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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Sun May 23, 2010 9:58 pm

People's Army Evacuates Gao-Showa Residents in Northern Regions

Residents Evacuated for Safety from Violence and Bombing

HIKALA -- Forces of the People's Army of Sekowo have begun evacuating some Gao-Showa residents in the northern regions of the nation as the Imperial Army begins attacks against the National Liberation Army and other NLA allies. For those who have not yet been evacuated, the People's Army has been working to move those residents into shelters away from areas at threat of bombings.

People's Army Given "OK" for Engagement w/ NLA Forces

People's Army Mobilizing in Undarro

UNDARRO -- The People's Army of Sekowo has officially ended its status as non-combative as General Ito announces that the paramilitary has been given the "ok" for engagement with NLA forces. This move follows the beginning of offensive by the Imperial Army in Northern Sekowo and accompanies the evacuation of civilians in key areas in the region.

General Ito has stated that the time has now arrived for the Imperial Dominions to be crushed and the People's Army will not stop until Sekowo is again one under a Gao-Showa government.

Later this week it is expected that the bulk of the People's Army's forces will arrive in Hikala as the core of the force is based out of Undarro where the paramilitary's headquarters is located.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Mon May 24, 2010 12:24 am

NLA Prepares for War
The leaders of the National Liberation Army have responded today to news of the invasion of the North of Sekowo by the forces of the Eternal Harmony by calling for military resistance against the invading armies. NLA forces have already secured strongholds in various regions in Hikhala and Bizena, both nominally under the authority of the Imperial Dominions. The nationalist militia seems however to be undermanned and underfunded, and is thus seen as likely to resort to guerrilla warfare.
Eternal Harmony officials presented the invasion as an attempt to eliminate NLF extremist activities, but many see it as a means of eliminating Orinco rule in the North and bringing the whole of Sekowo under Gao-Showa rule.

William Hatsuharu, Commander of the NLA, strongly condemned the involvement of the People's Army

The NLA leadership consider the presence of the Sekowan People's Army among the invading forces as a sign that the Gao-Showa Communist Party is a "social fascist" organization.
William Hatsuharu wrote:The Fascists in the South now clearly admit who their real enemy is: it is us, the National Liberation Front, the only true voice of the people in this dictatorship-ridden country. They are now sending their armies to silence this voice. Let them come! They will be warmly welcomed by our guns and bullets. Some of these invaders, who like to call themselves Communists, are even worse than the others. They are Social Fascists, giving some illusory aid to the working classes to secure their support while they continue to oppress the Sekowan proletariat and, in a display of racism and ethnic prejudice, to persecute the half of this country that is not Gao-Showa,
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Tue May 25, 2010 11:59 pm

People's Army Launches Assaults on NLA Outposts in Rural Regions

People's Army Anti-NLA/Imperium Poster from Undarro

HIKALA -- Earlier today the People's Army initiated a series of guerrilla attacks on outposts of the National Liberation Army in Hikala. At the moment estimates show that the numbers of the People's Army presence in the region may exceed 100,000, though no numbers are clear at the moment. General Ito of the People's Army has called on the Ministry of Defence "to make use of its full potential and crush the Imperium once and for all, no questions asked." It is clear that the general has no interest in negotiation with the Imperium and its expected that his army will continue to attack NLA forces which venture out of their strongholds.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:55 am

War against Northern Terrorist State Wears On

September 2947 - Year XIV of the Kumiko Era - The Imperial Dominions has revealed itself to be nothing better than a rogue terror state by falling back on National Liberation Army support in order continue existing after the Sekowian people rejected it in the last election. Fighting in the northern mountains is difficult, but not beyond the ability of our brave professionals of the Imperial Army.

Editorial by Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus - The performance of our brave soldiers of the Imperial Army in combating the Northern Separatists is outstanding, and for this reason we citizens at home must bare in mind loyalty to the throne and Empire at all times, for without our patriotism the war in the North is without purpose. For this reason any attempts to question the legitimacy of the Empress, our bright and brilliant ruler though whom the light of heaven shines, is below contemptible. Talk of a republic appears to have infected the chattering classes of undisciplined louts who make up the extreme wing of the Peoples Army, and while we do not question the loyalty of General Ito and the Kyousan-tou leadership, we implore them for the sake of our struggling and suffering forces in the North not to tolerate this seditious and irreligious rumour of a Republican uprising against the Most High and August Throne of Sekowo, for such an uprising is an uprising against the Divine Powers of heaven. To even consider such an act is paramount to a treason of the soul.

