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Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:08 am
by TRA
Domestic News
The rise of the idea of the Beiteynuese Meuhad Medinot
December 5265 - An editorial into the end of an era and the Beiteynuese history leading up to this point
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Knesset Building, Yishelem, Beiteynu

In 5200, Hevrat Hasmal stepped up into the light with Baruch Lea Tzafrir's progressive internal and foreign agendas. 3 subsequent administrations modernise Beiteynu's composition, rollback its diminishing and isolated economy and establish a global network of partnerships and alliances with the Terran Remediation Agency and the Intelligence Pact at its epicenter, albeit not without its fallbacks and violent incidents: the assassination of Baruch Lea Tzafrir, the Beiteynuese-Luthorian crisis, the Kafuri intelligence fiasco, the collapse of Malivia, the ensued passive aggressive mini-wars in the Migrant's Pass, the Kundrati civil war, the Sholemberg explosion, the hunt of OrdoSoc terrorists and the austerity measures of almost a quarter of a century, marking an entire generation of Beiteynuese citizenry for decades to come, increasing the costs of education and privatising lifestyle in a single generation.

As now the 4th administration - the Shlomo Administration - picks up the mantle and continues the mandate with a heavy focus on international trade and business, it is curious enough that the ideas now switch to a more evident and more present Beiteynuese influence, with the rise of the idea of the Beiteynuese Meuhad Medinot (United States) since 5260 - 60 years later - as Pontesi becomes an outright Beiteynuese dominion with no gun fired and Beiteynu now counting more than 30 nations as friends, partners and allies.

One of the most turnkey points of global financial initiatives is Beiteynu's own creation, Equifund and the Equifund Agreement, which gave birth to the exponential growth of the defense and technology sector in Beiteynu. Decades later, the Equifund Index is Beiteynu's dominant stock market index, with interests spiking now from Kafuristan, Dundorf, Luthori, Kundrati, Talmoria and Vanuku alongside the already established relationships with Beiteynu's strongest Majatran ally: Istalia.

Beiteynu reaches a level of influence in Majatra that results in the Beiteynuese government mediating in the Third Solentian Civil War on the other side of the continent with a peace conference between all sides of the conflict in Yishelem. Although the Beiteynuese Agency considered the negotiations a debacle and warned the Istalian Agency of extraneous fears of long-term instability, a ceasefire was achieved, Kafuri and Istalian forces withdrew, Sekowo launched an international aid initiative and the 2 conflicting sides in Solentia agreed on a joint government.

The Intelligence Pact becomes a full-fledged military alliance, heavily pursued by the Agency, which exerted massive influence across the board to get the Pact's leading members on board, after the events in Malivia, Kundrati and Solentia. 6 nations now exchanging military operations, commanding an intelligence network that had spread to more than half of the world's nations and vowing total allegiance and loyalty to each other, with Beiteynu in control.

Now, a curious little change takes place. With Selucian, Istalian and Likatonian influence in the Pact diminishing, activity began to switch to the rising powers of Artania. As discussions on the Artanian Union are reignited by Luthori, Kundrati begins to withdraw from the spectrum and thus, a diplomatic crisis starts to broil between the 2 nations, threatening the stability of the AU, before it even begins. Then suddenly, Beiteynu withdraws from the Pact's leadership, Kundrati takes the mantle and opens up its trade borders with Beiteynu, Luthori and Kundrati get back on terms and the Artanian Union becomes a reality, once again.

Beiteynu - a Majatran nation - then found itself in the discussions of the Artanian Union. Although Dorvish officials quickly shut down Beiteynu's involvement, adding to the already mounting strain of the Beiteynuese-Dorvish relationship, Beiteynu recognised the massive economic opportunities of the Artanian Union and continued to offer unwavering support to Kundrati, Luthori and Dundorf, the continent's and the AU's major players steadily rising in regional influence.

It seemed that Beiteynu had reached the peak of playing a game in the shadows.

In the meantime, Beiteynuese influence in Pontesi reached a shifting point, with Pontesi deciding to undergo several structural reforms, eventually leading to the establishment of the Beiteynuese Dominion of Pontesi under Beiteynu's newly founded government structure of State Offices, organisational entities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Beiteynu which are, practically, in charge of foreign governments.

