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Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:01 am
by Ethan1964

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:02 am
by Ethan1964

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:03 am
by Ethan1964

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:36 pm
by Sir Thomas Hill
Y O R K I S T . R E V I E W | O N L I N E . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Could this historical ideology form a Government?
July 4075

New Unionist Leader; Cillian Torvellian

HALION – HALION - A Torvellian, an al-Aahil and a Byrne walk into a bar. It sounds like the beginning of a lame old joke but in fact, it is the start of a political movement. We say the start, more of a vague continuation. Unionism, the age-old ideology of a long-gone era is making a comeback, or so these gentlemen would have you believe.

In the cobbled streets of New Haven, deep in the mountain valleys of Tesuhen, a vanguard is awaking. It would seem that the newly announced political party, which is undergoing registration with the Electoral Commission, has taken control of the old operations, lands and buildings once belonging to the Unionists. The new group, which is using the temporary brand "Unionist & Restorationist Party" has a single task in mind; restoration of the Bailenist Republic.

For those of you who aren't History graduates, the Bailenist Republic is the name given to the Republic of old before the creation of the Democratic Republic. The Head of State was a Supreme President with extensive emergency powers including Executive Orders, the head of the government held two titles, Senate Warden, denoting leadership over the legislature and Lord Protector, hinting at their role in containing the power of the Supreme President. It was viewed as the Golden Age of Solentian politics and the perfect balance of powers. The Senate had sovereignty but only as long as the Supreme Presidential powers would allow.

Many political theorists and historians still believe this system of Government to be a useful model but none have sought to restore it in over 100 years. The Unionists have been gone for that long. So who is it leading them into a new effort to restore the old order?

The titled families. These families held lands and titles under the old Republic under a scheme known as the "Social Incentive" which saw families rewarded for outstanding public or political service. Most of these families have borne at least two or three Heads of Government or State. In fact, the record for the most Heads of State currently lies with the Unionists, at a mind-boggling 58; 46 Supreme Presidents, 2 Presidents, 6 Lord Protectors, 3 Margraves and 1 "Chief Senator".

So who are they? The grouping is lead by Cillian Adam Torvellian. The Torvellians are an ancient family and under Social Incentive claim the title "Baron Torvellian of Harth". They have given Solentia two Lord Protectors, from 3063 - 3067 and again from 3074 - 3079. They lead the Unionists a total of 4 times.

He is supported by "Viscount" Saidi, aka Ahmad Sabbir Saidi. His family, the Leylabis, gave Solentia two Supreme Presidents, Khalid (3284 - 3297) and Jordan 3530 - 3535. Also joining them is Matthrew Byrne, brother of CEO Louisa Byrne of the Byrne Foundation, a charity. Byrne stems from the older Asher-Byrne dynasty, a unification of three families, the Byrnes, the Ashers and the Asher-Byrnes. They have given Solentia Supreme President Dorian Ash (2864 - 2869) and Lord Protector Casper Ash, 3079 - 3099.

The alliance is supported by other notable families such as the Goldsea-Vincentis (two Supreme Presidents), the Castles (one Supreme President), the al-Aahils (three Supreme Presidents), and the Seymours (two Lord Protectors).

Is this just an elite club of old guard gentry? Perhaps but they're putting their money where their mouth is and the registration is nearly complete. It may not be long before history comes to life and these names, once names in textbooks, are very much back in the political picture and a very real threat to the status quo.

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:47 pm
by Sir Thomas Hill
Y O R K I S T . R E V I E W | O N L I N E . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Ahmadi Leaders critical of Unionist climb-down
May 4076

Shadow Justice Secretary, Riyad al-Aahil

HALION – The Unionists, the ancient vanguard party currently campaigning to re-enter Solentian Government, have come under fire from their once-supportive Ahmadi grassroots. Ahmadi community leaders, including three leading Imams, have criticised the Party for their apparent "climb-down" over arranged marriages.

Traditional Ahmadi communities practice arranged marriages, with parents taking a leading role in finding an honourable match for their children. The Unionists, last year, proposed to legalise the practice formally as a part of the Restoration Act. It was a key part of the constitutional restructuring the Party proposes, with a recognition of Solentia's place as a Majatran nation with a substantive Ahmadi population featuring heavily in campaign information.

The Ahmadi community welcomed the proposals, and were even more supportive when the Unionist Justice spokesman, Riyad al-Aahil, announced their new Ahmadi Community Protections Act, which lays out a swathe of legislative changes with the aim of better supporting the Ahmadi community and their faith. However when the proposals went to the Senate, Mr al-Aahil's final draft did not include the full legalisation of arranged marriages previously promised. It instead gave powers to local government to make decisions on arranged marriages.

Imam Ahmad Omar al-Rahdoudi, of Alion Central Mosque, said the proposal was a "climb-down".
It is deeply disappointing that the Unionists have made this climb-down. Their decision to water down their own proposals lets down the Ahmadi communities in Solentia who seek to find good, decent partners for their children. It's a practice borne out of love and a dedication to family values and I think many Ahmadi families will be quite disappointed that is being treated as something to be shameful of by the Unionists. They have historically supported us, and I'm pleased they continue to do so, that is welcome. But they will need to apologise for letting us down here.

The Unionists released a statement in reply, from Shadow Justice Secretary Riyad al-Aahil;
We regret that some Imams and Ahmadi Solentians are disappointed by this particular element of the Ahmadi Communities Protections Act. The Unionists support Ahmadi communities being respected under the law and we shall continue to press forward on these issues. Arranged marriages are a traditional element of Ahmadi lfiestyles and reflect the deep-rooted dedication to family in Ahmadism. Our proposals would allow local governments to legalise and regulate arranged marriages in a way that suits them and we hope that many of them will choose to do so.