Citizens of the Empire Magnificent should also note with mockery and contempt the behaviour, or lack there of, of the so-called 'Emperor' Kenji the three times removed. Not a word has he spoken on the grave situation facing the Empire and the Ishida Dynasty, on the serious threat which the International Communist controlled 'Imperial Dominions' poses to Sekowo he has nothing to say. In fact, he has nothing to say at all, as far as I'm aware (and I'm a government minister) the only words of import our so-called Emperor has spoken was his oath before the International Monarchist League, nothing else has passed his lips which could be of any use to his people. I ask you, brave citizens who live in the shadow of civil war, do you desire such an Emperor as he? An Emperor who does not live among us, has not seen fit to address you, an Emperor who has no qualification to rule other than the vote of some quasi-parliamentary supranational organisation? Last time I checked the Emperors of Sekowo ruled by the mandate of Heaven, not by the votes of men who do not know our traditions nor our troubles. Our Empress has been a shield and guide to our people through this times of strife, if it were not for her inspired leadership the Sectarian Junta would still be fighting over which Orincos warlord had the biggest share of loot! What has Kenji done? He sips wine in Luthori whore houses and silently lets them slander his homeland and the very party which restored the Ishida Dynasty as rebels.

To even consider Kenji as the ruler of our nation is to spit in the face of our selfless soldiers and the memory of our late Emperor, to entertain Republican pipe dreams is an act comparable to straggling the life from our brave warriors. For victory against enemies abroad and at home, we citizens must hold true to the principles of patriotism, faith in the divine, hard work and austerity which made our nation great. The world beneath a single cord, the glorious mission of our Empire must be foremost in each of our minds as we go about our everyday tasks, and that is half the victory.

Wasn't that enlightening? Now our cartoon feature.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:44 pm

Kyousan-tou Prepares for One of Sekowo's Most Important Elections

Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Kim Hyunku is considered a rising power in Kyousan-tou,
but many criticize him for being to moderate.

UNDARRO -- This summer Sekowo will hold its first parliamentary elections in quite a few years and this time many huge issues face the country. Fierce ethnic tensions continue as well as the division of Sekowo into two "nations". In addition to the troubling domestic problems, Sekowo is now faced by foreign problems as the International Monarchist League earlier this month urged monarchist nations to invade and forcefully install "Emperor" Kenji. Reaction in Kyousan-tou was extreme anger, among even those who take moderate stances on issues. The declaration has visibly strengthened republican sentiment in the party as monarchism is further thrown into affiliation with gaijin imperialism and the obstruction and eventual destruction of "non-white" culture.

General Ito Meeting with Regional Commanders in Northern Sekowo

With General-Secretary Kyouno Kazuko mysteriously withdrawing completely from party affairs the party's politics have become mostly headed seemingly by Minister of Finance Hirofumi Kenichi and Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs Kim Hyunku. Their influence though is minimal as the People's Army, under the strict command of General Ito, has continually made moves to mix themselves into the political affairs of Kyousan-tou and try to move military officials into the Kyousan-tou Shadow Ministries. Current party members who are in the Gozen Kaigi and National Cabinet have opposed those moves and have kept out the military with some moderate success. While success has occurred in keeping the military officially out of political affairs, earlier this week the "acting-headquarters" of Kyousan-tou was closed off by the People's Army. The building, which is the main headquarters of the People's Army, for the past month has been slowly pushing out Kyousan-tou politicians and numerous reports were made one night as residents in nearby apartments could hear apparent gunfire. Police reports though showed no evidence of such an event and state that residents simply were overreacting to the thunder from that night's large thunderstorm.

