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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:06 am

Vanuku Confirms Humanitarian Security Mission In FRJ
Corridor to Supply Essential Aid and Restore Law and Order Opened Up In Northern Part of the Free Republic

Vanukean security forces pass on essential supplies to young citizens in the north of the Free Republic.

October 4408 - Vanuku has confirmed it presence in the northern reaches of the Free Republic of Jelbania (FRJ). The Government in Wiel said that peacekeeping troops and aid workers had been sent into the northern quarter of the embattled sub-state. They had re-established law and order in the regional capital, Sedrijokaiàktaghe, as well as in approximately one quarter of the FRJ's surrounding territory.

The Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur explained that Vanuku had been forced to act to create a humanitarian corridor running from the Northern Khaganate in the west to the sea in the east. This would allow essential medical aid and food and water supplies to freely flow to the growing number of refugees who were arriving in the north of the FRJ following Deltaria's invasion in the south.

He added: "This creates a vital access corridor between our two fleets patrolling the coast of Jelbania and our land forces in the northern Khaganate. It allows us to move humanitarian supplies of all kind into the northern part of the country, where refugees are arriving in their thousands as they flee the uncertainty and brutality in the south. It also helps to keep law and order and safeguard the people from further Deltarian aggressions.

"We can confirm that we respect the integrity of the capital of the FRJ, Rklemjistad, and surrounding provinces and will work with the government there and the Istalian government to deliver vital aid and supplies where they are needed.

"The actions by Deltaria in invading the southern half of the country were monstrous, they have forced the mass migration of thousands of families who are fleeing for their lives. Vanuku could not sit by and watch as this crisis developed - we had to act and protect the indigenous people of the Jelbek Steppe."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jun 15, 2018 2:42 pm

Further Escalation As Vanuku Deploys More Troops Into Jelbania
Government Calls For Full Mobilisation And Grants Use of "All Weaponry, Conventional Or Otherwise" To Deter Further Provocations

A map of the political situation in Jelbania - showing the latest Vanukean and Deltarian positions in the Free Republic.

March 4409 - In response to Deltaria's announcement that it has increased its number of front line troops in the Katonid Khanate to 50,000, the Kingdom of Vanuku has followed suit.

The Ministry of Defence confirmed it has moved another infantry division into the Northern Khaganate territory to complement its Expeditionary Force already there and further air squadrons have been rebased closer to the front. More security units have been sent into the "humanitarian aid corridor" that Vanuku has carved through the north of the Free Republic of Jelbania (see map above), to deter further expansion into the FRJ by Deltarian and Katonid forces.

Defence Minister Colonel Eksandr G. Anzlék said: "Clearly Deltaria's military build up could not go unchecked, especially after their blatant disregard for human life during their offensive to occupy the southern half of the Free Republic of Jelbania.

"They have also quit the Majatran Alliance before being thrown out and are fast becoming a pariah state on the international stage - making them unpredictable and maverick. Thus we have restored operational parity by drafting in more elite military units backed up by the finest air force in the world."

Vanuku is still smarting after four of its soldiers were killed in what appeared to be an unprovoked attack by Deltarian-Katonid forces on the border. It has led to the Prefect and his cabinet approving a general mobilisation of the entire Vanukean armed forces. The government has also agreed new rules of engagement in preparation for a general conflict. This includes approval to carry out preemptive strikes on a nation that provokes Vanuku using any, or all, means necessary - whether conventional or otherwise.

Defence Minister Anzlék added: "We must be prepared. Deltaria has by proxy invaded and occupied what is now called the Katonid Khanate, they have directly invaded and occupied the Free Republic of Jebania, they openly court Zardugal and support their invasion of the western tribal areas. It is, therefore, likely that unless we stand firm and show them that all military optons are on the table, that they will try to force an invasion of the Northern Khaganate."
Last edited by Sisyphus on Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:25 pm

In unprecedented move Prefect declassifies "Kalistan Files"
Government admits it "failed to prevent" the disaster of 3925.

Prefect of the Grand Council Jlekai Nasir made an unprecedented move by declassifying the files on the Kalistan disaster.

