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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Mon May 09, 2022 12:17 pm

OOC Source: Brookings

Niederung: Despite heavy censorship in Suyu Llaqta with barely any information getting out of the country several independent reporters able to report from the country have described large scale work strikes occuring in the country as the war in Istapali continues. Before the war the Llaqtese economy was struggling for over 4 years, barely able to to keep the population at work. Unemployment stood at 39% just before the war and those who did work did so with very meager wages not being able to make ends meet. As the war now enters a near year conditions in Suyu Llaqta continue to worsen as Dovani Pact wide sanctions are hitting the economy and the government has put a full focus on keeping the war economy running. This has resulted in extremely worsening economic conditions in the country which has now spilled into large scale work strikes. These strikes have been happening for over a week, with sectors all the way up to the actual military production sector being affected. It has further worsened the already dwindling economy. But instead of trying to work on a solution the government has ordered National Police units to crackdown and arrest anyone striking. So far they have failed to do so, with many sectors now shackled as their workers refuse to work. Next to protesting worsening conditions it is also evident the strikers demand an end to the war, with over 72.000 Llaqtese deaths almost everyone in Suyu Llaqta knows someone that has died in the war and the devastating impact of the war on Suyu Llaqta itself is having a clear effect.

With growing oppossition domestically, will Suyu Llaqta remain in the fight and its government stay in power? Or will this unrest spill accross the country, bringing it close to collapse?
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Tue May 10, 2022 8:01 am

OOC Source: Arab News

Niederung: Trouble is looming for the Llaqtese government as reports of mutinees, friendly-fire incidents and general discontent in its Armed Forces is spreading after 1.5 years of war in Istapali. Over the last two months, it has become evident that Llaqtese logistics are unable to adequately provide equipment and supplies to troops on the frontline as production capability in Suyu Llaqta itself has been severely hampered by sanctions and low morale which in turn makes the production of even basic necessities a trouble. Furthermore, Istapalian forces have made several gains on the Llaqtese in the northern front, taking back several towns and pushing back some of the Llaqtese forces in the area. Now countless of reports indicate that mutinees are widespread in Llaqtese army ranks and soldiers even kill or wound eachother in order to gain the little supplies there are left for themselves. Furthermore the entire leadership is also breaking down, with Supreme Command reportedly bickering over whether or not to continue the war and the Prime Minister losing control over his Royal Council. With all these reports, it increasingly looks like Suyu Llaqta is on the verge of collapse, with work strikes and protests now encompassing nearly the entire country and severe shortages of nearly every basic commodity being reported. A World Congress report suggests that nearly 40% of Llaqtese live below the poverty line, unemployment is at a staggering 42% and inflation is sky high as nearly no goods can be imported.

Is the war nearing its end after more then 91.000 Llaqtese soldiers have died and its institutions are on the brink of collapse?
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Tue May 10, 2022 12:30 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Niederung: SHOCK! King Baati I, only son of former King Daraara, has announced the disbanding of the Legislative Council and the dimissal of the Demiksa government shortly after units of the National Police and Military Gendarmerie could be seen arresting senior government officials. Baati, who is considered a liberal by palace insiders, stated in his adress that the forces that have destroyed our national fabric and plunged all of East Dovani into chaos shall be no more. I hereby order the dismissal and arrest of all senior government ministers including Prime Minister Demiksa, the disbanding of the Legislative Council and the withdrawal of all Llaqtese combatants from Istapalian territory. The arrests were already conducted before the announcement, with the National Police and Military Gendarmerie seemingly in on the "palace coup". Furthermore the king issued notes stating that he will send a delegation to Yamabiro to discuss a formal end to the war but that until a formal peace is established he will already withdraw all military forces from Istapali. Following the announcement many feared the military would not oblige by the King's orders but, after the arrest of Demiksa and most government ministers, no real leader in the Armed Forces was left and local commanders took it upon themselves, organizing a hasty retreat that is currently ongoing. Despite the slaughter that Llaqtese forces conducted over the course of the 1.5 year conflict Istapali forces are reportedly not firing upon retreating Llaqtese troops, instead awaiting them leaving Istapali territory.

Much confusion still hovers over this apparent monarchist coup with the military seemingly so weakened and in dissaray that it is unable to adequately respond to Baati his move, something he has likely waited for over the course of the last 6 months since he has become king. According to the current constitution the King has immense powers but so far hadnt used most of them, with Daraara I being a military man himself and seen as a puppet of the Niederung regime. But when his son ascended the throne many had hoped for change. That change has now seemingly come, with a nation in shambles and dissaray, how will yet another volatile period in Llaqtese history evolve?
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby ChitinKal » Wed May 11, 2022 4:19 am

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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Sun May 15, 2022 4:28 pm

OOC Source: African Arguments

Niederung: Two years since the first democratic election under a new preliminary constitution the KVP, or Conservative People's Party, has won the legislative election which was called following the adoption of the permanent constitution. Under the new constitution, the legislature became a unicameral one which abolished the senate. Electoral rules for the new Chamber of Deputies remained the same however as did most of its powers. Furthermore the position of Governor-General was created, appointed by the monarch, which directs all official state bussiness for the monarch and thus appoints the Prime Minister, conducts royal investigations, appoints provincial governors and oversees the proper adherence to the constitution. The monarch him or herself only remains responsible for official state ceremonies, granting honours and performing state visits. The Prime Minister in turn becomes the head of government and the most important executive figure, making important executive decisions, directing and issuing policy in the Council of Ministers, leading the Armed Forces and being the defacto leader of the country upon appointment.

