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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:06 am


September 12th 5394

Dolgava's History has had a long and checkered past. From the migration of the Dolgars to Dorvish colonization to Luthorian colonization to the formation of the Dolgavan Empire and so much more. What has stumped historians for years is "What happened to the original Royal House of Dolgava?" To find out lets go through what we know.

The early history of Dolgava is filled with many holes and lots of intrigue but historians know much of what happened. In the 8th Century CE the Dolgarian peninsula was war torn and divided. It was conquered by raids by bands of Skjöld vikings from Telamon which disrupted and destroyed much of what we know about this period. Dolgava was subjugated and abused by these Viking lords putting Dolgavans against each other and filling the whole of Karzon and many the other modern day provinces with death and violence. Their descendants would later leave much of the country and settle down near Noversk in Lirath, with some settling in Karzon Valley as well.

This violence and destruction brought the Dolgarian nobility to take action. Vītauts, Grand Duke of Hodari was the one that took the most action and brought it upon himself to unite all of Dolgava to fight back against the Viking lords. He would send diplomats to the court of Visvaldis of Karzonia who had done nothing during this conflict as the Viking raiders had not touched his Kingdom. He would be placed in charge of a renewed alliance of Dolgar States fighting against the Viking lords. He however would be killed in the Battle of Vieškile. The nobility would elect the next Dolgar leader who was Vītauts, Grand Duke of Hodari, and the Duke of Kurgodus. He would found an official defensive confederation known as the first Dolgavan State. The Confederation would be known as the Dolgarian Commonwealth and would drive out the Viking raiders as they would continue to go to modern day Kazulia. Vītauts is considered to be the first Dolgavan King and would put his house, the House of Aikums-Hodari as the first noble house to rule a unified Dolgava.

With the fall of the Dolgarian Commonwealth in the 1700's so would the rule of the House of Aikums-Hodari. They would continue to play an important role in internal politics but would not lead a unified Dolgava again.

With that many historians say is the end of the House of Akiums-Hodari. However what has continued to stump Historians is we have much of the records and crown jewels of this extinct Royal Family and several prominent Royal Families trace their lineage unofficially to this original house. If the modern day descendants were found they would be entitled to many rights and several palaces as well as riches and money.

This is where the work of Dr. Modestas Kasperavicius at the University of Aikums is vital. He believes that the family is still out there somewhere. In an interview he gave with the DBC he said

I've been searching through many ancient archives to discover what may have happened and I have been able to trace the House of Aikums-Hodari further than anyone else has been able to. My crew and I still have a long ways to go but I do believe we can find the true heir to the House. I've been searching through many places including the Abbey here in Aikums, the Library of the Abbey of St. Benedictus here is one of the most complete ancient histories of that era. You see the Vikings refused to enter the holy places and so we have a record of that time. The House of Aikums-Hodari continued to live in their castle which is now in ruins outside of Aikums but we have records from adjacent castles noting who was living there and we have found the some documents tracking the lineage to 2888 when the Communists took over and destroyed the old castle. Dietpirch is the last recorded member of the family before the records were lost to the damn Communists. I am hopeful we are able to find it, we have census data that I will be searching through soon from Dolgava that will hopefully get to the bottom of this. I hope we will be able to find the family descendants soon!

Old Residence of the House of Aikums-Hodari destroyed by the Communists in 2888

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:48 am


May 2nd 5395

The Kingdom of Dolgava and Malivian People's Federation of Councils have struck a deal where the two states will collaborate on the building of a new port facility in Malivia. The deal is comprehensive and will give Malivia a state of the art Civilian and Military Naval base to help Malivia get a port and be able to protect its own interests and sovereignty better. Malivia has long been tired of foreign navies off their coasts and in Migrants Pass, this area has become a hub of activity from multiple navies. Malivia and Dolgava share common territory where foreign navies keep sailing off their coasts and like Dolgava, Malivia has asked Dolgava to help with the building of a new port that will help the two countries come closer to each other as well as provide a place where Dolgavan ship can dock and take on fuel/supplies as apart of the deal.

Experts including those that are working on the Troll Mountain project will work with Malivia to construct this new base. They will advise and help Malivian soldiers and engineers build the base, providing tips and techniques as well as assisting in the project. Malivia will pay for the entire project but both countries will work to build it.

Dolgava will receive port access for warships to dock and resupply/refuel. This will provide Dolgavan ships with a good place to refuel when traversing through the Southern Hemisphere or Artania however with basing rights in Dorvik and Hutori already however this would give Dolgavan warships unprecedented access to the strategically important Migrants Pass. Our naval corespondent Hans Berkenfeld put it like this,

We have seen clashes from alliances and factions in this strategic pass for decades at this point, with our new friendship in Malivia it will see to it that Dolgava not only helps out a state clearly frustrated by encroaching foreign powers but gives Dolgavans access to this highly strategic sea zone. For both sides it is a major win-win.

