
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:37 pm

OOC Source: Wikimedia

Kalibaka: The Department of Defense has issued a report stating that the S-12 Cobra program has been largely completed. Around 150 of the initial 200 ordered S-12 jets have been delivered to the airforce with another 50 likely to be delivered in the coming years. The new yet has already been extensively used during training missions and pilots report high comfort and optimal performance so far, with only a few issues needing to be resolved. The Department of Defense has congratulated TaalTuray for their work on the S-12, stating that "under pressure to perform TaalTuray has managed to exceed expectations and deliver the very first domestically designed and produced fighter jet for Istapali, allowing our airforce to get familiar with our own equipment and creating a optimal platform for new development later down the line."

After the S-12 program had been complete the Department issues a new contract for the development of a utility helicopter. This new helicopter would largely be used for troop transport, light air support and small cargo transport by the airforce and would thus have to be, "versatile in nature." So far TaalTuray, Canbar and United Dynamics have applied for the contract. With all three companies trying to gain a foothold in the helicopter market. The Department has reserved only a small amount for the development of the helicopter (3 billion) making low cost a priority this time around as oppossed to the costly S-12 program, which has so far cost the government a total of 75 billion. No clear deadline has been set for initial prototype testing but it seems that no other companies will likely apply for the contract, making it a three way race between TaalTuray, Canbar and United Dynamics.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:12 pm

OOC Source: InfoMigrants

Kalibaka: Last month a series of raids conducted in the villages surrounding the vast Istapali desert concluded with the arrest of two gang leaders, suspected of organizing raids on the Istapali train network and unbeknownst travellers. The Department of Justice has, in cooperation with state and federal police, organized itself to crackdown on this so called "desert banditry" which has terrorized the rural parts of Istapali. The gangs have been operating largely in the shadows but, thanks to additional resources from the federal government, authorities have managed to significantly crackdown on these groups, protecting railways and maintaining security on important roads. Several raids in the last few months have resulted in 5 deaths, 20 wounded and over 400 arrests. These events have led to the situation on the ground improving but poses a question for the Department of Justice as to what their approach towards prosecution will be. Secretary Kekoto Darboe has now stated his intend on pushing for the maximum sentence under law for the leaders of these groups, which is currently the federal death penalty. As for accomplices and group members the Department will push for lower sentences and a aid program to hhelp them reintergrate into society once released.

Darboe stated that, "It is of utmost importance that this anarchist behaviour and lawlessness cannot be tolerated in a modern state like ours. These groups have terrorized families, railway employees and tourists and have killed or hurt countless of people. it is the responsibility of the state to push for the maximum sentence which currently is death for those that have let these endeavours and as such my Department will prepare these cases and push for justice so that the family of victims may find some resemblance of peace."

The first court cases against the gang leaders are set to be held next year, with all those arrested being held in prison till their cases commence. The Federal police and DoJ continue to monitor the situation in the istapalian desert and state that they remain vigilant about the possibility of new groups rising in this hard to monitor territory.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:50 pm

OOC Source: PlanetRulers

Pikologo: The State government of Amoru, under complete NLP trifecta control, has passed a controversial secularization reform package that has cut state funding to state churches, banned the wearing of religious symbols in public and forces schools to teach comprehensive history on the major religions in Dovani. Many conservatives, including close advisors to the president, have criticized the reform package for "erasing the religious history of Amoru and the Istapali citizens living there." The reform, officially named the "Amoru State Comprehensive Religious Unity Reforms" or ASCRUR, was proposed by governor Buwa Jobe. Jobe was elected as a left wing socialist within the NLP and has pushed a variety of firmly left wing laws, most of them passing the largely NLP controlled state legislature. While other reforms have also seen ressistance from conservatives this particular reform has caused major controversy with people criticizing the governor for silencing minority voters in his state. Jobe has so far not indicated a withdrawal from his plans, instead planning a live social media moment in which he will sign the reform package into law. President Suso has not directly commented on the proposals but the Department of Justice has stated that it intends on monitoring the situation and is contemplating a investigation into the legality of the reforms, possibly violating parts of the Federal Constitution.

Might this be the first time the Supreme Court will make a federal ruling concerning a political decision? Experts are doubtfull whether this legal action will come to fruition.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:10 pm

OOC Source: Pinterest

Kalibaka: The Department of Defense has awarded the "medium task warship" or MTW contract to the state owned National Defense Company. The contract, which was competed between NVG, PUNKT and RNI Defense, ultimately resulted in NVG designing a air-defense frigate named the Budara Class. The design from NVG was judged as, "a capable, flexible and easily contructable design, keeping in mind a potential increase in cost and keeping costs low to minimize their effects. A overall capable frigate for defensive and limited offensive capabilities." Furthermore the bidding process has resulted in a interesting situations, as the design put in by PUNKT, a guided missile destroyer, is presumably designed on such a universal platform that the Department of Defense is considering pushing through a second contract, together with the MTW contract, allowing both NVG and PUNKT to further develop and then construct their ships. The Budara Class project is still in a early stage, with a prototype not yet fully ready. Furthermore a delay has been called for the expansion of the shipyards in Fankum, presumably because of a bancrupt contractor tasked with the expansion. This will delay the construction of new ships if not dealt with in a timely manner.

