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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:18 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

12 February 4475

Image : The federal prison of the San Luis

Maya Darklight in prison, though Charge say the prisons workers.

Darklight can't be left alone for even 1 second.
Said Lydia Clarkson, a prison guard in the Women's wing of the federal prison of San Luis

Our journalists tried to question Maya Darklight on her life in prison, after her conviction for 2nd degree murder, but they were unable to speak to her. Horever, we were able to interview Lydia Clarkson, who say she can't ever quit Darklight for on second to prevent her from killing herself.

its unbelievable, she is so depressive, she hate herself so much, that if ever I leave her, she may do it. She tried to submerge herself in a toilet, She tried to cut her throar with a knife, she even tried to killed with a rock she found in her cell. I swear you, I can't leave that woman for a single second. She'll do it. Its so bad, that I must litteraly sleep in the cell, if I want to be able to control my inmate. One of My co-worker even told me to just let it happen.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:53 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Archibald Unveils Defense Plan

Secretary of Defense Nathaniel Archibald III

After two and a half years of planning, Secretary of Defense, Nathaniel "Nate" Archibald III released his indepth, several decade plan for a complete revitilzation of the United States Armed Forces from the ground up, building the organization around the so called "Marsten Reforms" that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Johnathan Marsten advised of.

The plan, currently in front of Congress, pushes for the tripling of the United States Armed Forces, massive defense acquisition from both foreign partners and domestic suppliers, and construction of innumerable bases across the nation, in addition to the creation of dedicated Joint Operations Centres, Cyber Command and Special Forces Commands, for flexibility amongst command and control.

Archibald admitted that this plan would take a full 30 years to complete, and would be extremely expensive, but with the massively increased defense budget, would be able to absorb it without issue, and by the end of it, as long as the United States went all the way with it would be "At their peak military capacity and strength and put us on proper footing not just in Seleya, but throughout the entirety of the Northern Council and it's two most senior and powerful allies; Hutori and Kazullia.


Darklight Appeal Dismissed

Justice Irene Dawson of the Santiago Court of Appeals Delievering Her Verdict

In another blow to the Darklight case, Santiago Appeals Court Justice Irene Dawson, dismissed the appeal of Maya Darklight's Second Degree Murder Conviction earlier today.

Darklight's Attorney Mireille Thunder, noted a number of percieved mistakes in the trial, and attempt to introduce new evidence that showed doubt in the jury's conviction, outright questioning whether the jury even understood the concept of the charges that were before them, trying to paint Maya Darklight purely as the the victim, whose evidence against her was circumstanial at best, while painting Patrick Longfield as the real killer.

Justice Dawson listened to the case, before dismissing the entire case for a number of reasons delievered in her final verdict, in which Thunder interupted the Justice several times, all of which were overlooked by Dawson.

Alright after reviewing the evidence I have come to a conclusion and verdict. First; I'm going to tell you outright, I can't accept this (the receipts and banking information) in any official form of evidence. If the prosecution wasn't aware of them, they weren't introduced in the original trial, and this is the first time they are mentioned, I have to dismiss them.

Second, I note that much of your argument rests on the belief that Maya was telling the truth, and that we need to believe her, much like you believed that Patrick Longfield learned to erased his presence in homes, yet the prosecution believe Maya committed the crime and produced evidence as such, and you refused to acknowledge it

Third, I note that you failed to actually produce any evidence what so ever that Patrick was actually in the house. Your "reasonable doubt" is that he must have erased his presence, that's not reasonable doubt, that is a complete lack of evidence period. So from the evidence, Maya Darklight was the only conceivable suspect for the jury to look at.

Fourth; her alibi that she was at the grocery store at the time of death holds no merit; it's impossible to note what time she died because of how degraded the body was, so on that point, unless Maya wasn't in the house on the day of her death, and can prove it, she remains the only person who could have been there; unless you have actual hard proof another person had access and was there


Your honor, Presumption of innocence mean there must do no doubt that Maya is the killer.

Justice Dawson
Let me finish Counsellor

Finally; the crutch of your entire legal defense resided around the strictest definition of reasonable doubt. But you forgot a critical word in that "reasonable" What you find reasonable is not what other people may find reasonable. Reasonable was added into the definition to account for the human factor that no everyone is going to see the same things as "reasonable". You may find the smoking of cigarettes a "reasonable" hobby, I would disagree. What you think is "reasonable" doubt that Maya is not the killer and that Patrick Longfield was, doesn't mean the members of the jury felt the same way. To the jury, and the jury alone, which were the ultimate arbiters in this case, Not you, not the prosecution and not Justice Potts, They had no doubt that Maya must have been the killer, with the verdict they delivered.

They had no witness. they never state the mobiles. how there is no reasonable doubt.

Justice Dawson:
The mobiles?

