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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:21 pm
by thefalloutfan101
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Ministry of Defense to standardize military construction methods
Fuchstal, 29 January 4545

A T-72 tank is shown during military exercises last year. It is just one of the many dozens that were imported via a large arms deal with Deltaria.

"As Dundorf moves into a stronger economy, such must also be reflected in the military. We cannot improve one without the other. As such, we will commit to establishing a standardization in the production of military equipment and vehicles. If all is executed successfully, we'll have streamlined tank production to only take six months maximum. " Such words were spoken by the Revolutionäre Volksarmee's Chief of Staff Marko Drache to a packed room filled with military officers at the Ministry of Defense's luncheon room at their headquarters in Fuchstal. Drache's proclamation was met with a shower of applause. Improvements in military production could not have come at a more better time—With the expansion of CARSS and growing instability in all corners of the globe, Dundorf could no longer sit idly and continually ask for purchases from Deltaria. "If our military is to be successful, we must have a significant degree of self-reliance. Sure, support from Deltaria is always welcome, but we cannot rely on them entirely for our own military improvement. That duty shall fall unto us alone."

Drache's plan, as laid out before a joint meeting with the Defense and Industrial Ministries would involve a comprehensive plan of standardization of production methods for military equipment across the board, ranging from conventional weaponry to vehicles. As the current surplus of the Dundorfian armed forces is a mix of partially outdated Deltarian equipment and vastly outdated Dundorfian equipment, the time for a kickstart in production has been vital. "We've been showing a willingness to improve our military, in both technology and it's capabilities, but not a commitment. Today, that policy shall change. Methods of production shall be unified and converted to the modern era. For decades now we've been using vastly antiquated methods which largely fail to keep up with the current climate. It is on this day, genossen, that our old outdated military will see the first steps in its death—And in its place shall stand a strong, modern fighting force to rival the continent."

The MoD has also stated that it will conduct large-scale reverse engineering methods on Deltarian equipment that they have received in the past few years. Drache's reasoning for the reverse engineering was to be able to craft wholly new military equipment and vehicles without having to constantly rely on foreign equipment.

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:51 pm
by thefalloutfan101
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

World Congress Ambassador Heller gives blistering critique of Lourennais, Vanukean hypocrisy
Dunburg, 8 March 4545

Herr Heller addresses the General Assembly.

After a back and forth of deliberations by the government of Deltaria and the governments of Lourenne, Vanuku, and Keymon, Permanent Ambassador to the World Congress Matthias Heller ascended the podium, giving a brief yet blistering critique of the "endless hypocrisy" of both the Kingdom of Lourenne and the Kingdom of Vanuku. Slamming both nations for pledging support to the Military Junta of Keymon and Telamon, who recently elected the far-right Black Cross Party, Heller's speech drew shocked reactions from all corners of the General Assembly. Siding with Deltaria on its recent proposals, Heller did not explicitly state that any further diplomatic actions would be enacted on Keymon, but it is largely expected that amped up economic sanctions will be placed on the dictatorship. Ambassador Heller's full response before the World Congress has been provided below.

Members of the General Assembly,

I am here today along with our comrades in Deltaria to issue a critique of the double standards of both Vanuku and Lourenne. They both speak of preserving freedom across the world but ardently support the brutal regime of Keymon and have recently voiced their support for Telamon, a nation that has seen right-wingers rise to power and will likely share the same fate as them. On the topic of the small island nation, while their geographical area is small, their atrocities speak volumes. The blood of innocent people spilt by their oppressive military junta could fill the entire Mad Dog Ocean!

The nation of Dundorf is tired of this endless hypocrisy perpetrated by Lourenne and Vanuku. The excuses spoken by the Keymonite Ambassador are merely hollow words. Sure, there is an opposition party in the nation. But the Honor and Stability "party" is merely an extension of the military junta that was created by President Ciriaccu. Their cabinet ministers are merely stand-ins for those who harness the true power of the nation—The armed forces! It is high time these two nations come to their senses and realize what is clearly in front of their faces. Keymon has violated human rights the moment it waived away its freedoms to the military junta. It's been some time since the civil war, so why should the military junta still exist? Well, that question I can answer easily: It is purely for the purposes of continuing oppression.

But alas, no matter what words I will say before this chamber, these two will continue to prop up these horrendous regimes purely for the purposes of advancing their own interests. And to them I say:


The Lourennais and Vanukean governments have yet to comment on Herr Heller's critique, but it is largely expected to be a denial of his claims.

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:20 am
by Luis1p

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 7:45 pm
by thefalloutfan101
Arbeiterwelt, or Workers World, is the official newspaper of the ruling Metzist People's Party.
Available in both print and digital.

First Secretary Söllner, Foreign Minister Wolf give warm regards to Trigunian Socialist Movement
Dunburg, 5 February 4547

By Peter Holzer
Chefredakteur (Editor-in-Chief)

Both Erster Sekretär Söllner and Außenminister Wolf have expressed their support for the newly formed Metzist party in Trigunia.

