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Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:50 am
by Maxington
Trigunia wants to improve relations with Vanuku.
Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich calls for better relations with Vanuku.
Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich looks on during the interview in his office earlier this morning.
August 17th 4051

In a recent push for the repair of the status of Trigunia's foreign relations, President Seleznyov Vasilievich proposed the re-establishment of a common economic and diplomatic space between the Trigunian Federation and the Principality of Vanuku. For more than fifty years, there has been no dialogue between Petrovgrad and Wiel might it be diplomatically and/or economically. Seemingly the main cause of this stagnation in diplomatic relations was of the famed Yegorovich Reforms which seemingly attacked the well-being of Dorvish and Vanukean businesses operating within Trigunia, but there is arguable an other contributing factor to the breakdown of diplomatic relations that being the still vibrant Trigunian-Aldegarian Alliance which proved hazardous as it created a diplomatic and military dispute as Vanuku's ally in the region, Saridan was in unlikely turns with Aldegar after an Aldegarian submarine destroyed a trawler. Minister-President Seleznyov Vasilievich reasoning being the call for a re-establishment in relations with Vanuku was expressed in an interview in his office earlier this morning.
I do not know why we have to keep on this path of just consistent hostility towards each other. It should not be so. I have made it my goal to usher in the return of Trigunia's prestige, throughout all sectors of the government. Diplomatically, that cannot be achieved if we are holding a grudge on something for so long. I cannot achieve this goal if i simply allow for the hostility between Trigunia and some nations to continue, how are we going to get anywhere? And I know that the politicians in Wiel are going to call us out under the premise that we want to expand our "Trigunian Trans-federation" into Majatra. I can assure them, this is not the case. We do not want to undermine anyone stability. How would that look if we denounce other nations capitalizing on our instability whilst we do the same to them? Hypocritical. That is why I am working with the Foreign Minister and the Director of Majatran Affairs to ensure the return of decreased hostility to our majatran brothers, namely Vanuku, Cildania and Cobura.

Already many have stated that the Minister-President is kneeling to Wiel and clearly shows that he is supposedly "weak", but the Minister-President has denounced these ideas saying that owning up to the stupidity of those before you is something that is very hard to do and that the only reason why he made it a goal of his for the re-establishment of relations between Trigunia and Vanuku was out of the interests of the Trigunian Economy and of the citizenry.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:05 pm
by Maxington
Freeports of Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok
Ministry of Trade and Industry establishes Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok as Freeports.
The Commercial Port of Tirvoslavl on the northern coast of the Brakav Oblast.
December 5th 4051

In a recent move by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to bolster the economy, The Commercial ports of Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok, under advisement from the local Collegiums of Commerce of those city as well as the Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok Business Association, have been chosen as "free-port" in an attempt by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to bolster the economy in the east and in the south. The laws was proposed by Minister of Trade and Industry, Shishko Makarovich and seeks to introduce less strict customs regulations and lowered taxes on income for investors. It is likely to help gather funds to assist in the rebuilding of Zarvospol after the Zarvospolic War whilst also helping to stimulate the economy after it received heavy blows due to the fall of oil prices. Minister of Trade and Industry, Shishko Makarovich addressed the State Duma earlier today where he said,
Trigunia has a high potential of being the capital for trade and business in the northern hemisphere. In this legislation i propose to the commercial ports of Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok the status of free-ports with an ease in our customs regime on these ports. I can assure the members of this assembly that, we do intend on declaring two other ports as free-ports, namely, Rodshyadam and Novy Olvar.

