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Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:59 pm
by Rumbold90
Church Establishes Villages, Authorities Concerned

In rural Kregon, three villages inhabited totally by members of the Church of Divine Rengheed have been completed. These three towns are the start of a major project including 12 communities just for members of the newly-founded church and their children. The towns are totally self-sufficient, with the major economy supporting the villages being the many church-owned farms surrounding them.

One of the first villages, Rengheedsdryf

Several governmental officials voiced concern over the legality of segregated public spaces, however no legal action has been taken against the group. Church officials said that if sued, they will fight the federal government on the matter.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 6:44 am
by Mr.Yankees
Dictrict Attorney in Kolos, Kregon files for a motion to close down villages. Liberal Party introduces massive foreign surveillance legislation

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- After reported complaints by several politicians and government officials of the region, the District Attorney of Kolos decided to file a motion to close down several villages recently constructed by the Church of Divine Rengheed. According to the George McClaren, the District Attorney, "the communities have been built in partially owned public lands thus segregation is illegal. On top of that, the communities are built very closed to preserved rural areas and create a danger to those lands around them, potentially creating an environmental disaster.

The defense lawyers have yet to respond to the motion presented in Court.

In other news, today, the Liberal Party introduced one of the largest pieces of legislation yet to be seen in Lodamun's political history. The news legislation is divided in two different bills: the Foreign Surveillance Act (FISA) and the National Security Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (NSIRTPA). According to experts FISA is the largest increase in executive power ever seen in Lodamun. The bill calls for warrant-less searches and phones taps of suspected foreign spies among many other, very controversial actions. The legislation also calls for the creation of secret Courts in case warrants are needed to search properties or phones taps are required to be placed.

The NSIRTPA creates the position of the Director of National Intelligence, who will become the head of the intelligence community. This law creates a massive re-organization of the intelligence community and centralizes all in the Director of National Intelligence and thus the President. According to the sponsors of the law, "this piece of legislation will make intelligence gathering much more effective, more efficient, and will allow for better protection of our national security."

Several members of Parliament have raised question over the legality of the FISA and many others have openly criticized the wording of the law. However, both laws are expected to pass very easily in Parliament.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:39 pm
by Rumbold90
Church Authorities Angered Over Village Closings, Pledge to Fight During Legal Battle

Rengheedsdryf, Kregon-An emergency meeting of church elders, pastors and teachers concerning the government closings of the church-run villages was held in Rengheedsdryf earlier this week. In response to the arguments presented by the government, church leader Rengheedra Joseph Sionla said that "the government should not close down our homes and disturb our lives. We wish to live seperatly from the outside world, so that we may maintain our lifestyle required by our religious law. Forcing us to congregate in un-segregated public spaces is against our religion and an attack on our religious freedom, and our rights that allow us to live and practice our religion freely."

"Also in argument against the government, all of the villages in question are built upon church-owned and privatly-owned land, not public land as previously stated by the regional authorities. We are close to several protected areas, however our farms are located as a distance far away enough that they pose no ecological or environmental hazard to the areas."

Several small protests in Kolos, Loda and Port Andalay were reported, although they were mostly overlooked by authorities. Because the Church of Divine Rengheed refuses to participate in un-provoked violence, the protests were peaceful, with only one injury: an elderly man tripped over a bottle in the middle of the road and fell down, scrapping his knee. No other injuries were reported.

Rengheedra Joseph Sionla said that he hoped to meet with the President, to discuss the future of the Church in Lodamun, and to find a way to prevent further Church-government conflict, something that the Rengheedra called "un-needed and annoying."

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:21 pm
by Mr.Yankees
Judge orders closure of villages, President Kynes rejects meeting with Rengheedra Joseph Sionla

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- Earlier today, a judge ordered the immediate closure of the villages constructed by the Church of Divine Rengheed. According to the judge, parts of the land used for the construction of the villages are inhabited public lands, thus no segregation whatsoever is allowed. He also issued a severe reprimand to the Church for trying to create an environmental chaos in the area.

The District Attorney said in a press conference that the order will not be enforced until all legal proceedings have concluded. According to him, he expects the Church to appeal the ruling to a higher Court.

In a related story, President Kynes has refused to meet with Rengheedra Joseph Sionla. According to the Press Secretary, "the President has a full schedule and many important meetings coming up."

