
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:11 am

Liberal Communists Alliance stop cabinet over control of ministry ofjustice.

The leader of the LCA stop to the press about the conflict that seem to divide the Senat, Who was unable to present a cabinet, after the election of Lain Houmphrois, as consul of Kanjor, with the support of the LCA.
However, the recent cabinet proposal was stopped by Mosie Nadeau.

Miss Nadeau, explained her position to the media.

Seeing as the nationalist and the militarists made the comment they could impose slavery, if we did not cooperate, we cannot imagine what might happen to our country, if we gave them the ministry of justice. This ministry may not have all the money, but it is critical to protect the democracy of Kanjor. The right-wing parties might be allowing arbitrary arrestation and torture, they could arrest people on the base of their race. We cannot accept this in good hearts.
I ask the consul to stand by our side and to protect the rights of the citizen. We know we lose numbers in the Senat, but that does not mean we must lose human rights. We will keep fighting for human rights and democracy as long we can, that's why it is critical that we do not allow the ministry of justice to fall in reactionnaries hands.

Breaking news, Multiple LCA minister resign over pregnancy complications.

The Cabinet affair in Kanjor got even more complicated, As the four youngest minister of the LCA all resigned over pregnancy complication. Rubie Lavois, Saphirina Boisvert, Emeraldie Lemieux and Diamante Simard, all recently told the consul, their pregnancy did not allow them to continue their missions as ministers. It is also rumored that none of these ministry are going to be kept by the LCA. For the moment, the ministers have all been remplaced by their head secretary.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Communist Joe » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:16 pm

Teslar and Kanjor Tech. Announces Deal

After the recent success of the battery tech produced in Project Opportunity the company has taken an interest in the product. After must discussion the young company and the tech giant were able to an agreement. The deal specified that Teslar would pay about 1,200,000,000 LOU along with an 8% royalty on all the profits made off the battery. The minster of Technology Gabriel Devereaux told reporters:

This is only the beginning. We expect even more successful projects in the future.

Now that Kanjor Tech. is know getting there name more out there they will be able to take on more ambitious projects. We are very exited to see where Kanjor Tech next move will be.
Communist Joe
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:48 pm

l'alliance communist-libérale Disband over (treason) from the Solidarity party.

A move, that was hard to think before has happened. L'alliance communiste-------libérale disbanded in Kanjor. Several members of the LCA, like Koralie Laflamme-Larivière, Diamante Simard, Rubie Lavoie, Emeraldie Lemieux, Sapharina Boisvert Jennifer Harris-Powell, and Rose Woods have demanded political assylum in alduria. Meanwhile Yugi Green and his Wife Courtney Neal have disappeared from Kanjor without leaving a single trace.

the fascists have treatened to legalize slavery and to murder people if the Consul did not agree to meet their demand for a cabinet that allow them to restricts the rights of people. And the Consul seem to have agreed to his demand. We can't believe the solidarity party anymore and we can't cooperate with party who think Slavery is a compromise. Its sad, but we must leave Kanjor before we are arrested. We tried to resist the fascists are strong as we could, but we failed. We apolegize to the international communauty for any crimes that Kanjor might do. For, now, we have decided to demand political assylum in Alduria. it is the closest nations and they are not fascists.
Koralie Laflamme-Rivière

According to Koralie Laflamme-Rivière, Democracy is seriously threatened in kanjor.

It a major problem when the parliamentary majority of a country act like terrorists, its another problem when the elected head of state band over such demands. Democracy is Kanjor is seriously threatened. In Fact, I am not even certain it is a democratic country anymore.
Koralie Laflamme-Rivière
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby OrangeCrusader » Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:41 pm

Parti des Individualiste is founded

This morning, Kanjor received a new edition to its fledgling anarchist movement in the form of Parti des Individualiste (The Party of Individualists). Parti des Individualiste is left libertarian market anarchist political party dedicated to maximizing the sovereignty of the individual and emancipating the working class while retaining various aspects of a market economy within the framework of a stateless society. Party leadership has attempted to contact its counterparts within the syndicalist oriented Parti de Solidarité de Kanjor in order to discuss possible methods for bringing about the state's abolition.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Dec 31, 2018 5:49 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:55 pm

Mosie Nadeau, declare herself as Queen of Kanjor and abolish the courts.

