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Re: Aldegar

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:44 am

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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:55 pm

#Diplomacy #Baltusia #Kalistan #Lourenne #Alduria
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:45 pm

January 28, 5531

The ROOC unveils its mascot "Tik Tokie" as it starts a worldwide promotion campaign for the games and TOA membership: Full swing for the games!

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Less than 2 years away from the Ramsāhreza 5532 Youth, Paralympic, and Olympic games the Ramsāhreza Olympic Organization Committee released a short animation video known as "Tik Tokie's first day in Aldegar." The animation featured an old cartoon stylized clock character known as Tik Tokie, a reference to Ramsāhreza's famous saying of "The Clock never stops tik toking", as he then walked around famous sites across the city before meeting his two other friends "Lucky Player Jack" and "Train conductor Aurore".

The three friends talked about their involvement during the Water Lilly Revolution alongside how Aldegar changed so drastically within the mere span of 100 years with the most famous example of it being the bustling and lively Champagne District, a testimony to the country's economic and social miracle that allowed for the skyrocketing of living standards and wealth across the entire the nation with Ramsāhreza gaining the nickname of Perpetual Motion train.

After that, Tik Tokie was displayed on the facade of the ROOC headquarters alongside being seen on top of multiple famous buildings across Ramsāhreza as huge balloons in the shape of Tik Tokie were hang in there to promote the Olympics even more as the torch relay kept on moving forward with it finally crossing Kalistan and moving toward Lourenne and up north to Egelion. This move comes after the ramping up of the games promotional campaign because of the recent diplomatic escalation concerning Baltusia with the ROOC hoping to bring back the focus on the games instead of the dispute.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:09 pm

#Ramsāhreza5532 #Olympic Games
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Aug 19, 2024 6:21 am

June 1st, 5531

The Ramsāhreza games officially enter its countdown period as the city finishes the last details for the opening ceremony with the inclusion of foreign artists: full speed ahead!

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. With exactly 365 days away from the official start of the 5532 Ramsāhreza Summer Youth, Paralympic, and Olympic games, it seems that the ROOC is now finishing up the last details of the promised river opening ceremony that was showcased to the TOA as a way to persuade them to pick Ramsāhreza as the candidate city. The ceremony, also known as "Plan Elysia" within the ROOC, is set to go all the way from the source point of the Anahita river then continue all the way across the old Ramsāhreza, Neon Ramsāhreza Belt, Champagne District, and Diamond Plan alongside passing by famous Aldegarian sites such as the Palace of Yasman, Anahita, Javaneh, and Shahrnaz but not only that as the Federal Free Congress of Representatives and the 5 Star Corpo Complex will also been seen given their position along the river.

Furthermore, artists will perform at those famous historical sites that are now being transformed into massive podiums, the ROOC released a press statement where they stated that foreing artists from all nations across Terra will be welcomed to perform at the games and that the more artists perform the better the games impact will be given the fact that it is nearly 1000 years ago that the last games were held which makes the Ramsāhreza 5532 games a major historic moment that shall be remembered by everyone in the world, something the ROOC is committed to do especially since the government has given them a large fund pool of 100 billion LFR for them to use with governmental supervision to ensure no wasting of funds is done.

Finally the ROOC announced through another cartoon film of Tik Tokie the official start of the countdown period for the Ramsāhreza games with screens all across Aldegar displaying T-365 alongside a ramping up of advertisements, posters, sponsored shows, and events across both Aldegar and Terra to boost the enthusiasm around the games as it is the first time in the TOA history that summer games will be held all summer from the start of June to the end of September instead of the usual 30 days period given to previous games, and this makes the Ramsāhreza an even more historic event.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:05 am

#Ramsāhreza5532 #Olympic Games #Ad poster
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:18 pm

January 1st, 5532

Nationwide state of "Joy and Hope" declared as Aldegar celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Federation while the clock strikes T-18p for the olympics: the Utopian beacons keeps on shinning

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Aldegar, the blossoming heart of Seleya that keeps on beating no matter the hardships, is now celebrating 100 years of prosperity brought to her through the creation of the People's Free Federation, even tho the first years were hard for the Aldegarian people it was only the storm before the sunshine as it was quickly followed by an era of prosperity never seen before ever in the history of the country which helped make it a major player both economically and diplomatically.

And as a celebration of hitting the 100 year mark, President Siavash declared a year long state of "Joy and hope" across all of Aldegar which means a pay increase of 15% alongside reduced working hours especially for bleu collar workers as a gift from the authorities to the people to celebrate a century of Utopian rule. The president also announced that major events will be held to celebrate the moment as exactly 6 months are left for the beginning of the games.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:44 am

Special edition for June 1st, 5532

The Ramsāhreza 5532 Olympic games officially started after a mesmerizing opening ceremony, here's 5 knows you should know about it!

