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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 11:11 pm
by lihokan2

Marius Bain Forms New Party 'Avancons Ensemble'

Avancons Leader Marius Bain

After months of speculation in the inside circles of politics, Marius Bain has finally publicly announced the formation of his political movement named Avancons Ensemble (AE). Avancons, currently made up of Bain, about 300 core supporters and 10 affiliated labour unions mainly in the fields of teaching and transport plans to 'launch a revolution to retake Lourenne'. Bain has also nominated Anne Allaire, long-time ally and president of the Syndicat de l'Enseignement Supérieur Lourennais (SESL) as co-leader of Avancons.

Avancons Members Vote for the Establishment of the Party

The Avancons has launched a radical left-wing platform during the conference, in line with Bain's long-term focus on pacifism and democracy. "Avançons Ensemble is a movement of all Lourennais people against the corrupt political establishment. Honest and hard-working people have been ripped off by the government through their endless militarist projects aiming not at improving the lives across Lourenne, but building a global order that serves their own interests."

Logo of Avancons Ensemble

For the scheduled 4554 election, Bain and Avancons have announced plans to nominate candidates for the National Assembly, but aim to grow into a formidable opposition force first, ruling out any potential coalitions with PRN and AL. In the long run, Bain has publicly called for the destruction of the 'Partis de l'inaction' to renew governance and reframe political discourse in Lourenne to be more focused on sustainability, equality and inclusivity. It will take time to know the public's reaction to such a populist stance.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:38 pm
by Auditorii
Lourenne suspends trade and economic cooperation with Hulstria and Gao-Soto
September, 4552
Minister of Trade and Industry Sylvain Leclair announced suspension of trade and economic cooperation with Hulstria and Gao-Soto after the rise of tensions within Hulstria and Gao-Soto. Minister Leclair cited danger to Lourennian citizens and businesses and that until tensions simmer down, that they would cut all trade and economic cooperation with the country. Alongside that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a red flag on travel to Hulstria and Gao-Soto as tensions increase throughout the globe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that they would be observing the situation and cooperating with the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of the Interior on monitoring the developing situation on the ground.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:27 am
by Auditorii
Le Sueur ascends to High Chancellorship
April, 4555
The sudden, unexpected collapse of the Nationalist Royal Party sent the Royal Assembly into a frenzy. Only 28 seats were filled by the close of business as Deputies of the Royal Assembly who were members of the NRP walked out. This prompted the government to call for snap elections, the governments resignation was followed by snap elections that were organized a month later. Action Lourenne took 277 seats while the upstart communist and socialist party took 73 seats. Action Lourenne has a commanding 80% of the Royal Assembly and immediately moved to protect Lourenne from falling into Communist and Socialist hands by passing the "Legislative Protection Act" which puts off elections for another 6 years. It was announced that now former Minister of National Defense Amand Le Sueur would ascend to the post of High Chancellor and with the blessing of King Philippe I, would take the nations highest government seat. In the electoral victory speech, Le Sueur noted that the collapse of the NRP had hurt him personally as he was once a member of the NRP.

Le Sueur promised a "...strong, effective government that was for the people and worked with them." Le Sueur is widely credited with restoring order and prestige to the Lourennian Armed Forces after years of stagnation underneath an archaic system that was propped up by the NRP. Le Sueur noted that Admiral Didier Boissonade, the Chief of the National Defense Staff would be assuming the joint role of Minister of National Defense and Chief of the National Defense Staff effectively granting him complete control over the Armed Forces of Lourenne. This is coupled with the increased desire for more administrative changes, a plan that was released by the Ministry of the Interior would radically overhaul the system of local government and would look to centralize local government more and grant them far ranging authority. While the Ministry of the Interior has stated that Federalism is not their desire, they would like more devolved powers that are better suited to local authority over national authorities.

Despite the civil government changes, the military changes in Lourenne have been mostly completed. It is expected that after a series of delays, the National Defense Staff and the Ministry of National Defense will announce the completion of the armed forces rearmament and overhaul.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:25 pm
by lihokan2

AE forms National Unity Coalition in Political Crisis

Logo of the Convergence National - Coalition Unite (CNCU)

Following the collapse of both Action Lourennais (AL) and Parti National Royaliste (PNR), the Avancons Ensemble remained as the only political party in Lourenne. With the Assembly once again only 20% filled, Marius Bain has called for fresh elections. The AE was also restructured into the Convergence National with the aim to create a political platform for all ideologies and stances in Lourenne under the new political landscape. This effort is later joined by the 'Unity Coalition' group of independent politicians from former AL and PNR, together forming the CNCU with representation from the left to the right.