The PUNKT design is even in a less advanced stage, with no work being done on a prototype ship and PUNKT stating that it will wait with doing so until the DoD has clarified its intention with the design. If the problems in communication and construction are resolved, the Istapali navy might be receiving two new ship classes to its ranks, aiding it greatly in its current mission of protecting the Istapali Coast and shipping lanes going into the ocean. The current inventory of the Istapali Navy is centuries old, with some ships docked because of a lack of maintenance. President Suso has been asked to approve the second project for the PUNKT design. It is expected that the President's office and DoD will finalize their decision within the next few months. NVG has already reported that it will continue work on the first Budara Class ship after which a extensive testing phase will commence.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:46 pm

OOC Source: CNN International

Kalibaka: The Ingwald Group has been awarded a classified government contract worth 2 billion to design and construct a government complex without specifications and on a unknown location. The deal came to light after Ingwald Group presented its financial records of the year, showing a large payment from the Istapali treasury. After questions from INN the Ingwald Group stated that it had, "won a government contract that allowed us to increase our expertise in the field of high security construction and this deal will make sure that a prolonged relationship between the Istapali government and Ingwald Group is possible."

The Ingwald Group is specialized in high risk construction projects, with them specializing in bio lab construction, nuclear bunker construction amongst other complex security structures. The contract, only partially released by the Department of National Development, does not show any specifics on the to be constructed complex nor a location of where it would be build. The government states that it will be a bio lab, with the location needing to remain hidden as to ensure, "no people with ill intentions" will look up the site. Ingwald Group is reportedly already working on the new complex, which will take a unspecified amount of time to complete. No further details were released.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:27 pm

OOC Source: The New Yorker

Pikologo: In the Amoru capital of Pikologo around 10.000 people have gathered to protest the signing of the ASCRUR reforms. The governor of the state, Buwa Jobe, has not yet withdrawn the bill and plans on signing it next month. But now even in moderate circles within the state oppossition is rising, with many stating that several provisions of the bill, "Tarnish our right to freely express our ideals and believes." The largest controversy surrounds around the ban on any public display of religious symbols, something that would affect 82% of residents in the state, as 82% states to be adhering to a religion and having a object of their religion close by. Even young people previously voting for Jobe have expressed their anger as many adhere to hosianism or a traditional religion within the state. Around 2.000 young people have joined elders, conservatives and parents in a major protest within the capital, calling upon governor Jobe to not sign the bill and resign as governor. A recent poll showed that only 28% of Amoru residents supported the governor, with over 55% supporting him just a year ago. And as if the situation couldnt be worse the Department of Justice has formally announced that it will launch a investigation on the legality of the reforms, stating it might violate the right to freedom of religion in the federal constitution. If it does, the DoJ will be forced to put the case in front of the Supreme Court.

Jobe has thus so far refused to stand back. Political pundits believe he is being heavily influenced by his wife, advisors and several far left members of his state cabinet. Many of them are part of a variety of socialist and communist groups within the country and, with the election of Buwa Jobe as a socialist candidate, saw their only chance at pushing through their agenda in political office. The Amoru NLP has already distanced itself from governor Jobe, stating that it shall field a new candidate at the election to be held next year. Buwa Jobe his political carreer might already be done, but is his judicial nightmare in its early stages? With support from the NLP, DRP and moderates in the state evaporated its doubtfull that a openly socialist candidate will win another race anytime soon.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Tue Feb 16, 2021 5:10 pm

OOC Source: Pixabay

Kalibaka: President Alieu Suso has been re-elected to a second five year term in office following a major landslide election in both the popular vote and the electoral college. The President flipped two seats in favour of his party, Gumbuktu and Ugwu. The state of Gumbuktu is the largest prize within the electoral college, handing out over 42 votes. Until now the NLP had solidly carried the state since the implementation of the new constitution but President Suso, with his strong middle class support and rising popularity figures, has managed to narrowly carry Gimbuktu by 1.0%, giving him not only millions of votes extra compared to the last election but also handing him 42 extra electoral college votes. Ugwu on the other hand had been solidly Democratic Republican but flipped to the NLP last election, it has now returned into the DRP column with the President winning the state by over 5%. The president was up against NLP candidate Amare Kabbah, former mayor of the capital Kalibaka, who performed horribly thanks in large part to a disorganized and poorly funded campaign.

In the Federal Assembly the DRP has also performed admirably, winning over 12 seats more then the previous election, expanding their big majority in the lower chamber. They now have nearly 100 seats more then the NLP, giving them near absolute control over the chamber. In terms of votes Suso has won the largest share of the popular vote for any presidential candidate in the last 80 years, solidifying his mandate and ensuring that he has support from not only Democratic Republicans, but also New Labour party members and independents. The senate elections are scheduled next year and with President Suso at a approval rating of 80%, the economy experiencing unprecedented growth and the DRP winning election after election many expect to see a major DRP win in the senate next year, casting out NLP control in all federal chambers and forcing the oppossition party to rethink their strategy moving forward.

