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Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:27 pm
by Auditorii
Kalopian Times - Kalópioi Chrónoi
Democratic National Alliance wins snap election
August 4921

Kalopian's rally at the announcement of a new, stable government.

Helios - Representatives from the Democratic National Alliance met, largely in secrecy due to crackdowns by the former Communist government but were elated when the former government collapsed and a caretaker government rose in its place. The caretaker government was still largely comprised of Communist or at least left-wing officials but many of them had been chosen due to their lack of connection to former parties and former political apparatus. At the forefront of the Democratic National Alliance stands Miron Apostolas, the new interim President of the Kalopian Republic according to a proclamation by the interim Kalopian Parliament. Apostolas, a now former school teacher from Helios lead the Democratic National Alliance as their General Secretary for the past several years, himself being arrested twice for speaking out against the Communist government and its treatment of the Kalopian people. Apostolas has assembled a notable group of officials, almost exclusively Kalopian much to the chagrin of Majatran leaders within the nation. Apostolas in his victory speech noted that the new Kalopian government would be inclusive to all Kalopians and would not neglect their Majatran brothers and sisters; he promised a new age of peace and cooperation. This however was immediately shouted down by leaders of the Majatran community, notably Ahmadi leaders, who cited the new government, while its platform is left-wing, has a clear agenda towards Hosianization and the continued Kalopianization of society. Only 17 members of the interim Kalopian Parliament are Majatran, the remainder are ethnic Kalopians.

While ethnic divisions are clear in the new government, many Kalopians find themselves eager for stability. Reporters from the Kalopian Times were spread across Helios as the announcement came from the Ministry of the Interior's election officials that the Democratic National Alliance had won elections and many were elated. Loukas Pulopoulos, a shop owner in Helios stated to one of the reporters: "Its like winning the lottery. I cannot say that I agree entirely with the platform of the DES but I think that a stable government that we can communicate and take part in is a win for us all." A number of pro-government rallies and demonstrations happened, flags of former Kalopian governments were flown but even in the celebration there were bouts of tension between members of Communist groups that have largely been taken as "enemy" in Kalopia. Acting Minister of the Interior Sokratis Karalakis announced that the Ministry of the Interior had implemented a protocol for nationalizing the local police forces, a move that he cited as "...necessary to establish public order and begin a crackdown on crime." Interim Finance Minister Eleftheria Antonopoulou announced that trading on the Helios Stock Exchange (HELSE) would be halted for a week before being reopened as the Ministry of Finance has to conduct a serious review of the Kalopian economy as a whole.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:32 pm
by Auditorii
Kalopian Times - Kalópioi Chrónoi
New government in Helios, introduces controversial religious law
September 4921

President Miron Apostolas meets with foreign ambassadors and representatives.

Helios - The new government of President Miron Apostolas welcomed the new Ministerial Council lead by long time ally Telemachos Galanoglou as the interim Prime Minister of the Kalopian Republic. In the first session of the interim Kalopian Parliament among a flurry of acts by Deputies, the most controversial of them is the new "State Religion Act", the act proposed by Andronikos Petroglou, MP who is a well known supporter of Hosianism in Kalopia and belongs to the Apostolic Church of the East, formalizes Hosianism as the official state religion. According to a census taken several decades prior, roughly 67% of the Kalopian population is Ahmadi, however ethnic Kalopian's are divided between Hosianism and Ahmadism, where as the Majatrans, Siphinian's, Turjak's, Istochniak's and other minorities find themselves with large Ahmadi communities. Minister of Education and Culture Kalliopi Theodora stood firm behind the government's controversial act, noting that the government was doing whats in the " interest of the Kalopian people in the long-term." Representatives from the Aurorian Patriarchial Church, Terran Patriarchial Church and the Apostolic Church of the East welcomed the news and stated that they were elated by the act in the Kalopian Parliament. Ahmadi's from across the ethnic spectrum have come out decrying the bill, the government which only got elected a month ago is likely to face backlash, perhaps serious backlash from the move.

