
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Hugh Green » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:09 pm

185th National Social Congress brings change

The Congress was opened by President of the Congress and recently re-elected President of Cobura, Michael D. Higgins. In his speech, President Higgins congratulated the party on its election results, and urged the new larger parliamentary party to work with the government of Helena Lazareva. Earlier in the year, Higgins announced that he would resign as President of Congress, and chose his opening address to further say that he will not be seeking a third term as President of Cobura. This news, though rumoured about for months, was greeted emotionally by Congress.

Enda Cosgrave, former Prime Minister of Cobura, was given a standing ovation for the performance in last year's general election, which saw the Social Congress increase their seat share by 38. He was unopposed in his re-election bid for Vice-President in charge of political representation, and will serve at least until after the next election. Cosgrave promised to put the Social Congress back into government after the next election.

Mary Hyde beat two opponents to replace Higgins as Congress President, and will be the Presidential Candidate in 3228 or sooner.
Active Party: FinEgaDef Kaj (FinEquaDef Platform), Republic of Cobura

Inactive Parties:
Front Rawlsienne, Lourenne
Social Congress, Republic of Cobura
Hugh Green
Posts: 186
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:10 pm

Press release by leadership of the Party for Individualism

The statement of Mr. Franlow once more showed us, that this party under this man is unable to face a true competition. It saddens the PfI deeply to see Coburan elections being discreditet by such actions. To shift fault on the Party for Individualism now, is not only unfair, but also coward.
The leadership of the PfI has now delivered the evidence, containing among others, testimonies and notes regarding secret arrangments to the Ministry of Justice. Shall the courts decied upon this matter.
At last we urge Mr. Franlow to step down in order to avoid further political damage to the Coburan political system and in order to keep the newly set up coalition working

Alexander Svindal
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:43 pm

Investigations starting in Cobura

After the accusations made by the leadership of the Party for Individualism against their coalition partner, the News People Party and their leader Robert Franlow, the Ministry for Justice under Chris Clarkson (PfI) gave the following statement:

We have extensively sighted the delivered evidence. After long discussions and debates in our ministry and consulting the Supreme Court, we have decided to open investigation against Robert Franlow and the leadership of the New Peoples Party.
The signs are valid and convincing, we are confident to solving this case very soon.

Following this statement, the responsible judge gave the instruction to investigate in the NPP leadership. The NPP is called to cooperate with the state authorities to establish final clarity. Otherwise stricter actions and sanctions might be taken. The investigation shall clear up, whether the evidence is true or the documents delivered by the PfI are false.
According to a speaker of the Justice-Ministry it will be within a few days that first investigation-results will come in.
We stay tuned and the coburan people will be informed as soon as new developments are to happen.
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:50 pm

Nova Roma Bulletin
The People's Paper

Do the Liberals want tyranny?

Enda Cosgrave of the Social Congress – long the enemy of the People – has taken the meaning of "vicious" to new heights. She has called for a vote of no confidence in the People's Representatives, in an underhanded attempt to oust the New People's Party from the cabinet. Not content to simply state their unfounded "doubts" about Robert Franlow's character, the Individualists took this opportunity to offensively attack Franlow, insisting that he resign. The fact that Mr. Franlow is the only person standing between Cobura and desolation apparently doesn't mean anything. We at the Nova Roma Bulletin ask if this is the true agenda of the Liberals. Do they want tyranny? Do they want a Cobura where the People's Voice does not matter, where the Social Congress can brutally dictate its demands? We are greatly saddened that this is so. Life is not all bad, however – we may be thankful that the Liberals have taken this opportunity to show their true colors, to demonstrate their moral cowardice to the People. We can be thankful, too, that we have such a great man in Mr. Franlow, who will surely protect Cobura from the Liberal attacks.

Wise Minister of Foreign Affairs Eric Rivers applauds new government of Davostan

The Freedom Party has recently ousted the Unholy Empire of Davostan's illegitimate government from power! The People of Cobura rejoice and offer their gratitude to the Freedom Party for making Terra a safer place! Minister of Foreign Affairs Eric Rivers had this to say:

What a wonderful day to be a Terran! My Ministry is soundly in favor of this change, and I offer my sincere congratulations to the new, righteous government of Davostan. To our new friends I say, Cobura is behind you.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
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Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:01 am

Nova Roma Bulletin
The People's Paper

Minister of Defense Casper Clark takes strong measures to prevent Majatran Unionist espionage

The Ministry of Defense has launched a new program in recognition of the threat posed by the Majatran Union. Minister Casper Clark has announced that any Coburan citizen has a moral duty to discover and report subversive Pan-Majatranist elements. Any citizen which reports such an individual or group to the Ministry of Defense will receive a reward. Here's what Mr. Clark himself had to say:

Coburans must realize that the Majatran Union is an unprecedented threat. If you spot a suspicious person or group who advocates Cobura entering the Majatran Union, do not hesitate to report it immediately. It saddens me deeply, but this is the only way that Coburan society may be preserved. By doing so, not only do you stand to serve your country, you also stand to make a little bit of money. Any person turning in a previously unknown Unionist will be eligible for a reward of 500 COB.

