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Re: Jakania

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:12 pm

ImageJakanian football league prepares for first new season with expanded structure
Image2 April 4789

Football teams across the country are engaged in preparations for the 4789 Jakanian National League season, which commences at the end of the month. The new season will be the first to include eighteen teams following expansion plans announced at the end of 4786. Due to the expansion, teams from ten different cities across Jakania will compete in the upcoming edition of the Jakanian top division.

Plans to expand the number of teams from the previous fifteen were formalised following substantial investment from the Lievenian Trade Group (LTG). Based in Endralon but operating across the world, the LTG specialises in investment in sports and sought to expand into Majatra following a recent resurgence in interest in the sport across the continent.

With Deltaria and Vanuku both achieving World Cup victories in the past decade, revenues associated with the sport have risen despite mixed economic conditions restricting expansion in other parts of national and regional economies. The Jakanian Football Federation(CFF) has attempted to capitalise on this resurgent interest in a variety of different ways and the expansion of the top division is only the latest.

Beginning with the 4785 season, certain football matches were available to watch live through the streaming service evFilm, a decision which drew some controversy for the CFF. Football fans outside of Jakania are able to make use of this new viewing model too, with access to at least two games per game-week available in Deltaria, Istalia and Badara.

A key part of the recent changes to the operation of the National League has been to increase the level of competition among clubs. In line with this objective, television and sponsorship revenue models have been reformed to direct funds away from the traditionally dominant sides. In practical terms, this has already served to benefit teams like Bahçelerispor, who managed to finish in the top two for the first time in the club's history last season.
Imageİş Odaklari is a broadsheet newspaper published in Jakania focusing on business and economic affairs from a broadly liberal economic and political perspective
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Re: Jakania

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:43 pm

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ImageSafiye Aydin-Uysal elected Democratic Alliance leader following Eldemir Bal resignation
Image12 November 4790
The popular young Deputy Safiye Aydin-Uysal has been elected as the new leader of the Democratic Alliance, beating the seasoned former cabinet member Akozan Turkyilmaz. A ballot of the party membership was called following the party's poor performance in August's general election and a period of frustration at their failure to reconnect with voters in the five years since they entered opposition.

In an unprecedented result, the Democratic Party became the first party in forty five years from outside the two major parties to win the most legislative seats in a general election. At the same time the Alliance finished fourth behind the United Democratic Party and traditional rivals Birlik. In her leadership campaign, Aydin-Uysal emphasised the need for the party to emphasise their core values, repeatedly using the phrase, "the Alliance is for our nation and for our faith".

Despite being much younger and less experienced than her opponent, the Diyarıvakan-born politician established a comfortable lead over Turkyilmaz in the polls from almost as soon as the two were confirmed as the only candidates standing. Although he received the endorsement of several former cabinet colleagues, Turkyilmaz failed to win over party members, who were energised by the fresh face of Aydin-Uysal. In the end she won a massive 73.6% of votes cast in the election.

For outgoing leader Eldemir Bal, the leadership election marks a disappointing end to a seventeen-year stint as the leader of the Alliance. Despite significant political success during the early period of his leadership including the passage of the 4781 constitutional reforms and a relatively successful economic liberalisation programme, Bal's time as leader has been plagued by controversy.

As the son of former Alliance leader Yilma Bal, he has been repeatedly accused of benefiting from a "political dynasty" as well as being tough personality to work with. President Orhan Tüfekçi, in particular, has been highly critical of Bal, something that has prevented the two Ahmadi parties working together for many years.

ImageCumhuriyet is a broadsheet Jakanian newspaper covering a variety of topics including politics, economics, culture and sports from a left-wing political perspective
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Re: Jakania

Postby Pragma » Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:21 pm

Singer Asena Tiraz To Represent Jakania At FOMAT With Ethnic Track
20 December 4790

Internationally known singer Asena Tiraz has confirmed her participation at FOMAT-III on the behalf of Jakania. She will be performing "Okyanus", a track which blends both traditional and modern music. With traditional instrumentation and lyrics but modern production, "Okyanus" is a more traditional and ethnically-inspired track that its competition so far. Tiraz herself has made music in a wide variety of genres over a two-decade career including rock, pop, folk and techno. This time, however, she will be representing Jakania's music industry on the international stage with a current but distinctly Jakanian track.

