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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:13 pm

Stordalen Report: Justice Ministry launches investigation into tax evasion and money laundering.
Ministry of Justice launches investigation related to revelations exposed in money laundering network bust.
Rickeng House, the Ministry of Justice building in Skalm.
11th December ,4178

The Ministry of Justice has open an investigation into the widespread international money laundering scheme exposed by a separate investigation conducted by the Financial Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Finance. Mikael Gyldenlove, Minister of Justice stated that his Ministry, specifically the Office of the Prosecutor-General of the Kingdom of Kazulia, has launded an investigation with regards to the investigation conducted by the FIS. The Minister stated that the efforts of his ministry will be fused with the already established efforts of the Financial Intelligence Service, the Foreign Assets Management Agency, the General Directorate for Security and other investigative bodies.

The investigation comes after Statsminister Jonathan Gudmundson called the exposure "detrimental to societal flow" and labelled those involved as "agents of chaos and deception". The Statsminister stated that the report conducted by the Financial Intelligence Service (coined the Stordalen Report) gave public insight in the magnitude of money laundering involving hundreds of companies and individuals from across the world, as he added that he believes that the scheme is not simply confined to the areas exposed by the Financial Intelligence Service, but believes that its magnitude is of transcontinental proportions.

Statsminister Gudmundson stated that he does intend on contacting the governments of several countries whose companies/citizens are involved in the Stordalen Report and will be asking for their cooperation with respect to the disclosure of key financial information, might it be bank accounts, invoices etc. The investigation has no deadline established as the Justice Ministry wants to give the investigator enough time to shed light on the full magnitude of the situation.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:43 pm

Multinational military exercise to be hosted in Kazulia.
Multinational military winter-themed exercised to be hosted in Kazulian territory.
Elements of the Kongeforsvar's new amphibious light infantry battalion, 1st Amfibiskeinfanteribrigaden
12th January, 4179

The Kingdom is expected to host one of the largest joint-multinational exercises, dubbed Exercise Full Swing, due to begins in a few months. Commanding Officer of the Exercise is Lieutenant-General Marcus Jorgensen of the Kongelig Landethær, stated that the drill expected to last for a period of two-weeks and will be the first multinational exercise held by the country in the last fifty-years. Officials from the Defence Ministry stated that the aim of the exercise is to drill and train units in the orchestration and conduct of complex air operations, in close relations to OCSC partners. Jorgensen added that the unique geography of the country increases interoperability upon the respective troops.

The exercise is expected to encompass around 4,000 personnel from the Republic of Baltusia, the Holy Luthori Empire and the Republic of Istalia, with Kazulia being the leading nation, contributing 40% of troop numbers. Among the personnel taking part in the exercise, the famed Division of Kultiverts will be in participation accompanied by 1st and 2nd Divisions of Sector Agatha (the military district responsible for the northern regions of Kazulia and Greater Dovani). The exercise is expected involve branches from various militaries such as the Luthorian Imperial Navy and Army, the Istalian Navy and Army, the Baltusian Navy and Army along with the Kongelig Luftvåpen (Royal Air-force), the Kongelig Marinen (Royal Navy) and the Kongelig Landethær (Royal Army).

The exercise is expected to be divided into three operational theaters, Kazulia's Arctic Claim, the Northern Ridge and the Ocean of Freezing Cold Blue Wet Stuff, with operations being commanded from the Agatha Air Station. It is assumed that once the Organization for Collective Security and Cooperation expands in numbers, there will be more frequent exercises across the world, within the territories of OCSC nations, and that is a reality which is not hard to foresee.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:29 pm

Asvald Gruppen takes major stakes in leading Zardic Corporation.
Asvald Gruppen buys major stakes in Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation.
Asvald Gruppen's Headquarters in Asvald, Kelvon, Kazulia.
12th July, 4189

Asvald Gruppen has taken major stakes in the Kostadian Bay Maritime Corporation in a $15.6 Billion ZAR (10.4 Billion KKR) deal that would make the Kazulian state-owned company the world's largest listed defence company. The deal was announced posterior to a meeting between Jonny Gilbertsen (Chairman and CEO of Asvald Gruppen) and Ablabio Eŭstratido (Chairman of the Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation) in Belgae. According to reports from officials present at the meeting, Asvald Gruppen has taken 49% of the companies takes, with the Zardic Government taking the remaining 50+1%. Jonny Gilbertsen, Chairman and CEO of Asvald Gruppen stated that he hopes that the move to obtain major stakes in the Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation will forge a new partnership between AG and KBMC.

