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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Reddy » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:10 pm

The Kampanian Songbird
The Kampanian Songbird is a regional newsmagazine which is considered to exhibit a centre to centre-left attitude on economic issues.

Economy Exits Recession
January 16, 4464

The Valruzian economy has exited a long and painful period of recession and very slow growth. Finance Minister Anna Podolski announced that the economy had "roared out of recession" in the fourth quarter of 4463, growing at an annualised rate of between 3 and 4% in 4464. The unemployment rate registered its first drop in nearly three years, falling to just under 7%. Podolski said that consumer confidence was up and revenues were showing considerable growth with a balanced budget a real possibility by early 4465.

The Valruzian construction industry is one of the strongest performers post-recession

The stellar economic news allow the new "centrist" coalition government some room to breath. The NRP-Social Democrat-Razem coalition came into power in September with a mandate to restore economic stability, born out of Razem and the Social Democrats' extreme concern over their libertarian coalition partners' inflexible attachment to the idea of a market-only recovery.

Podolski as Finance Minister has adopted a decidedly orthodox approach to the economy. She is currently pushing for a large education and infrastructural investment program to support the recovery funded by an increase in the luxury goods tax.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:13 pm

Walruzja Tygodniowo | Valruzia Weekly
Brzańsk: Libation in a park
Brzańsk, 30 March, 4464
BRZAŃSK - The police received a notification today that a group of men was drinking alcohol on a lawn in one of Brzańsk's parks.
When the officers arrived, it turned out that nobody was there.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:15 pm

Walruzja Tygodniowo | Valruzia Weekly
OUR INTERVIEW: Karczewski on past coalition and future plans
Nowogard, 6 April, 4465
Dominik Karczewski has led the Reforma for nine months, having replaced Celina Salko in July 4464; before, he had been the Minister for Industry and Trade in the first Weißberg Cabinet.

Walruzja Tygodniowo: At political rallies, when delivering speeches, you seem to be sure that the Reforma will manage to co-create a cabinet after the election. However, there are claims that you have failed as a coalitiant.

Dominik Karczewski: That was not us failing, we did our job well, but the left, failing to lead the country in a decent way, failing to enact reforms that would actually help the citizens, not make it harder to prosper...

The economy did recover under the present coalition.

Despite the government actions, not thanks to them! Under a proper, reasonable cabinet, the crisis would have ended much earlier, I assume in two years after the outbreak. The policies forced by the Social Democrats, and so willingly supported by the NPR, were not pro-economy ones. If our opposition to the politicization of banks, the politicization of many Valruzian businesses, opposition to raising the taxes on all Valruzians, if that's why we were thrown away from the coalition... Well, we would oppose these things again. We will always oppose hurtful policies.

Some say that what you were thrown away for was you inability to undertake any government-induced recovery actions.

Well, we did act! We had our projects, made investments, improved our spending, we had plans for more and what the NPR claims, that we did nothing, it is an obvious lie. Still, the direction they decide to take when throwing us and the RL out... Bad actions are worse than no actions. Their actions were clearly bad. Every economist knows that nationalization of economy leads to inefficiency and, in a long term, to misery.

So with whom do you want to make a cabinet? Not the SW, not the NPR, also not Razem, I suppose?

These people, they only want power, offices, they care about their offices more than about the country. The Razemists, they were criticising the nationalisation plans just as we were criticising it. The critique ended once the NPR made an advantageous offer. Such a big U-turn, this is unbelievable, their voters will not forget it. Razem claims to be liberal, but their liberalism is opportunistic and unreliable, and it is hard to cooperate with such people.

So I ask again - cooperation with whom, when you exclude both the center left and the center right?

Have you perhaps just called the NPR center right? There is nothing centrist about them, neither do they anything right. Deciding what we can wear and what things we can express, what we can watch, this is no longer a normally "conservative" thinking but much closer to fascism. Let's not be afraid to say that. And there is nothing centrist in supporting the idea that politicians should take control over everything in our economy, supporting this control without reason, without thinking about the consequences first. We need the kind of reasonable and pro-freedom thinking. The libertarian bloc has just been prognosed 40% of votes in a "Zoon Polliticon" poll. We strongly believe that we will form the next government, ourselves or with the help of any other pro-freedom political forces.