The currently announced participants of FOMAT are Gao-Soto, Deltaria and Vascania though others are expected to announce their entries in the near future. Tiraz is known abroad for some of her international hits including "Canavar" and "Ne Munasebet", which charted across Majatra and in parts of Dovani. Her selection is a departure from Jakania's first entry, performed by well-respect singer-songwriter Aktay Demirkan. Demirkan failed to place highly in the contest, prompting a Jakanian abstention in the following contest and much anger in the Jakanian press. Now, however, Jakania is back and hoping to do much better.

Bardak is an arts and culture magazine published in all three Jakanian languages that covers a variety of subject matter from architecture and fine art to film and television
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Re: Jakania

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:10 pm

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ImageNew study reveals extent and impacts of Jakania's large informal economy
Image20 June 4792

A new study conducted by economists at the University of Yeşilsaray has attempted to shed a light on the size of the informal economy within Jakania and how it affects the national economy. Like other recently industrialised countries in the region, much of the Jakanian workforce operates within the informal sector (sometimes called the "shadow economy"), which refers to economic activity outside of the purview of government regulation.

Despite the name the informal economy need not refer to illegal activities like gambling or drug trafficking, though these are certainly one component. Informal economic activity includes parents who employ their children on a cash-in-hand basis or other relatively benign off-the-books employment. Even in these cases though, it has impacts for the wider economy because these employees don't pay tax on their earnings and may contribute to inflated unemployment figures.

In the Jakanian context the informal sector has caused other problems in the past, particularly in terms of the twin problems of clientelism and corruption that have plagued the national political system. The existence of significant economic activity that falls outside of government oversight makes it much more difficult to spot irregularities and political misconduct when they occur. In addition the lack of regulation leaves workers open to exploitation and a disproportionate number of women and immigrants are among those in the informal sector.

For this reason successive governments have attempted to reduce the scope of the sector with mixed success. Aside from the practical and financial problems involved with enacting stricter regulation, clamping down on the informal sector can be problematic even when it is achievable. Even though they cannot benefit from work safety regulations, for some workers jobs in the informal sector are the only opportunity for employment that they have. If these jobs disappear they risk relying on the welfare system or falling into poverty.
Imageİş Odaklari is a broadsheet newspaper published in Jakania focusing on business and economic affairs from a broadly liberal economic and political perspective
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Re: Jakania

Postby Pragma » Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:06 am

Asena Tiraz Wins FOMAT-III For Jakania
18 July 4792

Singer Asena Tiraz has won the FOMAT-III song contest, giving Jakania its first win at the festival of international music. Tiraz won with a score of 91 out of 100, beating the Yingdalan and Keymonese acts by a single point. Performed entirely in the Jakanian language, her song, Okyanus (Luthorian: 'Ocean') was an artful mix of traditional and modern sounds combined into a highly professional performance capable of wooing over the three judges and the crowd.

Former winner Madisyn Shakespeare described the song and singer thusly: "She's hot. I think the song hits hard too. Nice mix of the traditional sounds with the modern." Another judge remarked: "This Beat is pretty hard. It sounds great. Jakania has produced a top notch song." When the result was finally announced, the crowd went wild and Tiraz gave an emotional speech thanking her fans and inviting them to Jakania in five year's time.

The win is a major boon for both Asena Tiraz's personal career and the Jakanian music industry, with a number of Jakanian-language hits from Tiraz and other Jakanian singers hitting the charts internationally. Many on social media were quick to congratulate Tiraz on her victory and share Jakanian-language music they discovered before and after the contest. Tiraz has yet to announce her next steps, though she could be invited back to host in five years time. The venue of the next contest is also yet to be decided, though Mesul and Dokuz are the most likely host cities.

Bardak is an arts and culture magazine published in all three Jakanian languages that covers a variety of subject matter from architecture and fine art to film and television
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Re: CP: Tüfekçi strikes cabinet deal with opposition

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:41 am

ImageAlliance Deputy Erker Kahraman expelled from party over series of offensive remarks
Image22 August 4792

NOTE: The following article contains crude comments of a sexual nature that some may find offensive or uncomfortable.

Safiye Aydin-Uysal, the leader of the Alliance, has expelled Deputy Erker Kahraman from the party in response to comments that were revealed over the weekend. The remarks emerged from undercover footage captured by Cumhuriyet reporter Korkut Boztepe. Kahraman believed that he was dining with an associate of Kalopian-Jakanian businessman Andreas Kormoglou, an outspoken figure also known for his controversial comments.

Throughout the course of the dinner, the Alliance Deputy made a series of comments about the appearance of the waitress serving the two men, including asking her directly "how much did [her breasts] cost?". Later in the evening he launched into an extended tirade about "political correctness" and claimed that "believing in Akim has been outlawed in this country". When Boztepe pushed him to expand on his views, he began describing a complex conspiracy perpetrated by "Yeudis and Jelbies".

