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Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:01 pm
by jamescfm

     Gaekwad Solar set to receive Vascanian government support
     3 July 5462

Khond-based firm Gaekwad Solar is set to become the first producer of solar technology to receive financial support from the Vascanian government. Headquartered in Vatapor, the firm has emerged as the largest producer of renewable technology in the country over the past decade. For many years, the Vascanian economy has been centred around the oil and gas industry. The decision to offer financial support to the solar energy industry marks a notable shift in the government’s priorities.

Since its foundation over 35 years ago, Gaekwad Solar has focused on designing and producing solar panels for the domestic Vascanian market. The government’s financial support aims to allow the firm to expand into the international market, as well as fund research and development into new solar technology. Renewable energy is not widespread throughout most of Dovani and the firm have identified this as a major opportunity for growth.

Earlier today, Senapati Yasvanth Bhanushan delivered a speech at a Gaekwad Solar plant. In the speech, he emphasised the opportunities presented by the renewable energy industry and dismissed suggestions that it represented a threat to the nation’s oil and gas industry. As well as boosting the manufacturing secto, the firm’s growth has created well-paid jobs in the state.

Bhanushan’s policy on renewable energy has been a subject of discussion for some time. The senapati’s proximity to the oil and gas industry led to an assumption that he would not embrace solar technology. As part of a broader plan to reorient the national economy though, the support for Gaekwad Solar marks the beginning of a different approach. According to reports, the new policy has been championed by the senapati’s eldest son Dharakeshvar.

     The Kayal Journal is a newspaper based in Kayal Island focusing on business, culture and technology news

Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:32 pm
by jamescfm

     Senapati Yasvanth Bhanushan dies aged 88
     30 January 5465

Senapati Yasvanth Bhanushan has died aged 88 following a short illness. In a public statement earlier this morning, the Vascanian government announced the senapati had passed away peacefully with his close family at his side. In a statement released shortly afterwards on behalf of the late senapati’s family, his eldest son Dharakeshvar expressed his thanks to the Vascanian public for their messages of support and requested privacy for his family.

Bhanushan was appointed senapati shortly after the death of his predecessor and mentor Vinay Talavalakar. In the 21 years that he served in the role, he oversaw a period of economic growth and societal change. Bhanushan built upon the economic and social reforms implemented by Talavalakar to re-establish Vascania as the most important economic and political power in the region. At the same time, his policies lifted millions of people out of poverty by creating well-paying jobs in all states across the country.

     Vascania·News is a Vascanian public news service produced by the Vascanian Broadcast Union

Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:50 am
by jamescfm

     Bhanushan Dharakeshvar consolidates power through corruption crackdown
     17 Februrary 5465

Bhanushan Dharakeshvar, the eldest son of the late Yasvanth Bhanushan, has moved to secure his position with a crackdown on “corrupt officials”. Dharakeshvar has become the country’s acting political leader following the death of his father last month. Though he has not formally been appointed as senapati, he has assumed many of the duties of the role. In recent days, several prominent military and political figures have signalled their public support for him.

Dharakeshvar’s consolidation of power accelerated this morning. In the early hours, 68 people were arrested as part of an alleged crackdown on political corruption. Most are state or national politicians perceived to be rivals to Dharakeshvar, while a smaller number are business leaders.

The death of Bhanushan last month created an internal struggle at the top of the country’s authoritarian military regime. Despite a number of health problems in the last eighteen months of his life, the late senapati never designated a clear successor. With the increasing prominence of his eldest son in public life, many assumed Dharakeshvar would succeed him. Like his late father though, Dharakeshvar is viewed with suspicion by many prominent business leaders in Vascania.

Business leaders, especially those in the important oil and teas industries, have historically wielded immense influence over Vascanian politics. The military’s dominance of governance has frustrated many powerful, well-connected families since the 5421 coup. Tackling corruption has been used as a means to reduce their influence in recent decades. With the latest series of arrests, the military’s control over the Vascanian government appears secure.

