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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:59 pm




Universite de Region Martois, August 6, 4978: President Chloe Thibadeau, Food and Agriculture Minister Etienne Beauvoisin and Interior Minister Marguerite LaPointe attended a symposium sponsored by the Economics Department of the Universite de Region Martois where LaPointe was once an Economics Professor. CLAIRON PICARD has learned that the government was proposing a promotion campaign for Kanjor’s cheese. Thibadeau’s remarks included the following:

As you know the perception throughout Terra is that the finest cuisine in all Terra is Canrillaise cuisine. Further Canerillaise truffles and wine are part of that cuisine, an integral part that is inferior without them. That is the perception and it is reakly good for our export market.

With cheese we face a somewhat different marketing problem. Really really good hard yellow rindless cheese is made elsewhere in Artania and made very very well. Moreover, Terra loves cheese in pizzas, in cheese burgers, in macaroni and cheese and as an additive to everything from ham and cheese to chili cheese corn and fondu.

The place we may be able to secure a niche is in the upscale hors d’oeuvres market what people really want is soft cheese held together with a rind produced with milk from our common Artanian Dairy Cattle. And that is where Canrille excels, that is where Kanjor excels and that is where the villages around Mavigny right here in Martois excel.

Well, how can the government help. Two main ways. We will run a Terra wide promotional campaign as we did with pinot noir and black truffles. Second, the Ministries of Food and Agriculture and Trade and Industry have loans for expansion and in some cases grants.

How can Region Martois help? By setting up an Appellation d’Origine Controlle (AOC) telling all Terra what is great cheese and what is good but less expensive. Same sort of thing we do with wine. The other Regions can use Martois as a model and prototype.

This will work. Our economy is growing and Martois agriculture can be at the heart of the growth.


CLAIRON PICARD asked if President Thibadeau was running for President again to which she responded:

No, three terms is enough. Georges Doumerc is the Federation Canrille candidate.

President Thibadeau
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:53 am



Atyr, November 11, 4978: After thanking supporters for his election, President Georges Doumerc indicated the direction his government would be going. Doummerc told CLAIRON PICARD:

There are really two things on which we will focus. First, we want to continue improving our economy. We have been making progress. The income tax has been reduced so that is nowhere near the drag on our economy it once was. It is quite possible there are trading possibilities out there we have not yet exploited.

The other is we want our Regions to govern more and make it clear the central government is not trying desperately to hold onto power. There are a number of things better decided at the local level.

As you know, we have a dispute with the Lourennais. We fully expect our Foreign Ministry to resolve this in a satisfactory manner.

President Georges Doumerc
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:12 am


Food and Agriculture Minister Beauvoisin


Mavigny, May 16, 4982: Minister of Food and Agriculture Etienne Beauvoisin met with city officials and business leaders in Mavigny to announce that for the villages east of Mavigny, an area internationally known for the wine produced from the pinot noir grape, the Ministries of Food and Agriculture and Infrastructure and Transport would begin financing the manufacturing of electric agricultural machinery and vehicles and the establishing of charging stations located at strategic locations in these farming villages.

The recipient of this loan package is Freres LaFollette Motors, an established small truck dealer in Mavigny with years of experience in repair, service and maintenance of small trucks that wants to enter the electric vehicle market.

CLAIRON PICARD has learned that it is expected initially that small trucks and utility vehicles will be the primary focus.

Beauvoisin told the city leaders:

The government believes that populations have reached the level where humanity can easily make life on Terra unbearable if we do not start to commence to begin to exercise some discipline both individually and as a society.

Accordingly, development of alternatives to petroleum increasingly should be considered. We will see how dependable the first vehicles prove to be and hopefully expand into bigger vehicles and other locations. We do believe conveniently located charging stations are the key.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Tue Aug 17, 2021 4:08 am


Premier Antoine Fouquet


Atyr November 16, 4983: Prime Minister Antoine Fouquet announced today that agreement has been reached for a joint venture in the City of Ceres in the Province of Sildar in the Nation of Aloria between Freres LaFollette, a corporation traded on Kanjor’s stock market, which is currently producing small electric trucks and tractors in Mavigny in the Martois Region and Aloria Agri Engineering & Biotechnology (ABEL), a publicly owned Alorian Corporation.

