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Re: Pontesi Post

Postby Elf » Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:47 pm

Promise to fight political Ahmadism, Make Pontesia Into a "Free World Country" again

Nigilia Helvetia, Magistrix of the reborn Aurora Libertatis.

CAMPUS STELLA - The last elections ended with the Pagan-oriented Aurora Libertatis gaining 13 out of 100 seats in the Pontesian Senate. The Aurora Libertatis (Dawn of Liberty) was a political party that governed Pontesi(a) under much of the fourth millenia, first promoting Hosian and then increasingly Pagan values, subservient to the Seluco-Pontesian nobility. To which its new leader, Lady Nigilia Helvetia, also belongs. Domina Helvetia describes herself as someone who practices Daenism, Religio Seluciana and Felinism at the same time - and promises to bring a sort of "Political Pantheism" into Pontesian politics. In her speech during the election night, she also promised to fight the resurgent Ahmadism in Pontesia:

Finally, Gods are smiling upon us. The oppression under Qedarite dogma is undone. Pontesia will be free.

Ahmadism is everything that's bad with the Qedarite religions - on steroids. The noble Crimson Crusade as well as the subsequent Aedni governments wisely realised this. All freedom-loving Pontesians, no matter what community they belong to, must also recognise this. Pontesia is an inherently northern country, and this totalitarian ideology has no place here.

Although the Aurora Libertatis claims to not be an ethnic party, it is widely reocgnized as rooted in the Seluco-Pontesian community. They support the restoration of the Aedini Principate under a "republican" framework.
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Re: Pontesi Post

Postby Elf » Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:20 pm



"We are not an ethnic party" Says Lady Helvetia
by Livia Mystra

Nigila Helvetia

CAMPUS STELLA - The last elections ended with Aurora Libertatis rising to become the largest party in the Senate, taking 31 out of 100 seats. We sat down with Nigila Helvetia, its leader, for a short interview:

LM: Domina Helvetia, thank you for agreeing to this interview with us, the Pontesian Enquirer.

NH: You're welcome.

LM: So, what are the Aurora Libertatis - really? You yourself, Domina Helvetia, hail from the Seluco-Pontesian aristocracy in Bazileum. Are you a party representing the interests of Seluco-Potesian people?

NH: Certainly not. We're not an ethnic party, not at all, nor a religious one, for that matter. We have a clearly thought-out ideology that anyone can subscribe too, no matter their background. We have a holistic, Pantheist foundation and support a democratic confederalism, a system where traditional and local communities are empowered to make their own decisions instead of the state, or big business for that matter.

LM: I see. About that Pantheism part - may I ask what religion you belong to, yourself, Domina Helvetia?

NH: I am a Daenist, a Felinist and I honour the Selucian gods as well. My patron goddess is Terra Mater.

LM: Are Hosians welcome in your party?

NH: Oh absolutely. As long as they can agree to our biocentric world-view and leave the antropocentrism that their religion has traditionally stood for behind.

LM: Your predecessor organisation, the Crimson Crusade. Do you still revere its founder, Saint Alamar Xarfaxis?

NH: We don't. It is too divisive. Alamar was a great leader who began walking the path from Hosianism towards holism and unity with Pagans, chiefly Felinists. I do believe he was inspired by Azarean. He liberated the Pontesian from the plutocratic yoke, and this was a good thing. But his idea of a Selucian Pontesia is something we don't share. Seluco-Pontesians are part of the fantastic diversity that makes up our great nation, together with all the other traditional communities.

LM: In the last decades, the nation has had Ahmadis organising themselves politically, and gaining political power. What do you think of that?