Shadow Interior Minister Kim Hyunku bashed the police force of Undarro following their report referring to them as "militaristic tools". Kim, a young newcomer to Sekowan politics, is viewed suspiciously by many older Kyousan-tou officials and especially by the People's Army. Many who currently hold power in Kyousan-tou see Kim as "way too moderate". The People's Army is openly hateful of his "very anti-military" views; Kim is a vocal proponent of nationwide nuclear, chemical, and biological weapon disarmament, of fully optional military service, and of decreases in the defence budget.

With Kyousan-tou's rather currently unorganized system for its candidates for office, Kim is rumored to possibly try to get his name on the ballot as a representative of the monarch. Normally the General-Secretary would stand for this office, but with Kyouno Kazuko missing, the candidacy is left open by the ruling party "traditionalists" who only want the GS for that spot. Should Kim succeed at slipping through the "traditionalists" grasp in the party's disorganization, he will surely face quite a controversy with party officials; though not so much with his constituents who have shown to be rather fond of his policy.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:53 pm

Foreigners Expelled From Both Nations in Response to Threats From Luthori and Hulstria
June 2948 - Year XV of the Kumiko Era -Police enter the premise of a Hulstrian Corporation, as part of the Gaijin Expulsion Act which received universal support of all parties.

In a display of unusual unity all parties in the joint session of the Imperial Synod of the Imperial Dominions and the Gozen Kaigi of the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent voted in favour of removing all foreigners, especially Luthorians and Hulstrians, in response to threats of invasion and blockade by the nations of the Crown Alliance. The unwavering opposition of all Sekowians to the instalment of Kenji the three times removed as Emperor was present throughout the proceedings. The nation has been brought together in its profound disgust with the Gaijin Empires and their lackeys who have brought misery and slavery upon the people of Dovani.

Luthorians are particularly hatred for their role in dismantling the Sekowian Empire, Sekowians of all races are happy to see them suffer for the crimes they have committed against all Dovani people.

Taisei Yokusankai Traditionalists Ousted by Modernising New Leadership with A Radical Vision for Sekowo
April 2949 - Year XVI of the Kumiko Era - After the long standing leader Akimoto Akira resigned, Obana Koike (Centre) the former shadow minister for Science and Technology and friend of the late Yoshikuni Riku, has become leader of the now-renamed Taisei Yokusankai.

Kagaku shūdan (科学集団), which means Scientific Collectivity, is an ideology designed to solve Sekowo's problems through technocratic methods rather than through the traditional approaches of sectional and cultural politics, and aims to reconcile the Imperial Dominions to the rule of the Eternal Harmony by use of a 'carrot and stick' strategy, making the Eternal Harmony more inclusive and less Gao-Showa Centric but pursuing a zero-tolerance policy towards separatism.
The Leader of Kagaku shūdan, Obana Koike wrote:We in Sekowo need a new idea, a new ideology to unite the divided peoples and cultures of our Empire back into the unity of old. This ideology is Scientific Collectivity, the theory and a practice of Scientific principles within political-economic method. The universal principles of mathematical and rational truths, uncovered by the genius of the ancient philosophers of the Orincos city states, combined with the in depth analysis of the human sprit mind and body achieved by the thinkers of the classical Gao-Showan Empires will transend the boundaries of race and creed, bringing about true unity amongst the people of Sekowo. People won't fight if the nation develops economically, and in order to reach this development the people must work hard and long to make our nation strong and rich.

Things cannot continue as they are, we should be arming ourselves against the Luthorian-Hulstrian Menace and Kenji, not fighting meaningless tribal feuds. Though the Orincos Junta started this conflict out of greed and opportunism, we should not forget we too bare some responsibility for the continuation of this conflict by not listening to the demands of the people, instead concentrating on shock and awe tactics. We should be developing a political strategy to defeat the National Liberation Front terrorists where military tactics have failed, isolating the extremists by offering inroads to the Pluralists and the Peoples Party, and offering a solid programme of economic and technological development to the minorities. We must remember the words of the great unifier of ancient Sekowo, Lysander the Great, "All mortals from now on will live like one people, united, and peacefully working towards a common prosperity." This has always been the goal of our Empire, to unite the people of Dovani into the commonweal of glory that is the Imperial Thrones dominion. Hakkō ichiu, the world under a single cord, universal brotherhood in the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:18 pm

"People's Communes" Created in North
The National Liberation Front, although officially part of the Imperial Dominions Government, has recently supported the creation of egalitarian "people's communes" in the areas under its military control. These are officially self-run and self-defended communities, where all land is shared and property is common, but there are allegations that they are in fact nothing but strongholds for the National Liberation Army. The Interior Ministry, under the control of NLF Isembart Kichirō Du Moucel, seems to be tolerating these areas outside government administration, as the Front seems to be acting more and more independently from the Imperial Dominions. Many critics see these communes as a state within the state, where the NLF exerts absolute hegemony.