Today wasn't like any other in the history of the Terra because today was the day everybody saw the real potential that was Aldegar during the most breathtaking opening ceremony in the entire history of the Terran Olympic Association and its Committee. In what many would call a once in a millinea event has finally occurred before your very eyes, and that is something to remember for the rest of your life and pass on to your children and grandchildren and we, the journalists of the Utopian Times of Ramsāhreza, are here to tell you the 5 most unforgettable things that are a must know!
The torchbearer running across the feast table

So firstly, the ceremony made history by being the first one to ever hold a torch relay, yes you heard that correctly, prior to the formation of the Ramsāhreza Olympic Organization Committee no torch relay was ever held due to it not having any starting point but that changed right after the formation of the ROOC. Indeed, the organizers immediately proposed the city of Mahtābi, historical city of the Shahnazid Empire known for its great focus on arts, sportsmanship, and competitiveness, as the starting point of the torch relay that go across the northern hemisphere of the globe passing through major historical sites, the flame shinning the way forward symbolizing the start of a new era in the history of Terra. But when the flame finally re-entered Aldegar, all hell broke loose with drones, Gaia powered lights, fireworks, and acrobats accompanied the flame to the limits of the Ramsāhreza, and when it entered the city that's was the official start of the ceremony.
the depiction of the Palace of Yasman takeover by the Fools

The Masked torch bearer ran across the city passing through Old Ramsāhreza's major buildings such as the Palace of Yasman where a rock concert was held depicting the Water Lilly Revolution with pictures of the old president being burned and actors playing as the Masked Fools taking over the castle while the Aldegarian National anthem played, after that the torch bearee found himself in the middle of a table depicting the Feast of Roya, the Yazdi God of Prosperity, Sports, and Glory surrounded by drag queens and LGBT folks that were wearing radical outfits directly taken from the multiple fashions waves that went through aldegar such as the Cyber wave, and Floral wave. Roya then performed a music piece known as "Odes to Utopia" singing about human perseverance in the face of hardship and how one day we will achieve our perfect utopia where everyone is equal, happy, and fulfilled in life.
The feast of Roya with roya in the middle

Meanwhile, fighter jets of the Aldegarian Federal Airforce flew over the city dropping over flower petals and breaking the sound barrier as all of the skyscrapers in Champagne District illuminated themselves to the flag of all the nations taking part in the game those were: Lourenne, Seko, Dankuk, Dolgava, Engelion, Trigunia, Dundorf, Kundrati, Ikradon, Narikaton & Darnussia aka the Dual Republic, Malivia, Hobrazia, Beiteynu, Pontesi, Selucia, Kalopia, Deltaria, Kafuristan, Istalia, Alduria, Kanjor, Rildhanor, Aldegar, Kalistan, Baltusia, Gaduridos, Temania, Tukarali, Kazulia, Hutori, Davostag, Luthori, Noumonde, Xsampa, Mina, Medina, and Vascania with each building having in front of it an artistic performance of the country flag being displayed but most notably it was the canrille nations that were merged together in the Trident with marines from the Kasād Royal Base being deployed to showcase the empire's unity, perseverance, and strength while a canrille concon dance was performed. On the other hand, Aldegar assigned itself the Spire, a 800 m long skyscraper/casino/housing complex and the biggest tower in all of the Champagne District because it is the host country but also a testament to how far they managed to come from a poor underdeveloped irrelevant nation to the beating heart of trade in Terra and the third best country to live in right behind Lourenne
Canrille concon dancers during the performance in front of the Trident

While the dancers from across Terra were performing their lives out to the public, the boats carrying the athletes started coming down from the Mehad mountain down the Anahita river as the athletes waved proudly their flags and cheered on with mechanical dolphins guiding the way forward, fireworks being fired, and drones performing art pieces on the blank canvas that is the night sky, not only that but Gaia was also present at the event where she swiftly managed the drones making mesmerizing art pieces while the Daughters of Rhea corp from the Aldegarian Federal Navy performed Don't Advance, Nights of Ramsāhreza, a piece dedicated to the city of Ramsāhreza that talks about how a young rural girl that lived in the mountains moved to the city to continue to study but found herslef falling in love with Ramsāhreza talking about its nightlife, the beautiful Anahita river, the enchanting sky scrappers illuminating the dark sky with their lights and the warm feeling of security and love in the city that never once closed its eyes and keeps on moving forward determined to be a place for everyone to enjoy being themselves no matter their background, the tune of the song was soft and calming like a mother putting to sleep her child by singing them a nursery while looking out the window to see the millions of people just like her helping to make Ramsāhreza a city of wonders and motherly warmth
singers from the daughter of Rhea corp pefoming the song