In this election the Socialist Party lost bigly, losing their clear majority to a major win of the conservatives as well as the rise of the Democratic Platform, which took most of the center-left vote from the socialists. The socialists were blamed for focussing to much on statecraft, with Suyu Llaqta in economic ruin since the end of the war and it being one of the poorest countries in Dovani now the socialists failed to build the economy and revitalize it, with the KVP promising in their campaign to build a economy for all, ensuring we move away from our dark past years and create a vibrant economy ready to propell our people into a better life. They will likely do that together with the liberals, the Democratic Platform, which just narrowly became the third party with the SP maintaining their position as second party with just 4 seats. Conservative leader Tolessa, likely to be appointed Prime Minister by the governor-general, is expected to form a coalition with the Democratic Platform, ensuring a liberal and free-market coalition will take shape with many wondering if Suyu Llaqta can, after two years, finally move on from its destructive war and unshackle itself from the shadow of military rule.

Election results per electoral district

The new composition of the Chamber of Deputies
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Mon May 16, 2022 12:47 pm

OOC Source: Business Today Kenya

Niederung: The government of Prime Minister Waysira Tolessa has revealed a proposed package of major economic reforms and initiatives to be handed to the House of Representatives for review. The package, named the "Llaqta Forward Now!" initiative, merges several economic reforms, investments and changes into one single legislative proposal meant to drag Suyu Llaqta out of its worsening economic situation. Following the Llaqtese-Istapalian war the Llaqtese economy was nearly completely destroyed with 62% of Llaqtese living in poverty and a major 42% unemployed. This only worsened when conscription was abolished after the war, causing thousands more to end up in unemployment. The last two years marked a step towards political stability, as the last of several constitutional ammendments was enacted making Suyu Llaqta a proper constitutional monarchy. With the political arena now clear, Prime Minister Tolessa and the government as a whole have turned to the economy, trying to gain the system some legitimacy.

In the package several measures are outlines, first of all economic reform. In the proposals the KVP-DP government has announced reforms that would liberalize the economy, privatizing large sectors including the previously untouched banking sector while putting in place a web of regulations meant to prevent corruption and improve efficiency in these new to be created private sectors. Almost every sector is to be privatized, with only TOC's and large banks seeing some state involvement, with the state keeping 50% of their share. All other sectors are to be privatized, with new taxation rules, work-ethics regulations and a medium to high minimum wage to be imposed, making sure these bussinesses are still regulated in some ways. This measure will mean the first time the Llaqtese economy will be a largely private economy in over 300 years. Besides these reforms a investment package corresponding to 50% of the GDP (40 billion) will be made available, financed through debt financing and mostly plundering the national reserves. This investment package is highly necessary according to the Finance Minister, which has indicated that if no drastic measures are taken, Llaqtese infrastructure, services and government institutions will not be able to keep up with a growing economy. This massive fund will be invested into the creation of the "Coastal System" first proposed by Prime Minister Tolessa, which will see all major coastal population centers connected by a major highway as well as the centers themselves being renovated with new roads, services and better connectivity in the form of basic internet. Further funds will be invested into the "National Railways", with a railway line to be constructed passing through every region. As of right now, Suyu Llaqta does not have any major highway or railway line, relying on smaller unpathed roads and secondary paved roads. Besides infrastructure, at least 5 billion is to be invested into creating a digital government network in which ministries can communicate with eachother, organize their plans and decisions and publish upcoming projects for the population to see. This fund is also to be used in hiring new administrators and further strengthening state institutions.

This proposed plan, meant to reignite the whole economy and spur major economic growth, coincides with the KVP-DP government its desire to join the Dovani Pact as an full member, hoping to strengthen its economic position on the continent. The economic ministries, being the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Finance, have admitted that the proposed reform and investment package will mean a massive increase in government debt, expecting it will baloon to over 141% of the GDP at the end of the program while it currently sits at 85%. This has let to some oppossition in the KVP, with some of its members being fiscally conservative. Prime Minister Tolessa has underlined the need for the reforms, saying that if nothing is done, our people will bear the consequences. While our debt will increase, this package will mean the birth of a new economic reality for Suyu Llaqta. It will likely be a rought few years as the economy adapts, but my government hopes and in fact knows that it will be worth it, as our current trajectory is not substainable.