These forty percents, it is not a usual result you get in the polls. Also, your own Reforma's members seem to lose confidence in a success of your structures. Piotr Skorny and his wing, who have just left...

We don't care about Skorny, he just as opportunist as Razem, let him join them.

Was anything wrong with Salko's leadership that you had decided to run against her and replace her?

No, she did amazing job, we owe a lot to her, as a party but also as a country, when she managed to successfully fight some wrongs of the anti-freedom side... She was also great in leading the diplomacy, back in Zaworny's administration, tracing a new, better path for our foreign policy. Hopefully, especially now when the Consortium threat rises and we have to fight it back, she will have her chance to deal with foreign affairs again. Both in the foreign matters and the domestic ones, we need the hope back, we need the voices of reason, freedom, prosperity, to return.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:40 am

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
June 14th 4466
Ministry of Defense purchases new infantry equipment, NPR tries forming a government
The Ministry of Defense has ordered the purchase of new infantry equipment for a large portion of the infantry force + the NPR tries to form a government

As the caretaker government stays in power its ministry of defense has ordered the purchase of new infantry equipment for most of its professional soldiers.
The Soldiers will receive new helmets, uniforms as well as lighter bulletproof vests. Many will also receive a new standard firearm called the G36.
While most soldiers will retain their old weaponry many will also receive this new rifle in addition to newly developed ammunitions.

A Valruzian soldier with the new equipment

The Ministry of Defense will also purchase new night vision equipment and they will replace almost every piece of communication equipment with new updated versions. In addition to this the 2 aircraft carriers called ORW Valusia and ORW Ruzia are in full repair and are likely to be fully modernized and repaired by the end of next year.

NPR tries forming a government
the NPR tries to form a government with some difficulty

The NPR is once again the largest party in the Sejm, the party believed it would have no problem in forming a government but it has proved to be more difficult then they first thought. Faced with opposition from the SDW the NPR is now desperately trying to form a new government while the caretaker government is still in place.

The SDW refuses to approve a coalition without the SDW gaining the HOG position. According to inside sources this has infuriated some member of the NPR who call it "a unbelievable attempt at being in full power"
The SDW has also expressed their believe that they are the sole reason for the economic recovery of the country which has further angered NPR and Razem members.

Despite this the NPR still aims at creating a coalition with the SDW in order to avoid a hyper liberal cabinet. If they succeed in doing so is still uncertain.

NPR President Veljko Cisek with a senior NPR official
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:28 am

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
December 24th 4466
President Batko announces: "This will be my last term"
While the popular 3rd term president announces that this will be his last term leadership elections in the NPR are coming closer and many wonder if Batko will contest Cisek.....

It was rather suprising, during a visit to a nursery in Szymonice the popular 3rd term president Walenty Batko announced to the people present "this will be my last term"
Batko has been president for over 10 years and has become only more popular the longer his term persisted. He succesfully handled the Noumonde situation and has been a postcard representative for Valruzia all those years. He is/was a symbol of hope for the people during the harsh years of crisis and stood as a rock during the inactive cabinet in the previous term.

But while Batko announced this will be his last term some people are beginning to speculate...
Leadership elections for the NPR are set to happen next year and the current president, Veljko Cisek, former PM, is not popular. Many members see the current pary president as detached from the population and he has been suprisingly quiet over the past year.
In contrast Batko is extremelly popular amongst the population and has been active on both the domestic and international stage.

If Batko does decide to run for party president he could possibly become the Prime Minister next term if his party continues to perform well. Moving from the presidency to the PM's office is not common but if Batko decides to make the move he is arguably the most influential political figure in the recent history of Valruzia.

