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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:26 am


Finance Minister Fouquet


Cap-Oriental, November 19, 4961: Finance Minister Antoine Fouquet travelled to Cap - Oriental to meet with a number of Silliers farmers, grocers, food processors, bankers and local officials to discuss exporting truffles. He told CLAIRON PICARD:

In eastern Silliers Region we have a number of things going for us. Warm dry climate that truffles love, established areas of oak, cherry and hazelnut roots where truffles are growing, and trained truffle dogs and successful truffle pigs.

Kanjor is very fortunate in that Canrille cuisine is established internationally as the most sought after on Terra. Even if they actually enjoy chili cheese grease burgers, noodles or fish and chips, the international set wants to be known for appreciating and serving Canrille cuisine.

We have already successfully made it clear that Canrille cuisine must include Canrille wine not some fine box wine of Hobrazia. Pinot noir growers in Martois are benefitting greatly from this perception.

We now want to emphasize Canrille cuisine has to include truffles and not some whitish Kalapuya brunnea species from northern Seleya but real Kanjor black truffles, Tuber melanosporum harvested in autumn and winter or the summer black truffle, Tuber aestivum.

We have both in eastern Silliers and they are not really found elsewhere. Terra is going to discover it must have our truffles. It will not matter whether you actually use truffle dogs which have to be trained or truffle pigs who may well eat the truffle when we are not careful, but our campaign will glorify the truffle hog.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:23 pm


President LaPointe


Atyr, February 22, 4962: We caught up with President Marguerite LaPointe after a Cabinet meeting primarily addressing recent legislative proposals introduced by Federation Canrille.
CLAIRON PICARD asked her what was the most important thing Federation Canrille hoped to during the balance of her term of office. LaPointe responded:

The tax code and particularly the income tax still needs a lot of work. We have now taken a second step in income tax rate reduction but there is still a long way to go. We do not want to unbalance the budget or fail to maintain vital spending.

We are making loans available for business expansion through the Central Bank. Expansion is particularly notable in agricultural exports particularly wine. Our Finance Minister tells me the inspiration for this was actually Badara exporting qat tea. We do hope private investment banking develops robustly and are prepared to underwrite those wanting to wade into those deep waters.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:03 pm



Atyr, August 22, 4963: In an interview with CLAIRON PICARD during a break in the legislative session of the Senat de la Republique Unie, Prime Minister Anatole Brassard stated:

The bill which passed concerning polygamy and incest had only Federation Canrille votes so we are really are not sure how Parti Unionist sees it. Current law outlaws incest and does not recognize polygamous marriages. This reflects the Federation Canrille view.

What we intended this bill to do is have Regional lawmakers take over the handling of this issue. The Ministry of Justice position on whether the bill did so is crucial, but it is our view Regional legislatures are now allowed to decide all issues related to incest and polygamy.

Prime Minister Brassard
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:32 pm


PM Beauvoisin


Le Cher-Comte, October 22, 4969: We caught up with Prime Minister Etienne Beauvoisin in Le Cher-Comte after a meeting with the Mayor and local officials and business leaders about the Tour de Val – de – Azur. Asked by CLAIRON PICARD what was being suggested, Beauvoisin replied:

The Tour de Val-de-Azur is an extremely well managed, popular, safe and profitable event which is essentially a City of Le Cher-Comte event. We were discussing an idea that has been bubbling around for the last year or two that has great interest in some circles – making the Tour de Val-de–Azur into the Tour de Kanjor.

There are spectators from all over Kanjor now and everyone believes if there were nationwide competitors the event would be huge and the economic benefit to the city and surrounding villages would be tremendous. Bluntly put, the first question is with whose money? The City of Le Cher-Comte can hardly take on the additional expense. We are exploring whether the national government could pick up the additional cost; it likely could if we determine the project does not have fiasco written all over it.

Lots more contestants. But not so many that gyms and recreation centers and maybe military facilities could not be used to house them for a few days. How to accumulate. Charter buses could be used if the traffic in the general area could not be severely restricted. The gendarmes can do that when authorized.

Even taking the athletes out of the city and village inns and hotels would be insufficient for spectators if our estimates are correct. So more towns involved. Again charter buses appear to be the solution. Not yet clear how much local traffic could be permitted. Probably need gendarmes to only allow residents and provision suppliers to enter villages involved in the event itself.

So everybody has to be bused or in a few instances brought in by rail. So what about parking. City officials were confident most villages in Val – de – Azur could establish remote parking so that access for spectators could be handled almost entirely by charter bus.

Well we will develop a plan with the city and see if it can really be done.

CLAIRON PICARD has learned the Prime Minister is quite confident it can.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:14 am



Styr, May 22, 4970: President Chloe Thibadeau discussed the Federation Canrille objectives after she met with the Cabinet and party leaders in the Senat. Asked by CLAIRON PICARD what the main focus of Federation Canrille would be during her term, Thibadeau replied:

There are two big ones. The first is while we are making progress, we have a long way to go to revive the economy. We need more business activity, more jobs and more trade. Do think we have laid a foundation for economic growth.