Two factories are planned; one to produce electric trucks and one to produce electric tractors. Freres LaFollette technical support will be provided for the plans and specifications for the factories as well as establishing a network of charging stations including repair and servicing staff.

ABEL will provide the sales and distribution expertise for delivery to the farmers of Sildar, Ultran and Cymertraeath Provinces. It is anticipated that most employees of the factories and sales and distribution staff will be Alorian residents. Management will of course be divided between ABEL and Freres LaFollette.

The Premier told CLAIRON PICARD:

Populations have reached the point where humanity can easily make life on Terra unbearable if we do not start to commence to begin to exercise some discipline both individually and as a society. Accordingly, development of alternatives to petroleum fuel increasingly should be promoted.

We are very happy that the governments of Aloria and Kanjor are working together to address this serious problem and hope it is a harbinger of good things to come.

CLAIRON PICARD has also learned the arrangements were initiated by the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister of Aloria, Gawain Sieffre, who was assisted by Mrs Katie Thomas, Minister of Transportation of Aloria & Mr Vincenzo Amati, Minister of Trade & Industry of Aloria. From the Kanjorienne side, this matter was handled by the Office of the Premier and included securing a loan for Freres LaFollette from the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:59 pm



Atyr, September 11, 4984: President Georges Doumerc told CLAIRON PICARD:

In a brief interview:

Our economy is coming along very well, and one thing we intend to do a lot more to continue that upturn is explore opportunities for international trade. We have things to sell and there are certainly things we would like to buy.

We do not expect big changes in the budget in the immediate future. The safety net is well supported and we are not planning any arms race with anybody.

Doumerc indicated to CLAIRON PICARD he was running for another term as President of the Republic.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Aug 26, 2021 8:02 pm


Etienne Beauvoisin


Neuchalet September 16, 4982: Minister of Food and Agriculture Etienne Beauvoisin met with city and regional officials and business leaders in Neuchalet to discuss an advertising promotion of the pashmina fiber from the Chagra goats kept by a nuber of farmers in the villages in the central and eastern mountainous parts of Martois Reion. The Chagra goats are believed to have been imported from Artania because of their ease in handling the cold winters in this portion of Martois. They are used for pack animals and a source of meat as well as pashima fiber.

The pashmina fiber can be called wool but is finer, stronger, softer, lighter and about three times more insulating than the wool of sheep. The fiber thickness is between 12 and 15 microns. It can be dyed and made into yarn and knitted into shawls, sweaters, hats, gloves, socks and other clothing or woven into fabric for outer coats, jackets, pajamas, scarves or pants.

The Chagra goat has a thick undercoat and a dense slightly wavy or straight outer coat. The pashima fiber to be used must come from the undercoat. They have a height of 22 to 25 inches. The Chagra goats are not very numerous in Martois but those present can produce as fine a wool as anywhere on Terra.

The Minister indicated that both the clothing and fashion firms Mireille, S.A., and Beaulieau, S.A., wanted to market products made from Chagra pashmina as the finest wool on Terra with the limited amount of pashmina fiber available being a plus not a minus. The Food and Agriculture Ministry will be loaning funds for the advertising promotion.

Last edited by Drax on Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:30 pm


Presint Doumerc


Atyr, March 11, 4990: At the Interior Ministry today, President Georges Doumerc met with officials from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI), the Defense Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the Foreign Ministry dealing with espionage, counterintelligence, military intelligence and terrorist activity.

CLAIRON PICARD has learned the four topics discussed were as follows:

There are no known plans of any nation to actually attack us militarily at this point.

The monarchists who might take action to further their ambitions are for the moment channeling their ambitions into the activities of the Kanjorean Liberal Party. There are of course some disgruntled passed over field grade officers ready to follow a leader but at the moment they have known so most are continuing to make progress in their lifetime goal of chronic alcoholism. We know who they are.