The deal has been titled as being the largest accumulation of stakes in a company, executed by the Government of the Kingdom of Kazulia. The largest to date was the government's $55 Billion acquisition of Gasstrien, the state-owned oil and natural gas producer of the Kingdom of Kazulia. The deal is expected to increase Asvald Gruppen's Maritime productivity, especially in the area of combatant vessel development and production. It is expected that more major deals such as this are to come, with many eyes watching Gasstrien's relationship with the Luthorian oil and natural gas company, the Crown Petroleum Company.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:01 am

General Directorate for Security launches Anti-Gang Campaign.
General Directorate for Security launches campaign against gang-related activity.
Agents of the Transnational Anti-Crimes Agency prior to a raid on a known gang-member.
2nd March, 4190

The Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs has launched a transnational, multi-agency operation against gang related activity within the Kingdom. Hundreds of law enforcement officials are expected to participate in the operation coined Operation Nightshade. Coordinating the entire operation are the joint efforts of the Transnational Anti-Crimes Agency and the National Police Service. The operation is aimed at tracking down and subsequently arresting suspected gang members whom law enforcement agencies believe to be involved in serious crimes such as arms trading, drug trafficking, human trafficking etc. National Commissioner of the National Police Service (whose officers will amount to about 60% of the manpower being used in the exercise) Kaare Haugerud, announced that around 3,000 law enforcement officials from National Police Service will participate in the Operation. It was also announced that for the duration of the operation, all national police officers, whether involved in the anti-gang operation or not, will be given a service firearm.

According to reports from National Police Service, there are an estimate 200 active gangs in the city of Skalm alone, comprising of around 2,000 individuals ranging between the ages of 18-45. On the national level, according to reports from the Transnational Anti-Crimes Agency, there are an estimate 1,000 gangs, comprising of over 10,000 individuals (surpassing the number of active personnel in the Navy). Around 200 of the known gangs in Kazulia are involved in serious crimes such as drug trafficking and human trafficking. Commander of the Operation, Director of Organized and Serious Crimes within the Transnational Anti-Crimes Agency, Christopher Offerdahl said: "With the efforts of this transnational, multi-agency operation we will be able to deliver a decisive blow against gang-related activity and greater organized crime. It will take some time, effort and resources, but i am sure with the support we are receiving from the general public i can assure you that we will be successful."

Currently, officers of the National Police Service are expected to execute a simultaneous raid on the homes of several known and suspected gang members. Minister of Home and Kingdom Affairs Joakim Rasmussen blasted individuals who called the operation "the gradual coaxing of the citizenry into a police state, under the guise of "fighting crime". He responded to these statements by saying: "To those who oppose the implementation of a safer Kazulia, I say to you, you are the reason why we are executing these measures, to those who disagree with the execution of the implementation of a safer Kazulia by law enforcement should, instead of attempting and failing to lamb blast the Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry and law enforcement agencies, make suggestions. To those dabble in the area of crime, I say to you, when the clenched fist of the Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry comes crashing down on your household, do not quiver, for you should expected such a measure."