March 4409 - With conflict rising in Jelbania and a parliament split three ways the Prefect of the Grand Council Jlekai Nasir has just entered his second term. However many have criticized the young Prefect for not being "visible". The voices of the cabinet are often Minister Ashur and the leader of the coalition party Baron Zhtál, who does not even have a ministerial position. Yet while many outside the circles of government have criticized the Prefect those within the halls of parliament and the cabinet rooms openly commend Prefect Nasir. They state he is a "leader from within" who is hard at work coordinating all the ministers and their ministries while trying to keep both coalition parties happy. It is said that Nasir goes from "meeting to meeting, dealing with all the issues himself". Most of the meetings the last few weeks are spent with the top brass of Vanuku's military to ensure the Jelbanian conflict does not get out of hand. The Prefect was notably absent from the summit in Romula and many wonder if tensions could have been lowered had he been present.

Today however the Prefect freed two hours in his schedule to exchange words with Minister Williams of Kalistan. The men shook hands and Prefect Nasir apologized for the historical fued between the two nations. It was at that moment that he presented a large file for Williams with the statement that for the first time in 400 years a Prefect had utilized his powers to declassify files. Without a warning in advance or any fanfare Williams was handed the entire Vanukean report on the Kalistani Crisis of 3925.

Further copies were handed out to the press and all others with interest were able to download it in .pdf form from the government website. The report revealed that during the 3910's a radical faction had emerged within the Armed Forces. The faction was aimed at rooting out the enemies of the Principality, including socialism and communism. The radical faction was able to form under the eyes of the SSA, who only discovered after the terrorist attack on the Kalistani presidential jet that they existed. This brought great shame to an organization that claimed it was the most skilled intelligence agency in the world. Subsequently the Director-General of the SSA, in coordination with the Prince and Prefect, kept everything hidden from the rest of the government and Kalistan. The files also revealed that Commander Shlajkai Eksandrsrmo was executed for high treason in 3927. Surprisingly there is no mention of the Vanukean submarine anywhere in the files except for one line that states that "no further information on any naval vessel of the Naval Forces was acquired", with some drawing conclusions that the report is incomplete and others stating that Vanuku had no submarines there or that it was a coincidence. Nonetheless, the Prefect seems deadset on improving relations between the two ancient rivals.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:21 pm

Deltaria Accused Of Preparing For Annexation Of Southern Jelbania
Permanent Fortifications and Infrastructure In Katonid Khanate Territory Provide Undeniable Evidence, Says Foreign Minister

Imagery taken in August from a high-altitude Vanukean observation drone shows a new fortified compound typical of those springing up in the Katonid Khanate.

September 4409 - Vanuku's Foreign Minister has branded Deltaria's decision to build extensive and permanent defensive fortifications in Katonid Khanate territory as the last act before full annexation of southern Jelbania. Sophisticated three tier defences have been constructed on the disputed border between Deltaro-Katonid forces and Vanukean-Northern Khaganate troops - and are being improved every day.

Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur said that despite clear warnings about the consequences of further provocations, Deltaria had continued to take unacceptable political and military steps. Minister Ashur said: "It is clear that Deltaria is looking to extend its territory into the land it currently controls in southern Jelbania. The advances into the Free Republc of Jelbania, the infrastructure projects being built in Katonid territory - such as the Zima Railway - and now permanent border fortifications on land that has been seized and occupied illegally all point to this.

"This is not a nation looking to negotiate a peace this is a country that has seen an opportunity to annex new territory and left unchecked will take it.
"The weak-willed World Congress has done nothing to help this situation. Even the Majatran Alliance has failed in this matter. Nations have sat on the fence rather than facing up to the reality. Istalia, who guaranteed independence of the Free Republic, seemed paralysed to act militarily when Deltaria invaded that land - and, seeing this, Deltaria laughed in Romula's face and carried on regardless.

"Only Vanuku has acted, seeing the danger ahead. Only our nation has had the guts and the guile to take action to check the moves and machinations of Deltaria. But instead of receiving support we too have been criticised by nations thousands of miles away, who have no idea of what is actually happening here in the heart of Majatra. Therefore, it is Vanuku and Vanuku alone who must act again to show Deltaria that their actions have consequences and cannot go unpunished."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:23 am

Vanukean Government Officials Will Fly to Kalistan to Discuss Security Tie Up
Kaliburg Meeting On The Cards Following On From Major Arms Deal Success

Tank production is at full steam ahead in one of Royal Kremj's factories.

January 4410 - Government officials have announced they expect to visit Kalistan in the next few months to discuss a formal security relationship with Vanuku. It follows the Kalistani Foreign Minister's successful trip to the Kingdom during which diplomatic relations were normalised and a multi billion VAN major military equipment deal was struck.