The election results in the electoral college, handing President Suso a major victory

President Alieu Suso re-elected to a second term in office
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:10 pm

OOC Source: Navy Recognition

Fankum: The naval shipyard expansion project in the coastal city of Fankum has been completed, giving the city the first military shipyard in the country. The Fankum shipyards were planned to be complete in 7 years but, thanks to additional funds from the Department of National Development and a favourable ruling from the federal courts the construction project was sped up to such a point that 4 years within launching the project it was complete. The new major complex, consisting of thousands of square acres, will allow the construction of 3 medium to large sized warships a a time with the exception for a aircraft carrier, which cannot be constructed at the new shipyard if required. The facilities also have the capability to repair damaged ships. The new Fankum shipyards will be managed by the newly created "Fankum Shipyard Cooperative", a non profit management company that will be in charge of managing, maintaining and organizing the Fankum military shipyards. Likely the first ships to be build here will be the Budara class frigate's, designed by the NVG, and the new Mirat class destroyers developed by PUNKT.

The Department of Defense has, in close cooperation with the navy, initially ordered around 5 Budara class frigate's and 3 Mirat class destroyers on top of one prototype ship of each class, which will be upgraded to the final versions, putting to total number of ships for each class at 6 and 4 respectfully. The navy has stated that it is their intend to, "make these new ships form the new line of modern warships for the Istapali Navy, allowing us to build on their design for the possible future development of other much needed ships and using their capabilities to the best of their ability." There is currently no plan for the construction of additional Budara or Mirat class ships, with the DoD likely planning to use the initial pair of ships to reinforce and lead the old ships in the fleet and waiting with the procurement of additional ships of the new classes based on budgetary concerns. The NVG is also reportedly working on the development of a new sea to land missile that will be used as the primary ground strike missile on the new Mirat destroyers, giving it a capable missile to operate with.

Construction on two Mirat class destroyers and one Budara class frigate has already been ordered, with these three ships likely being ready for sea trials within the next 1 to 2 years depending on the way construction will play out.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Wed Feb 17, 2021 9:17 pm

OOC Source: Remote Lands

Kalibaka: The Lime Palace has announced a budget increase for the military that will see its budget increase to 4% of the GDP. The palace press corps stated this in a daily press conference led by the State Director for Press Affairs earlier today. The intend of the increase is to allow the Armed Forces to envision their expansion and modernization programs without much interference from the Federal government. The new budget will be a increase of 3% compared to the previous budgets proposed to parliament. It will be a increase of over 40 billion in total, marking a tripling of the current budget and a significant boost to the Armed Forces. In addition to the increase in the military budget the palace also announced planned reforms to the process of aquiring military hardware and awarding contracts. In the new reform the Department of Defense does no longer have to receive presidential permission to award a contract. The reform also allows the DoD to independently order pieces of equipment without interference from the rest of the executive branch. Only parliament will be able to halt a development project with reasonable grounds in the new reform.

The new reforms are part of the Suso Administration its program to modernize, expand and develop the Armed Forces. It is a popular policy with many Istapalians who see it as a way to protect themselves from the volatile situation of international politics, with the Dovani Pact surrounding Istapali in almost its entirety and Istapali remaining relatively isolated on the international stage. Having a strong independent Armed Force is, for many Istapalians, a way to preserve the integrity of the country and prevent it from falling pray to outside influences. The new reforms will allow the military to put the new funds to use specifically in researching and developing new equipment and systems but will also help the Armed Forces expand, with more funds being available for the construction of newly developed equipment.

Parliament is likely to approve the reform and budget increase package, as both the NLP and DRP are generally in favour of strengthening the Armed Forces. The new budget will slightly cut into the budget but with a budget surplus of 50 billion last year, largely thanks to cuts in funding for federal programs, it will not move the budget into a deficit.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:16 pm

OOC Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Ugwu: In the northern states of Istapali and border regions of New Englia a medium sized earthquake could be felt by residents. The earthquake, 5.1 in magnitude, caused damages to several villages and border cities, shaking the ground in both Istapali and New Englia and causing many residents to flee their homes. Around 10 people have been reported wounded with no deaths so far. The earthquake is unusual, as there isnt a history of earthquakes in the region and no tectonic plates cross it, causing many to speculate about the origin of the earthquake. The government has send additional aid to Ugwu state to ensure that no logistical problems will occur and the Department of National Security has been working with local agencies on the ground to further monitor possible activities.

The President issued a statement saying that his administration is, "looking at the situation carefully and will do whats neccessary to support local authorities in managing the situation." New Englia has not yet responded officialy to the event, with New Englian rescue forces reportedly moving into the area to aid the few people trapped inside their homes. While the official statement of the Istapali government states that it was likely a natural event caused by a irregular movement of a tectonic plate in the Red Bass Ocean scientists say that is simply impossible, prompting speculation about the possibility of a secret project, basing the theory on the announcement of a secret government facility just two years ago. The government has so far denied these accusations, saying it is fully focussed on helping those affected by the earthquake.
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