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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:21 am
by Communist Joe
Kanjor Technologies first big project

Today Minister of Science and Technology Gabriel Devereaux announced Project Opportunity. This ambitious project goal is to

...improve the the efficiency of solar panel technology along with research and create a new battery that will be able to store the large amount of excess power not used during the day and that can be used during the night.

This is the first major project for Kanjor Technology as it is still a very young company in the tech industry. Many people are excited about this new step for Kanjor. It is even rumored that hacking legend Courtney Neal might be overseeing the project. If successful Kanjor could soon completely be running of clean solar power along with being able to make some cash of off selling the batteries.

There is huge potential in this

Said Gabriel Devereaux. We are definitely eager to hear about future developments on Project Opportunity

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 5:10 pm
by Darkylightytwo
Mosie Nadeau, New consul of Kanjor

Kanjor held Two elections in less then 6 month, after the disband of the syndicalists, these elections ended with the elections of Mosie Nadeau as the New consul of Kanjor. Mosie nomminated multiple new minister in Kanjor. Her longtime friends from schools, Saphirina Boisvert, Rubie Lavois, Emeraldie Lemieux and Diamante. A former escort, Rose Woods. The former government of Ralston, who was invicted without a single reason, Jennifer Harris-Powell. One of the few generals, open to the Liberals-communists, Maxime Beaulieu. As well as the current ministers who were part of the last government.

She explain that her goal was to continue support Tropica, Continue the development of Kanjor Project opportunity, as well as the development of multiple Hydro power station in the Kanjorian Rivers, who have not been developped. However, it does not seem her idea to make Kanjor a monarchy will pass.

I am very honored that the Kanjori choose me, a 38 years old woman as their next consul. I am going to work extremely hard to make the Kanjorians are correctly served by the government.

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:19 pm
by Darkylightytwo
Mosie Nadeau accused to be whore.

Since, July, a few porn videos have gone wild in the internet. It show Mosie Nadeau, the elected consult of Kanjor who represent the Liberal-Communist alliance, as she uses her position to have sex with various men. One of them show the consul of Kanjor inviting the president of an energy company, before engaging in sexual actions. So far, the video have been watched at 15 millions time already.

Mosie Nadeau denied these videos.

theses are probably the doing of someone who hate, I have never participate in any porn show. I've been extremely careful with the security and I always separate personal life and professional life. that girl is not me. I have never done this. its really not me.

However the experts from the Kanjor times say that there is no doubt that the woman in the video is Mosie Nadeau.

Everything fit, her hairs color, her eyes, her face, her size, her age. This must be Mosie Nadeau. Our consult is nothing then a whore. What the hell is going on here ?

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:11 am
by Darkylightytwo
23 April 4497
BREAKING liberal communist director arrested. A journalist reveal that Mosie Nadeau made her campaign on stolen money.
The police of Kanjor announce the arrestation of Pierre Silence, the former director of the liberal communist alliance for corruption, abuse of power and breach of trust.
Apparently, the former director the liberal communist, Pierre Silence, was organising a Cartel between the firms that submitted contract for government work, all firm but one were obligated to submit extremely high price, while the other would submit a price that's 10% above the price submitted by the ministry of transport. 5% would be used to fund the activities of the liberal communist party, while the other 5% was directly collected by Mr. Silence.

Mosie Nadeau apolegize to the media, saying that she knew about the activities, but failed to report them to the police.

We all knew it, But Nadeau has dirt on us all. I prefered to buy his silence.

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:13 pm
by Darkylightytwo
Mosie Nadeau confess several crimes.

Once again questioned by the journalists over her (appearance) in Porn tapes, Mosie Nadeau decided to confess various immoral acts. Including smoking cannabis, having an affairs with Courtney Neal husband despite him having twice her age, and having in a relationship with her brother.

Yes, that's the true, I'm a cannabis lover I had an affairs with Yugi green and my current boyfriend, Luc Dubois-Lisée is in fact my own brother, and I've known it since 2 years, but I decided to burn away the proofs and pretend it was not true. You see now. that woman on the porn tape is not me. I don't smoke tobacco and drink alcohol. I prefer cannabis.