Finance Minister Eleftheria Antonopoulou announced that the Helios Stock Exchange (HELSE) reopened in the third week of August and trading had resumed in limited quantities and at the start of September it would be back to full trading. Last week as the exchange opened for full trading a number of major stocks jumped from loosening regulations brought forth by Antonopoulou's leadership at the Finance Ministry. The Finance Minister also announced that the government had agreed to a new budget with the Kalopian Parliament that would dramatically alter the bloated spending of the previous government, work to improve a number of sectors while eliminating corruption and removing graft from government contracts and positions. Antonopoulou announced that she had opened the doors to the new Kalopian Police's Anti-Corruption Department (Kalopian: Τμήμα κατά της διαφθοράς; Tmíma katá tis diafthorás) known as the TKTD to investigate abuses by the former government and government officials. "We have to be open and transparent about our government officials and the benefits that they receive. The former government conducted themselves in a manner that was not popular nor safe for the economy of Kalopia. I welcome the Kalopian Police's investigation into former officials and hope that the Ministry of Justice is prepared to handle the bevy of documents and information that is going to come to light."

Admiral Vissarion Rodakis, the new Chief of the General Staff announced that the government had agreed to purchase the several International Multi-purpose Frigate's from Canrillaise Naval Systems. The new frigates will be produced locally by Kalopian Shipyards, Inc (HELSE: KALS) with assistance from Canrillaise Naval System's engineers in the northern province of Thálassa.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:39 pm
by Auditorii
Kalopian Times - Kalópioi Chrónoi
Kalopia ascends to the Majatran Economic Association
October, 4921

A street in Helios; according to Helios Business Association a large number of shops and small to moderate sized businesses have increased their sales over the past several months.

Helios - Finance Minister Eleftheria Antonopoulou confirmed that Kalopia will ratify the Majatran Economic Association Charter within the coming days. "Ascension to the Majatran Economic Association is very important to the future stability of the Kalopian economy. It will permit the Kalopian people to have greater access to markets abroad, especially in the realm of business. My ministry has been working closely with the Ministry of Trade and Industry to set our people and our corporations up for success." The move comes as consumer confidence has increased according to reports and sources within the Ministry of Finance; notably as taxation authorities have worked to limit graft and abuse in local authorities where businesses and local governments were keeping tax money for themselves. The same report cited an increase in low-interest loans being given by financial institutions in Kalopia; notably Bank of the Coast (Kalopian: Τράπεζα της ακτής; Trápeza tis aktís) commonly called TTA, which has reforged its relationship with the people of Kalopia in the past several months. Athena Hondrou, a restaurant owner, has cited a low-interest loan given by the Bank of the Coast as a reason for her businesses success, she welcomed the new government and stated that people in her small town of Drasos, Thálassa have felt increased stability as the government in Helios continues to focus on rebuilding the nations economy.

President Miron Apostolas announced that the previous pension system was going to be merged into the new National Pension System (Kalopian: Εθνικό συνταξιοδοτικό σύστημα; Ethnikó syntaxiodotikó sýstima) better known as ESS; he tapped Alkiviadis Vlahotis as the new Director of the National Pension System who will be charged with "correcting" years of mismanagement and neglect by the former government. The President also announced that the naval base Glyvos (Thálassa) was going to be expanded to meet the increasingly ambitious plans of the Kalopian Navy; likewise the former port of Alikariani would be purchased by the Kalopian Navy and would be turned into a naval base for the Kalopian Navy in the south. The President also announced that the government had approached Artanian Defense Group to purchase a number of Unionfighters to re-equip the Kalopian Air Force.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:53 pm
by Auditorii
Kalopian Times - Kalópioi Chrónoi
Kalopian Armed Forces conduct multi-branch exercise in Wantuni
February 4922


Wantuni - Chief of Staff of the Kalopian Army General Kiriakos Trainakos confirmed that the Kalopian Army had conducted a multi-branch exercise in Wantuni. The exercise took place at the newly formed Evokleio army base which was expanded by order of the President Apostolas, Chief of the General Staff Admiral Vissarion Rodakis and Minister of National Defense Damianos Toliades over the past several months. The exercise included the Kalopian variant of the Dorvish-built Leopard 2A7+ which the Kalopian Armed Forces have purchased over the past several decades. According to representatives from the Ministry of National Defense, the Kalopian Army officials have met with representatives from Theil-Hassel Technologies GmbH which produce the Leopard 2A7+ to modernize and develop the current inventory of the Kalopian Army. A wide number of former defense officials have been arrested in connection with a corruption scheme in which lucrative contracts were given and not fulfilled by domestic defense industries; instead the contracts included loaded under the table bonuses for the former defense officials. The Military Police were involved in the investigation and arrest, those defense officials that were military officers are being handled by military judicial authorities whereas those that are civilians have been handed over to the Ministry of Justice and the Kalopian Police. In addition to the Kalopian Army, the Kalopian Air Force has held a series of meetings with Dimont Aviation to potentially upgrade and secure more Dimont Mirage 2000EGM for the Kalopian Air Force, the mainstay of the air force.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 5:10 pm
by Aethan
Kalopia Today
A new party emerges willing to "recover the lost splendor" of Kalopia
August 5084