The island separatists have lost their leader and the party representing them. The actual political issues seem to have distracted many from this cause but there is a core that could be seduced into some sort of anti government activity. No such catalyst for seduction exists at this point.

The Foreign Office and Prime Minister’s Office report that many of their efforts to make international contacts seem to be totally unsuccessful. This raises the question of whether Kanjor is an international pariah perhaps because of its period of relative isolation or whether paperwork laxity is simply an international norm. Although the Foreign Office really suspects the latter, the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were charged by the President to overcome this obstacle.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Tue Aug 31, 2021 7:46 pm




Picard, March 6, 4991: The Federation Canrille party leadership met in the main conference room of the Hotel Joint Souffle in Picard to discuss the way forward for the party. CLAIRON PICARD talked to Heloise Montressor, a former cabinet member, afterward:

We were badly beaten, no doubt about it. Could be people were just tired of us or could be the Kanjor Liberal Party seemed much more in touch with them. In any event we lost support among some key constituencies where we expected more support.

I will serve as Party Secretary for the time being and former President Marguerite LaPointe will serve as the Party Leader in the Senat and generally. She will focus on dealing with legislation and shaping the party message.

The party machinery and I will be focusing on research and analysis and on citizen outreach. We are not treating this election as the end of our party but rather as a call to get back to our roots.

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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:46 pm



Atyr, August 22, 4994: After meeting with Federation Canrille cabinet, party and legislative leaders at the Governor General’s Residence, Governor General Marguerite LaPointe told CLAIRON PICARD:

The new agenda focus is leaving isolation and engaging other nations. We are hoping to confirm friendly relations with our neighbors and may join in the call for banning nuclear weapons. Admittedly efforts to promote this idea have failed to date but we may want to at least say where we stand.

We also want the Defense Ministry to examine our defense posture not with a view to increasing our expenditures or military presence so much as seeing to it that what we have can fulfil its mission.

We certainly want to continue our efforts to build a strong economy. We feel the government support has contributed to a healthy expanding economy. A disappointment has been our efforts to work with other nations of Terra to increase trading opportunities. We will be continuing this effort but recognize many elsewhere have no interest in anything new.

CLAIRON PICARD asked if agreeing to a monarchy was a defeat of Federation Canrille by the KLP. LaPointe responded:

That is for you to judge. From our point of view and we expect that of the KLP, neither party knew who would win the recent election and so both were willing to make an arrangement each could live with rather than take a chance on election outcome.

Governor General LaPointe
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Re: Kanjor

Postby Drax » Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:46 am


Justice Minister Montressor


Atyr, May 6, 4995: The Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium which is based in Jumhuriat al-Badara has applied to open a chapter house in Martois Region near Mavigny in a hilly area with cold mountain streams.

The application was in two parts- an application to the Patriarch of Martois in Picard for approval of setting up a chapter house and an inquiry to the government addressed to the Foreign Ministry concerning any governmental requirements.

Gaius Trebonius, the First Master of the Order, met with officials of the Patriarchy of Martois who determined a Patriarch of Ville Saints had authorized the formation and operation of the Monastic Order in Badara a number of years ago and accordingly the Order was a part of the Aurorian Apostolic Church. Further the Patriarch of Martois had the authority to decide if it could operate in the Diocese of Martois. Noting the Order was well funded and would guarantee the financing of the chapter until it was self sufficient, the application was approved.

Today Monsignor Maurice d’Estaing of the Patriardh’s Office and First Master Trebonius met with the Prime Minister, The Foreign Minister and the Justice Minister and staff in the Office of the Prime Minister. Afterward Justice Minister Heloise Montressor issued the Following statement.

The Contemplative Monastic Order of Occidentalium is not a missionary group, nor will it be involved in promoting religion nor operating schools religious or otherwise and accordingly the laws regulating religious activity do not apply to the Order in such a way as to prohibit its activity. Whether it may operate is thus left to the leaders of the religion of which it is a part.

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