NH: It shouldn't be allowed. Ahmadism is all that is bad and ugly with the Arielian religions - on steroids. We remember all to well what these scum did to Barmenia, and to many other nations as well. Ahmadism operates not as a religion, but a juridical system that is incompatible with human rights and liberal democracy. It's a fascist ideology that justifies the slaughter and enslavement, the robbery of Pagans, women and all non-Ahmadis. It has no place here. Speaking of Lord Alamar, let me recite one of his poems on the matter:

"We're all Pontesians, and we fight with tooth and claw
We keep our land a free land, stop the enemy from afar
We keep them south down in Majatra, 'til a dog is crowned Khan
And this mighty land shall blossom, for Pontesians never fall."

Such is the determination of all free Pontesians, Hosians and Pagans alike.

LM: Domina Helvetia, thank your for your time.

NH: My pleasure.
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Re: Pontesi Post

Postby Elf » Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:18 pm



Aurora Libertatis Wins 73 of 100 Seats in First Democratic Election for Decades

Thea Melodia, Atabeg Accipitrum

CAMPUS STELLA - The first democratic elections held in Pontesia for decades, resulted in a groundbreaking victory for the Aurora Libertatis, who took 73 out of 100 a swell as the position of Atabeg Accipitrum (Atabeg of the Hawks). The new Atabeg, Theodora "Thea" Melodia, a Seluco-Pontesian herbl medicine expert from Blackthorn, Azorium, made a short speech at the end of the party's election night watch, in which she outlined the aims and goals of the new government and praised the Phalangist party for ending the decades of Communist dictatorship:

We thank our Phalangist friends for their dedication to the preservation of ancient Pontesian culture, and for bringing back freedom to our nations, after decades of communist tyranny. We look forward to a continued cooperation for the cause of freedom.

We need to rethink the way the state and many of our public institutions work from a non-socialist perspective. This includes the armed forces and the justice department, as well as education facilities. We have to create a framework for a confederal republic to take the place of a steamlining tyrannical government. We need to rethink the tax system. Animal welfare and the environment will of course always be the priority of an AL government, we will never submit to any antropocentric word view that alienates the human being from creation and natural law. The future of Ahmadism in the nation will also have to be discussed, as many believe that recent events show that it constitutes an alien fascist ideology, incompatible with our ancients freedoms and traditions, rather than a legitimate faith. Radical ideologies must never again be allowed to gain a foothold in our Pontesia

Rumours state that forces inside the Aurora Libertatis are interested in the prospect of restoring the Aedini Principality. Though other say it seems unlikely that the government would initate such a result without full consent from the August Parliament of the Cedar Throne.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:28 pm



Defends Pontesian Way of Life, Condemns Istalian Imperialism and Warmongering

Prince Paullus, Lord Protector of the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth

DAWNSTAR – Our Sovereign, His Serene Highness, Paullus of the Aedini, Prince of Pontesia, Lord Protector of the Dynastic Commonwealth and the liberties and rights of all Pontesians, has seen it fit to hold a speech, commenting the latest, worrying developments in the Majatran Alliance, of which Pontesia is a member:

Free citizens of Pontesi!

It worries Us to see our surroundings develop in a way that contests and detests the rights of our nation. It appears to Us that the Majatran Alliance - formed as a most noble endeavour to safeguard peace and human rights on this Continent – has apparently been infiltrated by war-mongering zealots of the vile and Godless ideology of communism. We expect of every proud Pontesian that he or she will have the courage to stand up and defend the motherland, no matter his or her social status or political or religious orientation, and that every government, parliamentarian and political party of Pontesia will defend our dignity as a nation, and our way of life.

For our way of life, some foreigners apparently fail to gasp. Pontesi is a republic that protect the liberties and rights of all its citizens. We are traditional and diverse, multi-ethnic country that respects the traditional way of life of our diverse communities, and the traditional heads of their civil societies – their nobility – rather than having those positions transferred to soulless bureaucrats or career politicians in the state. Our way of life is characterised by a level of personal freedom unheard of in most of these parts of the world. However, the Pontesian also realises that with freedom also comes a responsibility. For Us, for someone to have power, he or she must also have a responsibility. It seems self-apparent that a person cannot adequately take responsibility for a state budget if he or she cannot contribute to it, and has no stake in how the money is spent. We have standards. And We wonder if it is not a good thing that we have standards, considering how irresponsible Governments can evidently be, how standards have dropped all around us?