Following the establishment of a new socialist movement to challenge the ruling All-Trigunian Communist Party, a party with a more extreme vision for the gradual establishment of Communism, both First Secretary Karl Söllner and Foreign Minister Emmanuel Wolf expressed their warm regards to the party, and hoped that the party would see successes whenever the next elections of the Trigunian Federation would be held. Speaking before the Parteikammer of the MVP, Söllner was ecstatic at the prospect of stronger cooperation with socialist movements in the continent of Keris.

Fellow party members,

Today a new movement has begun in Trigunia. It is one that challenges the current pre-established order. The All-Trigunian Communist Party, while socialist has a radically different end goal to the establishment of communism. One of an extreme, fringe version of communism. It can be clearly seen in their name, All-Trigunian Communist Party. Socialism and likewise communism is multicultural and is not subject to dominance of one superior ethnicity. Such a notion is inherently reactionary, and as such, we unfortunately cannot agree with such values. Instead, we pledge our support for the Trigunian Socialist Movement instead, and send our warmest regards. We wish for their success in oncoming elections, whenever they may be.

Foreign Minister Wolf also expressed strong support for the new party, stating that Dundorf would be watching Trigunia with great interest over the next few years, and hoped for the establishment of a strong friendship between the two nations. "Having a new movement that understands that socialism must be established with strong support from the populace and gradual implementation of its policies deserves our utmost support, and we wholly welcome relations between our two countries." Neither Karl Söllner nor Emmanuel Wolf gave an explicit critique of the ruling All-Trigunian Communist Party, besides their criticizing of socialism to be a multicultural movement, rather than restricted to a single culture.

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 10:54 pm
by thefalloutfan101
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Ministry of Defense unveils new MBT model
Fuchstal, 27 August 4548

The E-1 engages in its first field exercises in Karlsborn, after numerous prior tests.

After conducting reverse engineering on previous tank models purchased from Deltaria decades ago, the Ministry of Defense unveiled its first, true Dundorfian MBT model to the General Staff and various high-ranking officers of the Revolutionäre Volksarmee at the MoD's headquarters in Fuchstal. Being received to thunderous applause, the newly-elected Chief of Staff Paul Klee stated that it was the first tank to be made by Dundorfian hands since the dismantling of the Dundorfisches Kaiserreich by the PDS several decades ago. General Klee also hinted at several other vehicles currently being in development, which were designed from Deltarian models as well. General Klee then ushered the General Staff and officers to an impromptu testing range established in a field not far from the headquarters, where several of its features were shown, most notably its 1x120mm smoothbore gun, which performed excellently against targets in the demonstration.

Proclaimed by General Klee as the first "modern socialist" tank of its time, alongside its main gun, the tank also features two 7.62mm machine guns in its front, with both able to hold 4,000 rounds of ammunition. Evidently wowing the General Staff and upper crust of the Army, Klee stated that it would begin to be deployed actively within the RVA sometime next month. "This is just the first of many vehicles that have been birthed out of successful engineering projects undertaken by a combined effort of our ministry and the armed forces. We are actively building our armed forces from the ground up, and continuing to innovate with what we have been given. Our path to modernization only stretches further onwards." Alongside fueling vehicle modernization, the MoD has also stated that it plans to modernize infantry equipment, such as weaponry, to soften the blow of reliance on Deltaria for equipment.

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:56 am
by thefalloutfan101
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Armed Forces to roll out new, standard assault rifle for all troops
Fuchstal, 16 April 4549

Divisions suited for deployment in wetlands showcase the new Stricker and Kohlberg (S&K) G1 assault rifle.

Stricker and Kohlberg, a new state-owned arms manufacturer established shortly before the MoD's drive to build completely new vehicles for the Revolutionäre Volksarmee has unveiled its first weapon that will become standard equipment for all garrisons of the Landstreitkräfte, along with the nation's border troops under the jurisdiction of the Staatssicherheitsbüro. Designed with practicality in mind, the rifle weighs an incredibly light 3.63 kg, and is adaptable to any weather conditions. Chambered in 5.56, when demonstrated in field tests, the rifle was reported to have fired shells at 750 rounds at its full auto setting.

Alongside new assault rifles, S&K has noted that they are actively researching more light weaponry designs based off of loaned Deltarian equipment, most notably several pistol designs, along with submachine gun designs. New development of light machine guns has also been mulled over by the arms manufacturer. On the possibility of exporting its own weaponry to CARSS nations that are also developing their own armed forces, Stricker and Kohlberg stated that it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. "For the goal of protecting their newly-established governments, it is absolutely the best interest of our manufacturer to assist them," S&K's Chairman of the Board, Friedrich Speidel stated. "It is the goodwill of a socialist nation such as ours to aid our brethren. If we produce enough units, what's to say we can't export our weaponry?"