The idea to make Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok free ports came after the Main Directorate of Rural Affairs and Development and the Zarvospol Collegium of Commerce spoke of plans to introduce a renewed customs regime within the oblast as a means of increasing funds to assist in the rebuilding of the various cities within the oblast as a result of the Zarvospolic war. News figures released from an independent research and analysis group known as, The Northern Curtain, showed that during the first 5 months of 4049, the Eastern ports handled 155.6 million tonnes of cargo about a quarter of the total turnover of Trigunian ports in the Southern, Western and Central ports. The report stated that the most productive port was the Municipal Port of Cheya, which handled 34.5 million tonnes of cargo compared to Tirvoslavl and Gorniy Zamok which handled 22.3 million and 19 million tonnes of cargo respectively.
Nevertheless it signals a move that the Eastern Oblasts are a pivotal to forging closer ties of Kerisian nations and Dovanian nations. It is rumored that the Ministry of Trade and Industry is reopening its Provisional Trade Office within the recently re-opened Trigunian Embassy in Wiel as a means of opening trade relations between the various Majatran nations.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:32 am
by Maxington
State Secretary of Defence Zinchenko Germanovich: "Kazulia cannot sustain war in Majatra"
State Secretary of Defence outlines Kazulia's Foreign Capabilities.
State Secretary of Defence Zinchenko Germanovich during the interview in his office.
May 12th 4052

Immediately after Kazulian State Media interviewed the Kazulian Statsminister where he boasted of Kazulia's Military capabilities, pushing the mindless notion that Kazulia would be more than capable of waging war with Deltaria, State Secretary of Defence, Zinchenko Germanovich spoke to IAT in interview in his office. The State Secretary warned the Kazulian Statsminister that to say that Kazulia would be massacred in Majatra in a war of attrition between Deltaria would be an understatement. The State Secretary went on to simplify the capabilities of the Kazulian Armed Forces based on reports from several government analysis agencies and various independent think tanks within Trigunia.
I have read hundred of reports on Kazulia, and I have also dug into their military history in my time as a Strategic Policy Adviser for the Minister of Defence and I can tell you, Kazulia cannot sustain a war, far away from their territorial reach. Kazulia's Inability to conduct operations outside its territorial reach is twofold. Firstly, whilst they can launch their "surgical strike" and supposedly disrupt the cohesion of the Deltarian Military Command, that may not be the case for the entirety of that supposed conflict. They will not have the resources to support their troops due to the distances which these materials will have to be transported. They do not have a base of operations anywhere in Majatra. Secondly, the Kazulian Armed Forces had not seen a conflict since their peacekeeping operations more than 200 years ago where as the Delterians saw conflict more than 30 years ago, and before that they were involved in the Cildanian Civil War with our forces and Dorvish Forces. By now the combat experience has deteriorated due to political and military isolation by their politics. I think that the Kazulian Statsminister needs to understand that this is not the sandbox, they cannot sustain a war in a foreign theater on their own, need not to say, if nations in Majatra namely Vanuku, Zardugal, Cobura and Barmenia become involved then that would simply cripple both Kazulia and Jakania's operational capabilities. As simple as it is, Kazulia cannot sustain a war in Majatra

The State Secretary went onto the demoralize the Jakanian Armed Forces where he noted Jakania's spring of political instability.
Jakania was littered within Internal Instability, I think that any military analyst and history could understand me when i say, The Return of the Razamids to Jakania brought destruction and instability, but also brought swung the nation back into government control. After the Razamid Caliphate invaded Jakania from Wantuni it was simply easy breeze from there onward. After they took Dokuz, and installed Sultan Umar and obtained a loan from the Channs in Kafuristan, Jakania seemed to be political and economically stable. But as accustom to Jakanian politics, this stability did not last long, because after the Razamid Caliphate fell, the nation was in political anarchy once more. After that a new government came to power and former Razamid troops formed their ranks within the new Jakanian Army, but after that the Republic of Sonhata and Nilaka became divided. It only took the Governorate of Borenu to invade Sonhata and Nilaka thus allowing the Governor of the Governorate of Borenu to become the most powerful governor in Jakania and thus allowing him to establish the Second Great Empire of Jakania under the Akmenrah Dynasty. Do you now see how during Jakania's history in the past 50-60 years has been in political anarchy all over who gets to control Jakania. If the Kazulians and/or Jakanians would like to try to lecture us on the Zarvospolic War, that is much different from political instability that last for more than 20 years in comparison to supposed break away state that was returned to the central power in 3-5 years.