Some have mentioned this as retaliation to Luthori for their current stationing of ships in Likatonia and that both sides now have the capability of parking their fleets near to each other at a moments notice Berkenfeld said

Well this doesn't have anything to do with this. Currently there are not plans to station Dolgavan ships there but this does give us the capability to put pressure on Luthori in the future and to defend Malivia from Luthorian aggression.

The port will be leased out for Dolgavan ships for 100 years at which the contract for the use by Dolgavan ships will have to be renewed. The Malivian government has also requested that a contingency of Dolgavan troops be stationed at the base and Dolgava has obliged sending 100 special forces for permanent deployment in working with Malivian troops to defend the site. Dolgavan involvement will increase as their navy and military capability also increases which will lead to more troop and naval deployments to the are in the future.

For Dolgava this marks the beginning of a good friendship with Malivia a nation dealing with similar problems as Dolgava. The two are trying to rebuild after isolationist government took everything away and now they are being bullied by foreign powers, however the alliance between the two has seen strength through friendship triumph over backyard bullies.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:57 am


Living Descendant of the House of Aikums-Hodari Discovered by Genealogy and DNA Testing

Willi Rühl the Long Lost Heir to the Ancient House of Aikums-Hodari

September 2nd 5395

Genealogists and Historians have discovered the long lost Descendant of the Ancient House of Aikums-Hodari. It was discovered that Social Worker Willi Rühl is the next heir to the ancient house. This comes as genealogists and historians have searched through census data and documents that say that the Aikums-Hodari House turned into the House of Rühlingheim which became the Rühl family. The family has been a aristocratic and business family in Hodari for many years.

The Dolgavan Royal Family has announced that Willi Rühl will be given the historic titles related to the House of Aikums-Hodari and be given the titles of the Count of Aikums and the Duke of Hodari, with King Franz Georg lV giving the title of Duke of Hodari. The ceremony will take place at a private event at the St. Olaf Cathedral in Aikums which will not be public. The House of Aikums-Hodari will also receive their traditional residence the Castle of Aikums which is located in the foothills near the capital. It is not clear if the castle will be restored but the ownership will be transferred to the Duke of Hodari.

The House of Aikums-Hodari will not have any political power just a ceremonial position that will be held as an official Royal title with the family now officially recognized.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:20 am


September 28th 5395

Dolgava has announced the cutting of ties with the Holy Luthorian Empire in a move that is not surprising. Tensions between Dolgava and Luthori have escalated rapidly after Luthori stationed ships in Likatonia that will certainly disrupt trade and the peace of Keris and the entire region. This has increasingly became a situation where either side would not yield and recent travel advisories have led to relations being strained even more so. Now Dolgava has taken the next step and they have fully cut ties with Luthori. In a speech to Parliament the Prime Minister Kerolaina Birziņa announced it to not only Dolgavans but to the world.

I have ordered all Dolgavan diplomatic missions in Luthori to be retracted. We will be cutting ties with Luthori immediately and we ask that all Dolgavans living in Luthori to please return home, we cannot continue to let Luthori bully us and bully the world. We do not accept the Luthorian Imperialism and we will fight the Luthori led corrupt global order until nations will not have to fear being infiltrated and abused by Luthori. The tide is changing, Luthori loves to puff out its chest but tonight we are changing things here in Keris and soon around the world. Luthori must be held accountable!

Dolgava will be also increasing its defenses on the Southern Coast and making sure that no conflict occurs from this action. Most of Dolgava's trade has been to nations that surround Luthori but trade between the two nations has been minimal. This will certainly change the situation for Dolgava in Artania but Dolgava has several allies in the region as well as their best allies in Dorvik and Hutori. For Dolgava they are standing their ground against Luthorian Imperialism and ensuring that Dolgava is not bullied by Luthori moving forward.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:22 am


April 12th 5396

Dolgava will be starting comprehensive military exercises with the Kingdom of Hutori as apart of their fruitful and close alliance. The Dolgavan Army has sent 3 divisions, two armored/motorized divisions and one Infantry division to do drills such as mountain warfare, snow warfare as well as operating as a spearhead in front of a large army group. These divisions are considered some of the best in the Dolgavan Army and makeup the front line troops that will either defend Dolgava or do attacks abroad. The trip itself to Makon will test the Dolgavan Army and Navy cooperation especially with moving large Dolgavan troop formations overseas. Once landed in Hutori they will collaborate and work with the Hutorian Armed forces to carry out multiple field drills as well close cooperation and joint military planning between the two countries.

The exercises will last several months and taking place across many terrains and in the late spring and summer which is different from the exercises that took place in the winter that Dolgavan special forces participated in. This exercise will ensure that the Dolgavan main battle ready divisions are ready and on the top of their game.