Some of Vanuku's biggest companies, including Shipyard Havendam, Royal Kremj and Anz'k Defence, are now working around the clock to complete the huge order, which includes cruisers, destroyers, frigates, tanks, infantry carriers and small arms. Aircraft include interceptors, CAS, multi-purpose fighters and a range of helicopters. It is believed that Kalistan agreed to pay a considerable premium to ensure the order was completed as speedily as possible. Small arms shipments are already arriving in Kalistan with more hardware set to be transported over the next weeks and months.

The deal is worth more than 50 billion VAN (around 133 Billion KRB) and is the biggest military export deal struck by Vanuku in the last century.

Foreign Minister Rnúf Herlkasrmko Ashur said: "It is tremendous to see such a deal struck. Our defence industry companies have full order books - and then some.

"On departing, Kalistani Foreign Minister Orenthal Williams invited us to his country to discuss making permanent our diplomatic relations. We are currently in the process of contacting the government in Kaliburg to organise this visit. We are also extremely interested in furthering security ties with Kalistan. It is clear we have common interests and so it seems appropriate to forge those closer relations. We will see how talks pan out but I expect that a formal treaty will be discussed."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:18 am

Tasyumon Goes Global!
Vanutech Wins Contract to Distribute the Popular Hulstrian Anime Throughout Majatra

Donamausu and friends will soon be taking Majatra by storm.

August 4410 - Technology giant Vanutech has secured the exclusive rights to distribute the popular children's anime series Tasyumon throughout Majatra.

The corporation's leisure and children's entertainment arm, VTK, has agreed a "substantial deal" with Hulstria and Gao-Soto-based Esshu Studios - the creators of Tasyumon - to obtain the rights.

It means the charming children's series, which features characters such as Rot Fengsie and his sidekick Donamausu, will soon be available to a vast new audience in Vanuku and surrounding nations on the southern continent. The deal includes distribution of the series itself and associated merchandise, which includes cuddly toys, caps and onesies. As well as a steady stream of income for Esshu, VTK will also pay bonuses to the creators based on hitting key sales targets. 

VTK International Procurement Director Vrm Grezkhel said: "The appeal of Tasyumon breaks down cultural barriers and so is fast becoming a hit outside of Dovani. Vanutech and VTK want to be part of delivering this phenomenon to hundreds of millions of new people in Vanuku and Majatra as a whole. We believe it will be an exciting time for ourselves and Esshu Studios and gives Tasyumon the worldwide appeal it deserves."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:52 am

Major Assaults Carried Out On Deltarian Defences
Thousands of Vanukean Troops Advance Into Southern Jelbania With No Warning

Soldiers of the 20th Airborne Division cross the border into Katonid territory.

January 4411 - Vanuku has launched a series of major ground, naval and air attacks on multiple fronts against Deltarian forces in southern Jelbania. No formal warning of the attacks was issued and no declaration of war was conveyed to Deltaria, who, nevertheless, had been anticipating hostilities for the last six to 12 months.

Five divisions of troops, spearheaded by the elite 20th Airborne, and including armoured and mechanised infantry units, were the first to advance carrying out a blistering assault on the Deltarian's first line of fortifications located on the de-facto border between the Katonid Khanate and the Northern Khaganate. Backed up by multiple air squadrons - which combined air superiority missions with ground tactical and interdiction bombing raids to soften up defences - the army made good progress as it struck at a series of priority points along a 25km front. After several hours of constant bombardment and with fear of troops being isolated or enveloped, the Deltarians were forced to abandon the outer section of its well-established triple-line fortifications.

However, unwilling to give any more ground the Deltarians, backed by their Katonid allies, embarked on a series of counter attacks and instigated their own artillery and air bombardments, forcing the Vanukean army to halt its advance before reaching the second line of defence. Casualties, particularly in the exposed killing zone between the abandoned first ring of fortifications and the well-defended second were believed to be into the hundreds on both sides with more deaths and injuries being notched up every hour.

Amphibious troops unload on the eastern coast.

In a second assault, the Vanukean First and Third Fleets located in the Majatran Sea launched a wave of attacks on parts of the Free Republic of Jelbania occupied by Deltaria. Again, multi-role fighters and CAS aircraft were launched in waves to accomplish air superiority and harass ground forces located there, while the fleets carried out a deadly bombardment of coastal defences.

At the same time, amphibious units landed at targeted locations on the eastern coast to establish beachheads and harass the enemy lines from the flank and rear, while two army divisions advanced from the north east - an area known as the Vanukean-occupied humanitarian aid corridor - and launched a frontal ground assault, effectively pinning the Deltarian defenders in place.