No reaction from the Church of Divine Rengheed has been heard.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:50 pm
by Rumbold90
Church Leaders Vow to Fight Village Closings, but Expect to Lose

Rengheedsdryf, Kregon-The charasmatic leader of the Church of Divine Rengheed, despite the closing of the three church-owned villages, decided to stay in the village. In a recent press conferance, Rengheedra Sionla and his wife, Grengheedra Sionla told the government again, that the villages were built on church-owned land, not public land, as the District Attorney stated.

"We are puzzled as to why our homes are being taken from us, especially if we built them upon land owned by the church. We hope to recieve some sort of monetary compensation. However, due to the recent anti-church actions taken by the government, we expect none. We pledge to the people of Lodamun that we will do everything we can to get our homes back. We expect to lose however. Corruption and a love of power cloud the judgement of all mankind. Only if one strives to live according to the rules and laws of the Rengheed can one truly rise above human evil and stupidity."

The Rengheedra also expressed hope that the Church would gain converts in other countries, such as Kafuristan.

Several more protests were reported in Kolos, Loda and Port Andalay. The church also released documents stating total membership last month hovered around 50,000 people.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:14 pm
by Rumbold90
Chruch Leader Sues Government For Lost Land

Loda, Kregon-Today the controversial leader of the Church of Divine Rengheed, Rengheedra Joseph Sionla sued the government for "taking away privatly owned land, and not giving the owners monetary compensation. " He is also sueing the government for not allowing church members to follow their faith openly, and for forcing church members to live lifestyles that are against church teachings.

"The only way we will ever achieve world and domestic peace, is if we all accept the teachings of God, and follow the laws of the Rengheed. We must again make our souls clean and pure for God, because only when we live pure and sinless lives can we achive the impossible."

A crowd of faithful followers come to hear the Rengheedra speak

The Renheedra again extended an invitation for the President to visit him in Rengheedsdryf, one of the three villages in dispute. He also invited foriegn Heads of Government and State to "put pressure on the Lodamunese government, and force them to allow people to practice their religion openly and without contesting religious law."

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:35 am
by Mr.Yankees
Liberal Party introduces Presidential Incapacity Act; President Kynes issues executive order creating the National Security Agency

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- At today's meeting in Parliament, Liberal Party members introduced a new piece of legislation named "Presidential Incapacity Act." This legislation seeks to further detail what occurs should the President be incapable of discharging the duties of the Office. According to the members of Parliament sponsoring the legislation, this bill "amend and add to previous Constitutional Amendments we have passed in this regard. This bill will provide a clear and concise manner of determining what happens when the President is incapacitated. It goes further than the previous amendments such as the President Line of Succession Act and the Creation Vice President Act." Luccas Nans, member of Parliament representing Port Andalay, said that "we need this legislation. It is well-writen and to the point. We need to know what will happen should something happen to the President. We know the line of succession, we know who takes over and for what reasons but we never had legislation stating what happens if it's temporary. This Constitutional Amendment does."

The bill is expected to pass without any major setbacks.

In other news, President Kynes issued an executive order today creating a new intelligence agency. The new agency has been named National Security Agency and is set to be headed by a commissioned officer of the Armed Forces. The agency will be in charge of monitoring and gathering all intelligence information alongside the Central Intelligence Operations Agency. The new agency will be under the direct control of the Ministry of Defense rather than under the Director of National Intelligence. Experts believe that this was done to create more leeway for the new agency due to its secret nature. However, others speculate that the new agency will have a more different role from that of the CIAO and thus the need for it to be under the Minister of Defense.

According to the Defense Ministry, the NSA is still under the Director of National Intelligence and all intelligence information goes through the DNI Office as required by law. They have indicated that the only difference between the NSA and the CIAO is that the NSA will be under administrative control of the Defense Ministry unlike its sister agency, which is under the administrative control of the Director of National Intelligence.

The DNI Office release a statement offering its full support of the new agency and welcoming this addition to the intelligence community. "We are very happy for the creation of this new agency. It will allow us to further increase our intelligence gathering, which is so vital to our national security. Director Hulls advised the President throughout the entire process of the creation of the new agency and he feels that this addition will provide more manpower and resources. We will work closely with the NSA and the Ministry of Defense to further improve our intelligence gathering and ensure that our nation remains as safe as it has ever been."