     The Kamalata Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper, originally based in Kamalata but now printed in exile from Luthori, with international circulation

Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:31 pm
by Pragma

     Naval Officer Vrateyu Ritavac elected as Sardar (regional leader) of Surasa
     10 January 5469

Naval Officer Vrateyu Ritavac has won in a landslide election to become the leader of the state of Surasa, known natively as the Sardar. Ritavac, running as a pro-government independent, achieved 72% of the vote after campaigning on his loyalty and dedication to Vascania's military and the Senapati. Ritavac hit the headlines several years ago for his daring and bravery in a fight with pirates near the coast of Kalam Nadu. The officer personally fought off three Pilese pirates who attempted to board his small bought, receiving a medal from his Admiral for his courageous display.

Ritavac used his acceptance speech to personally thank the Senapati for his "supreme wisdom" and pledge his close cooperation with the government in Kamalata. The margin of his victory signifies a crushing victory over 73-year-old retired solicitor Udhajit Subhanu, who finished second with 18% of the vote after running on a pro-business platform. Another rival, student organiser Kapila Dattadevi, was barred from running and arrested after posts on social media were uncovered in which she described the Senapati as a "dictator" and insulted a number of prominent local monks.

The position of Sardar was created to replace the position of First Minister as head of each of Vascania's devolved states. Unlike a First Minister, a Sardar has supreme authority over the state legislature and is elected from candidates hand-chosen by the Senapati and approved by the Emperor. This allows only the highest-quality candidates to prevail, with the Senapati often presenting proven and well-respected military officers to the electorate.

     The Audheyi Gazette is a daily newspaper covering local events in the state of Surasa, Vascania.

Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:08 pm
by jamescfm

     Vascanian tourism sector grows despite ethical concerns
     17 December 5476

Vascania’s tourism sector achieved a record-breaking year in 5476. In the past twelve months, the number of foreign visitors to the country increased by 8 per cent compared to the previous period. In financial terms, the sector accounted for over 5 per cent of Vascanian gross domestic product, the highest proportion for over two centuries. The growth of the country’s tourism sector has been a key objective of Senapati Bhanushan Dharakeshvar over the past decade.

The government’s international Visit Vascania campaign has been a central component of the senapati’s economic strategy. The principal objective of the campaign has been to expand and diversify the tourism sector within the country. In the past, foreign visitors to Vascania were attracted to the country’s ancient religious and cultural sites. Through the international publicity campaign, the Vascanian government hoped to attract visitors to different parts of the country’s historical and environmental heritage.

A particular focus of the campaign was so-called “ecotourism”. In an attempt to attract environmentally-minded tourists from highly developed countries such as Lourenne and Yingdala, the campaign emphasised how “nature holidays” help protect Vascania’s flora and fauna by providing valuable revenue for local governments. Vascania has been identified as a megadiverse country, in recognition of the country’s almost unparalleled level of biodiversity.

Despite the efforts of the Vascanian government, the campaign has been fiercely criticised by conservation organisations and human rights defenders. Tropica-based environmental group Terra Action described it as “greenwashing propaganda” and pointed to the Vascanian government’s abysmal record on environmental issues and financial support for the oil and gas industry. Human rights organisations have highlighted the government’s attitude to political opposition too. According to a recent report, the country was ranked in last place in the world when comparing the level of political freedom.

     The Kamalata Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper, originally based in Kamalata but now printed in exile from Luthori, with international circulation

Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2024 1:57 pm
by Pragma

     Kapila Dattadevi free after 9 years in prison
     20 December 5478

Former student activist Kapila Dattadevi has been freed from prison, 9 years after her conviction for comments she made about the Senapati. She has been issued a post-incarceral injuction to avoid commenting on the Senapati and other political matters for a further 18 months by the Surasa High Court. Some supporters of Dattadevi appeared outside Audheyi Women's Prison to welcome her release, despite police advice not to 'create a scene'. The crowd was subsequently dispersed by police as Dattadevi was escorted to a car.

Prior to her arrest, Dattadevi had attempted to run for the office of Sardar, the regional leader of a state, in Surasa. She had achieved some support from anti-government activists in urban areas and on university campuses, but her support among the wider public was limited. Despite her low profile within the state, her fate became a cause célèbre in liberal circles and the Vascanian diaspora - where some viewed her as a 'political prisoner' and a 'free-speech martyr'.

Her injunction will prevent her from running in the upcoming election for Sardar, which is once again being contested by the incumbent Vrateyu Ritavac.

     The Audheyi Gazette is a daily newspaper covering local events in the state of Surasa, Vascania.

Re: Vascania

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:58 am
by Robert F. Kennedy