The Rhodon commune, Hikhala exarchy

NLF Rejects Ceasefire, Demands Conditions
The recent suggestion of a ceasefire from the Kagaku shūdan, in light of the threat of invasion from IML members, has been rejected by National Liberation Front leadership, who instead presented a list of conditions for the signing of such an agreement.

William Hatshuharu wrote:This is a new attempt by the capitalist swine calling themselves the Kagaku shūdan to bring the whole country under Gao-Showa control, using foreign invasion as a scare tactic to force people into supporting their vicious dictatorship. We are aware though that an invasion by Luthori and Hulstria would require the entire nation to stand united, therefore we shall agree with a ceasefire if the Southern parties can prove their good intentions by supporting these demands of the people:
1. Sekowo is to be reunited as one country
2. All areas without a Gao-Showa majority are to be given autonomy
3. All large companies and factories are to be run democratically by their workers
4. The people's communes set up by the NLF in the North are to be allowed to exist
5. The new government is to recognize the National Liberation Army as legitimate.
Unless these conditions are met, we cannot sign a ceasefire with a government we regard as illegitimate. This is why we shall only recognize a single democratic government over all of Sekowo. If this fails, our militias can hold against both the Gao-Showa Fascists and the foreign imperialists in the Northern mountains.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:45 pm

National Liberation Army Only Interested in Conflict and Terror
At a time when the nation needs peace and unity, the National Liberation Army continues to selfishly impose it's extremist policies on the people in the North without consideration for the national interest. Here, a farmer unwilling to give up his land to feed NLA thugs is executed.

The Leader of Kagaku shūdan, Obana Koike wrote:The National Liberation Front appears to not to understand that a ceasefire does not entail one side unconditionally being annexed by the other. Their conditions for ceasefire are that the other parties accept Communism or face armed struggle from the NLA at a time of national crisis, and yet at the same time they accuse us paradoxically of trying to force the nation into becoming a single state, while refusing to sign the ceasefire because they will only recognise a single government. These conditions are mad, and so is the reasoning that underlines them. We implore the parties of the right and centre not to vote with the extremists of both sides and support the ceasefire and save our nation from disaster. We are also disappointed in the Peoples Party, who so vocal for peace when it was a utopian dream, refuse it when it is necessity.

We beg of the Imperial Pluralist Party to open their eyes to how the Communists in the NLA are using the Imperial Dominions as nothing more than a shield under which to establish Communism by force, if they are to again stand for vigorous Imperial Expansion and the protection of autocracy, ideological orthodoxy, and the nation they must turn their backs on these "allies". What will happen to the Orincos feudal nobility and the Orthodox Church in these Peoples Communes being set up by NLA brigands without consulting the Imperial Synod? If the Imperial Pluralists sign the Ceasefire then the twin Monarchs can use the Royal Prerogative to make the Ceasefire legitimate. We beg of them, defend our nation and forget the past.

Anti-Western Sentiment is Shown by the Rise of Green Saber Mania, Solidarity with Namviet

Manga glorifying the Green Saber Freedom Fighters who struck the Western Empires a great blow is just part of the huge wave of anti-Luthori, anti-Western sentiment which has swept through the cultural and political life of Sekowo. The Joint Session of the Imperial Synod and the Gozen Kaigi voted to allow the Green Saber organisation to use Sekowo as a base and shelter in a provocative gesture to the west and the IML.