The specific operations assigned to the NSA have not been made public. We will keep you informed.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:19 pm
by Rumbold90
Religious Group Begins Missionary Work

The Church of Divine Rengheed has been called a "cult" by some members of the Lodamun media and government. However, this religious group has fought back with posters at bus stops and pages in the newspapers defending the religious beliefs and traditions of the mysterious group. Hurt by small numbers and an anti-Rengheed attitude displayed by the government, the elders of the church, including Rengheedra Joseph Sionla have decided to start missionary work within the United Republics of Lodamun. Young men and women are now being sent out to preach the rules, traditions and values of the Church of Divine Rengheed and bring the converts toward salvation.

The Rengheedra with the first group of missionaries

The church's numbers ucrrnelty hover around 120,000 members. Because of an anti-Rengheed attitude displayed by the government, little is known about the religious group, because the government will not allow the group's traditions and values to be made public. Recently, the Lodamunese government shut down three villages that were owned by the church, and confiscated the land due to "environmental reasons." The villages, home to almost 30,000 church members were then later destroyed after the church unsuccessfully tired to sue the government for giving the villagers monetary compensation.

"The government controls everything and everyone. We are in a police state, where the rulers live by fear, loopholes in the law, and by force. We cannot allow them to continue. I again urge the members of the UNT and other international organizations to question the democratic process in Lodamun (or lack thereof) and to question the government's beleif in religious freedom." -Rengheedra Joseph Sionla

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:51 am
by Mr.Yankees
"Lodamese Government committed to protect civil rights and freedoms of the people" says Prime Minister Johnson

Port Andalay, Andalay (LCN)- In the weekly regular press conference of the Prime Minister, Patricia K. Johnson II shot back at criticism from the Church of Divine Rengheed. "They want to deviate our attention from what really matters. They want to create havoc. They recourse to these lies to get attention due to the fact that their policies are proven to be failed policies. Our current policies are working and are very effective but they need a way to make a name of themselves no matter how many lies that involves. This government is fully committed to protect the liberties of our citizens. We want our citizens to freely express themselves, to freely practice the religion of their choosing, to assemble if they deem it necessary. This government has never and will never implement any policy that infringes upon the basic freedoms of our citizens. We stand for Democracy and Liberty and we will always protect it. The leader of that Church is trying to merely make a name for himself and using his followers as a shield. We are not persecuting any of the members nor will we if they follow the law like any other citizen of this country is supposed to."

The Prime Minister also clarified the government's position concerning the selling of public lands to the Church and said that it will consider any offer of public land purchase by the Church as all the rest of the offers are considered. She pointed out that "if it brings profit for the taxpayer and it benefits our citizens, we will go for it."

The Ministry of Justice was asked by LCN if any investigation has been opened against the Church but our calls have not been returned. However, a Justice Ministry official stated that the Ministry will only launch an investigation if it believes the Church presents a danger to public safety and/or national security and that is not the case yet.

We will keep you updated on this situation.


Prime Minister Patricia K. Johnson II at the press conference

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:42 pm
by Rumbold90
"Accusations Pathetic and Telling" says Rengheedra

Rengheedra Joseph Sionla today responded to the speech given by Prime Minister Johnson. "They accuse me of trying to make a name for myself, while using you as a shield. If I was trying to make a name for myself, I would be part of a larger, more popular group. The purpose of our church is to live a pure and goldy life, not to achieve political power through silly accusations. Also, she accuses our policies as failed policies. I suppose if we had a chance to propose our policies in Parliment, we might actually have a chance to see if they would fail or succeed. However, due to the Liberal Party's age-old tradition of having several elections a year, no opposition party can gain voters or establish views on the issues that really matter."

He did express intrest in buying back the villages, only if "we may live there according to church law, which includes the seperation of sexes in public spaces, such as the town square. Women must also wear long dresses and cover their hair. Men must wear pants and collered shirts that go no lower then the elbow."

The Renheedra, Joseph Sionla

"I again extend an invintation to the village of Rengheedsdryf to the Prime Minister. Perhaps face to face we can work out our disagreements and end the war of words."