Aspasia Miskiadi, Secretary of the new Ariza party in Kalopia, during the party's political inauguration

After decades of political vacuum, spirals of violence and a jaded society divided by political leaders who have failed to live up to the task, today a new political platform has been launched that aims to collect all that discontent and change the course of Kalopia to the years to come.

In the capital, some 90,000 people attended the launch of the political platform Ariza, short for Renewal-Radical Left (Kalopian: Ανανέωση-Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς, Luthorianized as Ananéosi-Rizospastikís Aristerás). There, in the central square of the city, Aspasia Miskiadi, the newly elected general secretary of the platform, has given a rally to encourage everyone to cast the party's ballot in next year's elections. her:

"For too long, too long, Kalopia has been thrown into chaos by leaders who have been unable or unwilling to rise to the occasion. For too long our nation has drifted, crushing the dreams of generations and generations of citizens, and has left many behind. It has lost international weight, and within our own nation, many citizens have felt abandoned. It is time for that to change, and it is time for all of us to participate in that change!

Mrs. Miskiadi, 35, has a degree in journalism and political science, and believes it is time "for Kalopia to regain its splendor and shine like never before."

"We are going to fight so that every man, woman and child of this great nation recovers the illusion in the future, in a better future for all of us. And we are going to do it all together, because it is what we deserve".

Mrs. Miskiadi has defined Ariza not as a catch-all platform, which would be expected from a political party that hopes to capture the vote of different political sensitivities, but as a "decidedly left-wing, socialist, feminist and environmentalist" party, arguing that according to her, "that's the way Kalopia can get a new and hopeful future."

For the moment, the party wants to implement changes in the national flag, of which they already have the new design, in the Head of State and Government, in the National Parliament, as well as in numerous laws on health, education, military, administrative... As several of its leaders have confirmed, in the next few days they will be unraveling their political program, but they have already warned that no one expects "half measures", because the change, they say, "or is done well, or not done."

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:54 pm
by Aethan
Kalopia Today
Pro-democracy protests take place in Kalopia after the Ariza political platform made public its willingness to stand for election.
September 5084


Until a few months ago, the strict imposition of the ruling dictatorship in Kalopia towards political and civil opponents seemed to make a change of course unthinkable, but the will of the leaders of Ariza, and above all, of all the people who massively came to witness their first rally in the capital's square seems to have turned the tables. Now, after that little fuse was lit, massive protests are taking place all over Kalopia for the restoration of democracy in the country, and for the holding of popular elections that will culminate in a government elected by the people of Kalopia.

Despite the fact that for the moment the protests are being strongly repressed by the regime - some media already speak of thousands of injuries and, above all, of detainees without legal guarantees and hundreds of deaths - it seems that things are beginning to get complicated for the Military Junta, which sees how citizens are no longer intimidated and despite the repression, the streets continue to burn and the cries of citizens are heard day and night, in days of protests that have lasted for months.

Aspasia Miskiadi herself, general secretary of the Ariza platform, has been arrested on at least two occasions, but with the help of the rest of the protesters, it has been impossible for the military forces to take her away in the vans.

"We ask the international community to listen to us"
she said, loudspeaker in hand, to the enraged crowd
"Majatra will soon have another democracy, again. I am sure of it. And we will all achieve it together!"

The most unexpected change, however, has occurred during the last day: the police chiefs have been seen for the first time since the beginning of the protests on the side of the protesters, and they have been gradually joining them the various troops located throughout the country, along with other members of State security such as firefighters, or civil guards.

