April 2nd 5398
Prime Minister of Dolgava Kornelijs Braun along with the Dolgavan Government has become increasingly concerned with the recent incursions of Southern military powers in what has long been considered the "North". In centuries gone by the north has been incurred upon by Southern nations to which the North has repeatedly rose up to defend itself. Alliances such as the Northern Council have repeatedly ensured that the North is protected from radical imperialism from southern powers. Recently the Dolgavan Government has become increasingly worried with southern nations especially in Majatra pushing their spheres of influence further and further north. This is causing an increase of tensions that have grown more and more prevalent in the North.
Recently Malivia has now seemingly flipped from being a supporter of Dorvik to now being in Beiteynu's bloc. Dolgavan troops will remain in Malivia however they are only to fill out Dolgava's commitment to defense of the Franz Georg port. It has seems that the tentacles of the Beiteynu influence apparatus has seemingly tried to get most of the world under their sphere and control. These nations increasingly are creating instability in the north and causing several nations to become worried. The Prime Minister reportedly is talking with Dolgava's allies and sharing the concerns of his government. In an interview to a local paper Braun said,
It is clear that we need to re-evaluate our position in the North and the current increase of infiltration by certain powers in Southern Terra. My Government is committed to ensuring that the North is not trampled or messed with by foreign powers to the south and that we do not become the playground for Majatra's attempt at a world order. We are still talking with our allies but it is my hope that we organize soon for the sake of peace in the North.
The Prime Minister as apart of his foreign policy goals is aligning Dolgava once again with it's historical allies and pushing for the North to once again unite to stop growing aggression to the south. This has been Dolgavan foreign policy for many centuries up until recently but now it is back in Dolgava's conscientiousness.
The Dolgavan Broadcasting Company is funded in whole by the Dolgavan government