In a short press conference the Vanuku government stated it had carried out the attacks to prevent Deltaria from annexing southern Jelbania and following a series of military and diplomatic provocations.

Defence Minister Colonel Eksandr G. Anzlék said: "Over several years, the territorial integrity of Jelbania has been increasingly threatened by the actions of the Deltarians and their Katonid Khanate allies. The occupation of the southern section of the Free Republic of Jelbania demonstrated Deltaria's intentions and the continual build up of troops, fortifications and infrastructure in the Khanate underlined this. They mean to annex southern Jelbania and integrate that land into their own.

"Vanuku has warned Deltaria on many occasions that their actions would have implications but they continued to ignore these warnings or, in fact, take further steps to provoke us. Therefore, our government was left with no choice but to take action to remove Deltaria by force.

"Our primary objective is to drive the enemy forces from Jelbania. We have all means at our disposal to do this and our armed forces have begun the process with a devastating and effective series of assaults on multiple fronts. This will continue as long as is necessary."

A World Congress Political Map of fragmented Jelbania just prior to the Vanukean attacks.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:00 am

Foreign Minister Jets Off To Kalistan
Talks over Enhanced Diplomatic and Security Ties On The Table Amidst Heightened Tensions For Both Nations

Foreign Minister Ashur arrives at Wiel International Airport ahead of flying out to Kalistan

July 4411 - Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur has boarded a plane and jetted off to Kalistan for talks aimed at enhancing diplomatic and security ties with Vanuku.

The trip to Kaliburg comes at a time of heightened tension between Kalistan, Kazulia and Lourenne over the Ananto Straits conflict and amidst the ongoing war between Vanuku and Deltaria in Jelbania. Kazulia is also believed to be fuming over a massive arms and military equipment deal supplied by Vanukean defence companies to the Kalistani government - which virtually completely rearmed the Seleyan nation on land, sea and in the air.

Speaking to the gathered press corps before leaving for Kalistan, Minister Ashur said: "Some time ago Kalistan Foreign Minister Orenthal Williams visited Vanuku and we had very constructive talks. At that point I was invited to Kaliburg to look at furthering diplomatic ties, which is the purpose of my visit.

"Given the growing tensions it is imperative that we work closely with friendly nations around the world. That said, we, unlike some nations, respect the sovereignty of Kalistan and the decisions they take. Therefore, it is not a meeting to discuss our involvement in the current conflict over the Ananto Straits; this is a matter for them to resolve.

"Our position is simply to enhance peace and security as well as prosperity and economic ties, which will be beneficial to both our nations in the long term."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:30 am

Trade Talks Progress At A Pace
Ashur Confident Substantial Economic Deal WIll Be Struck With Kalistan

Rnúf Ashur takes in the sights and sounds of Kaliburg during an informal stroll around the Kalistani capital between summit sessions.

January 4412 - Vanukean Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur has announced that a very substantial trade deal is close to being agreed with Kalistan following his high-level meeting with government officials in Ananto. Minister Ashur emerged from talks at the re-opened Kaliburg Polytehcnic Institute and said the two nations were close to forming a very meaningful economic partnership.

He said: "We have discussed a whole range of trade scenarios that will benefit out two countries going forward. Vanukuean companies are already investing heavily in Kalistan - for example, the multi-billion KalNaPeCo and KalNaFerCo link ups. This is a situation we want to continue to blossom and want to make trading between our two nations as accessible as possible. We have discussed existing import and export tariff arrangements and looked at how to make the shipping of goods to and from our nations easier. I think the final arrangement will be welcomed by all interested parties.

Cultural, diplomatic, educational and research and development links ups were also on the table but it was not revealed if a formal security link-up was proposed.

Later, Mr Ashur joined his opposite number, Orenthal Williams, for a tour of the Bozo River Naval, Air and Ground Forces Base in north eastern Ananto which is quickly taking shape. The facility will cover more than 1,400 square miles, contains a new naval ship yard, a refuelling depot, an airstrip and the largest military training area in Kalistan.

Minister Ahur said: "It is a very impressive facility - particularly the deep water harbour, which has required a lot of skill and expertise to design and construct. The base as a whole demonstrates the scope and vision of Kalistan to develop its military, particularly following on from the major arms and equipment deal they struck with us."

Both government teams are now expected to head back into talks at the polytechnic campus where the nitty gritty of the proposals will be analysed.
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