The State Secretary is a credited Historian as he occasionally lectures at the Petrovgrad Military Academy. It is unclear whether Kazulia and/or Jakania will be gear for war, but out of political and diplomatic pressure from the Foreign Office it appears that the Kazulian Statsminister is now making pushes for diplomacy but also states that war is still on the table for consideration. The State Secretary warned that if it were to happen, the Minister of Defence would personally order the steamrolling of both Jakania and Kazulia.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:19 pm
by Maxington
President Vladimirovich: "If Kazulia/Jakania enter Deltaria, I will personally order the steamrolling of both nations."
President Pavlenko Vladimirovich vows to steamroll Kazulia and Jakania if troops hit Deltarian soil.
President Pavlenko Vladimirovich speaking at the Federal Defence council addressing the issue of Kazulian Aggression.
July 12th 4052

At a recent press conference, the Kazulian Defence Secretary where he supposedly slammed the State Secretary of Defence, Zinchenko Germanovich after he rightfully layed out that Kazulia cannot sustain a war with Delteria, more over with Delteria and her allies. The Kazulian Defence Secretary was quick to call Germanovich "foolish" and wrongly pointed out that Germanovich knew nothing of the principals of war. President Pavlenko Vladimirovich who was very silent until now personally took to blasting the Kazulian Defence Secretary and the Kazulian Statsminister all in one swing, and also called for an end to the war of words in an interview in the Bashnya.
Clearly this is an imaginative world. The sandbox as others have said. To have a nation such as the one who recently "slammed" Trigunia, who has been political and diplomatically isolated for more than one-hundred and twenty three years, is laughable. To now come out and say that they have a powerful military, and that they can more than wag war with Deltaria is purely imaginative. We don't need to undermine their military, it is a waste of time, they can do that on their own as they have kindly showed us by pounding their chest saying that their armed forces are powerful and that a war with Deltaria could be accomplished. Kazulian is not the bastion of peace,hope nor freedom. Plain and simple. To say that their armed forces are "more than capable to deal with the task of saving millions of lives from the slaughter of slavery" is simply childish. Their incapability of doing so is twofold. Firstly, they have not seen a conflict in the past two hundred years, and because of this there is a chronic lack of experience by the troops. You can ace the theory, being military drills, but when in practical, you are sure of failing. The military drills are not going to give troops the full experience of the bite of war. Because you don't know the tactics which your opponent may use, you do not know how he/she is going to execute these tactics. The military drills are basically the warm up. Think of it as the warm up to a football game, you could do the warm up and your team could look great, but on that field you do not know what to expect from the opposing side. Secondly, as General Germanovich said, proximity, yes they can launch the offensive, but sooner or later they get bugged down due to the movement of resources. On the point their Defence Secretary said,"we will watch our ally Deltaria fall", If Kazulian and/or Jakanian troops hit Deltarian soil, I will personally order the steamrolling of both nations. We did it in the Trigunian Military Intervention in Kazulia, and we can do it again. This is not the sandbox, they need to open their eyes and understand this is is the real world. It is best this war of words stop here. I do not care whether they respond or not, but if that response is kazulian and/or Jakanian boots in Deltaria, I will carve up both Jakania and Kazulia, Regardless of Geopolitical tensions.

It appears that President Vladimirovich is tired of hearing the Kazulian Elg standing on its hind feet and blatantly believing their own propaganda, which is shameful. Several Trigunian media outlets have put the tit-for-tat between Kazulia and Trigunia to a rest as the story is now becoming one of attrition than one of diplomatic outreach in order to find fruitful results. A once prominent nation and friend of the federation, now falls under the foolish hands of a government who knows nothing of the chemistry which some nations have and how far some nations will go to ensure that this chemical bond is not broken by external forces.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:42 pm
by Maxington
Neftkomp braces to lock heads with in with Dorvish and Hutorian NG Companies.
Neftkomp braces for war in Natural Gas markets with Dorvish and Hutorian Natural Gas Companies.
The Neftkomp Headquarters in Bretrinka, Vrosnok.
July 13th 4052