In the most recent news, Mosie Nadeau recently declared herself to the all-mighty Queen of Kanjor and has decided to abolish the courts. A very controversal decision that do not please democrats across the nation.

Our Court are just corrupt and useless, they bring wrong judgment at every single second and they destroy the lives of the citizen. It will be just simple to just abolish them all, and have me, the great Queen of Kanjor, take all decision. After all, no one is in a better position to decide what's right and what's wrong in our country, and I have a perfect sense of morality, I am uncorruptible.

However, multiple lawyers questionned the decision of the (queen)

What is going there, are we just going to wait for the decision of (her highness), whenever a criminal is arrested and waiting to be judged. Surely we can have a better way to handle law problems then putting everything on the head of state.
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:31 pm

KANJOR to ban religion

Breaking news.

the Queen of the Kanjor, has recently decided to ban religion.

People who believe in an almighty being, capableof existing everywhere, capable of judging humans and capable of transforming water into wines. Theses people are clearly insane. Their place are in a mental institute, not in politics, not in business, not anywhere in our society. For decades, Religion was used by evil man to oppress the people, to tell them what's right and what's wrong and to protect the interest of a conservative elites. IN 8 Month, I can guarantee it, Kanjor shall outlaw religion.
Mosie Nadeau

the Queen was criticized by several of members of the Ecolo-monarchist alliance for her extreme stance on religion.

surely we can have a more acceptable stance on religion. The Satanailist belief recognize that man created gods. And that at some moment, men created the almighty who was defeated by satanail. Surely, if everyone would accept that point of view, we would all recognize gods as nothing more then imaginary being we create for ourselves. But its not so bad to have imaginary friends.
Léon Kinney-Darklight
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:16 am

Aurorian Church leader manifest against the ban of religion

23 april 4513
Multiple religious religion leader have protested this morning, against the ban on religious belief set in place by the Écolo-Monarco Alliance. André Paradis, an aurorian priests who lead this movement, accused the decision to be against human rights, he even accused the leader of the Monarcho Alliance, Mosie Nadeau to not listen to multiple members of her party who are uneasy with the decision. Other have directly accuse the ruling party to lead an inquisition.

here are the comment.
You can't ban religious belief, that unacceptable. Yeah We have multiple problems with several of the law who have undermine the influence of the church in our society, but outlawing religious did not made us very angry, outlawing religion is just wrong. People of all kind of religion have asked the queen to not pass such a drastic, even the minister of Finance, Mr. Kinney-Darklight, do not support this law. We strongly demand that the government review its position on religion.
André Paradis,

We will not back down to this inquisition, we shall believe in the almighty, until we die
Patrice Beaulieu
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Re: Journal Fédéraliste (Kanjor)

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Jan 11, 2019 4:40 am

Léon Kinney-Darklight call kanjori idiots.

In a recent statement, Léon Kinney-Darklight Outgoing Minister of Finance has reacted to the defeat of the Ecolo-Monarcho Alliance, who only received 35% of the votes.

It damn hurt, when you wake up and you see that 60% of the population are damn idiots who cannot understand what is fascism. We were so close to constructing our socialist utopia, it was not perfect and bang, we wake up with a big fascist government who's going to tell us who has the right to believe in what and create a racial économic domination across the country. you can say farewell to the (egalité des chances) or to the (fraternaté), if you are canrillaise enough, you might have your place, but if you are not (canrillaise), that mean you have ancestry from another country, you don't speak like the fascist think canrillaise should speak, you are too feminist or you criticize the next fascist government that will come. You will be arrested and you may be executed. Welcome to the New kanjor. a fascist country where (inferior) being shall be enslaved.

Why can the population have more brain then a fish ???
Léon Kinney-Darklight
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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