Across Sekowo the signs of hostility to western influence is unmistakable, from the popular manga featuring the Green Saber Freedom Fighters to Voodoo Dolls of the Luthorian Royal Family made by Kuragao tribesmen, Sekowo is rejecting the west. Students in the Imperial Dominions have refused to sit through lectures on Majatran History, demanding they be taught about Lysander the Great, the hero of the ancient Orincos who united Gao-Showans and others in a short lived Empire which laid the basis for the Sekowan nation. Orthodox Priests have stepped their denunciations of the Catholic faith, Buddhists and Pagans of all strips have become more visibly militant in their approach to western religious thought. Solidarity with the people of Namviet is also prominent, with a Namviet Nationalist leader now running a anti-Luthori radio programme from Sekowo.

A Namviet nationalist anthem.
The Luthorian flag is burned in a Free Namviet March.
Last edited by Captain-Socialist on Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:08 pm

People's Army Launches Night Assaults on Northern Communes


HIKALA -- Earlier this month General Ito of the People's Army began a series of night assaults on various independent communes that exist in northern Sekowo. These areas, backed by the National Liberation Front, came into existence earlier this year as the NLF announced their support for autonomy for all areas lacking a Gao-Showa majority. It is clear that General Ito is not fond of this idea though it wasn't expected that action would be taken this soon.

The first night assault, occurring on a rural commune in southern Hikala, was done on June 7 in the midst of the night. Most of this village was burned and many of its inhabitants killed or severely injured.

Late last year the People's Army and its affiliated party Kyousan-tou broke their ties after a series of internal struggles. It is also now being suggested that former General-Secretary Kyouno Kazuko's disappearance is of General Ito's doing. After the June elections Kim Hyunku rose into the party leadership backed by Kyousan-tou parliamentary members and former cabinet members. Within the hour following his takeover he denounced General Ito, who then responded by ending their affiliation to the party and deeming President Kim a traitor to the Gao-Showa people. Party radicals in Kyousan-tou remain to operate in support of the People's Army and it is expected that they will continue through the coming years to topple President Kim.

President Kim in reaction to the commune night raids has further condemned the People's Army and criticized their abandonment of their founding principals.
"The People's Army was founded to fight oppression of the people and to help and protect the Sekowan people. The only enemies were gaijin paramilitaries and any invading foreigners. What has the army come to!? They're raiding villages and burning homes. While the communes are illegal gaijin breakaways, the answer is not to go in and kill civilians. It is the gaijin who kill civilians, not us."
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:12 am

Kagaku shūdan Continues to Fight for Unity
Obana Koike is determined to make the nation united in the face of external threats.
Obana Koike wrote:Brothers and sisters, fellow successors to the Sekowan tradition.
I, Obana Basilius Koike, open this conference on the Unity of our nation in face of the threat of war posed to us by the Luthori Empire and it's lackeys. We have our differences, but we share one dream and one wish, to see Sekowo restored and great. These last centuries have been a nightmare for the Sekowan nation, our Empire, comprised of willing and self-governing states bound in mutual allegiance to the Sekowan tradition, the traditions of the Shinjalans and the Gao-Showans equally. Now, they are ruled over instead by the tyrants of the "Holy" Luthori Empire, the Racist Construct called "Greater Hulstria" and the Zardic Federation. We have fought a record number of civil wars amongst ourselves, weakening our position and making us the laughing stock of the world. We must reverse this nightmare, and again build the great Sekowan state as the greatest power of the Dovani people.

For this end, and to defend ourselves from the imminent invasion, we must end the civil war. We have listened to the demands of the NLA, and after initial opposition I have persuaded my party to make a compromise. In return for a ceasefire we offer the NLA and the Imperial Dominions;

1) That the government will not interfere with the formation of workers councils or communes.

2) That the Joint Session of the Imperial Synod of the Imperial Dominions and the Gozen Kaigi of the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent be recognised as the de-facto supreme democratic authority in the nation until a more formal structure is decided on, with free elections and the cabinet elected by the Joint-Session will be the only cabinet of the nation.

3) Open the borders between the two states.

4) Crack down on ethic violence, all militias and standing armies will cease to fight each and prepare to face the Luthori onslaught..

5) Secure a promise from both monarchs not to question the legitimacy of the other while the provisions of this conference are in force.
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