In light of the slump in oil prices, multi-billion dollar Oil and Natural Gas giant, Neftkomp is expanding its presences into the Seleyan, Dovanian and Majatran markets as the company braces to lock horns with some of the largest oil and natural gas producers in terra. Last year the oil giant saw an increase in shares from 35% to 36% in the Southern Seleyan markets. But now these shares can soon be reduced as the markets in Artania and Macon are seeing the rise of three oil and natural gas companies, which officials from Neftkomp say can pose a threat to the company's place in various markets. Most of the market attention in Artania has been attributed to the Dorvish Oil and Natural Gas giant, Dorvish Oil as the company expanded into the Dundorfian markets in light of stagnation by Dundorfian companies due to the recent political instability within the land-locked nation. In the Maconian markets, companies such as The Carter Energy Group, the Kenai Energy Corporation and the Crown Corporation have been soaking up the rewards of the markets. Chairman of Neftkomp, Rodion Lyutov spoke to reporters at the twenty-second Trigunian Energy Commission meeting where he said that the company was bracing to lock horns with some of the companies stated.
Neftkomp has filled a portion of the market share vacated by the Indralans who have recently seemed to regain consciousness. Production in Artania is falling due to a reduction in investment caused by the unstable political situation. Currently, In Artania alone we are produce forty percent less than we did three years ago. This is very bad for our net income. In terms of companies Dorvish Oil, The Carter Energy Group, the Kenai Energy Corporation and the Crown Corporation, we are preparing to lock horns with these companies very soon to survive in the markets, and I am confident that we can challenge them in these markets, and I can assure you, we are not going to be going about this alone, whilst we can, we have a reinforcing partner.

That reinforcing partner being an emerging company out of Sambov that was recently nationalized by the Government. Sambovenergetickorp, or the Sambov Energy Corporation whose leading product is CNG or Compressed Natural Gas, which is a cheaper, greener, and more efficient alternative to the traditional petrol and diesel fuels. The company aims to seek dominance and/or pioneering the Compressed Natural Gas markets in the various regional markets across terra. Already it is set off on a positive start on the Kerisian and Northern Seleyan markets. But what seems to interest many commentators is the battle between the Hutorian and Trigunian oil companies over drilling in the arctic. Already Neftkomp has started surveying for oil in the arctic, but companies such as the Kenai Energy Corporation, who has been trying to expand has already established functioning oil rigs in the arctic and it appears that the Carter Energy Group and the Crown Corporation are not far behind. Currently Neftkomp produces 345.7 Billion cubic meters of gas matching it with Dorvish Oil, who has produced 402.5 Billion cubic meters of gas, but in terms of oil, Neftkomp apparently seems to be merely untouchable producing 30.1 million tons of oil with Dorvish Oil behind by 2 million tons. Combined the Carter Energy Group, the Kenai Energy Corporation and the Crown Corporation have produced 418.5 billion cubic meters of gas and 36 million tons of oil.
With some questioning whether Neftkomp could survive on its own, with the support of the upcoming Sambovenergetickorp, It seems that they have a likely chance of survive in this battle for the markets.

Trigunia boycotts Kazulian meeting.
Confused Politics in Kazulia calls for meeting with Trigunians, meeting boycott by Foreign Ministry.
First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Zakharina Olegovna looks on during the press conference earlier this morning.
July 14th 4052