Rumors have as to the resurgence of an illegally formed paramilitary/militia group in southern Kazulia. From what officials from the Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry know, the organization known as "황제의 보호를위한 군대" or "The Army for the Emperor's Protection", is pro-Mikuni-Hulstrian is stringently anti-Kazulian. The General Directorate for Security has stated that it is monitoring the organisations movements, but does not intend on initiating an arrest on the organisation's members (even though by law the formation of paramilitary organisations within Kazulia is deemed illegal, and also gives the central government the power to dismantle said organisations).
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:33 am

Kazulia to reassert itself as serious military power.
Defence Ministry announces move to reassert Kongeforsvar as a serious military power.
A solider of the 1st Amfibiskeinfanteribrigaden during a woodland warfare exercise.
2nd September, 4190

The appointment of a former General of the Kongelig Landethær as Defence Minister comes at a time when regional instability has forced the Kingdom to become increasingly wary of its neighbors (might they be immediate or distant). The Defence Ministry has launched a review into the current capabilities of the Kongeforsvar. According to a previous review conducted in July 4144, the Kongeforsvar was categorized as "Partial Defence", meaning although it is defencive in nature, it has the capabilities of being a formidable offensive force. Defence Minister, Harald Wilhelmsen stated that during his tenure as Defence Minister he intends on fully implementing the Cold Resolve Doctrine, but also stated that the doctrine does not signal a significant change in Kazulia's defence capabilities when compared with current levels, and can therefore be best described as being a ‘steady as she goes’ review.

The Defence Minister stated that in-order for the country to reassert its place as a serious military power, re-engage in the areas of defence, security, diplomacy and international development. It was also made clear to the Defence Minister of the current events which plague terra. From terrorism to internal conflicts, the Defence Ministry has manner headaches ahead to which it must counter. Thus in addition to bolstering the strength of the armed forces, the Defence Ministry intends on ensuring that the Luthorian security and intelligence services have the resources needed to prevent and disrupt plots against the state.

The recent increase in the Defence Budget is reported to be favouring the Ground Forces, the Intelligence Services and the Navy. On the Ground Forces side, Defence Command has announced the re-organization of the Kongelig Landethær in-order to fit the needs for the rapid deployment of a massive fighting force. Their goal is to shift the Kongeforsvar from a partial defencive force to an expeditionary force. The Defence Minister stated that the renewed emphasis is on strategic and tactical mobility, and maximum flexibility. It is stated that most general infantry battalions will be converted into Mechanized Infantry battalions reinforced by high-tech equipment. It is clear that they are moving away from the strength in numbers policy to training, mobility, and technological advantage to overpower numerically superior opponents. As such Defence Command has also announced that around three-hundred training exercises are to be conducted during the current Defence Minister's tenure and an increase in the size of the ground forces from the current 176,000 to around 200,000 active troops.

On the Intelligence Service side, the Government Communications Service (the state intelligence and security organization responsible for providing signals intelligence and information to the government and defence force) as well as the General Intelligence Service (GE-1) and the General Directorate for Security (GE-2) (the foreign and domestic intelligence services respectively) are expected to see an increase in their budget, as the budget of the Foreign and Internal Affairs Ministries recently increased. There have been rumours of a joint venture between the Air-Force and the Intelligence Services on the construction of a communications intercept and missile warning site as a means of reinforcing the efforts of the Surveillance and Data Collection Act. Nevertheless, the Intelligence services are expected to see an increased 2,100 staff.

The Kongelig Marinen is expected to see an increase in its funding as well as repairs to a series of its combatant vessels. With the inclusion of the previous acquired KNOS-Queen Ingrid multi-role amphibious assault ship (AAS), the Kongelig Marinen is expected to utilize the capabilities of the several as a platform for aircraft, launching troops and being a formidable humanitarian and medically oriented vessel.

In conclusion, opinion in Kazulia appears to lean distinctly in favour of this latest move to strengthening defence and security as an antidote to the military austerity proposed years prior. As Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. General Henning Sivertsen said when commenting about the recent moves by the Defence Ministry and the Kongeforsvar "Kazulia is reasserting itself as a serious military power".
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:38 pm

Peacekeeping Force sent to Utembo and Bianjie.
Kazulian Peacekeeping force sent to Utembo and Bianjie to calm tensions.
Kazulian Peacekeepers "UBFOR" sent into Utembo and Bianjie with obsolete military hardware.
11th December, 4190