Obviously, We are referring to Governments in nations such as Istalia. We wholeheartedly condemn and reject the alarmingly aggressive, reckless, intolerant, hateful, psuedo-communist rhetoric espoused by the Istalian government, who seeks to force their colonialist values upon every country and every culture upon this diverse continent. They apply the vilest of double standards by condemning our free and peaceful, multi-cultural way of life as a threat to human rights, while simultaneously sponsoring a violent socialist movement in Deltaria that sought to reestablish the MRSF – the Majatran Revolutionary Socialist Federation – one of the greatest threats to human dignities and freedom on this continent, of all time. We give our praise and thanks to God that their colonialist war to protect the communist regime in Deltaria was averted, and that Deltaria was peacefully reestablished as a free country. His Imperial Majesty Czar Nikolai deserves respect and veneration for his patience and dedication to peace and reconciliation among his people. We should prefer to see him emerge as a role-model for other Majatran leaders, rather than met with scorn and colonialist notions of racial supremacy.

If these messages will make it difficult for the Majatran Alliance to remain a relevant political factor in our ever-increasingly diverse, multicultural continent. Let Us remind them that they are not a republic in Northern Dovani. Their peoples are proud and strong sons of daughters of this rough land, they are no rootless cosmopolitans longing for unnatural copulation through the rectum with members of the same sex.

The advancement of Human rights must be derived from this perspective - from the reality that is all around us - and should be at the forefront of every Majatran leader. In that regard, We reject the politicisation of this important issue and the application of double standards to victimise those who dare think and act independently of the self-anointed prefects of our time. We equally reject attempts to prescribe 'new' 'human rights' that go contrary to our values, norms, traditions, and beliefs. We are not gays! Cooperation and respect for each other will advance the cause of human rights on this continent. Confrontation, vilification, and double-standards will not.

God protect Pontesia and all the peoples of Majatra!
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Thu Mar 08, 2018 1:21 pm



Hurricane ”Aquinulus” Wreaks Havoc on Pontesian Coastal Villages

Septentian coastal community after the storm

COASTAL PONTESIA – A storm is wreaking havoc on the coasts of Pontesia, leaving flooded villages and ruined houses, schools, hospitals and churches in its wake. Neither the Pontesian government, nor any NGO:s has published any report on the number of victims so far, but at least a dozen of people have been reported missing. Hospitals have become crowded in parts of the satrapies of Bazileum and Septentia, and local governments are hard-pressed to quickly open up homeless shelters for the victims.

The storm has been given the name ”Aquinulus”, meaning "A little bit of water" in the Selucian language, relating to the subtle humour of the powerful Seluco-Pontesian aristocracy. Not everyone finds it funny however, as poorer coastal villages have taken a hard hit by the storm, many who'm where employed as fishers, who now see their fishing vessels ruined. The governing Aurora Libertatis party - which proudly promotes vegetarianism as part of its Pagan values, has seemed reluctant to promise government support for fishermen, so far.

In an ironic twist of fate, a nation that recently terminated all forms of foreign aid and placed heavy restrictions on foreigners entering the country, may find itself in desperate need of both.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Thu Mar 08, 2018 6:03 pm



Called tsunami victims ”boost to our martime indistry”

Paulus Augustus Triarius, Pontesian Minister of the Interior

DAWNSTAR – Paulus Augustus Triarius, the Pontesian Minister of the Interior, has found himself in the middle of the centre of Pontesia's biggest political controversy. Answering a question at a press conference, on how the central Government in Dawnstar (Campus Stella/Oxminister) was prepared to do to assist hurricane victims, he had this to say:

I have a feeling that a lot of our coastal fishermen will be needing new rafts after this. So... well, at least you can bet this'll be a boost to our maritime industry, hahaha!