Recently Kazulian state media reported that the Kazulian Statsminister Davis Johnson called for an emergency meeting with Trigunian officials on discussing a mutual agreement in solving the Deltarian issue through diplomatic means. Immediately, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Zakharina Olegovna stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Minister-President and the Office of the President will be boycotting the meeting as she argues the bipolarity of Kazulian politics. In a press conference in front of various media outlets Minister Olegovna announced that the state will be boycotting the meeting.
In recent times we have received political flak from the Kazulian Government, political flak that should not be tolerated by any government. And now under heavy diplomatic and political tension the Kazulian Government changes their stance on the issue from "If you want peace, prepare for war." to "Let's talk diplomacy". The bipolarity of the Kazulian Government amazes me. I have been informed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Untilov Yevgenievich and by the President, Mr. Pavlenko Vladimirovich that we will be boycotting this meeting. We will not attend a meeting with a government who not just days before said that we will learn the hard way as we would see our ally Deltaria fall. Firstly, we are not the people whom they should be talking to. They should be talking to the Deltarians, whom they should instead invited to the meeting, not us. As the President said, we will go about our business, but when that business is interrupted by slander towards Deltaria, the State or any of our allies, their business now becomes ours. So please do understand when i so, we will not be attending this meeting.

After the press conference Minister Zakharina Olegovna stated that the President was preparing to leave Trigunia for Deltaria in a matter of days where he will be speaking with the Deltarian Czar on Trade, Military Cooperation and the Human Rights Issue.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:20 pm
by Maxington
Mad Dog Ocean Fleet sent to Sea of Majatra as tensions raise.
Minister of Defence blasts communique from kazulia.
The aircraft carrier TKVM-Petrovgrad, Flagship of the Mad Dog Ocean Fleet seen being towed out of port.

The Mad Dog Fleet has been dispatched to the Sea of Majatra in its largest naval deployment since the Great Terran War. The move comes as a communique from the Kazulian Statsminister issued a deadline for slavery reforms to be made in Deltaria to appease their foreign policy. Both Trigunia and Kazulia have been at a war of words in light of Kazulia and Jakania's highlight of Deltaria's internal policies which, in recent times have pushed the Kazulian Government's militarist policy from pacifism to militarism despite Trigunian calls for peaceful diplomacy instead of gunboat diplomacy. The aircraft carrier, Petrovgrad of the Mad Dog Ocean Fleet left port at the Skrebakumov Joint Naval Station in Migadon, Telamon where along with twenty-four other vessels, made their way towards the Sea of Lost Souls. Observers have speculated that the buildup is in response to the recent communiques from the Kazulian Statsminister, Davis Johnson which said,
My national government has decided that unless by January 4057 Deltaria has abolished slavery, we will declare war and invade. You will not bring us down to defend human rights and as a fellow conservative you surely must understand that. If you defend Deltaria then we will also be at war with you. Please prevent this by enforcing a reform in Deltaria.

The last thing that I want to be known for is cockiness to other governments so I will make this clear. I, in no way want to get Indrala involved in any conflict - this is because I do t want conflict. I am not threading you I am warning you of what actions I will take to save the lives of civilians.

This is a matter of principle, How can we stand by to let an evil fascist government use and abuse the citizens through a slave trade? Please, I a, urging you as a dignified human being, don't allow war to happen, be remembered as the government that saved the lives of millions from the suppression of a fascist dictatorship.

Immediately, the Minister of Defence, Tsitsyanov Yemelyanovich came out blasting the communique, identifying it as a threat towards the Trigunian Government. He stated that since the Kazulians have found powerful friends they now hide behind their backs and quote,"Talk Shit" towards the Trigunian side of the river in an attempt to sway the government into adhering to the Kazulian Foreign Policy.

As the President said before, Kazulia is not the bastion of hope, freedom nor peace. And I quiet tired of hearing them beating their chest in a supposed appeal to sympathy. They are bolstering themselves as an old Canrillaise saying, égalité for all. This government has been pushing for diplomacy, whilst the Kazulian government has been pushing for war, but recent only through diplomatic pressure they have supposed change their mind saying,"We want diplomacy, but war is still an option". Clearly David Johnson has no idea for the reason why we are pushing for diplomacy. I don't think the Kazulian have noticed why Indrala, Dorvik, Vanuku and Trigunia have kept our distance because we all know, if we are to lock horns, we will fostered the destruction of terra. That is the reason why we are calling for diplomacy. Firstly, the first communique is issuing a threat, and that deadline is the threat, they are saying,'"If you don't do this, we declare war". By all means, if he wants to declare war, declare war, it is simply their destruction they are calling for. The second communique tells me that he noticed that he out of line, and then wants to come a lecture on us supporting a fascist government. Personally, I wouldn't be lectured by a nation who sold their sovereignty for security. As simple as it is, as we have been saying for the longest now, diplomacy is the best and only option that will ensure that both Deltaria and Kazulia are kept untouched by external forces.