Towards the end of the dinner, Kahraman moved on to talking about the Jakanian government and President Orhan Tüfekçi, who he referred to as a "cuck who takes it in the ass" before telling the same waitress that she was "lucky he isn't in this place right now because [she] wouldn't be able to get away quick enough". Later in the conversation he again implied that Tüfekçi was involved in sexual misconduct by asking "where in the Book of Bliss does it say you can have sex with little boys?".

Kahraman has garnered a reputation throughout his career as an conservative bulwark within the party on social issues but a fierce critic of Birlik. Safiye Aydin-Uysal has reportedly clashed with him on a number of occasions in recent months over her desire to bring the two Ahmadi parties closer together. In a short statement to the press following his expulsion he said he was "sorry if anybody had been offended by [his] comments" but added that he would "never stop revealing the hidden truths" and would not "allow the media cabal to silence" him.

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Re: Jakania

Postby Pragma » Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:07 pm

Image'KaTo' Alliance Set To Enter Government After Torrid Formation
Image16 November 4792

The Union and Community list has likely secured itself a spot in government after backing the winning horse in the presidential race and reaching 54 seats in the Assembly. The 'KaTo' alliance fronted its own presidential candidate in the first round, but in a race between the right and the left the group put its lot in with the BDP's Mirac Çavdarlı. Now, the two parties combined have a majority of ten over the two traditional parties. This creates a situation in which neither of the established parties may have power at a national level, allowing the KaTo+BDP coalition to begin a process of socialisation and secularism.

The group began as a merger of Kardelen Kazak's Progress and two high-profile breakaways. Orkide Onal, the original founder of the ever-changing movement, broke away at the start of the year to found 'New Compromise', a revival of her original vision for the party. Odul Sen, a prominent left-winger in the party, created his own party called the 'Odul Sen Alliance'. Neither gained much traction and as all three struggled in the polls, Kardelen Kazak and other Progress party officials began talks to reunify the party. The result was a complicated, broadly social democratic and lightly populist group to be led by a lesser-known member of the Progress party machine - Saglam Aytac. The name, 'Union and Community' paid homage to the names of all three parties but was also a pointed jab at would-be splinterers. Onal was given the honour of fronting the party's presidential bid.

After decades of rebrands, leadership spills and internal turmoil, Kazak seems upbeat about the party's future. Though she had to surrender the party's leadership to reunite it, the risk of the centrist Onalists splitting off is now curtailed. The Senist left-wingers are also contented with new positions of power within the party apparatus, though Kazak's allies remain the true 'power behind the throne'. If the party can maintain unity and coherence, the group could return to political success. Alternatively, the party could continue to be an unstable sideshow to the three 'big' parties.

ImageDokuz Haberler is a broadsheet Jakanian newspaper covering current affairs from a non-partisan perspective
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Re: Jakania

Postby Pragma » Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:17 pm

FOMAT-IV Plans Announced
30 July 4793

The Jakanian broadcaster CTR has announced its plans to produce the fourth edition of the FOMAT song contest. To be hosted in the Sarp Exhibition Centre in Mesul, the contest will be open to all nations in Terra. Hosted by Jakanian presenter Ms. Aya Firat and FOMAT-III winner Asena Tiraz, the runtime will be dependent on the quantity of songs recieved. The event will be a potential attraction for tourists and international press attention, so CTR will be working with local business - particularly hotels - ensure that visitors are aptly accomodated.

The fourth edition of the show will also involve a new voting system with a professional jury made up of three judges and a public vote for all competing nations. Judges will score each act out of 20 points. A number of points equal to the total given out by the jury will then be shared out to best reflect the combined, international televote. Expectations are that the usual competitors will join again, though CTR will be actively working to get new countries involved in the process. The target is ten entries, though CTR would 'be more than happy' to have that number exceeded.

Submissions are welcomed at any point before the 10 July 4797 deadline from any nation. There are however, a few regulations on the songs. Songs cannot be longer than five minutes or shorter than 90 seconds. They can also not contain any nudity or other obscenity in either presentation or lyrics. Contestants are also expected to maintain a professional composure and avoid political statements or controversy. This may partially be a measure to reassure conservative Jakanians that the event will not degrade the high standards set for public behaviour, particularly among women.

Bardak is an arts and culture magazine published in all three Jakanian languages that covers a variety of subject matter from architecture and fine art to film and television
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Re: Jakania

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:16 pm

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Re: Jakania

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:10 pm

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