Groups of the CNCU - AE (left-wing), PC (right-wing) and GI (centrist)

The election has returned with all 350 CNCU candidates unopposed, with leaders of all three 'Groups' in the CNCU appointed cabinet members. The fresh start of politics in Lourenne has led to the proposal of electoral reforms to combine the national elections deemed to be unopposed, with party elections for the CNCU's internal assembly the 'Groups Committee', with the new assembly designed to completely parallel the Groups Committee. The combination of party and state, while experimental, have already brought controversy and upheaval within Lourenne, with many former politicians calling foul. Yet none still seem to have the political capital to form their own movement.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:13 pm
by lihokan2

CNCU Groups Strike Deal for Future Governance

High Chancellor Marius Bain speaking at the Coalition Conference

Following months of negotiations within the CNCU's Groups Committee, the top brass of the party has come together to unveil its Programme for governance of Lourenne under this term of government. It was passed formally in the Coalition Conference held yesterday in Eroncourt, leading to the immediate proposal of several bills as well as the new budget and tax plan. Proposed legislation has spanned from the nuclear programme to reforms in industrial and labour relations, showing the scope of the CNCU's reform. More legislation is also planned for the next years under the Bain government in other fields such as infrastructure and environmental protection.

CNCU Manifesto for Governance calling for compromise and unity in the national interest

This Programme, named 'Unity and Compromise in the National Interest', has been truly a work of compromise from the left and the right, culminating in some interesting pieces of legislation. For example, the government has proposed to make the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons illegal in all circumstances, but has kept the development of such weapons legal. Another judicial reform bill called for the active integration of illegal immigrants, a left-wing priority, while proposing to grant parliamentarians immunity. However, the compromises that have been struck are seen to be tilted more favourably towards the left-wing Avancons Ensemble Group, which has a larger following and greater representation in the CNCU's Groups Committee.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 3:48 am
by lihokan2

Government Announces New High Speed Rail

Experimental car reaches highest speed of 350 km/h

The government recently put a bill of appropriations to the Royal Assembly, asking for further allocation to the infrastructure funding to build Lourenne's much-needed high speed rail network under the new 'Transport pour Lourenne' brand for public transport networks across the nation. The 'Chemin de Fer Rapide' (CFR) train, developed by the National Laboratory, also had its first test launch yesterday, reaching top speeds of 350 km/h in the test track built in Iztapalata. It is expected that with the CFR, journey times across major cities in Lourenne will be slashed by more than half.

Map of the planned network

The initial network (Intercite Lourenne IL) proposed by the government will connect major cities of 4 regions across Lourenne except Lucande, with future expansions planned in the region. The line starts from Eroncourt's main station Avenue de Roi, travelling upward to Delaune then splits in Iztapalata. The Western Branch then ends in the port city of Bellevue, while the Eastern Branch ends across the bay to Coruma. Linking major urban centers, especially Valois and Eroncourt, the IL is expected to generate enormous economic activity along and beyond the line. Urban expansion will also take place in many of the new stations built near existing urban centers such as Porte Orleans Sud and Valois Sud.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:41 pm
by lihokan2

Housing Crisis Unfolds under Government Inaction

Rundown blocks are being purchased by the Government as Social Housing

Following alarming predictions from the government about an upcoming housing crisis, the government has acted in passing the CNCU-09: Housing Reform Act to put in place rent controls, and set up Social Housing through the government's Housing Office (BL). However as housing prices continue to rise, many property owners are found to be going under the radar of the government and charging ever higher rents to its desperate residents. Just last month, the average price of one square feet in Eroncourt has risen by a further 10%. Homelessness across the nation has also risen by 15% since last year as more people are pushed out to the streets.