When asked to comment on the communique the Minister-President offered no insight on his thoughts on the issue as he said that the Minister of Defence said that he himself wanted to say.
It is being reported that the President may be cancelling his visit to Deltaria in light on the recent surges of aggression from the Kazulians. It is also reported that the Airborne may be preparing for rapid deployment to Trigunia's Antonovich Air-Land Complex in Central Deltaria. It appears that Indrala and Dorvik are becoming closer in an attempt to barricade Trigunia from spreading her arms. The President offered no comment on the recent push between the Indralans and the Dorvish for tighter military relations, suggesting that he sees their supposed expansionism to have no affect on the doings of the Federation.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:56 pm
by Maxington
Bashnya to Deltaria: "You are creating justification for preemptive attack."
Bashnya warns Czarina of creating justification for international military intervention.
July 14th 4053

The Bashnya issued a stringent warning to the Deltarian Czarina that her bellicose rhetoric regarding the economic value of slavery and slave trade to the Deltarian economy could be laying the legal groundwork under international law for a preemptive military intervention against her nation. In a statement issued from the Bashnya, said that the stance the Czarina is taking is also creating tensions among Deltaria's few remaining allies, which includes Trigunia. The statement was also critic of the threats issued by the Kazulian and Jakanian governments weeks and/or months ago. Spokeswoman for the Bashnya, Pronina Makarovna addressed the Bashnya's stance on the issue this morning at the Bashnya's Weekly Press Conference.
We consider it to be impermissible for the Czarina to make such public statements as was made recently. The Czarina and the Deltarian leadership should be wary that in this manner Deltaria would be fully opposed to the international community and is currently creating the legal justification for international/outside intervention into its affairs. A contributing factor to this is the unprecedented international pressure on Deltaria, with the recent threats and slanderous comments sent towards them, Deltaria, cannot feel but be reasonably concerned for its security. This government has been working hard over the past months and/or weeks in ensuring the frame work is made for this change to come. It needs if not must occur.

The Spokeswoman after the conference stated that Trigunia was the only nation to try to keep Deltaria from being invaded, but with the recent public statements from the Czarina she said that it seemed these efforts have gone to nothing, to waste one would say. Economic analyst and noted historian, Bykova Fyodorovna spoke to us recently where she said that slavery is not the driving force of Deltaria and if it is, there are more civilized means of obtaining economic growth.
Slavery cannot be a sufficient cause of economic growth. Merely having slaves, in other words, will not induce an economy to grow. Slavery is also not a necessary cause of economic growth because numerous nations have experienced sustained increases in real income without expropriating the labor of significant numbers of slaves. As simple as it is, because of what the Czarina said recently, Deltaria could be losing its only ally who is willing to stand with them through this.

And so it appears to be, for what the Czarina said could be detrimental for the Deltarian-Trigunian Alliance. Many say that the Bashnya is pointing out that Deltaria's inflammatory rhetoric risks giving its opponents justification to pursue military intervention against them.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:07 pm
by Maxington
Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs: "Freezing oil production is on table of discussion."
Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs discusses potential of freezing oil production to stimulate oil prices.
Director-General of the Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs, Yarmolnik Antonovich looks on during his statement at the 4054 Trigunian Energy Conference.
November 10th 4054