The journalist tried to question the boyfriend of Mosie Nadeau over this (new Fact), but they were unable to receive any answer as Luc Dubois-Lisée fainted as soon as he heard the news.

UPDATE : the minister of Justice has concluded that Mosie Nadeau should be pardoned.
Adultery and Incest are legal, these are not crimes right now and should not be treated as a crime. Her only crime is have consumed cannabis when it was illegal, w and I am going to pardon everyone who have an offense related to cannabis on their criminal records.

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:23 pm
by Renhanfuri

In recent news, a massive protest with at least 70,000 people have gathered in the capital city regarding the legalization of all pornography, including child pornography. The protest has reportedly been fuled by the Parti de Solidarité de Kanjor, but are not confirmed.

A quote from protester Marie d'Bourge is as follows
The representation if children in pornography is absolutely disgusting, have you seen the way they treat the children in those videos? Not to mention all the other forms of porn that are legal such as rape, and dangerous fetish porn that is simply repulsive. We demand government action immediately.

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:20 am
by Communist Joe
Could this be the start of a trend

A young nationalist, Come Coulomb murders two communist members. After a week long investigation officials concluded that Come Coulomb was guilty for murder of two Kanjori communist. He admitted to the crime on social media. He boasted

“They had it coming to them, those communist dogs will pay ”

He will be tried in the next coming weeks and could face up to life in prison or now even death. With tensions rising the threat of civil war is becoming much worse of a problem. Only time well tell what happens next in this more hostile form of Kanjori politics

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:39 am
by Renhanfuri


On November 10th, 4497, the Parti Nationaliste-Aurorien de Canrille(PNAC) and the Parti de Solidarité de Kanjor(PSK) singed a treaty announcing an alliance in

order to combat the L'alliance Communiste-Libérale's majority in the Sénat. The two parties had already surprisingly agreed on many issues and formalized an alliance in order to ease tensions between the parties.

The PSK's Chairman Lain Houmfrois reportedly had lunch with PNAC's leader Timothée Leroux, discussing issues and enjoying their meals.

"This (alliance) will save the nation from civil strife, and guide it forward to solidarity" - Chairman Lain Houmfrois
"The Syndicalists were reluctant at first, but rest assured the alliance is set in stone." - Timothée Leroux

The future seems bright for Kanjor as the nation mends its political divisions. Now, on to sports...

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:19 am
by Darkylightytwo
Disastrous results for Kanjor Say Yugi Green

Yugi Green, the candidate who remplaced Mosie as the candidate for consult for the liberal communists said the last electoral results are disastrous for Kanjor.

I believe, the country is just about to go full fascist, first they will pass some conservative laws, they will legalize paramilitaries and very soon these paramilitaries will part of each political parties. It seem to be, like the aurorians will be decided what is good or bad based on religion, the government will enter the privates of peoples and tell them who they can have relations with and how they can have those relations. The country had progressed a lot when the Liberal Communists took power, People were finally free in their private lives, look like that will go away now. there is no two way around, the elections are a disaster, but as long as the liberal communists are minister, they will not the people down, they will not accept conservative reforms that endanger people's freedom.

IWhile the liberals communists are opposed to paramilitary, it is rumored they are preparing a para-military of their own.

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:32 am
by Renhanfuri
Syndicalists Celebrate Election Results, But remain Vigilant

The Parti de Solidarité de Kanjor is in a state of celebration following the election, but tensions have only risen as the fascist and militarist parties have grown stronger.

"Winning the seat of Consul is a humbling thing you know? i'm still only human ut I have all of these people looking up to me and my party's decisions. We hope that the Aurorian party will be willing to maintain our alliance to insure the security and stability of Kanjor, we may still be divided on political issues, but this is one more step towards total solidarity for the people of Kanjor."

Lain Houmfrois has solidified his leadership with a truly inspiring Inauguration speech. Kanjor surely has a lot in store for the coming years, and now on to the weather...