lack of diplomacy. The moves taken by the trio, comes after their review of Delteria's laws towards slavery. Already there have been murmurs of possible military intervention into Delteria, if they are not appeased. The Minister-President spoke openly on the issue, where he called for diplomacy instead of the current chain of events with the trio could spark.
Clearly there has not been any form of dialogue between the respective parties at hand. Instead of back and forth chatter to at least see if they can iron out some concerns and get some plausible results, they simply decided, "No time for diplomacy, just threats now, then diplomacy." Why not Diplomacy? The President is going to Delteria to speak with the Czar and the President of the Delteria on Trade, Military Cooperation and this topic, I think they should find themselves in Delteria to get some results. Their moves clearly tell us that they have no intentions of using this peaceful alternative to getting the results they want.

The Minister-President also mentioned that he knew that many nations are going to attempt to call out Trigunia for in-directly supporting Delteria's acts since the previous government seemed to not respond to questions of the legitimacy of Human Rights in Delteria.
I know that many spokesmen and women are going to want to call me out, by saying that Trigunia in-directly supports slavery in Delteria and did nothing to stop it. That is not the case, we have lobbied with the previous Delterian Governments and Czars for this to be changed, but we were met with utter silence. We did not seek to threaten them as we believed that if they wish to run their nation as they did, let it be. There is only some much we can do. But now with this new Czar and a seemingly new government, I am sure that our calls, the President's visit and possibly visits by Jakania, Lourenne and Kazulia (That is if they put a halt to their path of zero diplomacy), then I am sure we could see some fruitful results.

The Minister-President himself is planning on visiting many of Trigunia's old friends whom she has not communicated in a while, and is also planning to follow the path of the President and conduct his own tour of he Eastern Hemisphere that is once the President returns from his tour. It is unclear whether Jakania, Lourenne and Kazulia, especially Jakania will rethink their moves and instead use diplomacy as a means of obtaining fruitful results from the Delterian side of the river.
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Aberdeen » Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:05 pm

Kazulian Prime Minister threatens Deltarian and Trigunian Governments

The prime minister of Kazluia today made a statement directing it towards both Deltaria and their close allies, the Trigunian Government. After many criticisms from member states of the International Terran Union about the Deltarian human rights record and their current policy on slavery, the prime Minister has made a fierce and blunt statement.

Deltaria is simply under a fascist government that is determined to undermine its citizens and despicably still uses the slave trade despite vast criticism. And as for Trigunian government, they are just as bad and if not worse for defending this evil and not even trying to achieve change. These targeted people of Deltaria need the international community and the support it brings with it to stop this trade once and for all.

The prime minister went on to say,
I don't care how we do it. I really don't. If I'm honest this could and should have been sorted and reformed many years ago and the slave trade is a medieval shameful trade. I am fully willing to use my military force to help those targeted by their own government whoch should be protecting their citizens, not breaching their human rights.
Military force has been approved at the International Terran Union parliament and all three member states will be able to use military intervention if we can't solve this through debate and reason.

the ITC Parliament voting on the right to use military force against Deltaria if nessasary
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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:09 pm

Bashnya:"Let's not develop a tit-for-tat, diplomacy is the only civilized alternative.
Bashnya not willing to develop a tit-for-tat between Kazulian and Jakanian Government.
Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman, Kirilova Innokentievna looks on during the daily Bashnya Press Address.
August 1st 4051

The news airways have seen a diplomatic row between the respective the government and the respective government of Kazulia and Jakania over labor laws in Delteria. One hand, the Minister-President is calling for open dialogue between the respective governments and on the other the Jakanian and Kazulian Governments are pushing the envelope for military intervention into Delteria. Recently, both the governments of Kazulia and Jakania responded to the Minister-President's call for diplomacy in an upsetting tone. In a press release from the Kazulias Nyheter, the Kazulian Statsminister (Prime Minister) supposedly "threatened" the government saying that they were as bad as the Delteria for "defending this evil and not even trying to achieve change" and that they would "use military force if they cannot solve the issue through debate and reason". In order to clear the air on the issue, Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kirilova Innokentievna ironed out the position of the government in light on the supposed "threat" issued by the Kazulian Government.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is taking a calm approach towards such a sensitive issue as Delterian Internal Policy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not going to develop a tit-for-tat between the Kazulian Government over the issue. The backwards criticism thrown by the Kazulian Statsminister is vexatious, childish and frivolous. In the Statsminister's supposed warning to our government, it was said that Trigunia is not trying to do anything to achieve change. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges the Kazulian Government to do not be blinded by their own stupidity. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Office of the President, instead of moving to adapt gunboat diplomacy, which is being demonstrated by the Kazulian and Jakanians respectively, is instead going on a standard diplomatic approach and is reaching out to the Delterian Government to discuss the matter. To say that the government has not done anything is false. The reason why the Ministry and the Office of the President has taken this approach is out of a respect for stability within Majatra. Nations such as Vanuku, Zardugal and Barmenia are not going to stand for instability within their region which will be brought with external military intervention. To dump it down, they will ensure that you do not return to Majatra every again. The Ministry is also warning of repercussions of Kazulian and/or Jakanian troops Delterian soil, hint-hint, they will be nuclear. Trigunia is not defending Delteria's actions, if we did, we would have no said anything up to now. What the Minister-President, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the President is simply saying is that diplomacy is the best and less destructive way to go about getting results. It does not matter if they ignored you the first time, that is how diplomacy works. You continue to raise your concerns until you get results. Conflict is not a reasonable path. Trigunia has kept a very calm stance on this issue and hopes that results favorable to the people is found through peaceful means.
It appears that the Kazulian Government is trigger happy for war, but the Ministry of Defence reassured the population that Kazulia does not have an operational capacity to withstand a war between Delteria due to the operational range of the Kazulian Armed Forces, when no reinforced by a much powerful ally, can only reach as far as Dovani. It also reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is trying to reopen diplomatic gateways between Wiel.
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