The LFN package is to be voted upon next month by the House of Representatives.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Mon May 16, 2022 3:16 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Niederung: The Socialist Party has elected Hiree Walalaa as their party leader after the previous election saw the party lose power and a immense number of seats. The Socialist Party only narrowly stayed the second largest party in the country as the Democratic Platform managed to win big and become just 4 seats to shy of overtaking the socialists. Nationally the party its power has thus been reduced but locally its candidates keep winning elections, with the party holding at least 1/5th of local seats. It is this local strength that Hiree Walalaa is a testament of, having been mayor of her local town in northern Suyu Llaqta for over a decade she has won praise within the party for being a moderate politican capable of making compromises and working together with others to further progress. She was competing against former campaign advisor Iree Jalatan but won descisively, winning 82% of the vote of those attending the party conference. She will thus head the Socialist Party ticket for the next election after constitutional ammendments have been finalized. The Socialist party also made clear its goals for that election, openly expressing their intention to become the largest party once more. With Walalaa as party leader the SP does move more to the center, likely to try and gather the support of DP voters and utilizing their local strengths on the national stage, with many voting SP locally as they are in touch with the issues, something national leadership neglected in recent years. It remains to be seen if the party manages to win next election as the KDP-DP coalition is seeing record high approval ratings as their economic plans are being realized and the KDP itself has a strong support base.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Wed May 18, 2022 10:22 am

OOC Source: Ritz-Carlton

Niederung: The Maroon Palace has announced that the Llaqtese government has formally requested entry into the Dovani Pact as a full member. It comes years after the devastating Llaqtese-Istapalian war destroyed much of the Llaqtese economy and severely damaged its relationship with the rest of Dovani. But as a new economic package is being implemented and democracy has been firmly restored in the country the KVP-DP coalition had made it clear from the beginning that it was seeking to join the Dovani Pact, believing it could mean a further step towards economic recovery and having a clear vision for foreign policy in which Dovani should work closer together. Now, the Maroon Palace, workplace of both the King and Prime Minister, has issued the announcement that it has requested full membership for Suyu Llaqta within the Dovani Pact, deciding not to apply for security membership as to not make their neighbour Istapali feel uneasy and underline the fact that Suyu Llaqta joining is purely out of economic and diplomatic reasons. The application has now been send to the Dovani Pact with the Prime Minister stating that he hopes it will be accepted so that Suyu Llaqta might become a true part in a new united Dovani.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:39 pm


Niederung: As of today King Mosi I will have additional powers at his disposal as head of state, with new constitutional ammendments marking a increase in royal prerogratives. The ammendments are followed by a general election that has seen the KVP-DP coalition retain their majority in the House of Representatives, meaning the continuation of a center-right government. Under the ammendments King Mosi his powers are expanded, being regarded now as the "keeper of laws and protector of the constitution" and in this new role being granted the right to unilateraly veto legislation, subject to 2/3rd overwrite in the House, disband the House of Representatives triggering an election and appoint a Prime Minister without house approval. The monarch will also be allowed to dismiss any government for any reason, as the government is now officially known as "His Majesty's government" and the King has no legal roadblocks preventing him from using his prerogrative powers. Despite this big increase in monarch powers the King has, in a public adress, promised to abide by democratic traditions and only use his powers "with restraint and consideration."

Besides the increase in power for the monarch the law also changes the electoral system in the house, reverting back to the corrected proportional system used over 100 years ago which means that the party with the largest share of the votes gets a additional 50 seats in the House. While the monarch can appoint any Prime Minister the Prime Minister still needs a majority in the House to form a actual government, thus still leaving some power for the House in determining the next government and pressuring the King to pick a PM with majority support. Prime Minister Gadisa Saldaan will retain his position as Prime Minister, likely continuing pro market and pro military policies for at least the next 4 years.
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Re: Suyu Llaqta

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:23 pm


Niederung: The government of KVP Prime Minister Gadisa Saldaan has proposed a set of bills in the House of Representatives that would greatly liberalize the manufacturing sector, cutting regulations and taxes as well as privatizing the largest state owned manufacturer "Llaqta Tracks", a state owned manufacturer for traintracks and cement. The reform follows nearly 6 years of government policy that has seen large scale privatizations and deregulations of the economy in an effort to encourage foreign investments and strengthen the private sector. This new reform is in line with the Saldaan government's policy of a open and free market, with both the KVP and DP coalition partners believing in the power of free enterprise. The oppossition, mainly the VmF and Socialist Party, have issued harsh warnings to the government and oppossed its intense drive to enhance the private market. So far, thanks to a faction in the KVP that would still like to see some government inervention and influence, a plan to private the national railways and the energy sector have been halted. The Saldaan government now primarily focusses on small and medium sized bussinesses and sectors, having fully privatized and passed large deregulations in the entertainment sector, the commodity sector, tourism and clothing sectors and passing further deregulations to make it easier to create your own bussiness. The economy has seen some positive effects of these policies, growing at an average of 3.9% last year, with the newly announced set of liberalizations expected to further spur this growth. Despite the economy growing unemployment is stagnating at 15%, inflation is rising and is currently sitting at 4% and the government is struggling to reduce overall poverty, with the lower classes unable to lift themselves up while the middle and upper class sees living conditions increase.

The bills related to these reforms are expected to pass both the House of Representatives and House of Peers within the next 3 months, being fully implemented in january next year if passed.
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