This is a great step forward for Cobura, and will be seen as such by the People.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
Posts: 239
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Location: Western Meria

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:31 am

Coburan Daily News: Justice Minister Clarkson offers resignation

Justice Minister Chris Clarkson, has offered his resignation to the National Assembly of Cobura, if the New Peoples Party turns out to be not guilty. By this he contered the reproach brought forward by NPP-frontman Robert Franlow, doubting his independence as Justice Minister in the PfI-NPP-bribery affair. Clarkson himself is member of the Party for Individualism and close political friend with Prime Minister Lazareva, who first discovered the ongoing bribery.
At this moment the National Assembly is voting on a proposal by Robert Franlow to stop the misuse of coburan Justice and to end the ordered investigation against the NPP-leadership.
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby zlopado » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:11 am

Nova Roma Bulletin
The People's Paper

Chairman Robert Franlow Resigns

Following the failure of the Assembly to halt the unsolicited Individualist assault on the People, Mr. Franlow realized that his Chairmanship was having a negative effect on the NPP's success. He formally tendered his resignation to the Party yesterday, and delivered a masterful speech to the Assembly.

To my friends in the assembly,

I have never had anything but the purest of intentions in my heart. I live for the People, and serve as their Voice. Unfortunately, I have been ruthlessly hounded by the Individualists, who live only to strike down those who truly serve the People. Upon the recent failure of the Assembly to halt this attack, I realized that my stature as a Man of the People has endangered the formation of the Great New Society. I have no choice but to resign from my position of NPP Chairman. It deeply saddens me to do this and – I don't mean to sound egotistical, but it is true – I do not know if Cobura's integrity can survive. I can only urge the People to remember the foul actions of the Individualists come election day, and to aid the New People's Party in carrying out their true wishes.

It is truly a sad day, not only for those officially in the Party, but for the People, who carry Party membership in their hearts. Mr. Franlow is a great man and leader. We can all look forward to the day when, no longer hunted by Individualists and Liberals, he can step up to take his righteous place in the government of Cobura.

Guy Bercier Assumes Position of New People's Party Chairman

Mere weeks after the resignation of Robert Franlow, the New People's Party has elected a new Chairman. Guy Bercier, who has led the Party's liberal wing for the past two years, was hopeful for the future. An excerpt of his acceptance speech follows. (You can view the full speech at NRB.Cob, the People's Website.)

The New People's Party has been saddled for too long by the radical policies of Franlow. My ascendance to the Chairmanship marks a new era, one of moderation and hope. I plan to work with the other Coburan parties, and to dispel this long-held belief that compromise is somehow traitorous.

Mr. Bercier ended his speech with an appeal to the Party for Individualism:

My only demand from the Assembly is that this Individualist-led inquisition cease immediately. With the absence of my predecessor, there is no longer any reason to keep up this ludicrous pretense of corruption. Only then can we work together for a better Cobura.

Mr. Bercier's Chairmanship has been subject to criticism from both conservatives and liberals of the New People's Party. The conservatives believe that he has too quickly turned away from the guidance of Mr. Franlow, and the liberals have objected to Mr. Bercier's character, claiming that he still carries some of the authoritarian nature of the past NPP, although such extreme liberalism has been widely denounced as Individualist propaganda. Mr. Franlow himself was unavailable for comment.
House Forstev (Liberal Republican Party & People's Great Society of Hope) -- Beluzia
Posts: 239
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Location: Western Meria

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby acid_bath2 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:44 am

August 24th, 3226 - The Lochshire Times

Following a debate in the National Assembly started by the Social Congress, Chairman Matthew Hogan of the Conservative Capitalist Party has called on Minister of Justice Chris Clarkson to investigate a so-called "shadow cabinet" proposed by the Labour Party. We were able to reach John Craig, the CCP Press Secretary, for comment:

During the debate on the Motion of No-Confidence in the NPP-led Coalition bill, Septimus von Draken, Chairman of the Labour Party, explicitly proposed forming an illegal "shadow cabinet" to undermine the authority of the current cabinet. The CCP views this as treason, and our friends in the National Assembly are pressing Mr. Clarkson for an investigation by the MoJ. Parties who disagree with the current administration can express themselves through their right to propose, debate and vote on bills, but we cannot have party leaders undermining the authority of our democratically elected government.