You honor, if you believe that patrick was just an excuse, maya invented to explain wrong comportenents, she should have have been judged to be mentally instable and placed in psychiatric institution.

Justice Dawson
No, it's very possible she simply lied to avoid prison time; Patrick Longfield lied on the stand to attempt to avoid prison time stating he never raped anyone. While that argument might have worked, it won't work because the psychologist declared her mentally fit, aside from being heavily depressed
For those reason Miss Thunder, I am Dismissing this Appeal. Case Dismissed.
Last edited by colonelvesica on Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:03 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Sage Kinney annonce her intention to run a presidential candidancy, as well as Baltusia Innonce Project

This is not a first time, the only history made here is that a secretary was convicted for murder.

Sage Kinney, PLCA civil right speakers

Sage Kinney, annonced this morning, her intention to run for presidency, She say she supports of an other party in the congress. She also annonced that she, and several lawyers like Mireille Thunder, are working on a project with the goal of releasing person who were wrongly convicted of crime they did not commit.

What happen with Maya is not an unique case, it is unique for the moment because Maya was Secretary of Environment. But it is not the only case of someone being convicted of a murder they did not commit.

in 4467, James Clearfields was convicted of the rape of a fremont Collegue Student, Anna Bolts. Yet the prosecutor did not found DNA on his allegued victim, they simply allegued that he was prime suspects, that they found no evidence of Anna being with someone else and they convicted him for rape.

in 4468, Darryl Ford, was convicted of the murder of Johnston Post journalist Maria Hill, despite the fact that there was no witness, that the police did not any proof that directly link Darryl Ford to the murder of Maria hill and that there was many other suspects that where capable to have committed the crime.

In 4469, we have two cases. Mathilda Matthews, was conviced having murdered her husband, Andrew Matthews. The Prosecution was extremely similar to the case of Maya. The police state that they could not find evidance of anyone else being in the house of Matthews, they had no witness, no mobile. they simply concluded that Mathilda must have killed her husband

Also, that same years, Andrew Gibbs was convicted for Thievery and Rape, because the police accepted evidence that were extracted from him by violence and threats. The Police threatened that they would arrest his Father for obstruction of justice if Andrew did not admitted his crimes.

in 4470, Lydia Avery and Steven Avery were convicted of incest. The prosecution rested on a sole witness, a boy who tried to approach Lydia Avery, but who was rejected because Lydia Avery did not had any feeling for him. it turn out Steven Avery is gay, so it is very unlikely that Lydia and her brother could have committed incest.

in 4471, Dalawi Mudwi, a Geraja, was found guilty of having killed Anthony Gramms, an hosian, by an all-hosian jury, despite the fact there was no evidence that linked Miss Mudwi to the scene of the crime.

And in 4472, we have Maya Darklight, who was found guilty of having killed her own daughter, because there was no proof that anyone else was in the house. There was no witness and no evidence that prove that Miss Darklight committed this murder.

And what is the most unbelievable is that reasonable doubt is not defined as fact, it is defined as an human factor. The Justice Irene Dawson said : Reasonable was added into the definition to account for the human factor that no everyone is going to see the same things as "reasonable". The notion of reasonable doubt is wrong used by our judicial system. Can we add that in the all-hosian jury, there was no doubt that Dalawi Mudwi was a killer, because they never understood her religious values. Maya Darklight is not the only person to have wrongly convicted of a crime she did not committed. Hence, I can promesse you, that if ever I am elected as president, I will pardon these persons.That conviction for 2nd Murder hurt our party, but it also opened our eyes to multiple cases of injustice in Baltusia. These case will studied and we hope overturned.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:29 am


The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

With a unanimous 3-0 vote amongst party factions, the UDP expels the PLCA

"I think it's fair to say that for each faction of the UDP, a massive collective weight has been lifted from our chests." Chairperson Hanson states, not long after the conclusion of the vote.

Johnston, D.D.
Published May 23rd, 4475

After winning a second term, UDP Chairperson Sidney Hanson vowed that the party would recover it's public image. That plan has seemingly been put into motion, with the unanimous 3-0 decision amongst factions of the party to expel the PLCA, citing their continued controversies that Secretary Maya Darklight had caused, which constantly gave fuel for the Republicans during the Farnsworth Administration, and may have had a hand in costing the UDP the 4472 election.

Immediately after the vote was finalized, it is reported that members of the moderate factions, namely the Social Liberals and Moderates, apparently clapped and cheered at the news. The PLCA were reportedly shown out of the party's headquarters by the DDPD, when they initially refused to recognize the vote, calling it "Undemocratic" and "Dictatorial".

The socialists, long having been the neutral ground on the matter, decided to vote in favor of their expulsion, citing the aforementioned controversies they had created, along with the irrevocable damage that they had enacted upon the party, damage that will no doubt take years to heal, in order to remain popular amongst Baltusian voters.