In light of the recent fall in oil prices throughout the northern hemisphere, during the 4054 Trigunian Energy Conference hosted by Neftkomp, Director-General of the Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs, Yarmolnik Antonovich stated that the freezing of oil production was on the table of discussion between his Directorate and the Chairman of the Trigunian Federal Petroleum Commission Berezin Stepanovich. Antonovich along with several other economist have uttered that the only way to increase oil prices is to lower or freeze production. Antonovich spoke at the conference where he expected to deliver great news of the government's plan for the energy industry, but was instead of the opposite of what was expected.
I have been told many times before that there are many high expectations to what I am about to say. Some expect my statements to pave the way for a fundamental reform of the energy industry in order to stimulate production. Sadly, they are in for a disappointment. It has come to the government's attention that increased production is not in the best interests of the economy and will not deliver the wishes of increased oil prices. So, the Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs in partnership with the Trigunian Federal Petroleum Commission, we are currently jointly discussing the potential of either freezing oil production or lowering production. Yes, we are considering to limit oil output provided that the various oil companies do the same.

Trigunia has looked to nations such as Kalistan to be the forerunner of regaining access to the Oil markets and produce oil whilst Trigunia contemplates on either freezing or lower oil production in order to assist in the stimulation of oil prices. It is being reported that it was also considered by the Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs to cooperate with Kafuristan on the deteriorating status of the energy industry, but the Director-General denounced these claims stating that the government does not intend on negotiating with Kafuristan on any issue once the Channs are in power.

Foreign Ministry blasts Dundorf for Hosian Genocides
Foreign Ministry deems Dundorf as a politically unstable nation.
November 10th 4054

Recently Dundorf has been the center of attention through the international media outlet as the government has been the mecca for political and internal instability. The most recent being the government's genocidal rampage against the various Hosian communities. Many have said that it Dundorf could be another Beiteynu as it pushes for forced religious assimilation. With nations such as the Dorvish Republic engaging in a furious tit-for-tat between the government of dundorf, it appears that this tit-for-tat may soon turn into military action of the Dorvish Armed Forces and the Hutorian Armed Forces are preparing to lunch operations in the unstable nation in an attempt to either quell tensions and institute "constitutional order". Spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kirilova Innokentievna ironed out the stance of the government on the issue at the daily Foreign Ministry Press Conference.
The recent political instability with Dundorf is both dangerous for the region and for the wider world. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its concern for those caught in the cross hairs of this supposed conflict. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns the actions of the Dundorfian Government in its recent ploy for religious assimilation. Genocide is an act against humanity and is a breach of international law. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with international law cites the "Democratic" Republic of Dundorf as a politically unstable region and is issuing a travel warning on the nation. To furthur these actions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is recalling all members of diplomatic staff within Dundorf as well as all Trigunian citizens/tourists currently residing within the borders of Dundorf.

When asked to comment on the recent incursion by Aloria into the already heated conflict, Innokentievna stated that either the Minister of Defence or the First Deputy Minister of Defence will be speaking on Aloria's possible intervention into the crisis. It appears that many powers are gathering at the gates of Dundorf as the conflict could escalate at any given moment.

Defence Minister: "If you want peace, prepare for war doesn't work in this case."
Defence Minister outlines Aloria's military capabilities.
Minister of Defence Tsitsyanov Yemelyanovich looks on during the interview
November 10th 4054

Immediately after Alorian State Media announced the opening of training center that will supposedly prepare the Alorian Armed Forces for any form of conflict, Minister of Defence Tsitsyanov Yemelyanovich spoke to IAT in an interview at the Ministry of Defence where he warned the Alorians of believing their own propaganda and that Aloria could never be ready to lock horns with outside powers, especially when those outside powers are jointly cooperating. The Defence Minister also went to quoting the State President, Pavlenko Vladimirovichs grilling of the Kazulian Armed Forces, as much that was said by the President could be related to Aloria's case.
Naturally, I believe what that the base which the Alorians recently opened is not going to do much, and it is a plain example of a people believing in the propaganda which they crafted. As the President said, and I quote, Firstly, they have not seen a conflict in the past two hundred years, and because of this there is a chronic lack of experience by the troops. You can ace the theory, being military drills, but when in practical, you are sure of failing. The military drills are not going to give troops the full experience of the bite of war. Because you don't know the tactics which your opponent may use, you do not know how he/she is going to execute these tactics. The military drills are basically the warm up. Think of it as the warm up to a football game, you could do the warm up and your team could look great, but on that field you do not know what to expect from the opposing side." And it appears that they have a policy that, if you want peace prepare for war. Quite frankly, that cannot be used in this case, Si vis pacem, para bellum, means peace through strength, and frankly Aloria doesn't have peace nor strength.