Dolgava and Hutori have strengthened ties back to their original ties that they had back in the Northern Council days. Dolgava is quickly rose as a new player in Keris while Hutori has begun to grow in power in Makon. Dolgava-Hutori relations have become extremely close with some analysts pointing to a second Northern Council type alliance that will surely change the balance of power in the North. Dolgava, Hutori and Dorvik have long very close in the past and in the present it seems the friendship between the three countries has come back.

Hutori's last military drills led to other states across Terra doing the same with many states clearly either threatened or trying to one up what Hutori and other northern nations are doing right. Dolgava has been recently dealing with increase aggression from the Holy Luthorian Empire and its doing what it can to ready it's own army for anything that might come Dolgava's way. Recently the Dolgavan Foreign Minister has relayed the fact that Dolgava has a strong friendship of several states across Terra with some like Dorvik and Hutori being some of Dolgava's closest friends.

The Foreign Minister made a statement about recent events saying

Dolgava has long been blessed with allies that we can trust and work with no matter what tenuous situations may befall us. I am confident our northern allies have our back in this tensions and frankly our close cooperation with them is just proof of this. Dolgava has a long connection with the people of Dorvik and Hutori, we have gone to war together, we have made peace and prosperity in the North and we have fought for freedom and against tyranny in the region for many years. Statements made by Alduria and others have really been an insult to the Dolgavan people. We Dolgavans do not trust Communist states at al but that is beyond the point. Right now Dolgava is ensuring that we surround ourselves with like minded states, ones that do not take advantage of others and one that promote security and peace in the North. We are happy with the allies we have in the region and we are glad to work with them.

The Dolgavan Military has announced that it will also be sending much of its military to do training with Hutori over the next few years as a means to continue good military practices and to ready the Dolgavan Armed Forces as well as getting proficient at working with their allies. With much of the world changing and changing fast it is clear that Dolgava is on the road to a good, bright future.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:33 pm


February 1st 5397

Kerolaina Birziņa is out as Prime Minister, this comes as the Dolgavan Conservative Party remains divided the party between the Reactionary Branch controlled by the Birzina and the Royalist Branch which is lead by the former Mayor of Aikums and new Prime Minister Kornelijs Braun. Braun is apart of the Braun political family and descendant of former Prime Minister Kasper Braun. An internal party vote concluded that Brizina did not have confidence of the party anymore. The Prime Minister has come under increased pressure from royalists on the Governments position to cut ties with Luthori which many inside Dolgava do not see badly at all. Brizina was extremely pro-Trigunian and against any nation coming within the vicinity of Dolgava. Normilization of relations with Luthori is not this easy however with many inside Dolgava infuriated by their move to increase Luthorian ship presence inside of Likatonia after tensions were already high. Even Braun at the time called the move "careless and reckless" by Luthori. Many inside the Government are extremely angry at Luthori along with the new Prime Minister so this will certainly lead to a stall in the normalization of relations.

Braun has called for an increase of peace and less of the edgy foreign policy taken by the Reactionary Faction. Some inside of the Royalist Camp believe the monarch should be given more power and Braun and his allies in Parliament are close not only to the King but especially to the Crown Princess. The Crown Princess had to cancel her international goodwill tour but she will be resuming in a matter of months to finish off by going to Majatra and Dovani. Braun has deep ties with the Royal Family and will certainly be a very powerful ally of the Royal Family for years to come.

Braun is the youngest Prime Minister in Dolgava's history being 37 years old now when he took power. His first speech following the party coup was clear in his intentions he has called for a new youthful and progressive (by Dolgava's standards) future for Dolgava.

My Friends and Citizens,

I am deeply honored today to stand where my family stood many years ago as the next Prime Minister of this great country. Today we stand at a good position but one of uncertainty, as most of Terra can agree. Recent months and years have seen many changes, however today I stand before you with a mandate and a willingness to not only change Dolgava even further but to make us better than we have ever been. It is time that we show growing power not through conflict but through peace. We have a long ways to go to achieve this goal, it will not be a easy or quick process but it is one that I believe God willing we will be able to do.

I will not abandon the many things that make our country great. I stand fully committed to not only advancing our military but I will increase funding from the national budget to ensure that we are safe, secure and free. I also stand for a new energy policy which will advance the safe and highly powerful Nuclear Power. Under my government we will encourage Nuclear Power across Dolgava to make sure we have power for years and years to come. These changes will make us a better nation. We have a long and proud history and our unity and freedom is what makes us truly standout from the many nations of this world. Friends we are united under one banner no matter what ethnicity, what creed, what religious beliefs, we all are Dolgavans and my Government will never forget where and what we are.