When confronted with his statement by journalists after the conference, he says he didn't mean to be respectful to victims of the hurricane, but that he and his colleagues in the government would simply need to prepare themselves for a boost to the maritime sector, and that there'd surely be plenty of jobs available for young Pontesians.

Such comments did not help the situation. Today thousands protested at the streets of cities such as Lerna and K'ary. It is now known how the Pontesian government plans to react, but at the moment, the protests have seemingly been allowed to continue by local law enforcement authorities. Some have reported cars burning in some of the suburbs of Lerna, though this is yet to be confirmed. One protester we spoke though though that the comments of the Interior Minister proved "the indifference of the largely 'Olivey' (Seluco-Pontesian) nobility of big landowners and their fellow stooges to the needs of their properly Pontesian kitchen boys".

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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:43 am



Arev Mardik Thugs Smash, Loot and Burn Selucian and High Pontesian Establishments in Lerna
40 dead, hundreds wounded

Shops burning in an Arev Mardik suburb of Lerna

LERNA - The city of Lerna in Caespasia, ancient capital of the Pontesian nation during its imperial era, when it held counties such as Gaduridos and Talmoria as colonies, has been a diverse and cosmopolitan hub of trade and commerce since the immemorial. Its Seluco-Pontesian inhabitants, numbering not more than 2-3% of its total population, have a history from a thousands of years, mentioned in the annals of the Belknap Empire long before the arrival of Alamar Xarfaxis and his Crusade. Traditionally the "Abuék Pntékai", High Pontesian culture, the Jelbicophile Pntek upper class heavily influenced by Luthorian and more recently Selucian culture, has dominated the city, and it still boasts the magnificent former Imperial Palace of the Belknaps, a popular destination among tourists.

In more recent centuries however, the city has seen a large influx of poorer Arev Mardiks of peasant background, searching for a better life in the city. Living and working conditions have slowly deteriorated, as have wages, due the big labour surplus caused by these migrants. These often live in poorer suburbs outside the centre of the city, were rents for apartments in its marvellous ancient historical buildings border the astronomous.

It is among these suburban Arev Mardiks that the spark of riot was ignited after the Aurora Libertatis Government's unsatisfactory response to the recent natural disaster, whose primary victims were impoverished people of Arev Mardik background. Widespread looting and destruction has been reported in various places in Lerna. As of the time we are writing this article, 40 people have been reported dead, and over hundreds have been wounded. The policing forces - made up private companies hired by the local government - seems to have temporarily retreated to the inner city and the harbours, where daily life and trade has resumed relatively interrupted, though arbitrary arrests of people of Arev Mardik descent have been reported. No place in the city seems to be truly safe however, and not only Selucians or Abuék Pntekai, but also any one said to be "collaborating" with the political system, is a target for the "justice" by the mob. Felinist and Religio Seluciana temples, as well as Auroran Patriarchal Churches, have been desecrated and their employees and worshippers assaulted, raped or even murdered. The situation seems to have deteriorated further after the comments made by Pontesia's interior minister. Some quote how the Pontesian republican system of tying citizenship to land ownership is claimed to heavily favour minorities, wealthy Seluco-Pontesians in particular, over poorer Arev Mardiks.

His Serene Highness Prince Paullus, who professes a belief in Felinism along with Daenism and Religio Seluciana, is reported to be infuriated by reports of cats being mistreated and murdered by Arev Marduk mobs, and has asked the Government to "clarify" capital punishment laws and expand them to animal abusers as well as pedophiles and rapists. A spokesperson for the Princely Press Office confirmed that 'His Serene Highness has the totally apolitical duty of guiding the nation in matters of values' and that 'such legislation would be in accordance with Daenic ethics and principles but also with modern psychology, which confirms that certain individuals are inherently processed by the asuric, or in medical terms - antisocial personalities'.