Then Beiteynu installs a puppet government in Tukarali. Allegedly, of course, but Mata's offspring had the markings of a puppet indeed, having studied and lived in Beiteynu, must have been surely influenced by both Beiteynu's culture and his father's dreams of the Pact.

Meanwhile, Beiteynu's influence in the World Congress kept rising. Nations across Terra nominated Beiteynu for Seat B of the Security Council, again and again, in what experts consider as the nation's most successful international campaign, led by Omer Aristocrat of the ancient Aristocrat family. Thus, Beiteynu, for almost 70 years, has continuously sat on and dominated the position. Allegedly, some officials in the World Congress Office close to Omer Aristocrat have implied of Dorvish interventions in mitigating Beiteynu's rising influence, but these rumours were never confirmed, with the Agency declining to substantiate any information.

Now, as Beiteynu enters a more passive stance under the Shlomo Administration's mandate of trade and business for Beiteynu's foreign agenda, Beiteynuese influence internationally enters a new and different stage. From playing in the shadows, to walking in the light by exerting influence via trade, business and advisory avenues - especially as one of the rising leaders in the defense and technology industries - seemingly in the center of what appears now to be a global network of complex relationships under which the Pact lies in cautious - and curious - hibernation.

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 4:25 pm
by TRA
International News
MOFA attempts to evacuate Beiteynuese embassy in NEK
January 5266 - As the situation in New Endralon and Kizenia reaches a stalemate with quite the blurry picture
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Shlomo Administration introduces act to establish the Beiteynuese Meuhad Medinot by 5270
- Markets in Majatra terrorised by the instability in NEK and neighbouring oil provider Trigunia
- Pact leadership zooms in on the situation in Keris threatening international security in the region
- Equifund offices in Beiteynu and Dundorf initiate talks between Keshet Systems and Dinkelacher Bruder on production of tank
- MOIT in talks with the Dundorfische Umzugstechnologien on potential multi-billion dollar deal

Yishelem, Beiteynu - "We have been monitoring the situation in NEK, one of Beiteynu's diplomatic friends via the Accord of Diplomacy, with restrained skepticism and caution", the MOFA's spokesperson stated earlier today. "The situation has long reached a point where the Beiteynuese government must take the necessary steps in order to evacuate diplomatic personnel currently present in Portul Nou. To that end, the MOFA has been consulting directly with the Beiteynuese Agency towards the extraction of our diplomats, which has alerted us through the Likatonian headquarters on increased chatter on a potential attack on our embassy in NEK's capitol city. The office of the MOFA will keep you posted as the situation unfolds".

Both the Beiteynuese Agency and the General Director from Kundrati have declined to comment.

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 5:08 pm
by TRA
Finance News
Dundorfische Umzugstechnologien wins 4.22B LOD contract
January 5266 - The company will work with the Beiteynuese MOIT and the Pontesi State Office to upgrade various sections of the railway network in both nations, construct a new cross-border section and manufacture and provide new trains for both networks by 5280 - details to be announced soon
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 5:16 pm
by TRA
Breaking News
Beiteynuese embassy in NEK bombed and levelled, casualties unknown
January 5266 - Agency increases its operations to the highest level, involves special ops units from Deltarian headquarters
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Remains of the Beiteynuese embassy in Portul Nou, NEK

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:34 am
by TRA
International News
Deputy MOFA addresses Kafuri concerns on MSDC
May 5266 - Recognising the stagnancy of the organisation but remaining hopeful of a Majatran future
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Earlier this year, Foreign Minister Nazir Duqaq of Kafuristan expressed regret on the recent withdrawal of Deltaria from the MSDC, Majatra's modern outlook on a treaty that could closely resemble that of a security and military alliance, citing that the absence of Deltaria from the treaty might indicate the organisation's dwindling memory of what it was meant to be.