President Batco
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:51 pm

Walruzja Tygodniowo | Valruzia Weekly
Valruzian MoFA endorses Ibrahin El Salefi for WCGA President
Nowogard, 28 March, 4476
Celina Salko described El Salefi's candidature as the best option for defending human rights around the world

NOWOGARD - The election for the General Assembly presidential office is really close now, and the Valruzian diplomacy has already decided to make clear what the national choice in the matter is going to be - as long as this choice is accepted by the parliamentarians. During the yesterday's governmental Conference on World Affairs, Celina Salko, the MoFA of the Valruzian Republic, expressed her lauditive opinion on Istalian candidate Ibrahin El Salefi. "If we care about human rights around the world, about fighting the threats to freedoms of people of all nations, if we care about peace and efficient international cooperation, Mr El Salefi is undoubtly a great choice, the only choice that one can make". Salko, known for her pro-Istalian diplomatic course during her work in the Zaworny Cabinet two decades ago, stated that her party colleagues from the Reforma all share this positive opinion.
Some politicians of the ruling coalitions have just used the upcoming GA election as an occasion to present a proposal of shortening the current Sejm's term and conducting earlier national election, in order to "strengthen the Sejm's mandate as a clear majority will's representation for, among other political choices, the choice of WCGAP". This is seen as an occasion for the Reformist-Libertarian bloc to drastically increase their share of power in the Parliament, as the crisis of the opposition's popularity continues. According to the latest polls, combined Reformist and Libertarian forces could now have a chance to win more than 70% of the Sejm's seats, which would let the Ziewała's government carry out eventual constitutional changes.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:54 pm

Nowogard, February 4501

Valruzian Industry is the largest emitter of CO2 on the Seleyan Continent.

NOWOGARD - the Republic of Valruzia remains the largest economy on the Seleyan continent and one of the largest economies on Terra, but that title carries its burden. Since almost ten decades Valruzia remains also one of the largest emitters of CO2 and air pollution on the Seleyan continent, thanks to quickly expanding the industry. Despite many financial efforts of Nowogard to fight to grow, and urging problem of the Seleyan pentagram it did not manage to find an effective solution to limit the CO2 emission and air pollution without hurting the industry and the economy of Valruzia. Until now. The joint efforts of the Ministries of Infrastructure and Transport, Health and Social Services, Science and Technology, Environment and Tourism and Trade and Industry, in what seems to be the largest programme in decades, might greatly limit the CO2 emission and modernize the industry. With the worth of the programme estimated at VPO 312 billion, it will be the largest single programme in the history of Valruzia and one of the largest programmes of this kind on Terra.

Currently Valruzian economy for almost 5 decades switched itself from a quantitative model to qualitative one. However, the government still faces serious environmental and social dangers resulting from decades of fast economic growth and loose industry norms.

Nowogard considers multiple options on how to change the trend and protect the Valruzian environment. One of such proposed option is to gradually switch to a green and eco-friendly industry, others put forward even such bald solutions which include resignation from coal exploitation, but experts say that this option is very unlikely and if the government would decide to put this solution to life, it would require at least ten decades to find a sufficient replacement for coal which still remains an important and vital part of Valruzian economy.

OOC: To be continued.
Last edited by Masionette9 on Tue Dec 25, 2018 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 11:30 pm

Nowogard, March 4505


NOWOGARD - Increasing air traffic capacity of Nowogoard and surrounding areas, further development of railroad all across the country and financial results of LOT Valruzian AIrlines - those, according to Karol Broniewski, who serves as the Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, are the three main factor that push the government toward construction of the New Central Airport in Nowogard. Minister reassures that after the completion of the construction of the new airport, air traffic and the passenger service in Nowogard will be in much better condition than it is now. Broniewski said that the capacity of the new airport is estimated at around 160 million passengers a year. If that number will be achieved it will make the planned airport the largest airport on Terra by a number of passengers served. According to Broniewski that does not mean that Ignanski Airport which reached its maximum capacity of 75 million passengers will continue to function as the airport is getting older and unfit to provide the best service for international flights. Words of Minister might just give a green light for domestic carriers to transform Ignanski to a domestic airport.

Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Broniewski reassures that the construction of the new airport is not justified solemnly by the interests of Valruzian flag carrier WLL LOT. - It would be a politically and economically irresponsible to design an entire business model for the new airport on the basis of the financial condition of just one carrier - said Broniewski. He added that currently, Ignanski International Airport is in 65% occupied by LOT, and that he believes that a similar proportion will be kept at the new airport.

The new airport for Nowogard will be constructed approximately 60 kilometers north of Nowogard and according to the plans its capacity is estimated at around 160 million passengers a year. It will be located in the areas of five municipalities. The government has decided to resign from holding referendums in all of them and instead went right to the expropriation process on favorable terms for landowners.

The optimistic plans of the MTI forsee that the construction of the airport will begin in 4510 and will last about 5 years thanks to strong diversification in the procurement stage and hiring a couple of contractors.

MTI does not want to unravel the fate of Ignanski airport which is currently the largest airport in Valruzia. According to Broniewski all options are analyzed. From leaving the aiport in its current shape as the further expansion is not possible, through limitation the role of the airport to a limited role or transforming it into a domestic airport which would satisfy the growing number of domestic carriers, right until the option of shutting down the airport entirely. Interests of Nowogard's citizens are the key of MTI's plan but we mustn't forget about the profitability of the entire enterprise (SCE "Porty Lotnicze" - responsible for the maintenance of Valruzian airports). Broniewski said that having two large inernational airports in the capital could crate more damage unless some efficent scenario is created in case both of the airports function without any limitations.

The estimated cost of all investments connected with the new airport is around VPO 55 billion. Out of that figure, 21 billion is going to the airport itself, 19 billion is going to the railroad construction, and 15 billion to the road infrastructure. The project includes the construction of at least 5 thousand kilometers of new roads and 11 thousand kilometers of new railroad tracks.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Dec 25, 2018 9:57 pm

Nowogard, September 4505

NOWOGARD - Crude oil output from twenty-four major shale formations in Valruzia is expected to rise by almost a million barrels per day to 16 million barrels per day being extracted in Valruzia - that is the official announcement of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Surging oil output from shale formations boosted total Valruzian crude production to a world-record high of 15 million barrels per day in the past - that level has been kept for almost ten decades, now in spite of growing petroleum prices, Volantis has decided to expand the oil extraction even further.

Production is expected to rise gradually as some of the planned increase in extraction and production requires the construction of new facilities. The output from ten major shale formations is expected to rise within the next six months. Meanwhile, Valruzian natural gas production was projected to increase to yet another record of 1.1 million cubic meters in August this year.

WKN Volnatis in cooperation with Valruzian Petroleum has announced that it will start a government co-sponsored policy of putting pressure on other entities responsible for oil extraction and processing in Seleya to follow them and increase the extraction of oil and production of petroleum to keep the price of petroleum on the entire continent at a low level and to avoid rapid fluctuations of price and differences of petroleum prices from state to state.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:51 am

Nowogard, October 4507

NOWOGARD - Recent years witnessed a series of major takeovers and aggressive expansion of the Valruzian LOT Group, undoubtedly the pioneer and a world leader in the airline industry, and as for now the momentum does not seem to stop, as LOT plans to takeover Artania Airlines. An airline which started as a government-owned medium-sized airline established at the beginning of the Republic can now enjoy the status of the largest airline in the world. In recent decades, and especially years, LOT became the largest airlines by fleet size with over 1.400 aircraft, by passenger flown with more than 900 million passengers carried annually, and by kilometers flown with more than 500 million kilometers flown annually. LOT Group's spokesperson said that the upcoming months and years will be the period of further quick expansion, as the Group is planning to place massive orders for new planes for the LOT Valruzian Airlines and other subsidiaries of the Group. What's interesting is the fact that the upcoming order for new aircraft may end the long-lasting monopoly of Reglair (Valruzian aircraft manufacturer) within the Group, as the new order will include planes from such entities as Bolsa (Tukarali), Kanjor Aeronautics (Kanjor) which closely cooperate with Reglair, as well as planes from Artanian Defense Group and Asvald Group (Kazulia). The size of the potential orders was not yet confirmed, but LOT Group said that when the time will be appropriate, everything will be released to the public.
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