Rumours inside the August Parliament of the Cedar Throne also report that the Aurora Libertatis may be considering to reinstate the Pontesian tradition of a wholly autonomous (privatised) military. Senator Crixus Magearius Doukas from Caespasia has called for a debate to restore and rearm the Crimson Crusade as a syncretic Pagan-Hosian movement, as well as the Felinist Claws and Paws movement, to protect civilised man from these low life shudras. The creation of gated communities is also being considered, and some have gone so far as to propose autonomous 'homelands' given as fiefs to sympathetic leaders of the Arev Mardik clans. Others have called for dividing the satrapies into cantons, to further cement the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth's confederal foundation.

His Serene Highness is said to be outraged about the jacquerie in Lerna

But the Government may also wish to stretch out a hand to Jelbic-speaking Pntekai, who have been increasingly marginalised among the indigenous population in the last centuries. In a historically ironic twist of fate, by recognising the historical flag, rebuilding Mederagaard city and re-joining the Union of Jelbic Peoples, the historically Selucian-dominated Aurora Libertatis may be considered to have pursued a more Pntek-friendly domestic agenda in the last century, than any government since the Belknap era.

The noble Crimson Crusade, founded by the legendary Dominus Alamar Xarfaxis, were known in the past to utilise innovative and unusual weaponry such as flamethrowers and jet packs to strike fear into the enemies of the nation. While it started out as a fundamentalist and apocalyptic Hosian sect seeking to postpone the advent of Armageddon, they are nowadays thought of as largely a Hosio-Pagan faction of Religio Seluciana, revering Xarfaxis as a prophet and an avatar of Mamors, the Selucian god of war.

Crest of the Crimson Crusade, from the days of Alamar Xarfaxis
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:56 pm



Prince Paullus discusses sodomy laws, Majatran values
by Adella Anemoria

Prince Paullus

CAMPUS STELLA - The Pontesian Enquirer is pleased to announce that from now on, our Soverign, Prince Paullus, will be gifting the Enquirer with a commentary section on the state of Terran, Majatran and Pontesian morality, on a regular basis. Our political correspondent, Adella Anemoria has done an interview with His Serene Highness at the Princely Residence, Dawnstar. Here is an excerpt:

AA: Your Serene Highness, how do you view the recent political developments across the straits?

♚PP: Well, it is unfortunately that Selucia is more and more being viewed as - as one of my friends put it - 'Istalia light', among more tradition-minded folks. These goofy reports about our supposed lack of minority rights here, a country that has had its Seluco-Pontesian minority spearheading its development for over a millennia, brings shame to heir fair name. However, the rise of this new party - the Factio Republicanis, shows of a great deal of promise in Our Serene view, as a form of reaction based upon the same values that we nurture and share. Not that We, involve Ourselves in pretty party politics of course. I am confident that Our Pontesian Government is ready to work with any government no matter their political orientation across the Selucian Straits.

AA: Your Serene Highness, the Aurora Libertatis is discussing the possibility of retracting some of the decency legislation implemented back when they had a Hosian party in the Senate to take into consideration. It consists of mainly taking government out of marriage again - which was Pontesian policy for most of it history - and letting local governments decide on sodomy laws. I know that this an issue Your Serene Highness has a lot of passion for. I also know that there have been accusations of the government pandering to Hosians by these laws, and that Your Serene Highness is a devout pagan. What does Your Serene Highness make of all of this?

♚PP: As your sovereign, We are above parliamentary politics and will stay above party politics. But alas - We, the moral guide and protector of the liberties of this nation, may still give your elected representatives some moral guidance. We say: Give the faggies your little finger and they'll take your entire arm! And break it! Certainly, our nation rests upon republican and confederal values. But there are things that threaten the stability and security of all of us, no matter our tribe or creed. Having the global sodmite mafia and its propaganda enter our nation through the *ahem*.... back door... on the pretext of "democracy" or "freedom of speech" is not an option, just like having fascist Ahmadis pouring into our nation isn't, no matter the high regard we hold the basic rights and liberties of every living being in.