These actions have caught the Military Junta off guard, and proof of this has been the delay in the response in deploying more military personnel in the main cities of the country. In all of them, several citizens can be seen inviting soldiers to break ranks and join the protests, shouting "you serve the people, not the elites!" or "defend the motherland, defend us!". However, at the moment the desertions are scarce, although it is no longer ruled out that at some point, some high rank will take the step and put the Military Junta on the ropes.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:11 pm
by Aethan
Kalopia Today
January 5085


Time is running against the Military Junta. This morning, throughout the country, law enforcement officers have been seen joining the protesters, in tears and hugs for the damage caused. Although this movement had already been presupposed in some internal circles of the police force, the date on which this action would be carried out jointly had not transpired. The day agreed for this was today, when thousands of police officers from all over Kalopia have agreed to join the protests to end the dictatorship of the Military Junta and return democracy to the country. These actions, added to the deaths of civilians - which are already numbered in the hundreds - the increase in protests and the number of detainees, and the generalized chaos throughout the large and small cities of the country seem to indicate that the Military Junta his days are numbered at the head of Kalopia.

Although nothing has come to light yet, in some circles there is already open talk that the Military Junta is beginning to seriously assess the calling of general elections, with the intention that, whatever the result may be, their rights are respected and they cannot be tried for the events that occurred during their dictatorship.

Meanwhile, the revolution seems to be beginning to reach the table of members of the Army, who are beginning to seriously consider disobeying the Military Junta and ending the conflict, to the point of a civil war that the military high command prefers to avoid. "If all this can be solved by giving voice back to the people and putting those who caused everything behind bars, so be it" declared a military source who prefers to remain anonymous "enough suffering has already been caused by the vices and fixations of a few people, their greed and their ego".
From Ariza they emphatically rule out that condition, and assure that, after the primary objective of returning democracy to Kalopia, there is that of "trying all war criminals for the acts committed during the dictatorship", and that carte blanche will not be given to none of the members of the Military Junta to "calmly continue with their lives after having destroyed those of so many people".

Meanwhile, the revolution seems to be beginning to reach the table of members of the Army, who are beginning to seriously consider disobeying the Military Junta and ending the conflict, to the point of a civil war that the military high command prefers to avoid. "If all this can be solved by giving voice back to the people and putting those who caused everything behind bars, so be it" declared a military source who prefers to remain anonymous "enough suffering has already been caused by the vices and fixations of a few people, their greed and their ego".

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:34 pm
by Aethan
Kalopia Today
BREAKING: The military forces the Military Junta to resign and call for elections
The move comes after a meeting between military leaders and members of Ariza, according to various sources.
April 5085


A few months later, what had been plotting for a long time has happened: the military forces of Kalopia have forced the military junta that had been running the country for decades in a dictatorial manner to submit its resignation en bloc and officially call the holding of "free and democratic" elections.

These events occur after, according to various sources consulted, the leaders of the Ariza political platform, including its Secretary General Aspasia Miskiadis, secretly met with the leaders of the different factions of the Army to test their positions and present their report of the facts. The same sources point out that although they were not easy conversations, all the leaders agreed to a greater or lesser extent that the time of the Military Junta was coming to an end, and that if all the high command of the Army agreed, the time to put an end to that dictatorship once and for all. Some of them would have even accepted the corresponding prison sentences that could be derived from their actions during the dictatorship, although others had already announced to Ariza that once the dictatorship was over, they would leave the country.

Be that as it may, the day of protests today has been unopposed, as the military have not been located in their usual positions, and the demonstrators have been able to easily surround the headquarters of the Military Junta. It was at that moment that Kalopia's national anthem, the Hymn to Liberty, began to play on the radio, the signal agreed by the military to advance. With that signal, all the soldiers distributed by the different cities of the country have gone to the respective seats of the government, where they have entered at gunpoint and have forced the representatives of the Military Junta to sign their resignation in writing. Those who have refused to do so have been arrested and taken to local prisons, awaiting a decision on what to do with them.

In the capital, a military convoy led by the leaders of the different armed forces, the police and the firemen has advanced towards the headquarters of the Military Junta, where they have entered without encountering resistance and have similarly forced the members of the Junta to sign their respective resignations and the call for early elections, arranged for the month of August.

The announcement of the arrest of the members of the Military Junta has spread like wildfire, and the radios have rushed to broadcast the news. In the streets, multitudes of cheers and expressions of joy, reminding citizens that they had just regained their freedom.

"Today is undoubtedly a great day for Kalopia. It is the day of our rebirth as a nation. We want everyone to enjoy what happened today, because no one can put chains on the citizens of this great nation. May what has happened during these decades serve to to remind us of what we must never allow again, and to encourage us to build together a better and brighter future for all"
have been the statements of Mrs. Miskiadis, who has already announced that she will run for the general elections together with Ariza, who has already become in political party.