"While we do recognise the stagnancy that our colleagues from Kafuristan have rightfully observed", the Deputy MOFA stated, "we still remain hopeful of a united Majatran future, especially as coalitions of such nature are on the rise, with the Artanian Union coming to mind, of which both Beiteynu and the Intelligence Pact were backchannel instigators in making it a reality - two entities that originate in Majatra. The people of Majatra have always had some difficulty putting their differences aside, however, that does not diminish the continent's rich history of collaborations - of any nature. It certainly is in our nature to work together. The resolution to the Solentian Civil War was a coordinated effort between Beiteynu and Istalia towards assuring stability in the region and any negotiations that had taken place were centered around Beiteynuse and Istalian interests in keeping peace and prosperity for Kafuristan and Kalopia as well - that is how the sides from Solentia brought forth terms that the governments of both Kafuristan and Kalopia agreed to in the Aristocrat Peace Conference in Yishelem.

However, we do recognise the absence of the structural integrity that our colleagues from Kafuristan refer to and that the MSDC lacks in retrospect - and also that is even more evident from the absence of the World Congress. It is important to pinpoint that neither the MSO nor the MSDC take into account the complexity of the relationships now present in the international arena, of which Beiteynu has been at the center of in the past 2 decades. Perhaps the time is ripe for the MSDC to reform into a more robust organisation that is pro-coalition, or even a Majatran Union of sorts, considering how - at least from the Beiteynuese point of view - diplomatic, trade, intelligence, security and military alliances have sprung up between the majority of Majatran nations, including Kafuristan, who remains to this day a key player in regional affairs. In retrospect, the Beiteynuese government shares the sentiments expressed from Kafuristan and we are willing to lead the way, if enough consensus is present", the Deputy MOFA concluded.

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:05 am
by TRA
International News
Deputy MOFA visits Beiteynuese embassy in Likatonia
May 5266 - Celebrating 66 years of diplomatic ties as the nation witnesses a vibrant political stage
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- MOFA reaches out to Beiteynuese partners in condemnation of the Beiteynuese embassy's bombing in NEK
- Agency continues investigation of the bombing, Beiteynuese ambassador missing

Clovisport, Likatonia - In light of the recent bombing of the Beiteynuese embassy in New Endralon and Kizenia, the MOFA considered a visit to Likatonia - Beiteynu's long standing friend, partner and ally across the decades since 5200 - as of vital importance for the stability of international security in Seleya, especially with the increasing vibrancy that Yishelem has observed in the political field, with new coalitions rising and reviewing a future from different perspectives. It's important to note that the Beiteynuese government might have also taken into the account the severed ties with Lodamun, Likatonia's neighbour to the east, as a factor in the outreach, although sources at the MOFA have declined to comment on the matter.

"This embassy is a stronghold of our ties spanning 66-years", the Deputy MOFA commented when meeting the Beiteynuese ambassador in Clovisport, "a mark of enduring friendship between the people of Likatonia and Beiteynu, a mark of partnership between the edges of two of Terra's most prominent continents. And for more than 15 years, our peoples have enjoyed free trade and travel with the Accords of Trade and Partnership in place, allowing our citizenry and businesses to flourish limitlessly. Our delegation took a United Medinat commercial flight to get here, a testament of the expanding Likatonian and Beiteynuese ties. Regardless of the political outcome and the composition of the Likatonian government in the short and middle-term, with the rise of a vibrant political stage, the Beiteynuese government and the newly founded Beiteynuese Meuhad Medinot shall always remain a solid ally to Likatonia. To that end, our ministry extends an invitation to the rising political factions to consider the possibility of joining a greater union between our two nations - and just like Pontesi, leverage the decades of our relationship to create stability and long-lasting prosperity for Likatonia", the Deputy MOFA concluded.

The Deputy MOFA's delegation will be touring the capitol, visiting historical sites, museums and meeting with the people of Likatonia.

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:27 pm
by TRA
International News
Deputy MOFA visits Tukarali to discuss relations
June 5266 - As the government of Tukarali re-opens channels with the ratification of the Accord of Diplomacy
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- Local media in NEK report of violent non-military incidents, as Agency prepares to release statement on ongoing operations
- Equifund Index jumps up as business talks hit the street on potential deals with Dundorf and Kafuristan

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Deputy MOFA stopped briefly at the King David airport in Yishelem to comment on the ongoing talks with the government of Tukarali, before departing for Rio de Abril. "Tukarali has reached out to the Beiteynuese government to explore Beiteynuese-Tukarali relations, to which we responded with a mutual interest. We are very pleased that the current administration has decided to re-open our long-forgotten diplomatic channels and were not entirely surprised by the move. A few decades ago, during the Tzafrir Administrations, the MOFA was very close to solidifying Beiteynuese relations with central Seleya. The Mata Administration even sponsored the first international agreements that Beiteynu released back in the day.", the Deputy MOFA commented.