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:59 pm
by Sir Thomas Hill
Y O R K I S T . R E V I E W | O N L I N E . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Unionists call for snap election
June 4078

Unionist Leader Cillian Torvellian

HALION – The Unionists have called for a snap election, bringing a motion to the Senate for the nation to return early to the ballot box. The motion was brought forward by Unionist leadership this morning, with party Leader, Cillian Torvellian, bringing in all 15 of the Party's Senators to vote in unison. The debate is ongoing and no other party has yet made a definitive decision on how to vote.

The Unionists claim that a fresh mandate is required after both Solentian Union of Nationalists and the Liberal Conservative Party, failed to create a workable majority. The Unionists, whose ideology prises working majority governments, claim this failure from both the largest party and the Presidential party represents an inability to offer stable leadership to the country and that in these circumstances, a fresh mandate is needed.

The Unionists say they are confident that other parties will back their call, relying on a deep rooted hatred of SUN's policies to push through the decision. They claim if the other parties work together in the national interest, they would be able to prevent SUN from gaining further power.

The Party itself rejected an offer to join a Coalition Government, citing a small mandate and an interest in majority governance, however even with their votes that proposal would have failed.

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:32 pm
by MatthewMinikin
The SNP Bird


Jenna Mackenzie, Party Leader has decided to support the notion for an early election. Mackenzie has called both SUN and LCP 'weak' and 'unworkable'. It's time for a new politics she exclaims. All party senators for the SNP are behind this notion. This is our chance to kick both unworkable parties in the balls and get a new PM!

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:09 am
by MatthewMinikin
The SNP Bird

Meghan Hussain stands outside her constituency office:

'I would like to thank the people of Shinatawa for voting SNP and re-electing me as Senator. I will be proud to serve you for another term. I would also like to thank the people for voting me in the Presidential election and I would like to congratulate President Walker on his win in both the Senate and Presidential elections. Moreso, I would like to thank everyone who turned out to vote SNP today, we have made gains!

Party leader Jenna Mackenzie would like to start talks with SUN and other parties in forming a coalition that works for democracy.'

Re: Solentian News

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:44 pm
by Sir Thomas Hill
Y O R K I S T . R E V I E W | O N L I N E . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Torvellian "will stay on" as Unionist Leader
December 4078

HALION – Unionist Leader Cillian Torvellian has vowed to stay in his role, ending speculation that he would resign following the latest election results. But many political commentators have questioned whether the results were as poor as party insiders claim. Some suggest that senior Unionists are using the results to shape an argument against Torvellian's leadership which stems more from a distaste of his titular noble heritage than from his strategic policy. Rumours fly quickly around Halion and sources from inside Kennedy House, the Party's central office, say there is an appetite for a more approachable, modernised figure.


The first electoral test for Torvellian came in January last year when Solentia headed to the polls as planned. The Unionists did not perform as well as some had hoped however insiders from the Torvellian camp assured them that after a 100 year absence, what they achieved was very good. Dissenters and critics inside the party were largely subdued by the fact that both SUN and LCP were displaying weak leadership and decided not to give their own captain the same stick to be attacked with.

In terms of pure votes in the Presidential election, Torvellian's own personal battle, in 4077 he received 1.58 million votes. This was much further behind than expected but compared with the abysmal performance from the Libertarian Socialist Coalition, dissenters stayed quiet. Nearly two years on, Torvellian polled 2.31 million. This has been enough for Torvellian's core team to be happy but critics, especially those on the left of the Party, point to the fact that he came last on this ballot.

In the legislature the picture is clearer. 1.58 million votes has turned into 2.18 million and 15 seats has become 24. Again, good news for Torvellian's inner circle. In the states, the Unionists have reason to be cheery. Orame's single Senator on 160,000 votes increased 5 fold. Shinatawa's 2 Senators became 7 and in Fuwan,3 became 4. In Tesuhen, the Unionists retained their 5 Senators but their vote count actually dropped (although, Unionist HQ pointed out, not by much). The bad news, however, is in Nukeya, the only state in which the Unionists lost a Senator.

So what does it mean? Well the stable performance has obviously convinced Torvellian that he can survive and plough on. Indeed, his team seems confident their success will continue at the next election. However there are still some unhappy voices and even a name. Apparently some senior members at Kennedy House have been talked about Steering Committee Chair Leo Goldsea-Vincenti. Despite his famous name and family, he does not come with land, titles or noble associations which is a real plus for potential rebels. The man himself, however, seems to remain squarely in Torvellian's core loyal group. But if there are any further disappointments, some question for how long?

Solentia Daily Express News

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 8:19 pm
by peopleparty412
HEADLINES TONIGHT: The Conservative People's Party have held another party leadership vote after the lost more seats in the 4078 elections which saw the SUN party gain majority seats yet again.

Michael A. Allen was elected party leader with 63 votes while George D. Galvez secured his place as deputy leader with 39 votes. After the results were announced this afternoon, Michael A. Allen gave a speech at a press conference in Orame. '' As new party leader, I promise to fulfill my duties to the highest standard and start moving this party forward. In the next 48 hours I will write up plans and policies for our party to follow and form a new shadow cabinet. I will also organize a meeting with President Erwin R. Walker to discuss solentian politics and a new budget which will see more money invested in services such as health and food. This is the start of a new conservative people's party and I look forward to leading it for the next few years.''

In other news, Unionist leader Cillian Torvellian has said he will be staying on as party leader after reports suggested he was resigning following the 4078 election results which saw the party gain just 9 seats in the senate.