However, with the expulsion of the PLCA from their party, the UDP now faces uncertainty for the 4476 election, with the far-leftists having been the most key supporters to the moderate factions, strangely enough. When asked by reporters on the matter, Party Chairperson Hanson stated "It's definitely going to be tougher to us in the elections, that much is sure. But with a little elbow grease, and a strong campaign, anything is possible."

Cecily Ortobbya appointed Party Secretary by Chairperson Hanson

Wishing to be all-inclusive, Party Chairperson Hanson appointed Cecily Ortobbya as Party Secretary today, a position that is especially key in managing election campaigns.

Johnston, D.D.
Published May 23rd, 4475

With the exit of the Liberal faction of the UDP, the party is now reduced to 3 factions post-exit of the PLCA: The Social Liberals, Moderates, and Socialists. After the close of the UDP's leadership elections, the Social Liberals gained yet another term as Party Chairperson, but welcomed the Moderates to the position of Deputy Chairperson. Yet the Social Liberals still held the position of Secretary, which some saw as dictatorial.

In a special and unexpected move of Hanson, he appointed Cecily Ortobbya to the post, making the UDP's leadership all-inclusive, with each faction having a leadership position. Ortobbya celebrated her appointment, and welcomes the challenges that may come with it in high spirits.

With elections coming up next year, the move couldn't have come any more sooner. Popular guesses among voters and factions within the party itself is that former President Farnsworth will campaign a third time, hoping to secure a second Presidential term, and enact true reforms, which were tragically interrupted by the PLCA's unfortunate entrance into the party, now unanimously agreed as being a mistake.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:39 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

9 August 4475

Prison Worker Say Darklight has no business in a prison. Sprewing manifestation
Several protestor in front of the San Luis Federal prison

An anonymous Workers at the Federal prison of San Luis, who refuse to be identified because she fear both legal and illegals consequences of her actions, reported to the journal the she believe that Maya Darklight, the former secretary of environment has no business in a prison. Our journalists has asked her how is the former secretary of environment adapting to her life prison.

I am not certain you can describe it as living anymore. I describe it as miserable. There are no good moment in her lives, our Staff does not even consider are an human being anymore. She's being kept in a cell every single hours of every single day. She does not see the light, she can't talk with the others inmates, there is a window in her cell, but that's all. The only she tend to do, is to distract herself with some imaginary friends, outside of the meals she is given, she does nothing. She has no book, no games, no friends, nothing. We are even asked to never talk with her. She's completely isolated from the world, and it is not like she's totally, because there are some weirdos in the department who constently watch her with the surveillance camera in her room. If you heard the things they say about her, the way theses guys talk about her, you would be scared. This is inhuman treatment, I would not to inflict to even a convicted killer. And I can feel, by the way she act, by the way she tend to submit, that this woman has nothing to do in jail. There is no way she could have killed her daughter. This woman has been suffering outside of jail for a long time, and now she's going to suffer in jail for a very long time. This is just tragic.

Anynomous female prison guard, working in the woman's wing, Comment enregistred and diffused for the first, the 8th august 4475

As you can see, the comment the anynomous prison guard made yesterday, cause a riot, here in front of the San Luis Federal Prison. A group of manifestants have reunited and they screaming to free Maya

I can't believe that we put rape victim in jail while their rapist away for free.
decried Patricia Blues, Instigator of the Justice4Maya campaign and one of the manifestant in front of the federal Prison.
In all my life, I have never heard of a such a tragic story, but I do know that guard, that's not someone who is going to count lies. I don't think they will listen to us, but they will hear us, every night since this day. The only reasonable action we can do here, is to free Maya.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Aquinas » Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:59 pm

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:13 pm

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Pickens Dismisses "Lies and Slander" About Darklight's treatment in Prison

Attorney General Charles Pickens

The Justice Department is pushing back against what it describes as "lies and slander" by an anonymous prison guard at San Luis Federal Penitentiary. In an interview earlier today, Attorney General Charles Pickens noted coldly, that Maya Darklight was "in prison, not a summer camp."

Maya Darklight is not being abused in anyway shape or form in her incarceration, and to say otherwise are complete lies and slander. I will confirm she is in solitary confinement for her own protection and is kept separate from the general prison population, however this is because of both her current mental state and the uniqueness of her situation. Since her incarceration she has attempted suicide on three separate occasions; she requires 24 hour observation to ensure she does not try it again, and the cell she is in to minimize her ability to harm herself. She has a prison guard quite literally posted outside of her cell 24 hours a day in case she requires something, or in case an incident occurs. In regards to the lack of friends or games; she's serving a prison sentence for second degree murder, she's not in summer camp. If the inmate in question wants a book and the prison is able to obtain it her for her, she's more then free to request and she knows it, she has simply chosen not to.