While the government has pledged and legislated, it has not been proactive in seeking a solution for the Housing Crisis. The Social Housing scheme up until now has only been the government purchasing run-down blocks from private owners and then renting it out again at a slightly lower price. With no plan from the Housing Office to actually increase the housing stock and tackle the housing shortage from its stem, it is extremely difficult to see a way out of this crisis.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:05 pm
by lihokan2

Iztapalata Announces New City Plan

Plan for the City

The Iztapalata government has unveiled its plans for a massive development scheme around the planned High Speed Rail station 'New Iztapalata 30 minutes to the south of the city proper. The city hall and the Strategic Works Office have hoped that the new plan will effectively utilize the economic and social advantage brought by the High Speed Rail connection and create a continuous 'Coastal Economic Belt' that injects economic vitality from Valois to eastern cities of Porte Orleans and Bellevue.

Large Public Housing Development is Embedded in the Plan

To tackle the housing shortage, the government has included a massive public housing development in the plan, building 70.000 public units in the new city area that the Housing Office hopes to 'give impoverished Lourennais citizens better quality of living through a comprehensively planned residential community'. However, some sociologists express fears of creating a 'Banlieue' where poor citizens are all packed densely together with little to none economic mobility.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:11 pm
by lihokan2

CNCU Announces 4570 Manifesto To Face Challenge of En Avant

Cover of the 4570 Manifesto

Titled 'Staying Together, Moving Forward', the CNCU's second manifesto since its foundation has showed the leftward shift of the party since its foundation following the collapse of national parties. This manifesto is divided into 3 main sections, respectively aimed at Development, Nuclear Energy and Devolution.

On development policies, the party plans to tackle the housing crisis through an ambitious programme of New Towns across the nation, duplicating that of the New Iztapalata plan creating public housing communities alongside public transit corridors. The CNCU also called for the construction of urban railway projects and highway expansions into the countryside, doubling down on En Avant's latest plans to develop rural and urban infrastructure. On nuclear energy, the CNCU has pledged to eliminate nuclear energy and replace all current nuclear plants with sustainable energy sources by 4580, as well as legislating on a ban on nuclear arms development and storage, backtracking on its previous inter-group compromise of maintaining a nuclear arms silo while banning its use. On devolution, the party proposes new devolved agencies across the United Kingdom in metropolitan areas and autonomous provincial authorities and handing over most municipal, cultural and educational responsibilities to these new democratic bodies, while keeping most regulation and legislation work in Eroncourt.

The early timing of the Manifesto's release has been criticized by many, and seen as a desperate move for the governing party against the challenge of the growing right-wing En Avant party. The CNCU seems to be already in campaigning mode once they are re-elected into office and Marius Bain is scheduled to appear in campaign events across the country starting from as early as next week. The first democratic challenge has been launched to the CNCU, and the CNCU has gladly accepted the challenge, yet with great caution and preparation.

Re: Lourenne Quotidien

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:17 pm
by lihokan2

Eroncourt Gets New Bus Rapid Transit

New Buses will be purchased to run in Eroncourt

The city hall of Eroncourt has unveiled its plans for the capital's new Bus Rapid Transit system the ERX. After taking reference from bus rapid transit systems across Terra, city hall has decided to create a city-wide system that spans from the suburbs into the heart of the capital, traversing hilly terrain and busy main traffic corridors all at once. As the city continues to grow bigger and denser, Eroncourt's buses have seen overcrowding while traffic congestion becomes more severe, leading to delays and unreliable service. To combat these problems, the ERX will be completely run on busways that ban all vehicles except for buses, meaning that there will be no congestion for buses while the remaining lanes have to suffer as road capacity further decreases. While many public transport users rejoice, motorists have rose up to oppose the proposal and instead call for new highways around the city. The plan's low cost of 78 million LFR, however, make it much more financially competitive against the multi-billion highways plan.

Route of the ERX in downtown Eroncourt

The ERX, when completely rolled out, will run 15 lines spanning across the town. For the first phase that will complete construction next year, however, there will only be 3 lines with 2 in the city center, radiating away to 4 'strategic growth centers' in Eroncourt's suburbs. Many real estate developers have already started buying up land in these growth centers with the prospect of quicker and direct connection to the city center, while its location still means affordable housing and land prices for citizens. Meanwhile, the central government's Housing Office has also purchased swathes of land at the terminus of ERX lines for public housing development a la Iztapalata. With the ERX now in full swing, many expect that development, private or public, will be greatly accelerated alongside economic activity.