"Although it is very soon to tell, we will definitely be exploring trade and perhaps a full-fledged partnership with the Accords of Trade & Partnership - perhaps they will be also interested in joining the Equifund network, but the defense and technology sectors in Tukarali have been rather dormant to non-existent. Depends on the government's plans. Our plan is to find out. That's why I'm going there!

As far as the Intelligence Pact is concerned, although Likatonia has been a strong member of its leadership, the Agency's presence in Seleya has been mostly limited to surveillance operations - thus we won't be surprised if Tukarali won't wish to become a more active member.

It'd be curious to explore Tukarali's position on the Beiteynuese Meuhad Medinot however, seeing how the sentiment on Pontesi's recent prosperity and stability under the wing of the Beiteynuese government has been positive from other nations as well, with Pontesi now enjoying a combination of independence and sovereignty mixed in with the efficiency and guidance of the Beiteynuese government and its channels across Terra", the Deputy MOFA concluded.

The delegation will be meeting with various members of the government of Tukarali, while also touring the capitol's sights.

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:23 pm
by Autokrator15

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:29 pm
by TRA
International News
Beiteynu condemns North Dovani involvement in NEK
August 5266 - As the Agency reports that negotiations with all 3 sides of the conflict were underway, but were thwarted due to ND's involvement
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Office of the President has released a press statement condemning North Dovani's decision to send in troops and military aid in support of the Kuzaki side of the conflict. "While North Dovani's efforts in aiding a desperate population are valiant, the decision to send military support is rush, arbitrary and thoughtless, as well as a clear sign that the Presidency of North Dovani is simply testing its military capability at the expense of others, performing a display of force", the statement read, "[...] and it is imperative that the government of North Dovani understands that aiding 1 side of a threefold civil war will only result in the 2 other sides retreating from any negotiations and thus indirectly contributing to the continuation of further bloodshed", the statement concluded.

The condemnation comes as concerns of Trigunian involvement are rising within the ranks of the Pact's leadership.

Meanwhile, Beiteynu has refused to respond to the New Endralonian and Kizenian statements on the bombing of the Beiteynuese embassy. Sources at the Beiteynuese MOFA indicate that the Beiteynuese government is coordinating with the Agency on engaging all 3 sides of the conflict in talks.

Re: Beiteynu

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:36 am
by TRA
Domestic News
Pontesi to restructure military under the Beiteynuese Command
May 5267 - President of Dominion considers the benefits of the Beiteynuese government's increased efficiency in recent decades
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

- TRA reported to be in talks with Trigunia and the New Endralon and Kuzaki sides of the conflict
- 4.22B LOD Beipon Railway Network project with Dundorfian company enters analysis stage
- Sekowo debating sanctions against North Dovani and possibly Trigunia on NEK involvement

Arevatsag Astgh, Pontesi - In a speedy meeting between the Pontesi State Office and the President of the Dominion, both sides quickly agreed that Pontesi's re-organisastion of its military structure should take place under the Beiteynuese Command, the executive entity responsible for the management and oversight of the Beiteynuese Defense Force. While Pontesi's military will remain an independent entity under the Presidency and Pontesi's MOD, its commanding structure will be integrated into the Beiteynuese Naval Command, Beiteynuese Air Force and Beiteynuese Ground Forces and thus shall participate in joint exercises and military operations which will be coordinated directly by the Beiteynuese Command if and when needed.

In par with the Intelligence Pact's provisos, both sides will continue to maintain military forces in signatory nations of the Remediation Addendum as independent entities, however, the Beiteynuese Command will be able to coordinate Pontesi's personnel and operations alongside those of Beitenyu's deployed in other nations.

The announcement comes as companies of the Equifund amp up their production pipelines in anticipation of new military contracts to be issued by the Beiteynuese Government both for Beiteynu and the Dominion of Pontesi.