In regards to questioning the statement about her not belonging in prison the response was quick and terse.

She was found guilty of second degree by a jury of her peers. By the very definition of the law, she is serving a prison sentence for a crime she was convicted by our justice system.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Aquinas » Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:07 am

October 4475

Indrala: the great Satanail?

The Indralan national flag, claimed by some to be a Satanailic reference

"Pastor Bradley", or Bradley Powell, one of the most popular Ameliorite (OOC: Calvinist) "Mega Church" leaders in Johnston City, has caused a furore after telling his congregation last Sunday night that Indrala is "the Great Satanail" and that "you only have to look at their national flag to see this, it is literally worshipping Satanail - this is what Indrala is now, it has given itself over to Satanail, they are Satanail's people now, not God's people".

This has caused embarrassment to the Hosian Democrats, who have Powell selected as one of their candidates for the upcoming election. Moves are now afoot within the party to have Powell deselected, although it is by no means clear this will happen, as Powell remains a popular and influential figure both within the Hosian Democrats and the wider Hosian community in Baltusia.

The week before, Pastor Bradley attracted headlines for attempting a long-distance exorcism of Maya Darklight, a professed Satanilist who is serving a life-sentence after being convicted of murdering her child. He claimed afterwards "we sent a lot of love, a lot of healing" but that "whether she receives the deliverance she needs depends on God, we can only pray, pray, pray".
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:22 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Aloy-Sophie Darklight Resign, he has Enough

I am going to free my sister, I am going to catch Patrick, Myself.

The Senator of Santiago announce he is resigning, and is going to pursue Patrick Longfield himself. He made the announce this morning in front the of the San Luis Federal Prison. After Talking to a female police officier in front of the prison, and passing the crew of protestors.

Sis, I hope you hear me. I am going to free you from that Jail. I'm going to find Patrick Longfield and bring him in the FBI's office myself. Maya, I will free you. No worry, my first Wife, Sage Kinney, will take my position while I am investigating the case. it may take time, but i'll do it. I can already tell you guys that I have taken all precautions necessary to interrogate Patrick Longfield and that I will not contaminate the evidence, if ever he carry something like, like Caia's Saskian Necklace. I did not found it in my sister's belongings and the FBI made no mention of it. This is very, because Satanailists mothers always give their children a necklace, so they might carry the benediction of the Angel Saskia, no matter where we might go, we don't always wear it, but always keep it.

Said Aloy-Sophie Darklight

Mireille Thunder announce, in front of Johhnston general hospital, 1st success

Mireille Thunder made a great announce, in front of johnston General hospital, that one the case of the Baltusian Innocence project is going to be reopened.

1st success guys, James Clearfields's case going to reopened. I really hope I can announce to miss Amber Clearfields that her son is not a rapist, that he was wrongly convicted. But that will have to wait as this judicial administration only very few peoples open closed cases. Often in Baltusia, when a case is closed, it is closed. its supeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Heum, Sorry, LIke I said, we are working on multiple cases, we are trying to reopen several case of people who have been convicted of crimes they did not commit. This will take time. There is no need, even if I'm pregnant, I can assure that I am going to keep working on these case as much as i can.

Mireille was immediatly question about her pregnancy, our journalist even asked if she was the 6th wife of Aloy-Sophie Darklight

No, no and no. You guys are paranoiac. I'm not certain of the identity of the father. But one thing is certain, it is not Aloy, nor Yugi.
But, talking about Aloy-Sophie Darklight, yes he confirmed his resignation. I can't imagine he's going to do anything illegal thing. Right now there is no law agaisnt vigilantism, there are law agaisnt detaining people and etc. But knowing Aloy, knowing there are some women who wait for him, I am certain he will not do anything reckless. And no don't ask me who's Saskia, I really don't know about that.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby MackinAintEasy » Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:12 am

The Johnston post is the largest newspaper printed in Johnston, D.D., the nation's capital, and has a primary emphasis on national politics.

Murray withdraws from race, endorses Farnsworth

UDP-Moderate Caucus Member, Joe Murray

In what was a short primary challenge for former President Oliver Farnsworth, it is now over as Moderate Democrat Joe Murray has withdrawn from the contest. This news comes at the disappointment of some Baltusians who are displeased at the Farnsworth administration for its unproductivity and recent scandal that has rocked Baltusia in the form of former Secretary of the Environment and convicted murderer Maya Darklight. Joe Murray, however, felt strongly about the potential of another term for the former President and sang the high praises as he endorsed the former President. Murray stated Farnsworth’s “great vision” as what Baltusians need and tried to distance the entire UDP from its former association with the PLCA and scandalous murderer Maya Darklight.

Immediately after the press conference the rumors started circulating that Murray withdrew and endorsed Farnsworth in order to secure the VP spot on the Farnsworth ticket but no one from either camp was willing to comment at the time of this release.
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