In regards to "accusing" Us of promoting unity between Hosians and Pagans and the rest, well if you seek to completely eliminate Hosianism from the character of this nation - then good riddance We say! Nearly all of our history between the the third and early fourth millennia are deeply intertwined with the Hosian religion. The establishment of Seluciankin as the king makers of Pontesian politics started out on a Hosian pretext, too. However, We can assure you that We continue remain a devout follower of Daenism, Felinism and Religio Seluciana.

AA: Your Serene Highness mentioned how Selucia is being associated with liberal values as of lately. Where Your Serene Highness referring to these so-called reports on minority rights, published by this Institute for Minorities Studies?

♚PP: Yes, indeed. If you want Our Serene opinion on them, well, We can hardly take them seriously. When our Senate has finally granted our armed forces full autonomy and privatisation - a piece of legislation We very much root for - not that We involve ourselves in pretty parliamentary politics of course - how are they legitimately going to decide whenever our armed forces allow this or that - when Our government does not involve itself in the military caste's internal business anymore? And ranking us as 'low' on women's rights? Should We take that as being all about our refusal to allow the murder of babies on the altar of radical feminism and equality - among who at least half of the victims are baby girls? It is absurd! We are one of the very few nations in the world that continuously takes a stand against the vile practice of prostitution, once of the most women-denigrating phenomenons that exist, when it comes to the issue of pornography as well. Which is all the same really, but with a camera involved, well it is actually worse - since the woman in question is having her human dignity denigrated in front of potentially millions of men! Honestly though - We think that no survey regarding women's rights can be conducted in a legitimate way without taking the biological differences between the sexes into consideration. We need strong men to act as valiant knights saving the princesses, since without any moral guidance, men are simply primitive and savage beasts whose primitive urges are ignited by simply looking at a woman's arms or legs. We have considered covering up the chair legs here at the Princely Residence, to not needlessly espouse the men to something too similar to a woman's bare legs. This is also why faggots, when allowed to roam freely through the nation, conduct their vile form of fornication all the day long. With two men involved - what else can you expect?

In any case We understand that the Aurora Libertatis are a liberal party with a liberal agenda and We respect that. But for ever decent civilised man or woman, liberty must have its limits as well. We can not simply watch while the fabric of our society is being thorn apart, and by that the framework of our liberty as well. It is therefore good that Our beloved daughter has sought it fit to establish an institution to monitor the liberties and rights of all living beings in Majatra, from a Majatran Values-perspective.

AA: What does Your Serene Highness define as 'Majatran Values'?

♚PP: Majatran values are values rooted in the societies and peoples of Majatra. They value social harmony, and favour order, benevolent natural hierarchy, corporativism, the local community and the family unit, over the chaotic, reckless warmongering, individualistic, gay liberal values from the North and their stooges over here, in countries like Istalia and others. They respect the dignity of every living being and seeks to help fulfil her full potential in her natural context. This is very much rooted in this continent's diverse religious heritage and multi-ethnic pluralism, and is a more natural way of life than the neo-colonialist warmongers that sadly have tried using the Majatran Alliance, of which we are proud members of, for purposes that go against its founding charter and fundamental values.

Premium members can watch the full interview at pontesianenquirer.pon. Right now there's a special offer for any member of the nobility: get a 50% discount and a free t-shirt reading "No Premium? A Pelb Thou Art."
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:30 am



Prince Fires Grand Vizier, Orders Reshuffle Inside Cabinet and the Leadership of Aurora Libertatis

Prince Paullus

CAMPUS STELLA - At 18:00 yesterday, our sovereign the Prince announced that he had invited the Crimson Crusade and the Claws and Paws Movement, two paramilitary organisations making up significant parts of the fully privatised Pontesian Armed forces, to a "feast of honour" at the Princely Residence the following day. At 10:00 they had secured all important buildings in Dawnstar, including the August Senate of the Cedar Throne.