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:18 pm
by Aethan
Kalopia Today
Kalopia reconstruction begins
After sweeping the general and presidential elections, ARIZA begins to unravel its plan for the future of the nation

President of the Republic Athanasia Vasilide (left) and Prime Minister Aspasia Miskiadi (right) attending Parliament for the first time

It was all nerves on election day. Under a permanent state of terrorist alert in the face of possible attacks by far-right groups related to the deposed Military Junta, just over 16% of citizens with the right to vote have gone to the polls. However, of all those who have done so, the response has been massive: ARIZA has been the brand new winner of the elections, sweeping all the provinces, as well as in the presidential elections.

The party's candidate to become the first directly and democratically elected President of the Republic after the end of the military dictatorship was Athanasia Vasilide, former fire chief of the capital and, in recent months, a close friend of the Secretary General of ARIZA, Aspasia Miskiadi. Mrs. Miskiadi, a national hero for her time during the protests against the Military Juntafor, has recently been elected by the Kalopia Parliament as the new Head of Government of the nation, heading an Executive made up of 11 women and 2 men.

Both women have appeared in Parliament on the day of its constitution, aware of the historical fact that it meant, by de facto consolidating the end of the military dictatorship and the beginning of a new democratic stage in the nation. After being proclaimed as the new Head of Government of Kalopia, Mrs. Miskiadi has addressed all citizens from Parliament.

"Thanks to all those who have made today possible. Because today, Kalopia wakes up from a bad dream, and does so rejuvenated, wanting to show the world what her free people are capable of, and above all, with our hopes pinned on a better future. It is from today that we begin to write our destiny freely, without ties, living in democracy with each other. And how could it be otherwise, it fills me with pride and satisfaction to be the person who heads this first government, who will do everything possible to honor all of us who have fought to get to where we are today"
she said to applause from the entire Parliament.

Mrs. Miskiadi has announced that a commemorative monument will be built to celebrate the defeat of the Military Junta by the people in the middle of the capital, and she has outlined the main lines that her government will carry out in the first place. Among the proposals, the most important are the development of a new Constitution that consolidates Kalopia as a decentralized unitary parliamentary republic, where each of its five regions - renamed as Communities - will have its own parliament and regional President, the independence of the judicial power, and the formation of the positions of Head of State (President of the Republic) and Head of Government (Prime Minister); a Law of Rights of the citizens of Kalopia, where all the freedoms and rights of each and every one of the inhabitants of the nation will be collected; a law for the constitution of the Supreme Court of the nation, to consolidate the judicial power in Kalopia and ensure the separation of powers and that will probably be the one in charge of judging the crimes of the Military Junta; a Law of Referendums with which this government intends to bring democracy closer to all citizens and that may be used at any time; and a modification in the flag and the national anthem. The flag will become bicolor, with the upper white stripe and the lower golden stripe and a laurel wreath, also golden, in the middle. On the other hand, the anthem, which will be called "Victory and freedom", is composed by one of the most prestigious contemporary composers of Kalopia, and the lyrics commemorate the defeat of the Military Junta and the beginning of this new era, saying the next:

"Mortals! Listen to the sacred cry:
"Freedom, freedom, freedom!"
Listen to the sound of broken chains,
The big hearts of the world
They have now opened their honored throne.
And the free people of the world answer:
"We greet the great people of Kalopia!"
"We greet the great people of Kalopia!"
Victory covered the Kalopian warrior
With its beautiful wings,
And the tyrant is ashamed in this respect
with defamation left,
And above the wings of glory the people rise
The worthy throne of their great majesty."

The new flag waving in the Kalopian Parliament

In the streets, the general feeling is one of relief and emotion at this new stage, although some do not hide their fears that this is nothing more than a mirage and that a coup d'état will return the nation to its dark ages, something that many others seem to consider it completely ruled out.

"All of society, from civilians to the military, have fought side by side in this last stage to recover our democracy. Despite past ideas, it has been a triumph for everyone as a country, and that is why I think it will be lasting"
says Pietros Vassilikis, journalist and historian.

The inauguration of Mrs. Vasilide as President of the Republic will take place in the coming weeks, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Konstantinos Makrotis has already sent the invitations to all the Heads of State and Government of Majatra, to welcome them to a "Kalopia reborn". For the moment, the leaders of Istalia, Cildania, Kafuristan, Cobura, Jelbe, Vanuku, Barmenistan, Beiteynu and Pontesi have already confirmed their attendance, waiting for other leaders of Majatra to confirm the appointment.