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:33 pm
by thefalloutfan101
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Grenztruppen hold exercises in cooperation with the Revolutionäre Volksarmee
Karlsborn, 5 February 4551

Field observers of the Grenztruppen brave the snowfall during the exercises.

The Grenztruppen der MRD in cooperation with the Revolutionäre Volksarmee launched combined exercises in the vast wilderness outside of Karlsborn, in Dunlake. Testing various portions of their capabilities, such as invasion by foreign powers, or unlawful trespassing by a foreigner, the exercises were conducted with great success, and frequent uses of the E-1 MBT along with the new G1 rifle were shown to officers of the armed forces. Engaging in mock combat on the border, members of the Grenztruppen utilized both Dundorfian and Deltarian military strategies. Limited amounts of amphibious combat were also simulated by way of surplus Dundorfian equipment, despite being outdated—Which the MoD states will change. New guidelines in regards to tackling illegal immigration were also demonstrated by the soldiers, mainly the non-harmful pacification of would be intruders and their detainment.

Coming at a time where power blocs continue to shift around the international arena, Johannes Schiffer, the Chief of Staff of the Grenztruppen's General Staff stated that the exercises were absolutely necessary to showcase Dundorf's commitment to defending its borders and enshrining the cause of Metzism as one of protection of both worker and state. "If we are to continue this strive for modernization, then it should continue to flow into our own border troops. As the General Staff of the RVA saw, they're equipped with brand new weaponry and vehicles just as they are, but their tactics haven't been utilized in years. Today we've shown both tried and true Dundorfian tactics as well as some newer Deltarian strategies. Both have worked extremely well on the battlefield. These exercises have showcased some long-needed improvements in regards to our vehicles, which we will be bringing up with the Ministry of Defense."

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:19 pm
by Mbites
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

New political party emerges

Oderveld, Dunburg, in the history books the Traditionspartei was only a brief force to be reckoned with but it did stabilize some situations in the past as a moderately conservative and sufficiently liberal party to work with most of the past governments in harmony. Now after hundreds of years someone took inspiration in the name of Traditionspartei but has combined it with socialist-metzist values.

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:25 am
by thefalloutfan101
Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Joint Staatssicherheitsbüro-RVA coup attempt fails
Dunburg, 12th December 4557 (OOC: Postdated)

Chairman of the SSB Ulrike Prochnow speaks to the upper command of the Revolutionäre Volksarmee.

In the month after the Sozialistische Traditionspartei won the elections by a landslide, much to the surprise of both the new and old guard of the MVP, instability swirled within the nation. Culminating today in a standoff between ST politicians, reformist members of the MVP and armed forces, and the old guard in a coup attempt aimed at restoring stability. Spearheaded by members of the army and the State Security Bureau, Loyalists gained control of the foreign ministry's headquarters, the headquarters of the RVA in Fuchstal, and the Volksrat itself. Nonetheless, loyalists were unable to secure the offices of the Head of State, nor the Head of Government. Small skirmishes between the RVA broke out in the nation's capital, however at the time of this publication, it seems that none were injured.

After the dust had settled, it was reported that the ST ordered the arrest of dozens of members of the armed forces, with their court martial trials set to be conducted sometime within the coming months. Several high-ranking MVP politicians were also arrested by the Volkspolizei, on the grounds of "disrupting peace". Mortified and baffled by the attacks, the MVP, of which had ruled the nation for nearly half a century fell into bickering and shouting in its own Parteikammer, along with more than a few politicians engaging in shouting matches and the occasional fight in the national legislature. Eventually, Erster Sekretär Karl Söllner broke the silence, announcing the immediate dissolution of the party, stating: "Our failure to secure stability represents something much larger that we have also failed at—Metzism. It is not only shameful to be despicably backstabbed by those we thought were fellow Metzists, but to also see such sheer violence at the hands of my own party. Shouting at others in the Volksrat, even fighting! I have not seen such immaturity in all my life. This is not what Metz would have intended by any means."

Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:08 pm
by brightsun92
The United Socialist Workers Party prepares for its first elections

The new and newly founded united socialist workers' party faces the first elections in the Metzist Republic of Dundorf. Its founder and General Secretary, Walter Ulbrich, of 23 years, has announced that they will present themselves in coalition with the Democratic Socialist Party and intend to form a strong left government whose main objective is to defend the socialist revolution in the country. They hope to get good representation in the popular chamber. according to Walter's own statements: "It is true that we have emerged very shortly before the call to the polls, but our program in favor of the empowered proletariat and our last ambitious agrarian reform proposal aimed at defending the peasantry will attract many votes of the majority social of this country that bets on the ideals of popular democracy, as is the defense of the most basic social rights today threatened by the bourgeois and elitist right. " with an enthusiastic and fully working and progressive young team, the USWP aims for great achievement.