We are a shining beacon of the free world its time that we start acting like one. We see war torn states in the world and their citizens oppressed, abused and even killed. It will be the policy of my government to ensure that the Democratic Process not only survives in the many nations across Terra but thrives. We will go against those who violate and abuse human rights, we will work with the many countries of Terra to ensure that peace and stability are maintained and we will continue to work with our friends, allies and trade partners to ensure that the North is safe and secure from any hostile state. I remain committed to our friends in Dorvik, Trigunia and Hutori, as well as Dundorf, Kundarati, Lourenne and Malivia and I look forward to increasing our ties with each of them. I also look forward to making new friends across the globe. Let this warning be for any state that abuses human rights or the freedoms and liberties we support in full. WE will not tolerate anyone abusing human rights across the globe. Swift action must be taken for states that do this. For those who abuse the rights of the our fellow man must be stopped.

Finally let us remember what makes Dolgava what it is. Our great King leads us and protects our freedom, liberty and stability. He is the protector of Dolgavan democracy and my Government stands committed to the Royal Family and our King as well as the lovely Crown Princess. It is my hope that they will be good ambassadors of peace across the globe and that we can show the world the best of our country.

Thank You Everyone for Listening to me and God Bless Dolgava

Thank You

His speech was broadcast on the DBC as well as private news channels. The former Prime Minister made a statement also thanking the Dolgavan people for their support of her government and she announced that she would be resigning from the office of Prime Minister and now fully supports Prime Minister Braun.

Braun's tenure is only hours old but this is certainly going to be a moment we will remember for generations years to come. What happens in Braun's tenure has yet to take place but you cannot escape a feeling of hope and change that is taking place inside of Dolgava. His passion and energy as well as his popular youthfulness have proven to be a winning combination has he has taken the Conservatives and the country by storm.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:11 am


April 5th 5397

The King of Dolgava Franz Georg lV has been sent to bed rest following an incident at the Royal Palace. The King who is 69 about to turn 70 years old was brought to St. Olaf's hospital where doctors diagnosed him with dementia. For now the King will be on bedrest and his official duties have been canceled to only the most essential of events only. Reports from insiders into the Royal Family have told us that the Crown Princess has repeatedly taken more and more duties onto herself with her taking more and more roles upon herself.

The King will be taking a step back from his duties according to the Royal Palace in a statement the Royal Palace called for Prayers and well wishes to the Dolgavan King

The King of Dolgava Franz Georg lV has been diagnosed with Dementia. The King otherwise is in good health and in good spirits however, we request that you give the Royal Family and the King privacy during this time of struggle for the King. The King was diagnosed after a fall he sustained, doctors at St. Olaf's hospital in Aikums diagnosed him with this disease.

Crown Princess Helvig has been recalled from her international trip to speak with the King and his advisors on what the next step/steps may or may not be. We would like to apoligize to those countries she missed and she will return to visit those countries soon.

God Save the King!

Experts say that that Crown Princess Helvig could soon become Queen if the King resigns which at this point seems likely. Helvig is 23 and was just married to her Husband, Dolgavan businessman Franz Bodenheimer. She has shown she is more than capable to lead the country as she has been an excellent diplomat for Dolgavan peace across Terra. However during this time she will need to quickly learn many more duties something that is sure to bring stress to the young Crown Princess...

During this time we wish the Royal Family and the King especially our best wishes and we hope that he finds peace during this time.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Malivia's New Port

Postby mrcricketer » Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:25 pm

Malivia to build new port near Dusanpur coastline. New port to be will be also known as Franz Georg lV Port ( named in honour of The Royal/ King of Dolgava Franz Georg IV
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:37 am


The King has Abdicated, Long Live the Queen

Her Royal and Most Beautiful Majesty Helvig l, Queen of Dolgava

September 3rd 5397

King Franz Georg lV has abdicated his place on the Dolgavan throne and his daughter, Crown Princess and now Queen Helvig has taken the throne. Franz Georg lV abdicated the throne after coming to the realization that he was unfit to serve his country anymore. The King gave a speech that was broadcast across the country and on the DBC in which he said the following

My Dear Friends and Countrymen,

My journey with the terrible disease of Dementia has just begun however it has become abundantly clear that I cannot continue to serve you the people of Dolgava in this roll. After much thinking and praying I have come to the decision that I must abdicate the throne. I may leave you but my Daughter Helvig is more than able to serve this country as Queen but she is will do more than what is nessisary to as her duties as Queen. I thank you dear people of Dolgava for your support of me and my family and I hope the new Queen will continue the work that I have done.

Thank You and God Bless Dolgava, Long Live Queen Helvg!

Queen Helvig and her husband who has taken the name Prince Justinian which is a nod to the former Augustinian Empire and his strong Terran Patriachal Church Faith. Helvig is a Luthorian Church member.
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby TRA » Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:50 am

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