At 11:00 the Court's Press Office released a letter from the Prince:

HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, lacking confidence in the Grand Vizier General, Domina Melodia, formally orders her dismissal as Grand Vizier General. This august position shall be transferred to his Heir Apparent, Princess Veronica, pending direct elections for the position, in the framework of the Commonwealth's "Crowned" Presidential Republican system of governance.

Furthermore, His Serene Highness requests that Domina Melodia leaves the position of Magistrix of the Aurora Libertatis, this ancient institution dedicated to the preservation of Pontesian values and the Aedini Familiae, and that Her Highness the Heir Apparent assumes this position as well.

Gods save the Commonwealth!

The evening passed by peacefully with celebrations in the Princely Residence where Alexios Leo Serenius, the leader of the Crusade, and Jadis Trifluz, head of the Claws and Paws, were promoted Knight and Dame of the Dynastic Commonwealth, respectively. Reports indicate that forces loyal to the Prince had mobilised in other major cities such as Lerna and K'ary, but no dissent have been reported. Domina Thea Melodia, who served as the Pontesian head of government for almost two decades, is nowhere to be seen. Some rumours state that she has fled across the Selucian Straits to Selucia. Others that she has been taken into custody by the Pontesian secret service - SION (Studies, Information and Observations Network). Over the time, Prince Paullus has been increasingly resentful over the Aurora Libertatis more and more liberal policies, culminating in handing over the issue of sodomy laws to the Satrapies and the non-interference in matters regarding "sex changes". These policies - however - are well in line with the confederal structure of the Dynastic Commonwealth, and it unlikely that they will be retracted anytime soon. Princess Veronica herself is known as relatively moderate, albeit a noted critic of globalisation and capitalism. She is joined in the be cabinet by her cousin, Prince Julius Septimus, who has assumed the position of Minister of the Interior.

Rumours from the Princely Court state that the Prince is reviewing the possibility of declaring the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth a single party-state, though this is not likely to occur unless one of the opposition parties agrees to play the role of an internal opposition in a potential single party. The Prince is still confident that Pontesia should be characterised as part of the "free world", and seeks to keep it that way. The Pontesian Enquirer will be back soon with words from his Serene Highness himself. Stay tuned!
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Reddy » Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:24 am

"Council of Elders" Appointed To Govern Country
March 4288

The newly elected Optimate dominated August Senate has moved quickly to appoint a "Council of Elders" as the new executive government and joint head of state of the country. The main spokesman for the Optimates and the head of the new Council, Fabius Valerian Gorinius III said that they had chosen to appoint the 13 Elders in a bow to the "necessity of collegiality in a diverse nation like ours" He also hinted that the measure was merely transitional while a more permanent constitution is considered. Several commentators have complained about the fact that of the 13 Elders, 11 are top business persons with a total net worth of some 12 billion PON. Gorinius III himself is the great-grandson of Fabius Valerian Gorinius a Pontesian statesman from the 43rd century, a wealthy family with interest in the ship-building industry.

A meeting of the Council of Elders presided over by Chairman Gorinius III

Gorinius rejected the elitism criticism pointing out that most of the Elders were self-made men and not part of the aristocracy which has traditionally dominated Pontesian politicians. He also pointed at the diversity of the Council, each of the great ethnic groups is well-represented. All this however doesn't really divert from the core problem facing Ponestian politics - a very narrow electorate composed of landowners only. Gorinius and the Optimates have already ruled out expanding the suffrage, viewing democracy as "demagogic and especially dangerous for a diverse nation" Nevertheless a certain democracy exists within the narrow confines of the landowner class and parties are certainly free to establish and run for election as Gorinius emphasised repeatedly.

The Optimates' priorities, while radical, are hardly unknown in Pontesian history. A key aim is to abolish the income tax, mass privatisation of public assets and improving the country's competitiveness. A strong and stable government is key to complement the low tax and regulation atmosphere already prevalent in the country and the Elders, despite their profound antipathy towards large government, recognise the need to keep a certain minimum level going.
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