This news comes after the Cabinet Proposal of August 3224 was passed, putting the New People's Party, Conservative Capitalist Party and Party for Individualism in power. This cabinet ousted a previous administration of Social Congress and Labour Party officials. The comment by Chairman von Draken was prompted after a lengthy debate by NPP and PfI officials on an investigation by the Ministry of Justice into then-Chairman of the NPP Robert Franlow.

Amidst the investigation by MoJ, Mr. Franlow resigned his chairmanship and the NPP elected a new chairman, Guy Bercier. Mr. Bercier was the leader of the NPP's liberal wing, and while Chairman Bercier was quick to declare a new direction for the NPP, there is speculation as to whether he can reign in his party's radical members for the good of the party.

The current cabinet is not lacking in scandal as we transition from one investigation to the next. The CCP has said that if the MoJ fails to act, they will propose a National Assembly investigation, with subpoenas for Social Congress and Labour Party officials to ascertain the specifics of this "shadow cabinet."

- Danny Goldman
Political Reporter for The Lochshire Times
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Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:11 am

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Sunny » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:32 pm

Coburan Daily News:

PfI glad to see Franlow resigning

Following the resignation of NPP-chairman Robert Franlow, the Party for Individualism leadership released statements, showing relief. Chairman Svindal said:

This is a good day for the Coburan democracy, which defeated an attempt to undermine our system. I am very happy to see people and the assembly following the path of truth. This chapter now shall be closed soon, so that the government can return to the usual work.

Prime Minister Lazareva found harsher words:

I never was able to stand Mr. Franlow. Hopefully the new NPP chairman Bercier will do a better job. This is to hope not only for the New Peoples Party herself, but also for the people of Cobura who trusted in this party and who gave this governing coalition their vote. We shall now start doing our best to fulfill our duties to the nation and no longer be distracted by such knick-knacks!

Justice Minister on Shadow Cabinet

After Labour Party suggested the formation of a shadow cabinet and the CCP urging the Justice Ministry to react onto this, Justice Minister Clarkson said, that he does not see any reason to act against this "cabinet". He said it would be the democratic right of the parliamentary opposition to build up their own team to better adress the Coburan People:

I ask everyone to calm down on this matter. It's not treason, it is a democratic basic right of each parliamentary party to present some sort of "competence team", which shall help to bring poltical issues closer to the Coburan People. The voters like to be able to identify with personalities. As long as this shadow cabinet does not exercise true executive powers i see no need to act on this
Individualistic Movement = Supreme Republic of Keymon
Party for Individualism = Republic of Cobura (inactive)
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Coburan National News Network

Postby Hugh Green » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:55 pm

The Dilganato Examiner

Enda Cosgrave Demands Resignation of Defence Minister

Enda Cosgrave (ooc: he's a man, by the way NPP :p) has demanded the resignation of Defence Minister Casper Clark following a series of allegedly illegal arrests of pro-Majatran Union individuals, including members of the Hudson Social Congress Sub-Committee on the Majatran Union.

"No law has been passed by this Assembly to make these arrests legal! *shouts of agreement from SC deputies* No Court will convict Coburan citizens of crimes that do not exist! The Defence Minister should resign now or be impeached! *cheers, boos* Our law guarantees Freedom of Expression! Those in favour of joining the Majatran Union shall have the right to put their case forward, as have some members of the Social Congress! Throw this man from office, I say!"

Spokesperson for Justice, Kathleen Walsh, outlined her anger and frustration over the issue to our reporter:

"The Minister cannot simply dictate what the law is and who it supports. Nor can he go spending money on giving rewards to people on the basis of handing someone in! The police should, ideally, have told him they wouldn't do it. But we all know that the police must play politics as much as the rest of us, and the national force have sadly agreed to act against the public interest and the basic provision of human rights in Cobura. Luckily, local police forces are offering shelter to those wanted by the national force, in areas where Social Congress councillors lead the Local Policing Committees. The actions the government, and now the national police, are taking, are actions of a rogue regime. Minister Clark shouldn't just resign, he should be forcibly removed from office and put to trial!"

This newspaper can report that the number of arrests in Dilganato is exceptionally small, with just 2 known cases and no more than 10 likely rumoured cases circulating. This has largely been thanks to the protection of local government in the state, which is a stronghold for the Social Congress, who are leading the fight against such tyranny. Tensions run high between the Dilganato State Police Authority and the National Bureau of Policing, as local officers have begun using rules of non-interference between the two forces to protect those who would be arrested by Bureau Officers, by guarding their houses, etc.

A local Social Congress Councillor from Crystal Tokyo had this to say, "The government will bring this country to a dangerous place if it does not back down from these illegal arrests!"
Active Party: FinEgaDef Kaj (FinEquaDef Platform), Republic of Cobura

Inactive Parties:
Front Rawlsienne, Lourenne
Social Congress, Republic of Cobura
Hugh Green
Posts: 186
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:08 am


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