"It is the first time in a long time that Kalopia has opened up to the world" said Mrs. Vasilide, who admits to being "nervous"
"I feel a great responsibility towards the citizens of Kalopia, but I am going to give everything to live up to the position for which I have been chosen by all of them. The hour of action begins, and I can assure our citizens that I will to be part of the changes that our great nation will have to face from now on".

Re: Kalopia

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:24 pm
by Aethan
Kalopia Today
Inauguration Day: Majatran leaders join President of the Republic
The leaders of many Majatran nations have accepted the invitation of the Kalopian government to attend the inauguration of Athanasia Vasilide as new President of Kalopia; the attendance to the inauguration overcomes the greatest expectations by law enforcement officers

August 5085

President of the Republic Athanasia Vasilide during her inauguration

Istalia, Cildania, Kafuristan, Cobura, Jelbe, Vanuku, Barmenistan, Beiteynu, Badara, Jakania and Pontesi - and Rutania as a special invitee. Those are the Majatran nations that finally attended the inauguration of Mrs. Athanasia Vasilide. Expectation among Kalopian citizens was high, since this was the first post-dictatorship event to reunite Majatran leaders in a single space, and for it to be the inauguration of the new popularly elected Head of State of Kalopia was an occasion to celebrate.

In a ceremony that was televised and that reunited millions in the streets of many cities, former firefighter Athanasia Vasilide took her oath as the new President of the Kalopian Republic, flanked by her loyal friend and current Prime Minister Aspasia Miskiadi.

"My fellow citizens,
Today I appear before you to take an oath. An oath not just to this position, but an oath to this nation, to this new Constitution and to each and every single one of you. Because today is the day that Kalopia finally rises again, like a phoenix, from its ashes. During the dictatorship, we were told we couldn't do better, that it was our destiny, and that we should not complain if we didn't want to end in prison. But as any bad dream, it always comes to an end. And today, with this solemn event, Kalopia is finally waking up from its bad dream. Kalopia now is stretching its limbs, ready for the brilliant future that lies ahead of us. But do not get mistaken: the trip will not be easy, but we shall not give up, because giving up is just not an option for us Kalopians, who have fought so hard to recover our liberties. The only way now is upfront, waiting for us to take it. If the road ahead of us had been easy, many would have already taken it. But it is now our priority, and our will, to do so. And we want to do it hand by hand with each and every single one of you, the same way we overthrew the dictatorship, together. Because only together we are stronger, only working together against the adversity we will rise up, and we are ready for it.

Now, I want to ask for a little patience from you. I know we have been waiting already for this time to come, but if we want to get things right, we have to do it in the right way also. And these things require time. We will be working tirelessly to achieve the best results for you, but in order to do so, we require your confidence in this. And we know we will have it, because you have already shown your will to let us work. And that is all we could ask from you. Thank you all of you for electing me, for electing us, for fighting with us. Like our millenary motto cries: Freedom or death! Freedom or death! Freedom or death!

The old Kalopian motto, "Freedom or Death" was echoed by the millions of people surrounding the squares of many Kalopian citizens, and went on for a few minutes before fading out, a sign of the strong will of the Kalopian people to embrace the change that is to come.

The President of the Republic had also some words directed at the Majatran leaders that attended her inauguration:

"I also want to say thank you to all the leaders of the Majatran nations that have made a little space in their agendas to attend this inauguration, and that are situated right behind me. I know they all have their duties to their nations, and for them to just be here watching me as I speak and while I take my oath to this nation is gesture enough of the policy that we, as Kalopians, want to follow from now on: Kalopia will remain a neutral state, an assinting and caring state to all its Majatran neighbours when its required, and we want to strengthen our ties with all of them, because that is the right path for Majatra to advance. By being here, they have shown their willingness to work with Kalopia into bringing a brighter future to our nations, and we could not be more grateful for that. So, thanks to all of them for making it".

After the ceremony, which has seen many well-known Kalopian artists perform as guests, the President of the Republic has held a meeting with each Majatran leader - and the Rutanian invitee - to further discuss relationships and collaborations in matters such as economy, education or science. It has also been reported that the President of the Republic has asked each leader to give her a tip on how they manage their positions, as a sign of "political newbie" willing to learn more from others.

It is unknown what will happen in the next years, but for sure, the President of the Republic has won over the hearts of millions, home and abroad.