The Government has taken a hardline stance against instability within the region. With tensions between Utembo and Bianjie increasingly daily as a result of a cross-border skirmish between the two nations, the Kongeforsvar (the Royal Kazulian Defence Force) has sent an intervention/peacekeeping force to both countries as a means of quelling the heated tensions between the two nations. The peacekeeping force known as "UBFOR" (Utembo-Bianjie Force), consists of a voluntary force of active duty soldiers and veterans of the Kongeforsvar, with most being able to speak Bianjie and Kitembo in some form or fashion. According to officials from the Defence Ministry, the intervention/peacekeeping operation has one goal: prevent an armed conflict between Utembo and Bianjie.

The equipment which the intervention/peacekeeping force are carrying with them contains of mainly obsolete armored personnel carriers and an intervention task force (consisting of a medical company, an engineer company and a few transport planes for equipment mobility). This peacekeeping is not cited by the World Congress but is the lone act of the Government of the Kingdom of Kazulia. Commanding Officer of UBFOR, Lieutenant Colonel Haakon Underberg stated: "The Government has communicated with the Governments of the Kingdom of Utembo and the Khanate of Bianjie on establishing the peacekeeping force. Both governments have shown partial acceptance of the move."

According to Lieutenant Colonel Underberg, the intervention/peacekeeping force will establish a temporary demilitarized zone (DMZ) along the border of Utembo and Bianjie. Official statistics say that the peacekeeping force consists of around eight hundred (800) soldiers including logistical staff. Underberg has warned those who seek to instigate tensions: "We are here to promote peace within this part the region, instigators of tensions should distance themselves from this part of the region. We may be here to promote peace, however, if peace in this region is threatened by instigators the clenched fist of the Kongeforsvar will have no mercy."

It appears that Kazulia is re-engaging with its region, seeing that is gradually becoming a regional power, it intends on ensuring stability in its region. For unstable tensions in the region is not beneficial to the northern kingdom.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:25 am

Kazulia send naval task-force to Midway to combat piracy.
Naval task-force sent to Midway in largest naval deployment since War for the Emperor's Protection.
The Multi-role Frigates KNOS-Truls Sogge, KNOS-Jarl Kjos disembark from an unknown location in the Arctic.
12th, March 4192

In response to the increase in pirate activity in the region of Midway and Rapa Pile, the Kongelig Marinen (Royal Navy) is sending warships to the unstable region as a means of combating the clout of piracy in the mentioned area. The move marks a major power play by the Kazulian Kingdom as it glides into its place as a regional power in Dovani. According to official maritime sources, a container vessel, bearing Kazulian colours en-route to Cifutingan was attacked by a squadron of pirates. Although negotiations for the vessels' release from captivity were futile, the Kongelig Marinen has stated that it intends on instituting order in the region. Currently, Kazulia is the only nation which has initiated operations against piracy after a sharp increase in hijackings thus causing an increase in shipping insurance costs.

Statsminister Dagfinn Stangeland stated: "It is clear that this government must initiate a counter-piracy strategy. Thus our asymmetrical response to the recent string of hijackings is the intervention of naval forces in the area." The Government has hinted on previous occasions of forming a counter-piracy policy in response to the prior events in Midway. According to a senior naval official, the task-force coined "Task Force 325" consists of elements from 3rd Squadron "Regional Response and Home Guard Task Force in the form of the KNOS-Queen Ingrid Amphibious Assault Craft, three (3) Multi-role frigates, one (1) Support vessel, five (5) fast attack crafts and one (1) Replenishment vessel. A contingent of 200 marines from the 1st Amfibiskeinfanteribrigaden and 80 special operators from the Marinespesialkommando (MSK) are expected to accompany the task force on their operations.