And as the torch passed by the Academy of the Aldegarian Language, it's doors suddenly swang open revealing the Lourennai singer Niama Kangama performing Golden Hills of Āzāddeha piece that talks about the beauty of the Aldegarian Language while she was wearing a golden dress decorated by water lillies made from precious gems, the torch bearer then quickly escaped the scene by getting on a mechanical silver horse carrying him down to the Parisa Shahi Avenue that connects the Federal Free Congress and the Palace of Anahita for the final showdown of the ceremony
Niama and the mechanical horse during the show[/i

Finally, the torchbearer reached the entry of Congress as they then slowly walked down the Avenue toward the Palace of Anahita while riding a lion, they passes through hundreds of statues representing old gods from the different pantheons across Terra but also famous Aldegarian figures and even members of the Masked Fools show masters that participated in the Water Lilly Revolution. The flame was then handed to President Siavash as he then lit up the Olympic flame in a flower shaped recipient designed to never die for the entire duration of the games. The president of the TOA then held a speech describing the ceremony as historic that set the bar very high for all upcoming games alongside showing the potential that Aldegar represents to Terra by making the best opening ceremony free of charge and on an open field unlike previous ones that were held in confined stadiums without a torch relay.
[i]the flame being lit up

the TOA president during his speech
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:09 pm


Aldegar and Kalistan neck to neck in the Olympics as both nations lead the scors with 20 golden medals each, Beiteynu makes a comback in the triathlon: a battle for Seleya in the games

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. It has only been 2 weeks since the Olympics and the tensions are already high between the Games' leading nations being Kalistan and Aldegar, the two nations make up a big chunk of the athletes coming from the National Olympic Committee's of those nations with Aldegar sending 603 athletes and Kalistan following shortly with 586, then there is dundorf with 478 athletes and Lourenne with 430. This line up of athletes made it so that Aldegar and Kalistan naturally dominated the score board with each nation competing against each other.

The two seleyan giants broke multiple world records and even set up new ones such as the Kalistani shooter Elizabeth Holmes who set a new world record for women's 25 meter shooting and the Kalistani skating team performing a podium sweep for the skating contest. However, Aldegar took control of the artistic sports by causing two podium sweeps for both rhythmic artistic swimming and uneven bars gymnastics but the Aldegarian team lacked strength when it came to sports such as shooting where they placed 3rd in those categories. On the other end, Beiteynu made a surprising comback as they swept the running field sports mainly the triathlon where they ended up first uncontested but Dundrof however strengthened their hold on sports such as climbing and archery while Lourenne held tight to equestrian sports and tennis where they secured gold metals there.

The current medal scores put Kalistan and Aldegar neck to neck with 20 golden medals respectively while Beiteynu follows behind with 15, Dundorf with 14, Lourenne with 12, and the rest of the Terran nations still battling to at least secure themselves a bronze medals instead of letting Aldegar and Kalistan take all of them away and get the prized Diamond medal that was newly created for the nation that has the most medals at the end kf the games.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:03 pm

January 5543

Congress officially launches an impeachment proceedure against the presidency with the approval of the Constitutional Court: end of the slumber?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Shock waves have hit the shores of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation as the Congress of Free Representatives under the chairmanship of Darya Golzar, from the house of Stars, launched an official impeachment proceedure by triggering article 120-3 of the Aldegarian Federal Constitution against the current incumbent president Faramarz Shahzadi, from the Liberty United Party. The decision to oust the president came after Aldegar suffered 3 years of economic and social stagnation as the president tried multiple times to abolish the Utopian institutions created during the 5532 referendum held after the 2 year transitional period headed by the Masked Fools Society.

The election of president Faramarz Shahzadi itself was a very controversial one as it was recorded as the lowest turnout election ever as only 10% of the electorate actually voted, which included online and mail votes, the Liberty United Party ran on promises to abolish the Utopian system and fully privatize the economy even dismantling the welfare state that millions of Aldegarians use to secure themselves a dignified life. But, the president ignored that as he also forcefully handicapped both the federal government and regional authorities, leading to economic and social stagnation in the Federation and hurting the economy overall. As a response to the toxic policies of the administration and worsening atmosphere, all of the houses composing Congress passed on an emergency impeachment motion by triggering article 120-3 of the constitution, the proceedure was then taken to the Constitutional Court to review before they ultimately approved it as the actions of the president could be considered as "treason" and "betrayal of Utopian principles".

The only challenge left for the impeachment is for it to pass through the Council of Class Representatives, it's members composed from all classes, religions, ethnicities, and civil servants of Aldegarian society headed by its president who is also Premier Farzaneh Sehat, a member of the House of the Sickle and Hammer. The motion launched by Congress is also expected to pass through the Council as the Representatives themselves vetoed all the proceedures launched by the president and even helped Congress previously when aborting the "Freedoms Guarantees Act" that would've seen the current independent agency known as the Aldegarian High Agency for Human Rights get dismantled in favor of one under the direct controll of the presidency. Now Aldegar holds its breathe as the Council discusses the possibility of adopting the motion and holding snap general elections, but one thing is sure, president Faramarz days are numbered.
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