Just as the President with Kazulia, the Defence Minister is already tired of hearing Aloria stand on its hind feet and blatantly believing their own propaganda, which is shameful.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:20 pm
by Maxington
Mad Dog Ocean Fleet recalled; TKVM-Petrovgrad sent for modernization
Mad Dog Ocean Fleet recalled from Majatra; TKVM-Petrovgrad sent to dry docks for modernization.
The Flagship of the Mad Dog Ocean and of the Trigunian Navy, the TKVM-Petrovgrad Aircraft Carrier anchored off the coast of Deltaria.
February 14th 4055

Commander-in-Chief of the Trigunian Navy, Admiral of the fleet, Melnikov Sergeyevich announced to the Naval High Command that the Mad Dog Ocean fleet will be recalled from Majatra to Deltaria. The fleet was initially sent at the height of the diplomatic row between the Federation, Deltaria and Kazulia after Kazulia made threats of invading the southern Majatran nation. With tensions decreasing as an icy silence emerges from both sides, Admiral Sergeyevich ordered that the Mad Dog Ocean Fleet be recalled to its home port in Skrebakumov Joint Naval Station in Migadon, Telamon.
In other news the Flagship of the Mad Dog Ocean and of the Trigunian Navy, the TKVM-Petrovgrad Aircraft Carrier is expected to undergo modernization soon. According to Admiral Sergeyevich the aircraft carrier will undergo modernization works starting next month and will eventually obtain a new air wing, new capabilities. It is being reported that the carrier maybe replacing its anti-air capabilities as well as its anti-ship batteries with new modernized versions. Sergeyevich believe that the new air wing should be formed from the DI-3 (Su-35) as with the regular DI-4 (Su-33) being an interceptor and does not have the weaponry to strike against protected land-based targets or vessels, the DI-3 (Su-35) is a multi-role fighter that can be part of a vessel group's antiaircraft and anti-vessel defense, as well as strike against targets on land.

Re: IAT - Trigunian News Agency

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:16 pm
by Maxington
Trigunian Military Advisers sent to Beluzia.
Trigunian Military Adviser sent to Beluzia to offer assistance in training regulars.

Trigunia will be assisting the Beluzian Armed Forces by sending military advisers as a means of training the insufficiently trained Beluzian Armed Forces. Recently the Beluzian Government has been working to modernize its armed forces into one worthy of applause. A recent communique between some Beluzian Officials and Trigunian Military Officials suggest that Trigunia approached Beluzia with the offer of training their military personnel. Officials from the Ministry of Defence say that adviser from the Naval Infantry Corps will be heading to Beluzia. The Trigunian Naval Infantry Corps were the main fighting force of Trigunia during the Great Terran War. State Secretary of Defence, Zinchenko Germanovich offered insight on the possibility of a joint Beluzian-Trigunian Military Agreement.
The possibility of a Joint Beluzian-Trigunian Military Agreement is not seen through my eyes. We have to take into consideration that Beluzia is somewhat pushing to return under the wing of the Holy Luthorian Empire which rules out the possibility of an agreement between our nations seeing that our relations with the Luthorians is not one would call "great".

The advisers are expected to arrive in Beluzia in the coming days where they will first meet with the Commander of the Beluzian Armed Forces and then go about their task of shaping the Beluzian Armed Forces into a worthy fighting force.