This seems to be another push by Kazulia to bring stability to an already unstable region. With anti-piracy operations taking place in a region which Kazulia has no friendly bases, many of the accompanying vessels will be on rotation. However, the Defence Ministry has stated that the anti-piracy campaign will not be permanent, but instead temporary. Statsminister Dagfinn Stangeland stated that he intends on assisting any nation within the region in being able to sustain such activities, however he did not make mention of the establishment of a friendly base in the area or permanent operations.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:33 am

"Selective Review will continue" ~ Foreign Affairs Minister.
Foreign Affairs Minister announces continuation of diplomatic selective review; promises faster rate of completion.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Kjellaug Halvorse during a charity dinner for education development in North Dovani.
2nd September, 4192

"The selective review process will be continued and with an increased rate of completion" were the words of Minister of Foreign Affairs Kjellaug Halvorse when asked about the current progress of the diplomatic selective review launched ninety-years ago. The original selective review was launched by career diplomat and then Minister of Foreign Affairs Ellinor Ketelsen as a means of re-engaging the once isolationist state with the wider worlds and its neighbors. Under the guidance of Ketelsen, the selective review opened the country to trade with Hawu Mumenhes and Dundorf. However, during the country's period of isolationism under corporatist, isolationist governance, the developments made in the select review period were wiped away as being "unnecessary and useless."

Minister of Foreign Affairs Kjellaug Halvorse has announced that she intends on streamlining the selective review process into a priority position for the government, more-so for her tenure as Foreign Affairs Minister. The following is a transcript of what said:
It is of great importance to the foreign policy of this country to engage in dialogue with neighbors and the countries whom were share this common terra with.
Although attempts have been made through diplomatic accords (that being the establishment of embassies and consulates), that is simply not enough and if we return to such a perception of diplomacy and foreign policy, we will make zero inroads into the development of this country. As such, we will be continuing the selective review process and we will be streamlining it as a being a high priority for government attention. We are now ready to completely re-engage with the outside region and the greater world.

It is being reported that to continue the selective review process, the Foreign Affairs Ministry will be contacting the members of Kazulian Diplomatic Center Treaty and will be requesting that they leave the organisation see that its use will be futile. Foreign Minister Halvorse stated that she will be forming one-on-one treaties between nations instead of the omnibus diplomatic treaties which plague the World Congress Archives. She has also stated that she intends, as apart of restarting the selective review process, by brokering relations with Dranland, Kazulia's closet neighbor and gradually increasing friend.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:55 pm

Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry heightens security following Romula terrorist attack.
Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry raises terrorist attack warning to imminent amid chain of terrorist attacks in Romula, Istalia.
Home guardsmen stationed at the Office of the Statsminister in Skalm, following the terrorist attack in Romula, Istalia.
14th December, 4192

The Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs is on high alert after seeing the events which unfolded in Romula, Istalia moments ago, in which hundreds have been injured and around sixty person have been confirmed dead posterior to a chain of terrorist attacks throughout the city. Intelligence obtained by the state's domestic intelligence agency, the General Directorate for Security which suggests the possibility of a similar attack against the Kingdom. In response to this intelligence the Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry has immediately increased the threat warning from substantial to imminent. Law enforcement authorities have increased their presence in the various Fylkes, the national borders, airports and train stations and police in all districts are at a heightened state of readiness, with most officers now being allowed to temporarily be equipped with high-powered firearms.

Law enforcement officials in Skalm have been stationed at key government installations such as the Stortinget, the King's Palace, various government ministries and densely populated commercial centres. According to a statement from an official of the Office of the Statsminister, the Home Guard has also been deployed to assist the police as apart of the Joint Military-Law Enforcement Assistance Act, which allows for the Home Guard to be deployed to key government installations across the country and most importantly within the capital city. The Air Force has announced that aerospace over major cities throughout the country, including Skalm, Eggther and Asvald has been closed.

Whilst the country is on high alert, the Transnational Anti-Crimes Agency and the National Police Service has raided the headquarters of the well-known illegally formed paramilitary organisation, the Army for the Emperor's Protection. Tactical units of the National Police Service raided the building whilst a massive meeting of unknown proportions was underway. Those present at the meeting have been arrested and are being charged under the Paramilitary and Militia Prohibition Act. Although the raid was successful, the Home and Kingdom Affairs Ministry has also went after members of the organisation who did not attend the meeting, as they too commit an offence under the Paramilitary and Militia Prohibition Act for associating themselves with the organisation.