Second, we still have work to do on the income tax structure. We are a long way from our goals but we will be making more progress. That is our intent in any event.

President Thibadeau with her predecessor, President Brassard
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Jul 22, 2021 3:24 pm



Atyr, February 19, 4971: Finance Minister Antoine Fouquet announced the Senat has passed income tax reduction. CLAIRON PICARD questioned whether the measures taken would cover the revenue loss and asked if this would be the last such reduction. Fouquet responded:

This should not be the last one. The upper rate while considerably lower than when we started is till too high. Further the minimum floor for being taxed is still too low. But we are definitely making progress and citizens will notice the difference.

As to paying for it, there were three parts. We reduced the budget some without serious consequence. We raised the sales tax 1% and luxury tax 3%. The balance will be by surplus reduction.

The problem going forward with further reductions is the sales tax which can produce quite a bit of revenue probably is about as high as it should be. The corporate tax needs considerable reduction not increases. Further budget cuts will either need to be small or quite selective. It would be nice if it could just be paid for out of luxury tax but there is just not enough revenue there.

Finance Minister Fouquet
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:08 am


President Thibadeau


Interior Ministry, November 22, 4971: After meeting with Interior Minister Georges Doumerc and being briefed on where internal tensions are simmering, President Chloe Thibadeau discussed the Federation Canrille objectives with CLAIRON PICARD:

As you know we were elected on a platform of tax reform. It is taking some time but we are diligently pursuing a much fairer tax structure. The first steps were easy but further progress will be hard going.

And any idiot knows we need to promote economic growth. While much of Terra is in the same position we are committed to promoting economic growth without prejudicing the safety net or adopting deficit financing.

After discussing what we could do to avoid serious conflicts within Kanjor and particularly Islanders and Mainlanders, we are going to pursue the suggestion of Interior Minister Doumerc that regions and arrondissements take over more national functions. We believe with more government closer to the citizenry, our people will feel they have a greater voice in their own affairs.

Interior Ministry
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:59 pm


Margueite LaPointe


Argentes, August 22, 4974: The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Marguerite LaPointe, met with Ministry utility managers as well as regional officials in La Tondelle Region to discuss improving WiFi coverage. La Pointe told CLAIRON PICARD that:

There is no doubt something needs to be done. We need to become world class in communications rather than sub par as we are now. Most power is generated by the government although each Region maintains its own power grid. Ultimately nationalized companies provide power to our citizens while the internet service provider is the national government.

We have decided regardless of who owns what, we need much much better WiFi coverage and we are going to start in La Tondelle Region with funding from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to build high powered mast towers in carefully selected locations to reach every village and town. The Ministry is also reviewing and improving the standard routers made available to the public.

Our thinking is let’s get La Tondelle right and move on then to another Region. We are also looking at possible plans for underground internet cables to deliver high speed optical fiber internet to urban centers. Likely the first effort will be for the capital.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Kanjor

Postby NouvelAn2019 » Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:35 am

Foreign Affairs Minister Arthur Boudon challenges the Titles of the Lourennais King
Boudon makes a statement on Lourennais title scandle
November 30, 4974


Friends, we are a proud people of Canrille descent. It is that culture that we share with Lourenne. Our mutual language and history make us family, along with the other Canrille nations. In a family, we respect all of its members as they are. As a republic, we respect the Lourennais monarchy. It is a monarchy that sits upon a throne that once ruled us, but no longer. We hope that the Lourennais will respect our republic and its institutions just the same. It is with that in mind, we ask for the Lourennais Government to renounce the monarch's claim to "King of Kanjor" and remove it from their title. Kanjor is not in the realm of the monarch, nor are the cities of Valois and Silliers. Both are territories in Kanjor and both the monarch claims as dukedoms.

We make this request as brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends. We hope that with this now on the table, we can discuss how to make right this wrong. Righting this wrong starts with removing the claim of King of Kanjor and removing any other claims on Kanjorien land.

As I have stated in the legislature, I will be reaching out to Lourenne to begin discussions.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:42 pm



Atyr, August 19, 4976: Finance Minister Antoine Fouquet announced that Federation Canrille has introduced in the the Senat a bill with income tax reduction as well as a budget reduction bill. CLAIRON PICARD asked Fouquet whether the measures would cover the revenue loss and asked if this would be the last such reduction. Fouquet responded:

Well the budget reduction and existing surplus will offset the revenue loss. The rather modest tax reduction eliminates the top category and lowers the tax rate at the very bottom. Although the upper tax rate is still too high, our next step will likely be raising the floor in each category.

Our party was created because of confiscatory income tax rates; we are making progress but we are by no means done.

Going forward with further reductions has some obstacles. The sales tax which can produce quite a bit of revenue but probably is about as high as the public will tolerate because it falls more heavily on those with lower income. The corporate tax needs considerable reduction not increases. The luxury tax can be raised without serious opposition but is not a big income producer. Further budget cuts will either need to be small or quite selective.

Finance Minister Fouquet
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