Intelligence as to the names and locations of the individual members of the organisation was obtained by the General Directorate for Security after it conducted an information raid of the computers which the organisations has stored in an underground facility, underneath an abandoned warehouse. Law enforcement agencies identified several of its members to be of Mikuni-Hulstrian descent with around 79% of them being veterans of the War for the Emperor's Protection. Statsminister Dagfinn Stangeland stated that he will be taking a hard-line stance against extremism and acts against the state. He addressed the Istalian people, voicing unity amid the heinous events. The following is a transcript of what was said:

The events which transpired in Romula are the worst act of violence in Istalia since the Istalian Civil War. The worst terrorist attack in Majatra for more than a decade. A horrifying and sickening attack against the principles of liberty. Our hearts and condolences go out to the Istalian people and those whom have lost loved ones in the chain of attacks. We, Kazulians and Istalian must stand together against evil forces. My message to the Istalian people is simple: Noi siamo uniti, il fratello con il fratello, mano a mano. We stand united, brother with brother, hand by hand. Under counsel from his Majesty, i have ordered the intelligence agencies to assist Istalian domestic intelligence agencies on hunting down those who perpetrated the act.

A Joint Inter-Agency Task Force has been established between the various law enforcement agencies and the Home Guard as a means of increasing the chances of either combating or intercepting threats against the state. It is uncertain as to how the Statsminister intends on lending a hand to the Istalian domestic intelligence agencies, but many speculate in entails the signals intelligence capabilities of the Government Communications Agency and the most powerful listening station in the world, RKAF Boovarsdalr.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Apr 09, 2017 7:20 pm

Kazulian Company set to dominate Dranish energy generation industry.
Kazulian energy generation firm set to dominate Dranish energy generation industry.
Aerial images of the Danghung Power Generation Plant in Ddraig Mor, Loren.
12th June, 4193

Apart from the massive investment move executed by a series of companies originating from Kazulia, a private company has been set on dismantling the dominance of the Yeosong Energy Corporation within the energy sector of the United Peninsula of Free Dranland. For more than fifty (50) years, the Dranish Yeosong Energy Corporation has been generating around seventy-eight percent (78%) of electrical power for Dranland and has enjoyed a sizable being of competition. In a move that is defiant of the Yeosong Energy Corporation, a privately-owned Kazulian power generation company is advancing into the dranish power generation markets with new ideas and aims to dismantle the Yeosong Energy Corporation's dominance in the power generation sector of the peninsula republic.

The company in question is known locally as Kraftproduksjon or "Power Generation". Currently in the Kingdom of Kazulia, it services around 90.4 Million citizens ranking as the state's sole power generation company, seeing that it was nationalised by the government several years ago. The company, now moving into the Dranish markets posterior to the recent investment initiative launched by the Public-Private Cooperative Business Association, intends on introducing a series of ideas with the completely construction of its main power generation plant, the Danghung Power Generation Plant in Ddraig Mor, Loren. The concept of tidal power is the first to be implemented into the power generation techniques to be used by the company.

The company has stated that it intends on introducing a mixed between alternative and fossil fuel power generation techniques into the Dranish market. It has stated that although fossil fuels will be used, the company intends on only have 3% of its total power coming from fossil fuels, mainly natural gas. Rumours have been circling of the possibility of clean coal, garbage and wind energy are expected to be added to the methods of power generation to the company. With energy prices in Dranland reaching a new high due the privately-owned Yeosong Energy Corporation and other minor companies, Kraftproduksjon has already stated that the prices of its power will be solely based on how much the user uses, and will not be based on prices the company decides (a policy of the Yeosong Energy Corporation).

Already the company has received around 500,000 customers and is expected to grow in the coming months. It appears that Kazulia is making positive moves into capitalising on Dranlands lax economic policies.
Last edited by Maxington on Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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